Who of the WWE Talent Released Today Should TNA Pick Up?

I pity you for being a straight up TNA/Impact mark dawg.

Cool story bro.
Of course former TNA talent are going to leave off to a greater challege in the WWE. So out of all those wrestlers that you have said. Do you think that there stupid for leaving TNA/Impact wrestling?
And you call me a mark? Going to WWE is only 5% increase of popularity. WWE draws 4 million fans on Raw. 2 million on SmackDown.

Impact Wrestling draws around 2 million. It's certainly a greater challenge of wrestling in front of 2 more million fans.

WWE is seen in 145 countries. TNA is seen in 138 countries. GREATER CHALLENGE FTW!

And WCW has been dead for a decade now, so let it go! This is a business! You can't get mad at a wrestler/player for wanting to jump to a bigger team that can do something that the other one couldn't (LeBron James signning with the Miami Heat).
Business is business but It's a problem for TNA to do the same business?
Those talent know what there doing. And you can't get mad at Vince McMahon for signning those talent. Do you have a grudge against the WWE or something? Because with this post you just posted, I'm trying to figure out are you anti-WWE or just pro-TNA.
Do you have a grudge against TNA or are you just anti-TNA and pro-WWE?

You just sat here embarrassed yourself by TOTALLY contradicting your post because WWE is bigger. Business is business but when it comes to TNA doing the same business and signing guys with talent who WWE dropped the ball on, It's a problem.

No TNA fan, mark or jimmy would be angry if WWE signed their talent. The issues is the "pity" remarks, TNA gets when they do the EXACT samething.

You claim TNA is struggling? They just signed 5 new TV contracts in the Caribbean, Turkey and Mexico. God, knows they are a dying company.
Melina is the only one worth picking up. She's hot, good enough in the ring, and she can talk a good game. It's been said before that her backstage attitude might come back to bite her, but if she can keep it cool over there then I think she'd be a good main-stay for the KOs Division.

Everyone else really isn't even worth it. TNA is already overloaded with male wrestlers as it is, so none of those guys should be touch. As for Gail Kim, I think she's extremely overrated. I didn't see the whole Awesome Kong feud that everyone always talking about, but I've seen enough of her WWE work to know that she's was the Sin Cara of the Divas division, only it looked a lot more stiff when she botched so it was even worse.
I'm getting real sick of these kind of threads every year now that the WWE does their spring/summer cleaning of WWE talent. I know that TNA is struggling and all and still trying to compete against the WWE so to speak. But why do TNA every year try to eat off the WWE's left over's?

That's a straight up hobo move by TNA going back to the days where TNA picked up Crash Holly aka Mad Mikey (R.I.P.). TNA should focus more on developing their talent instead of trying to be like the WWE. So it's all really sad for TNA wrestling. There trying to compete against the WWE but still try to be on there level all at the sametime. I really pity TNA for doing this for so long.

Who said they were competing with wwe? this is something that YOU and the iwc want to believe. They're on different days, now if they stayed on monday nights, then yes i would say they're trying to compete with the wwe.
I doubt TNA will pick up anyone besides maybe Gail Kim, and they already have enough knockouts. Melina is a drama queen and a trouble maker. Koslov, Chris Masters, and DH Smith aren't worth the ink their contracts were printed on. Gail Kim is the only person I can see TNA picking up. She can feud with Mickie James and Tara and then probably fade away in a few months.
The most likely one to go to TNA is Gail Kim, who made the Knockouts division when it first started.

I don't see Melina going to TNA because she's dating JoMo and could hurt his career by going to work for "the enemy".

Before his release, there were rumors going around that DH Smith was going to go into MMA, so he may do that instead. If he doesn't, I see him going to Ring Of Honor over TNA.

I don't know what will become of Chris Masters or Vladimir Kozlov. Neither one of them really established themselves in WWE.
I don't know if Gail Kim is even able to go back to TNA seeing how she didnt get released, she quit. She may have to sit out the remainder of her contract.

The ones I see as good pics for TNA obviously is Melina and Chris Masters.

Melina is fucking hot for a 31 year old and could be put in feuds with Tara and Mickie James quite easily. Plus she'd be a good fit for The Beautiful People.

