Who should be fired from TNA?

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Master of the Aussie kiss
This is just like the one in the WWE section but applies for TNA wrestlers. Who if you had the chance would you fire from TNA? please post reasons.

Kevin Nash This guy is a waste of time, He hasnt done anything for TNA and him being on screen all the time is murder. This guy don't have any talent what so ever. He would have to be the worst WWE reject to come over to TNA. I have no idea why they hired him in the first place. He really did nothing for WWE and he will not do a single thing for TNA.

Somoa Joe Yeah i said it. Samoa Joe is average and not entertaining. I find his matched dull and lifeless. The only reason he is as popular he is is becouse of the ROH following. I have not seen a single Match with him in that i would give 3 out of 5 stars, I cant even stay interested in his matches. He is just Plain Overrated. they would be better off putting the title on AJ Styles or somebody.

Scott Stiener Really the same reasons as Kevin Nash. I cant even remember seeing a single match with Scott Stiener. Why on earth did they hire this guy. Out of all of the realised wrestlers they could of snatched up He would have to be the worst. I couldnt stand him in the WWE and i cant stand him in TNA He should really just retire and stay retired.

Who do you think should be relised from TNA? and why.
Well I cant say if I was going to fire people those three would be in it. Kevin Nash I wouldnt fire but have him play more of a role when he was Dr.Nash and coaching X Divsions stars, I dont think he is doing Joe any justice at all at the moment. But having him play a less important role is good for company as he is a well known star same goes with Steiner. As for Joe I do think he is over rated but he is popular and the champion so I mean to fire him is just plain stupid. I dont think I would fire many people just move them to different places around the company. For example Don West head of merchandise, Black Reign and Rellik for Xplosion matches and maybe to coach young guys even though they arent that experienced.
Get rid of Mike Tenay and put Borash on the annoncers desk. I can't stand it when he chatters through a speaking segment or even when he explains what is happening like we are morons, Don West is understandable as he is a moron but I'm entertained by him. Tenay just grinds my gears!

I'm waiting for someone to say a) Vince Russo or b) Glenn Gilberti
This is just like the one in the WWE section but applies for TNA wrestlers. Who if you had the chance would you fire from TNA? please post reasons.

Kevin Nash This guy is a waste of time, He hasnt done anything for TNA and him being on screen all the time is murder. This guy don't have any talent what so ever. He would have to be the worst WWE reject to come over to TNA. I have no idea why they hired him in the first place. He really did nothing for WWE and he will not do a single thing for TNA.

Somoa Joe Yeah i said it. Samoa Joe is average and not entertaining. I find his matched dull and lifeless. The only reason he is as popular he is is becouse of the ROH following. I have not seen a single Match with him in that i would give 3 out of 5 stars, I cant even stay interested in his matches. He is just Plain Overrated. they would be better off putting the title on AJ Styles or somebody.

Scott Stiener Really the same reasons as Kevin Nash. I cant even remember seeing a single match with Scott Stiener. Why on earth did they hire this guy. Out of all of the realised wrestlers they could of snatched up He would have to be the worst. I couldnt stand him in the WWE and i cant stand him in TNA He should really just retire and stay retired.

Who do you think should be relised from TNA? and why.

Why on earth would you get rid of Samoa Joe? I can't understand any logic behind that, at all. If you're not a fan of him, fine, that's your opinion and I'm sure a lot of people have the same opinion. But he's a great talent and used right he can really help the company. I think you should watch more of his matches in TNA if you honestly haven't seen any you'd give more then a 3 star. Seriously.

Scott Steiner is someone I can't argue at all with getting rid of and I would fire him myself; he's at the point in his career where he's old, unable to work a good match, can barely move around that ring believably, and has deteriorated so much that he's simply a shadow of anything he ever was as a wrestler. I never saw his mic work as anything special at all so that doesn't even help him. He's simply a man who should retire or wrestler for special attractions and is absolutely no use for TNA and instead takes the spot of true talents who could use the push he gets.

I don't think they should fire Kevin Nash at all. I DO think he should be nowhere near the main event picture or even wrestling, and the role they've been using him in right now is horrible and does nothing for TNA and certainly does nothing but hinder Samoa Joe. He should be used is a smaller role in back stage segments or some way that utilizes his charisma and promo ability because he's incredibly entertaining to watch in back stage segments like the Paparazzi or even when he was creating Black Machismo, etc. I'd suggest he be the General Manager for TNA or some similar role, but definitely not a talent pushed in the main event over anyone else who deserves the spot far more. His times over, and he does nothing for the company as an in ring/main event talent.

I would also fire all three of the Rock N Rave group; none of them are over, none of them add anything to the roster or the shows, and they take away from spots other people could be far better in. I'd fire Curry Man and bring back "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels! Pleeeease. What a misuse of talent right now, unbelievable.

