It needs to be said....

I heard a rumor Joe-Punk IV is going to be a wet t-shirt contest.

Daniel Bryan has more muscle than Punk.

Bryan isn't very muscular but at least he is in shape and a heel. I believe that Bryan could move quickly and precisely. I am not sure what I am supposed to believe Punk can do.
OH GOD! Not the "if you can't do it, you don't get to have an opinion" comment!

Actually, it was more of a "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about so you don't get to have an opinion" kind of thing. The fact that he's never done it was just an added bonus.

It doesn't matter if the OP has never jump 10 (18? Seriously?) feet in the air to deliver an elbow: he's not a professional wrestler. Punk is, and it's his job to make that elbow look as good as possible. If his elbow looks like shit, then he should either fix it, adjust it, or stop using it.

But once again you fail to see my question... how the hell does he know what it's supposed to look like? Honestly, I've never seen Punk do it sloppy. He'll never be a Randy Savage but that's a different discussion, all together.

That said, I have no problem with his elbow drop. I haven't really paid close enough attention to the mechanics of it to really be annoyed by it. I just like when he points to the ceiling like Macho did.

Then thanks for wasting our time with that other dribble. :rolleyes:
But once again you fail to see my question... how the hell does he know what it's supposed to look like? Honestly, I've never seen Punk do it sloppy. He'll never be a Randy Savage but that's a different discussion, all together.

Didn't he punch himself in the face doing it once?
I feel like a list needs to be made. And since I am always indeed the voice of treason here we go,

Top elbows:

Randy Savage
Andrew 'Test' Martin, yes, he did very nice one.
HBK, yes, he did a very nice one as well.
Shane McMahon on a table sans opponent.
Big Show that one time.
Undertaker's failed attempt at WM26.
Cm Punk and his flailing limbs.

It's not as bad as Christian's frog splash. But it's just so ungraceful. There is a certain element of flow when a move is delivered. That's why when one of the Divas go to the top rope and performs we cringe. There is a level of ungracefulness to it.

I remember how Bret used to do an Inverted Atomic Drop. Such flow and impact. And then Hogan did just an Atomic Drop once and then pranced around. Guys like Styles, Morrison, HBK, Daniels have a certain finesse in their manuevers (spelling is wrong) that others don't.

Punk's elbow looks haphazard for me. It's great till he climbs and does the Macho Man pose and then it's all downhill. Hope you get the pun. Or you can email me. Take a guess.

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