Chris Masters is also a good pick. And since he doesn't have to worry about the WWE Wellness Policy, he can get back to his proper training. With him, there is a lot they could do, put him in a team with Rob Terry or if they could get him back Petey Williams. Or hell, they could put him in a singles feud with Big Poppa Pump. Chris Masters can cut a good promo and he's become a little better in the ring too, he'd need to be carried in his matches though.

Both wrestlers I'd assume would be hired per appearance rather than a guaranteed sum of money.
Gail Kim and Melina for sure - they have a pretty good woman's division right now but a couple more wouldn't hurt. Harry Smith too. He was been wrestling for years now and is good but his character in wwe was never quite there. I think TNA might be the place for him to develop that character. as for the rest, i have said it before, you need guys to lose so there is a place for them but really, i don't think TNA needs them that badly. granted both could be used like Rob Terry and have them there just for the "big guy" loss factor but if i was TNA, i would have them per-appearance and use them maybe once a month just to add some different faces to the show.
I think that all these wrestlers in some form or fashion could be assets to TNA.

The thing is, I could see Melina being brought in and instantly being handed their Knockout title. The other thing with Melina joining TNA (as already mentioned) is that JoMo might suffer some kind of consequences in WWE, should she join.

Gail Kim has the best fit in TNA in my opinion. She's been there before and was rather established in TNA - I reckon it would come off better, somebody returning to TNA, rather than someone coming in for the first time.

Kozlov, Masters and DHS would be the best additions to TNA since I think they would have a better chance at standing out than they had in WWE, but all-in-all, TNA doesn't need, nor should they really bother with any of the recently released WWE stars (despite what talent they do or do not have). TNA has so much talent, they don't need or, in my opinion have any room for other folks who have come from the WWE.
Gail Kim - This one is a no brainier to me. She is incredibly talented and would be a perfect fit in the Knockout Division. TNA is very proud of their knockout division so I wouldn't be surprised if they sign the best free agent women wrestler out there.

DH Smith - I think signing him would be smart for two different reasons. First off for having someone apart of the Hart family could make for some great press. Lastly, I can see him teaming/working with a lot more people in TNA then I ever could have seen him working with in WWE. TNA has a much more realistic approach to wrestling (something WWE may be heading too). WWE is more based on characters, while TNA is more based on look. DH Smith really doesn't have much of a character/gimmick but he has a fantastic look to him, which is why I think TNA would work for him. I can see him easily working with Matt Morgan, maybe working as Matt's apprentice or something along those lines. I can see him joining Immortal because of his name. I can also easily see him feuding with all the British guys apart of TNA because of his dad. I look at the WWE roster and all I really see for him their is him teaming with Tyson Kidd, but it isn't like tag team wrestling really matters.

As for Melina, Masters and Kozlov. I predict that Melina will sign a deal with TNA but be gone after a few months because she will think she is too good for TNA and wouldn't want to job to anybody their. I can see Chris Master's signing a contract with TNA asap, although I think it will be a bad sign but their was a time that Chris Master's was a "big deal" so that is enough reason for TNA to sign him. As for Kozlov, I don't see TNA signing him anytime soon. They have plenty of big guys, and currently it looks as if they are trying to build upon their X Divison and will only sign big men that they think will "draw in money" like Masters (although he won't).
And you call me a mark? Going to WWE is only 5% increase of popularity. WWE draws 4 million fans on Raw. 2 million on SmackDown.

Impact Wrestling draws around 2 million. It's certainly a greater challenge of wrestling in front of 2 more million fans.

From a business standpoint you're comparing Jack Daniels to Kool-Aid. From a business or visibility standpoint, TNA is nowhere near on the same par as the WWE. In fact, you're comparing a AAA farm team to a major league franchise. There's nothing wrong with being a bigger fan of minor league sports.

TNA is nowhere near pulling in two million viewers consistently. In fact, they fail outdraw WWE's secondary show Smackdown.

If i'm not mistaken TNA on average draws about a 1.2 rating. That's about 1.6 million viewers, nowhere near two million.

Last week TNA scored a 1.14 rating, which is around 1.44 million viewers.

How many of those fans were exclusively TNA fans? It's pretty obvious that the majority of those fans are also WWE watchers.

WWE is seen in 145 countries. TNA is seen in 138 countries. GREATER CHALLENGE FTW!

Has the average person ever heard of TNA? No.

Does the average person know the name WWE? Yes.

Could the average person name one wrestler on TNA's roster besides Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair(non-wrestlers)? No.