I would say Russo, but that's been overdone and is too obvious. But I would DEFINITELY fire Don West. The worst announcer there could be, he's one of the reasons the ratings can't get past low 1's, because no one wants to watch a whole show of him and Mike Tenay announcing. Horrible!
Don West screams way too much, so I'll agree with you there. I'm not too big of a fan of Tenay either. They are the most mismatched pair ever.

I would lose Steiner as well. When he was young, the Steiner Brothers were one of my favorite tag teams, but the WWE years, and this TNA abortion, have tarnished his legacy. (He still does the belly to belly, giving him one more move than Cena, but still, his time is up.)

Getting rid of Samoa Joe is the stupidest idea anyone has ever had. I bet you'd say WWE should get rid of Cena too? The guy is over as hell, and along with AJ, the face of TNA for the next ten years.

I would lose Ms. Brooks just because she has nothing to do. Paying Rhaka Khan without Scott Steiner around seems like a waste to me. If Dustin Rhodes is still around, I would get rid of him as well. Black Reign is a terrible gimmick, and he's lost his ability to work a decent match.

Finally, I would let Sting go. He's adding nothing to the show. The way the announcers freak out everytime he makes a stunning (monthly) comeback from the depths of despair has actually made me not like one of my favorite wrestlers of the nineties. Plus, he never wrestles, and his promos all sound cookie cutter. If this is is what Russo would have done with him in WWE, then I am glad he stayed in WCW.
Kip James comes to mind right away because he is just useless in that he does not have good matches, his character is bland, and he is just riding off his old WWE success from many years ago. I would say BG James but if he is going to work as an interview guy/announcer, then I'm fine with that. I know that she isn't signed, but I would get rid of Moose because there is already someone else in the company just like her in ODB, and you really don't need two of the same or similar character. As long as Nash is not wrestling, then he is fine being there even though you know he will be in the ring soon. There are many workers in TNA that just aren't really doing anything or don't add anything to the promotion like Tracy Brooks, the Rock n Rave Infection, Jacqueline but it is arguable whether that means they should be fired or not because of that. I think that they should get rid of Johnny Devine mainly because of what creative hasn't done with him in that they use him but he never cuts promos and you just don't know anything about him, yet he is used somewhat consistently and prominently. Consequences Creed is like that too but he is new and shows charisma so I would keep him. I would get rid of that backstage interview woman, Lauren, and bring back Crystal.
I would get rid of all TNA's horrible back stage interviewers including Borash who I find annoying and a turn off from watching any interviews and I would replace them with someone whose not being used as a wrestling talent but who could be far better mic-wise in an interviewing roll such as BG James. If he's not wrestling or adding anything as an in ring talent then give him another role that he could be great at and benefit from his skills.. and he'd certainly be far better then any interviewer TNA has right now. They're horrible.

I wouldn't fire Johnny Devine since he's an amazing talent and is entirely misused in TNA. He's far better in the ring, and on the stick, then more then half of TNA's roster. I'd love to see far more of Johnny Devine.

I would fire quite a few of TNA's useless Knockouts. I would fire Kip james. I would fire Booker T's wife whose a waste of space and time. I would also fire Glenn Gilberti and bring back Disco Inferno to team up with Curry Man, Sharkboy and Super Eric because that would be PURE COMEDY. And everyone knows Comedy DRAWS!
Yeah bring back Crystal! Her character is still developing.

BTW, I'm not biased or anything...but we're related LOL.

Anyways, keep Nash and Steiner to develop younger talent. Nash is great on the mic, and although Steiner isn't who he used to be, he's still got the knowledge/ring psychology down.

Samoa Joe...ok, the smarks out there prayed to the wrestling gods for TNA to put the strap on him. They did, and guess what? Ratings didn't improve. Buyrates didn't improve. But most of all, his WWE-reject mic skills didn't improve.

Granted, he's a decent worker, but he can't sell, and it's painful to watch an out of shape guy wrestle (yes, I know that he's Samoan, but still).

I'll give him another couple of months, but if he still can't draw, put the strap on someone that can. Joe made more sense as a X-Divison champ anyways.

Others...Kip James, yes definitely. Rock 'n Rave...most definitely (although Lance Hoyt is from the same area that I'm from, and trained my buddy, his popularity did not segued over to TNA).

As far as Glenn Gilbretti goes...he's got a good mind for wrestling. We need more of that.
I'd fire Mike Tenay; for some reason, I just can't stand the guy. He is so annoying, he always thinks he's right and he's so full of himself. Don West I can stomach, he shows enthusiasm but is not arrogant like Tenay. I'd just take him off the announcer's booth and move him backstage as an interviewer that gets picked on by heel wrestlers.

I would move Jim Cornette to the announcer's booth as play by play commentator and bring back James Mitchel as color analyst. Guy is great on the microphone and I know he wouldn't take the side of babyfaces in commentary.

Get rid of Kip James; as somebody already said, he's useless.
Make BG James somebody's mouthpiece; I don't know, someone good in the ring that isn't a good talker.
Tracy Brooks needs to be re-packaged as a heel. She isn't charismatic, or athletic enough to be a babyface. I know they won't release her because TNA wants to broaden the women's division, not cut it down.
Anyways, keep Nash and Steiner to develop younger talent. Nash is great on the mic, and although Steiner isn't who he used to be, he's still got the knowledge/ring psychology down.

