Who keeps letting CM Punk use that elbow?

Psychology aside, Punk is superoverrated in the ring. And on the mic, to be honest. His biggest asset is that he isn't Cena. That's it.
Im glad Im not the only one who thinks Punks elbow looks like crap...along with some of his other moves. Just looks awkward to me...I thought Savage had the best elbow until Shawn started doing it...then he became the master. Punk is not even in their league.

However...I appreciate Punk paying homage to the old school wrestlers of the past!
Perhaps it is my unashamed bias, but I'll never think that Shawn Michaels did anything better than Randy Savage.
This thread has made me chuckle.

Sure, Punk's top rope elbow is so garbage that it looks like a hip attack that drops about three feet short and it only gets a reaction of the "cheap pop"/nostalgic variety but if you are using that one move to dismiss Punk as a talent or turn away from watching his matches, something has gone seriously wrong with your wrestling fandom.
Барбоса;4678073 said:
This thread has made me chuckle.

Sure, Punk's top rope elbow is so garbage that it looks like a hip attack that drops about three feet short and it only gets a reaction of the "cheap pop"/nostalgic variety but if you are using that one move to dismiss Punk as a talent or turn away from watching his matches, something has gone seriously wrong with your wrestling fandom.
It's akin to the people who complain about Cena's STF.

Sure, I see it. I just don't care.
You should care about the STF. That elbow looks shitty, but I wouldn't want it heading towards me. Cena would give me enough room to make a cup of tea whilst I'm in his horribly applied submission hold.
Has Orton ever tried to counter that elbow drop into an RKO? Cos' that is something I'd love to see.
To me, it's not just the elbow, Barbs. It's the GTS, the kicks, the look, the whining and (most of all) his fans.
Барбоса;4678073 said:
This thread has made me chuckle.

Sure, Punk's top rope elbow is so garbage that it looks like a hip attack that drops about three feet short and it only gets a reaction of the "cheap pop"/nostalgic variety but if you are using that one move to dismiss Punk as a talent or turn away from watching his matches, something has gone seriously wrong with your wrestling fandom.

I have accepted his schtick, well most of it. He does suspend my disbelief but he is awful at times even with simple moves and EVERYTIME he does the elbow, I go 'ughhh'. Whatever disbelief he had suspended, gone thereafter. I have been vocal about how his move delivery is cringe-worthy however, he is one of the best I've heard on the mic. His expressions in the ring are cool.
But Punk does land on his opponent when dropping the elbow. He may not look very graceful while flying through the air but as long as he lands on his opponent you should still be able to suspend your disbelief. If Punk was in a real match he'd be more concerned about the impact of the move than style points.
But Punk does land on his opponent when dropping the elbow. He may not look very graceful while flying through the air but as long as he lands on his opponent you should still be able to suspend your disbelief. If Punk was in a real match he'd be more concerned about the impact of the move than style points.

He's pigeon holed himself by doing the Randy Tribute pose before the drop. Its not even about graceful, he comes off flapping his wings and lands on his opponent with more of his armpit than the elbow. Again this maneuver's shortcomings are accentuated by the fact that Randy's elbow looked brutal.

Punk does not get any points for impact, he never dows. His suicide dive is lame and I get protecting the opponent but dammit he is just sloppy and has this arsenal of gaudy, popcorn strikes that I just can't get behind.
You should care about the STF. That elbow looks shitty, but I wouldn't want it heading towards me. Cena would give me enough room to make a cup of tea whilst I'm in his horribly applied submission hold.

Considering Mark Henry, the WORLD STRONGEST MAN, said it hurts like all fuck to be put in the STF, I'll take his word for it.

You'd be hard pressed for Cornwall's strongest man.

I don't see how any of this matters when it's a fake sport, and the one caveat to most moves is that you can't look like you're losing your balance and falling on your arse when doing them.
Considering Mark Henry, the WORLD STRONGEST MAN, said it hurts like all fuck to be put in the STF, I'll take his word for it.

You'd be hard pressed for Cornwall's strongest man.

I don't see how any of this matters when it's a fake sport, and the one caveat to most moves is that you can't look like you're losing your balance and falling on your arse when doing them.


Fatties don't bend, so I imagine it does hurt Henry more than anybody else on the roster.
I think it's more to do with him being tall as well as large. Somebody in the WZ Tournament made the case for a submission hurting more on longer limbs, because of leverage. Add to that limited flexibility that comes with not being so lean (i.e. the fat pushing against itself) and you got yourself your very own wing in the hall of pain.

I'd rather take Henry's word for the STF being painful, though. If Cena applied that STF to ME, I wouldn't like my odds of escaping. It wouldn't hurt the impressiveness of the move if Cena were to actually apply a chinlock, rather than just putting pressure on the sides of the face.

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