Has anyone besides wrestling fans ever heard of TNA? Not really.

Would TNA be in 138 countries as an alternative product without the WWE's popularity and brand awareness? No.

Business is business but It's a problem for TNA to do the same business?

How much of the wrestling market share does TNA control? How many viable streams of revenue does TNA have? Have they even made a profit or are they just a tax haven for the corporation Panda Energy?

You just sat here embarrassed yourself by TOTALLY contradicting your post because WWE is bigger. Business is business but when it comes to TNA doing the same business and signing guys with talent who WWE dropped the ball on, It's a problem.

Could you name one guy the WWE dropped the ball on who TNA made into mainstream star? Don't insult our intelligence by mentioning Ken Anderson because he's not a star. As much as I love AJ Styles he's only a star in TNA terms. The WWE machine is the only source for creating stars in the wrestling business, just as Hollywood is for the film and television industry.

No TNA fan, mark or jimmy would be angry if WWE signed their talent. The issues is the "pity" remarks, TNA gets when they do the EXACT samething.

You operate under the misapprehension that both companies are on the same level. A TNA or ROH talent moving up to the WWE is like a AAA ball player moving up to the majors. TNA is simply a place where an up and coming guy can make a solid living(sometimes) and get national exposure weekly. Only a few guys on the roster are comfortable, and they mostly ex-WWE veterans riding the TNA train simply because the schedule is lighter.

You claim TNA is struggling? They just signed 5 new TV contracts in the Caribbean, Turkey and Mexico. God, knows they are a dying company.

If WWE business is strong, there's no reason to believe that TNA hasn't benefited as well from the afterbirth, even if it's just marginally. I only wish they'd take some of their profits and pay their mid-carders,knockouts, and under talent a decent living. They've more than earned it.
Melina & Kim should go to TNA. Can help the knockout division a little bit, just so the same feuds don't keep happening.

Masters wouldn't really have a place in TNA, same with Vlad.
anyone of them if used properly could be great pick ups for TNA if chris is used the same way he was when he was a dominant figure in WWE then i could see it work. vlad when he had his huge push was interesting though i wouldnt give him a mic i would like to see him heel again. david if he is turned heel i think he worked better as a heel. gail already worked great in TNA and could add something new to the knockouts division. same with melina if she is used to show the talent she has she would be a great pick up for TNA
It's okay for WWE to sign Awesome Kong, Austin Creed, Kaval, Gail Kim but it's a problem for TNA to do the samething?

I pity WWE for signing CM Punk (From TNA and ROH), I pity WWE for signing Rey Mysterio, Edge, Triple H, Stone Cold, Chris Jericho, Big Show and The Guerrero's from WCW.

I pity WWE for signing Tyler Black, Kings of Wrestling, Bryan Danielson and wanting Samoa Joe. Who work for other companies.

I pity your post.
I pity your factually inaccurate post.

1. Gail Kim was in WWE before she was in TNA. An easy Google search will show you that.

2. Edge was never in WCW. Edge debuted in WWE in 1996 in Hamilton, Ontario as Sexton Hardcastle (I was there when it happened) and he never competed in WCW.

3. Where do you get the idea that WWE is interested in Samoa Joe?

4. Rey was not poached from WCW. Rey went to WWE after WCW went out of business.

That is all.
I'd sign Koslov and rebuild him into the monster he was when he first entered the WWE. It wouldn't be the first time someone hit the "reset button" on a monster who had been dragged through the mud.

David Hart Smith would be tempting because of his family, but there's not a whole lot you could do past that. I really hope he goes somewhere to fine tune his skills so that he can salvage his career.

Chris Masters is a guy who's just lost all of his steam since he had his first push killed after the juicing ordeal. I'd love to see him get big again, but I don't think he's got it in him without the roids. And even then he's already got that jobber stigma.

Melina would be a steal for the knockouts division. Yes, she brings the drama, but then again with Dixie around she wouldn't be the biggest **** in the locker room.

Gail Kim is getting older (or looks like it anyway), but she's a good worker with history in the company.

Honestly any of these guys would be decent pick ups considering they're all young, and never did enough in the WWE to be considered WWE castoffs aslong as TNA doesn't have them come out and do a worked shoot on their debut.
lol you guys just make up the craziest stuff. OH I DONT THINK DHS WILL GO TNA HE WILL PROB GO TO ROH. lol k thanks for making up some stuff based off nothing.