What has Steiner done in TNA? He's injury prone and has spent more of his time in TNA injured and sidelined then he has doing anything wrestling-wise. He's had his chance and he's failed, I'd fire him simply because he's not worth whatever the price they're paying him (which I assume is a lot).

Samoa Joe...ok, the smarks out there prayed to the wrestling gods for TNA to put the strap on him. They did, and guess what? Ratings didn't improve. Buyrates didn't improve. But most of all, his WWE-reject mic skills didn't improve.

Granted, he's a decent worker, but he can't sell, and it's painful to watch an out of shape guy wrestle (yes, I know that he's Samoan, but still).

I really find flaws in this argument and judgment. The reason Samoa Joe isn't drawing is not solely because of him, its because of the way he's been booked and the writing BEHIND him. TNA has misused his entire title reign so far, and the fault falls on the writers not the wrestler. Ratings haven't decreased by any amount so his title reign isn't a failure at all, the ratings are still the same constant number they've always been. When TNA should've given him the title, when his character was over and his direction was good they didn't.. they missed their opportunity.. that's TNA's fault.

They should also fire whoever keeps coming up with the idea to take talent and instead of giving them the chance to shine on their own placing them with old wrestling gimmicks like Black Machismo, Sharkboy, Super Eric, Mapleleaf Muscle, and even Daivari is now a rehash of his former gimmick from the WWE. Get your own ideas!
Fire Kip James and Black Reign they are not doing anything, Fire Don West and put BG James at the desk, it would make for better cometary. Scott Steiner a.k.a the Lyrical Gangster needs to go cause they dont need him. The Rock n' Rave infection, who told them that dressing up like Slash and carring gituar hero toys was a good idea, they are by far the worst tag team in the promotion they are dead weight. and Finally Booker T the bigist waste of space there he is past his prime and dose not impress anyone. Period
I really find flaws in this argument and judgment. The reason Samoa Joe isn't drawing is not solely because of him, its because of the way he's been booked and the writing BEHIND him. TNA has misused his entire title reign so far, and the fault falls on the writers not the wrestler. Ratings haven't decreased by any amount so his title reign isn't a failure at all, the ratings are still the same constant number they've always been. When TNA should've given him the title, when his character was over and his direction was good they didn't.. they missed their opportunity.. that's TNA's fault.

I would really like to know who TNA should give the Title to that would honestly increase ratings. Angle and Cage didn't. I honestly believe that TNA can give the Title to any of the main eventers like Angle, Cage, Booker T, Joe, Aj, etc and the ratings would stay the same because of the booking and the writing, not the Champion himself. Joe's reign is also just starting, and he is going through his first big feud with Booker T, so analyzing the affect of his title reign on TNA is premature. Ratings have not really decreased or increased with his reign, and TNA hasn't even done a heel turn with Joe as Champion which may or may not add interest and ratings.
Samoa Joe = Boring bad wrestler with no charisma who can't do promos
Chris Sabin = See above
James Storm = See above
Johnny Devine = See above

You like Steiner so i dont expect you to be bright, the only one who you have up there makes sense is Devine, thats it. Joe just needs to be repositioned off the heavyweight title. As for Sabin, he is on the top teir of spot wrestlers in the business the others being Shelly and Kaz. As part of the MCMG Sabin dosent need to do promos. And what do you mean Storm cant do promos. He has average mic skills and now that he is paired with Robert Roode Beer Money Inc. is the best heel tag team in the company
I would get rid of Steiner as well. The guy was past it in WWE, and it's just painful now. He hasn't changed at all, he's still the same rigid, tired routine with poor promos. Ok, at least now he serves a purpose in making Petey Williams look almost interesting as a character. But once that goes, what will he do? He's not good enough or fit enough to be a genuine threat to the belt - proof? They put KAZ in a title match with him so at least there'd be something entertaining in the match.

Black Reign is next on the list. Abyss isn't a big character, Mesias is gone, Rellik fired...his horror gimmick companions have disappeared round him, leaving young Dustin to admit that he's managed to pull off yet another remarkably poor gimmick in another company.

I'd also consider strongly letting the two great tag teams of the era start to be put out to pasture. The Outlaws and the Dudleys were great in their day, but that day has gone. 3D are still decent, but they lack what they were and I think bowing out now would serve them well. VKM...well, they were past it when they split from tagging in DX. Alongside them, put Rock n Rave. Lance Hoyt...well he's tried to get over, but it's not working, and Rave has looked poor in TNA and the gimmick is just, well, it's just plain awful.

Final category...comedy wrestlers. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but Sharkboy is useful and shouldn't be fired. Out of this 'elite' group, I'd select Eric Young. He's good in the ring when he tries, but really, it's getting old and he's combining about 15 different gimmicks in there and it's not working. Have him stick to one (preferably new) gimmick and let him work for a while, but if not...bye EY.
first of all i would get rid of one of the new...knockouts.....and no im not talkin about taylor wilde........shes one of my favs lol
im talking about the hardcore wannabe reject........moose.......as soon as i seen her in tna it reminded me straight away of the old wcw hardcore division...... the idoits like crowbar and david flair and daffney
just piontless matches tryn 2 be hardcore but really its just some idiot hittin another idiot with the top of a bin lid....lol
in my opionion moose has no talent......and really spoils the show...when i heard she broke her leg i was like yes!!!..coz mabey now she'll just fade away and go to a company that i dont watch......r.o.h mabey....

number 2......frank trigg...a mean cum on...wat are they gunna do with him.....are they keeping him around so wen angles dun he can take his place and they can trick the fans...cum on tna we want new wrestlers not mma rejects!!!!!

number 3....tough one but id hav 2 go with lance rock...or hoyt...or wateva hes called this week........if he went jimmy rave and and hemme would be much better as singles wrestlers in the x and womens divisions.....rocks holding them bak a say....hes just horrible 2 look at.....he thinks hes kevin nash....hes clumsy.......slow.......and irrotates the hell out of everyone i know!!!

ano people are gunna disagree..but u asked lol
While I think the OP's suggestions are pretty ridiculous, I'll play along with this thread and give my opinion on who should be "relised" (really?! you can't spell released?!!) from TNA.


Kip James
- I can't think of anything positive this guy adds for TNA. He's got a decent look, but TNA has plenty of guys that have a decent look. He can't wrestle the TNA style, and nobody cares about him. Every time he is on my TV it makes me want to change the channel. Let's face it, DX made Bad Ass Billy Gunn, not the other way around. Having him stay around and thinking you're going to bring back some attitude era fans with his face recognition, is like bringing Vincent in to try to capture some fans from the days of the nWo.

Don West - I would release him or move him into some other role in the company. He's not a very good color guy, and he takes away from the product.

Those are really the only two guys off the top of my head that I would get rid of; however there's a lot of current TNA talent I would keep but use much differently.


Kevin Nash - A NEW interesting role for Nash that I think would be great, would be to bring in a new young heel, who hires Nash to be his body guard (Nash does it for the MONEY - maybe Robert Roode hires him?!!). Heel cheats, Nash jackknifes his opponent, heel picks up the win and rises up the ranks in TNA cheating, with no one being able to touch him because of Nash. Kind of relive the old Diesel character in a WAY, but not exactly. The problem with Nash's current role, is Joe doesn't need Nash. He's already a bad ass with MORE power than Nash. Nash needs to be paired with somebody weaker, smaller.

There are PLENTY of good ways to use Nash's talent. Anybody who says he is a waste and should be released is an idiot.

And if you're not going to do something like that, put him back doing comedy skits like the days with Alex Shelley. Maybe reunite him Shelley and the MCMG? Doesn't have to be a manager, or an enforcer or anything there, just a friend that Shelley looks up to and aspires to be (not wrestling wise, but comedic wise, personality wise.)

Steiner - There's no telling what TNA's current plan with Steiner is. But let's face it, the main event is already stacked with tons of big name guys. So he isn't really needed. To play along with the proposed angle I had with Nash being hired as Roode's body guard. Let's say after 5-6 months of this; somebody has had enough, they try to take care of Nash. Out comes Steiner. Roode (who's gimmick is that he's one rich mother fucker right?!) has now hired Steiner as well. Imagine Roode, with his incredible heel talent, coming to the ring, with Nash and Steiner watching his back because he's paying them to be there. He'd be unstoppable. Of course you could do lots of things with this, after a long time you tease tension in the group, have Nash walk out, pretend he's leaving and he doesn't want the money. Then during something big, Nash comes back out; it was a big swerve by Roode all along! Lots of things you could do with this storyline.

Abyss - Return him to being a monster. Him being a face just isn't nearly as good. Bring back James Mitchell as his mouth piece. Don't bring back the old storyline with his parents, it's not necessary. Him being crazy and unstable should be enough.

Kaz - Repackage him with a new gimmick entirely. Keep this storyline going with him getting frustrated with the way things have gone for him. Have James Mitchell brain wash him, and align him with Abyss. Give him a new dark character. Abyss will be the muscle, Kaz will be the speed, Mitchell will be the brains. And god DAMNIT; get rid of the Metallica font that he uses for his name.

BG James - Move him into an interviewer role, or some kind of talker. He did a good job at the ppv hyping up the crowd, and lets face it, that's all he is good for anyway (talking).

Frank Trigg - Unless TNA is building up for an in ring debut from Frank against Aj Styles (which they could be from the looks of things) and he plans on wrestling full time, Frank Trigg would be an awesome addition to the full time announce team. He could still play a heel, aligned with Kurt Angle, but his analysis and color skills are also great. He really helps give a match a "real" feel to it. I don't know if he would work as a stand alone color guy, might have to have a third man, but even without a third guy, I think he'd be a LOT more interesting than West and add a great deal of realism to the product.