DHS is a really good pick up for his legacy and what not and I think he has alot of potential
Could the average person name one wrestler on TNA's roster besides Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair(non-wrestlers)? No.

I sure hope the average wrestling fan knows who Kurt Angle or Sting is. Kurt Angle won an olympic gold medal so anyone who really follows the olympics know who Kurt Angle is. TNA definitely doesn't have the same engine as WWE to do publicity appearances and its true that WWE is like MLB and TNA is like AAA

Could you name one guy the WWE dropped the ball on who TNA made into mainstream star?

Gail Kim had a great improvement in stokc when she joined TNA. Matt Morgan is probably going to be WWE's biggest flop that hopefully TNA can establish. TNA has leaned towards adding established WWE stars instead of taking unestablished talent and building htem up so its difficult to name performers who have thrieved in TNA. Christian may be at the level he is at now due to his improvements he made in TNA, he left a mid-carder and returned an upper midcarder-main eventer. I really think there has been just as many flops in TNA that became WWE stars as there are WWE flops who became TNA stars.

Ive believed for years that WWE should be picking up people like Gail Kim who were WWE flops and built a name in TNA as those transformations seem to be applauded. DH Smith should be someone they should look at due to his pedigree as a Hart/Smith and develop him. He has no leverage to ask for a big contract like established WWe stars and using the MLB philosophy they should be in the rebuilding mode where they are looking for prospects not grizzled veterans. TNA should also be looking at FCW talent who get released or Tough Enough talent. They may be WWE rejects of sorts but they also do have some great training and were good enough to get a serious look by WWE so they should have some potential to make it big.

I wish there was a video game out there where you can just build a federation by signing talent and not have to book matches.
I'm just going to say this: I honestly kind of hate that WWE released Chris Masters. In no way was Masters going to light the world on fire; if he had it in him, they probably would have exploited it. Still, I maintain that you can't underrate the value of a good jobber. Not to sound too excited about it, but Masters is a physical specimen. If Masters could have just gone in and given some mid-card guys a good few minutes, and took the job, I think it would have made them look better. He's a hulk of a man, and it's pretty easy to look strong when you beat up a guy like that. He's a jobber, no doubt, but I think he could have done pretty well with it. He might have been released for other reasons, I don't know, but he shouldn't have been released on talent alone. He's not good, but if you book him right, he can make others look good, and I maintain that you can't underrate that.

Now, with that said, TNA shouldn't sign him. They've got enough lackluster, hulking men on the roster to get by in that department. Masters doesn't have the ability to stand out, and that's what TNA desperately needs: guys who can put the company as a whole over, IMO. If I had to pick one person cut, today, probably just sign Gail Kim back. She's one of the most talented female wrestlers in the main stream, and it's a good addition to any female roster. I considered Melina, but she seems to have a lot of baggage.
Gail Kim: Although she wasn't technically released I will include her in my list, I'm sure she quit with intentions of jumping ship to TNA, and getting her first taste of Impact Wrestling where she will be treated as the home town queen. It will be interesting to see her compete with some of their new talent, namely Mickie James, and i do think that she is more suited to the TNA style Buisness.

DH Smith No, I dont think he will be pursuing Pro Wrestling anymore, wasn't their talk of him going MMA, but anyway I dont see him going to TNA. I dont know why WWE kept him on as long as he did.

Vladimir Koslov I sincerely hope TNA pick the Moscow Mauler up. I really do enjoy Vladimir Koslovs work and I have been a fan for 90% of his WWE run. If TNA pick him up I will deffinately be tuning into their tapings more reguarly.

Chris Masters a deffinate should sign with the master piece, I mean he is jacked with a solid in ring style, however the only reason he got his job back with WWE is because he didnt jump to TNA when he was released the first time, so Im 50/50 with him jumping over there.

Melina The biggest shock release for me, she is a very good in ring talent and would be a huge signing for TNA with a solid focus on the womens division is exactly what she needs, She should pursue a career in TNA and TNA should sign her, however her relationship with John Morrison is the only what if factor whith her jumping to TNA. Should be very interesting to see what happens here. One thing i am certain of, if Melina goes to another wrestling buisness her relationship with Morrison will be over. (heres hoping she goes back to her skirt attire that got killed in the PG era!)
Why does everyone think if Melina goes to TNA she's going to be in some trouble with Jomo. From the sounds of it she wears the pants in the relationship and if anything it's a smart move to get her because once WWE drops the ball on Morrison she could convince him to jump ship which would be pretty huge.