Jim Cornette - Is his on air role really necessary? Do we have to see the commissioner from the NFL every Sunday, or do we see Dana White making matches at every UFC show? Why does the commissioner have to be an on air character at all? If you're going to use Jim Cornette, keep him in a backstage role, his voice hurts my ears and hurts the product.

I don't feel like typing anymore, so that will have to do.
If I could fire anyone on TNA it would most definitely be KEVIN NASH. He brings nothing to the TNA table. He is just a big *** that follows his but buddy around like a hawk. Where ever Joe goes, he goes. Hopefully, TNA doesn't push Nash to the main event status.

I wouldn't mind seeing Curry Man leaving either. They should let Curry Man go so they can get back THE FALLIN ANGEL Christopher Daniels. He was so awesome in TNA. He brought a lot of charisma and entertainment to the already entertaining show.
The problem with the a lot of the suggestions that I'm reading, is people seem to be assuming that the current ways talent are being used, are the only ways they can be used. And a lot of the suggestions and changes I've read, aren't new or interesting, they are old ideas that while they were fine at the time, they won't revitalize the product, or help improve it. (for example, the guy above me wanting to bring back Monty Brown and bring back an old booker. Those times were fine, but let's face it, they weren't revolutionary or going to get TNA to grow like they want. I'm not saying this Russo era is any better, but I can see how having him around can be a positive.) You know what TNA, bring me in, I'll come up with the ideas, and Russo will write the script. :devil:
Why on earth would you get rid of Samoa Joe? I can't understand any logic behind that, at all. If you're not a fan of him, fine, that's your opinion and I'm sure a lot of people have the same opinion. But he's a great talent and used right he can really help the company. I think you should watch more of his matches in TNA if you honestly haven't seen any you'd give more then a 3 star. Seriously.

Actually I have to agree that Samoa Joe should be gotten rid of. He has failed to come through with anything. Being a silent tough guy bad assed assassin would just draw him comparisons to Umaga, even though he was around prior to Umaga coming into the WWE. He has been unable to actually get some charisma going, even though Nash had enough to rub off on him, and he has loosened up too much in the ring. He doesn't have the same look or feel and he's generic on the mic. All of his three star matches come against either AJ Styles or Kurt Angle. And these two guys have had three star matches with alot of people that Joe can't even come close to having one star matches with. So where is the weak link in that equation? Joe. Face it, he aint who he was in ROH, and he can't survive in the big time if he goes back to that. He can't cross over. Period.

Scott Steiner is someone I can't argue at all with getting rid of and I would fire him myself; he's at the point in his career where he's old, unable to work a good match, can barely move around that ring believably, and has deteriorated so much that he's simply a shadow of anything he ever was as a wrestler. I never saw his mic work as anything special at all so that doesn't even help him. He's simply a man who should retire or wrestler for special attractions and is absolutely no use for TNA and instead takes the spot of true talents who could use the push he gets.

He's one of the most recognizable names still out there who isn't over the hill. He can actually still pull off the Frankensteiner when he wishes. He doesn't move like he used to because he doesn't need to. He's a classic power wrestler. He's the modern day Dino Bravo. A great fit at bad guy or henchman. He has the credentials. Not saying he deserves a spot, but his spot is justified at least.

I don't think they should fire Kevin Nash at all. I DO think he should be nowhere near the main event picture or even wrestling, and the role they've been using him in right now is horrible and does nothing for TNA and certainly does nothing but hinder Samoa Joe. He should be used is a smaller role in back stage segments or some way that utilizes his charisma and promo ability because he's incredibly entertaining to watch in back stage segments like the Paparazzi or even when he was creating Black Machismo, etc. I'd suggest he be the General Manager for TNA or some similar role, but definitely not a talent pushed in the main event over anyone else who deserves the spot far more. His times over, and he does nothing for the company as an in ring/main event talent.

Sorry, but saying that Kevin Nash hinder's Joe is like saying that Guns kill People. Silly rabbit, Guns don't kill people. People kill people. And the only person hindering Joe is the fact that he is an undersized, overweight cyborg. Inject some charisma and he goes completely to shit. Kevin Nash is a legitimate big man and personality. He oozes charisma. He has enough to build another to rub off on an up and comer. But unfortunately he is with Joe. Joe's organs reject the notion of personality. Therefore he just MIGHT be killing Joe. But mainly because Joe can't be elevated or saved.

I would also fire all three of the Rock N Rave group; none of them are over, none of them add anything to the roster or the shows, and they take away from spots other people could be far better in. I'd fire Curry Man and bring back "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels! Pleeeease. What a misuse of talent right now, unbelievable.

Okay, I'll give you the Rock And Rave Infection. They just get worse every week. They are talent enhancement. But not legit ones. As far as the Fallen Angel goes, I like him, but TNA doesn't need him. His gimmick is stale and not updateable. Remember, they tried. Right now he gets much more fan reaction than he did as The Fallen Angel. Talent is only misused when they aren't doing anything. Daniels is doing something and doing it well and is making it entertaining. I mean, I could see if Curry Man was just something they pulled out of their asses, but it isn't. It's Daniels' own creation. It's his own gimmick. So don't just assume that he was forced to do something. It's something different. You know it's not permanent. So just roll with it because it IS believable.

I would say Russo, but that's been overdone and is too obvious. But I would DEFINITELY fire Don West. The worst announcer there could be, he's one of the reasons the ratings can't get past low 1's, because no one wants to watch a whole show of him and Mike Tenay announcing. Horrible!

Why does every idiot with chip on their shoulder scream "Fire Russo"? You know what. Right here. Right now. I am revoking all of your rights to speak because you can't come up with anything more creative. He's not the head of booking. He's not even in control of booking. He's damned near low man on the totum pole. And yet you people say fire him? Come on. Learn the name of other people on the booking team. It would give you fools some accuracy at least, if not a brain. And fire Don West? Oh god, do you people all read from the same snot soaked book when you come up with this stuff? Here, let me break it down for you a bit. Don West is no worse than other announcers like Jerry Lawler and Taz were at this point in their career. Only difference is that West doesn't have talent to play off of. Sure he sounds bad. Because the guy on the lead stick is so bad. If anything, Fire Mike Tenay. he doesn't look or sound like an announcer. He has a wealth of knowledge, but it doesn't amount to jack shit. He is what is holding back West's energy. West has energy and isn't afraid of the mic. He should flourish. But not if he has to stay next to the flat and dry Tenay.

Do you get it now? Good. I was glad to help.

ok i admit i do want the old times back which are not

however i still think a new booker is needed russo or mantel are not helping and maybe damore would only improve the product and not the ratings but there are guys out there like paul heyman and jim cornette i would like to see as head booker

tna needs its own identity if the old hasbeens like steiner,nash and vkm stick around its will be seen as wwe lite they have guys like angle and christian with name value to get you interested and a ton of fresh new talent ready to turn tna into somthing very very special with the right leadership and getting a few clods out the system that could happen
While I think the OP's suggestions are pretty ridiculous, I'll play along with this thread and give my opinion on who should be "relised" (really?! you can't spell released?!!) from TNA.

Did anybody tell you that it's not nice to make fun of others? That's why it's your turn now buddy.


This shit I have GOT to see.

Kip James
- I can't think of anything positive this guy adds for TNA. He's got a decent look, but TNA has plenty of guys that have a decent look. He can't wrestle the TNA style, and nobody cares about him. Every time he is on my TV it makes me want to change the channel. Let's face it, DX made Bad Ass Billy Gunn, not the other way around. Having him stay around and thinking you're going to bring back some attitude era fans with his face recognition, is like bringing Vincent in to try to capture some fans from the days of the nWo.

*skakes head in disgust*
Oh my, where do I begin. Fist of all, Kip James is "talent enhancement" for the heavyweight division. He's big. He's a name. He knows his place and can lay down to job. They didn't break up VKM in order to have either one of them flourish as singles. They did it to get rid of guys like Black Reign and Rellik. When you cut away true dead weight, you have to find the replacements somewhere. Right? I mean the guy got beat by Curry Man for God's sakes. Does that sound like you're getting pushed?

Don West - I would release him or move him into some other role in the company. He's not a very good color guy, and he takes away from the product.

No. No. No. Don West doesn't take away. He plays his role. The problem is that people want to hold onto Tenay the same way that people hold onto Good Ole Jr. And that is pretty much how my closet gets filled with old shoes that prolly should have been thrown away years ago. Tenay is what is dragging the commentating down. He has no energy. He has no personality. He can't even fake true disgust. On the other hand, when West is disgusted you KNOW he is truly disgusted. You feel it. He sells it to you every time. And you know what? I buy it. He does what a color guy does. He responds and emotes. Tenay doesn't do that. So they could probably team West with someone else, I guarantee you that you will see that West was better than Tenay during this pairing.

Those are really the only two guys off the top of my head that I would get rid of; however there's a lot of current TNA talent I would keep but use much differently.

Are you sure? Are you REALLY sure? I mean you might as well start up a "Fire Russo" chant while you are wallowing in lemmingdom. Go ahead, be a follower. You know you want to.


Oh gawd. There's more? Okay. I was about to go, but I guess I got time for another round.

Kevin Nash - A NEW interesting role for Nash that I think would be great, would be to bring in a new young heel, who hires Nash to be his body guard (Nash does it for the MONEY - maybe Robert Roode hires him?!!). Heel cheats, Nash jackknifes his opponent, heel picks up the win and rises up the ranks in TNA cheating, with no one being able to touch him because of Nash. Kind of relive the old Diesel character in a WAY, but not exactly. The problem with Nash's current role, is Joe doesn't need Nash. He's already a bad ass with MORE power than Nash. Nash needs to be paired with somebody weaker, smaller.