I think Melina and Gail should be signed and yeah first of all I'll say because I think they are two of the hottest diva's today but they can also wrestle and could add to the ko division.

I wouldn't sign anyone else apart from maybe Masters as he could do a decent job but yeah they already have much better talent than him and I doubt he would add that much so no real need for him.
I would like to see Gail Kim return and it's probably 99% likely she will. There's no doubting Gail Kim will be given the chance to put on better matches than the WWE would allow. Simply because she has the talent to work with in TNA (Angelina Love, Mickie James, Tara, ODB, Madison Rayne etc).

I remember seeing David Smith and that dude with the bit of muff on his head when I used to watch WWE and they seemed like a pretty decent tag team. If TNA could get both, I think they'd be a good addition to the tag division. Perhaps even on his own, David Smith could join the British Invasion? If TNA kept making reference to him as being the Bulldogs son, no one would even realise he ain't really English.

As for the other 3? The saying WHO ARE YA springs to mind.
No-one. TNA's roster is already stacked with enough under-utilised talent as it is.

Why would you employ any of the three guys released when you don't have the space to? I'd consider re-adding Gail Kim to the KOs though, because their division is quite small. And I'd agree with Attitude - it's clear that Morrison is under the thumb, and probably under all the rest of Melina's fingers too. She can do what she damn well pleases, bollocks to what Morrison thinks.

I'm not saying that they couldn't make good use of Smith or Kozlov or Masters. But they don't really need them. What will any of these three guys really do? Why use them over, say, anyone else on TNA's roster? There's just no hard reason to.

Gail is the exception because she's already a proven draw in KO main events, or so I hear.
Chris Masters, decent athlete and would be great with a new gimmick.
Batista, I can see him tear up TNA and shake things up a little
I think Gail Kim is the most logical choice. She has history with TNA and if I remember correctly left TNA on good terms. She would fit in perfectly with the current OBD/Jackie vs Velvet feud. She could come on saying she left one company because of the barbie dolls and hates to see the KO division she helped create has become. Seems a perfect fit.
I think melina and gail r a no brainer TNA would be stupid not to snap them up

but everything u all say about kozlov is abit harsh its not his fault vkm is a tit and made a joke of him after making him a monster for the 1st year he would be a gd addition to imortal as they dont have rob terry as he has rejoined british invasion by the looks of it so koz could be the inforcer in imortel have him beat down fortune sting angle ect to get some cred then have him help bully ray get the world title as he seems to b the main face of imortal now hardys gone

masters would be a gd addition just needs to bulk up abit i could see him and crimsom becoming tag champs maybe

but dh smith no he just wouldnt fit in without tyson kidd
Matt Morgan is probably going to be WWE's biggest flop that hopefully TNA can establish.

That's the essence of TNA should be trying to do, if they insist on picking up "future endeavored" WWE performers. With the younger company's often illogical ways, it's hard to determine whether they look to hire released talent from the other company, figuring that "if they worked for WWE, people will be tuning in to see them here"....... or whether TNA truly looks at the performer involved and sees a real future involving the personality, style and marketability of the wrestler. With Matt Morgan, TNA at least seems to have had a plan for what they were going to do with him. Whether it works or not remains to be seen, but it has to be remembered that the person flopped with WWE.....and there must have been a reason for that. If you deem the reason is that Vince booked them badly and you think you can do better; then by all means, go for it.

On the other hand, take a guy like Vladimir Koslov. Early on, WWE really tried to get him over; they gave him every opportunity, and it just turned out he wasn't star material. Unless TNA has a real plan to re-package the guy in their own style, I can't imagine what good it would do to pick him up.

Worse, it sometimes appears TNA has no idea of how they're going to turn a flop into a star. Take D'Lo Brown. When WWE released him after giving him a lot of air time to prove himself, TNA quickly hired him, presumably thinking an ex-WWE guy would be a boost to their product. But as it turned out, there was good reason WWE dumped him, and it was a waste of TNA's time to have hired him.

Learn the lesson, guys. Don't repeat mistakes.

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