Now I was with you on this one. Until you wanted to make Nash Diesel again and where you called Joe a badass. Let me me help you to correct this. Joe was a badass in ROH. Joe was a Badass in the X-division. Let him play with the big boys and Joe is MEDIOCRE. He' got zero pulse. He's got zero charisma. And he's not working stiff anymore. So where does that leave us? Well let's see. Joe is undersized. He's overweight. And he lacks true "wrasslin" talent. Yeah, that equals zero. Sure he could go back to the land of rest holds and man touching, but why would he? He's apparently content coasting his fat ass through TNA right now. Nash, on the other hand, is charismatic and and a badass. Something they hope Joe could be one day. Good luck waiting.

There are PLENTY of good ways to use Nash's talent. Anybody who says he is a waste and should be released is an idiot.

No we're back on the same page. Try not to fall behind again.

And if you're not going to do something like that, put him back doing comedy skits like the days with Alex Shelley. Maybe reunite him Shelley and the MCMG? Doesn't have to be a manager, or an enforcer or anything there, just a friend that Shelley looks up to and aspires to be (not wrestling wise, but comedic wise, personality wise.)

No. Cuz then you create a backlash where people are mad that he is with MCMG's. Plus MCMG's have a personality of their own. They are cocky. Cocky as heels. Cocky as faces. They do it well. Joe, not so much. Not sure what HE is doing. But Nash being near him aint helping. He's draggin down Nash's potential.

Steiner - There's no telling what TNA's current plan with Steiner is. But let's face it, the main event is already stacked with tons of big name guys. So he isn't really needed. To play along with the proposed angle I had with Nash being hired as Roode's body guard. Let's say after 5-6 months of this; somebody has had enough, they try to take care of Nash. Out comes Steiner. Roode (who's gimmick is that he's one rich mother fucker right?!) has now hired Steiner as well. Imagine Roode, with his incredible heel talent, coming to the ring, with Nash and Steiner watching his back because he's paying them to be there. He'd be unstoppable. Of course you could do lots of things with this, after a long time you tease tension in the group, have Nash walk out, pretend he's leaving and he doesn't want the money. Then during something big, Nash comes back out; it was a big swerve by Roode all along! Lots of things you could do with this storyline.

Yeah, the main thing that I could do is ball it up and toss it in the garbage. This angle, and nothing like it, should even be seen in a ring. You must think that the night that Brian Adams joined the NWO was a great angle as well huh? Because it's truly about as transparent as this is as well. One big man is okay. Hell even Steiner in the thug role is okay. But two? That's just plain greedy. This isn't a buffet. Put some back.

Abyss - Return him to being a monster. Him being a face just isn't nearly as good. Bring back James Mitchell as his mouth piece. Don't bring back the old storyline with his parents, it's not necessary. Him being crazy and unstable should be enough.

Abyss needed to be more than just a monster. Kane became more. The Undertaker became more. Hell, even Mantaur became more. I'll have to get back to you on that last one though. But let me get this straight. Don West's and Jim Cornette's voices is annoying to you but James Mitchell's isn't? Wow. Um yeah. I think I will leave this one be. It speaks for itself.

Kaz - Repackage him with a new gimmick entirely. Keep this storyline going with him getting frustrated with the way things have gone for him. Have James Mitchell brain wash him, and align him with Abyss. Give him a new dark character. Abyss will be the muscle, Kaz will be the speed, Mitchell will be the brains. And god DAMNIT; get rid of the Metallica font that he uses for his name.

Wait, font pisses you off that much. Font? Please tell me that you are not serious. Fonts don't hurt that much. Inner voices do, but fonts are not harmful. Now as far as this angle sounds, it would be great. I can see it right now. Kaz comes down to the ring dressed in emo gear, along with Johnny Devine and Matt.... wait, wasn't that Seretonine? I mean not be pictuing right. Let me try again. Abyss could be the monster and power as Alex Shelly plays the baby bear and their mouth piece is Goldylo...... no wait, that was done too. Hey, you wouldn't happen to have been watching old TNA footage when you came up with this, were you?

BG James - Move him into an interviewer role, or some kind of talker. He did a good job at the ppv hyping up the crowd, and lets face it, that's all he is good for anyway (talking).

Dammit, I agree with you. He can be the color guy for impact. He has a distinctive voice and charisma. Then people would not be able to blame things on Don West anymore and can single out Mike Tenay as the true problem. Plus, he can wrestle every now and then like Jerry Lawler does. Especially since he looks better in gear than Lawler.

Frank Trigg - Unless TNA is building up for an in ring debut from Frank against Aj Styles (which they could be from the looks of things) and he plans on wrestling full time, Frank Trigg would be an awesome addition to the full time announce team. He could still play a heel, aligned with Kurt Angle, but his analysis and color skills are also great. He really helps give a match a "real" feel to it. I don't know if he would work as a stand alone color guy, might have to have a third man, but even without a third guy, I think he'd be a LOT more interesting than West and add a great deal of realism to the product.

Trigg is being trained to cross over intot he ring. But I do like your thinking. I thought this myself. But it won't have a "real feel
to it, no matter what you do. And he's not better than West.

Jim Cornette - Is his on air role really necessary? Do we have to see the commissioner from the NFL every Sunday, or do we see Dana White making matches at every UFC show? Why does the commissioner have to be an on air character at all? If you're going to use Jim Cornette, keep him in a backstage role, his voice hurts my ears and hurts the product.

Oh come on dude. Jim Cornette is a timeless classic. He is a mouth and a great Commish. Besides, you don't piss and moan that Vicki G., Teddy L., and Regal were always on tv on that "other" federation's programing. Cornette just needs to lower his energy level a little. He's still great.

I don't feel like typing anymore, so that will have to do.

Good, cuz you strike me as someone who loves to hear the sound of your fingers hitting the keys. I hope I helps ya out a bit. Feel free to ask questions in the future. I'm here to help
I'll reply to a few of our points, since we obviously will have to agree to disagree on a few things...

I didn't mean to make Nash actually like Diesel at all, just was saying he'd be kind of like a bodyguard/enforcer that Roode hired.
And yes, having two hired thugs would be greedy, but isn't that the point? It's Robert Roode, and he's a rich asshole, unless I read his gimmick wrong, are you saying he wouldn't pay for Nash and Steiner's services in order for a chance at a world title run? (And you don't think it'd be great to have JB asking Nash why he is doing this, and Nash's reply to be, "Well JB, it's real simple. It pays to be Roode.")

I'm not saying something like this would happen soon, this would be something that would need to build to, and when it comes to the time when they would go for it with Roode shooting for main events, I could see this being something that would draw serious heat and make good tv.

No, the Kaz gimmick wouldn't resemble serotonin at all actually. It would just be Abyss, and Kaz w/ James Mitchell as a manager... i could see them being an awesome addition to the tag division and going for the tag titles. Kaz wouldn't be some kind of brainless idiot like the serotonin guys were, he would be pissed off, and angry, part of it due to James Mitchell who would be loving it.

Fonts don't piss me off. When shit looks cheap and shitty, that irritates me. How is TNA ever going to compete with WWE when they don't do the little things that are easy as hell to do, like not use shitty and cheap looking fonts or video.

And I don't care if Jim Cornette is a timeless classic; I thought TNA were trying to gain new fans and be something more people would want to watch.

And for the record, I'm not a fire Russo guy at all. I watch TNA every week, rarely catch a WWE show (which is why you don't see me complaining about their GM's on their programs, but that brings up another point: Is TNA going to gain ground on WWE by doing the exact same things as WWE (annoying commissioners in this case) or would it be better off doing something new?)).
First, I have to say...no way to Samoa Joe. Personally, I watch TNA for him and for AJ because quite frankly, they seem to be the only two guys on the main event level who are (more or less) TNA-grown. I think the stuff he's done with Nash is great too. But keep Nash in a managerial role.

Steiner - get rid of him. Guy's a tool. He didn't do a damn thing in two runs with WWE, and he couldn't do a damn thing other then get jacked up like a nimrod in WCW. Frankly, I think it's a real setback for Petey Williams to run around like a Mini-Scott.

Karen Angle - yeah, I said it. She is annoying, and quite frankly, the entire storyline has emasculated poor AJ Styles. There's a lot of highlights in that man's career and quite frankly...this isn't ever going to be one of them...regardless of what Kurt himself would say.

SoCalVal...what exactly does she do again? Is she a manager? A knockout? Just a random who stands at ringside...in all the time she's been with TNA I think this is the most she's done...and she is by no stretch anything close to a Miss Elizabeth. Period.
AMEN to whoever brought up Samoa Fat Hoe

i liked TNA when it had AJ Styles as the top face and Jarrett as heel it was more believable then now with Joe and his laid back "i think i'm the god damn Rock" interviews. isn't he supposed to be the tough killer

he's in the worst shape of just about anyone in TNA
his interviews suck
TNA's ratings for IMPACT are the same ratings as ECW, WWE's third best show with Joe as champion

Joe needs to be fired or rebuilt into something else

And what's with Roxy she's freaky as hell with that bald head she needs to get her Sinad O'Connor lookin butt fired
Nash has a mind for the business. I agree that he should stay out of the ring but he still has alot to offer to the young guys.

Whilst i'll agree Joe is overrated now (to me it looks like he doesn't event try anymore), But firing Joe would be idiotic as he has been pushed as a pretty big deal. When did you start watching TNA? Because i guess you haven't seen Joe's matches against, Daniels, Styles, Sabin, Dutt, Stenier, Christian, Kurt Angle, Kaz, ETC. They were all over the "3 stars" bullshit. Also Joe got over in TNA because of his style, it wasn't his ROH following. Whilst im sure that helped, not all TNA fans watched ROH.

Steiner, i don't really care for. But his TNA run has been underrated. He has put guys over and to his credit has had some good matches.

Anyways, I would like to see Reign or Kip James gone, as they do nothing to add to the product.
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