It may not be a popular thought...

One of my favourite Morrison promos, showing he could be good sometimes, and funny. Why Ziggler didn't inherit that name from then on I do not know.


...along with the match he's referring to at the start. Hopefully going some way to inform Nate's idea of all Morrison matches being spotfests. 'This match has had a frantic pace from the opening bell', apart from the time spent in submission moves and lock ups, about 90% of it. Poor old Grisham eh?


You can find the other parts yourself guys, come on now.
He's definitely a wrestler I liked. Spot monkey or not he was still entertaining. I wish he was still there.
I thought him and The Miz were gold with their whole "Be Jealous!" thing. Unfortunately like WWE does to too many promising tag teams they split them up and turned Morrison into yet another generic boring babyface.
Why are we only judging Punk's match with Ryback? The best match I've ever seen from Morrison was his match with Punk on ECW. I've seen Punk have much, MUCH better matches since.

You have officially disqualified yourself from giving Morrison a proper judgement as he put on matches that were hundreds of times better than that in his last two years in WWE with Mysterio, Miz, and Sheamus.

Oh his matches with Sheamus... that should have been a Mania feud.
You have officially disqualified yourself from giving Morrison a proper judgement as he put on matches that were hundreds of times better than that in his last two years in WWE with Mysterio, Miz, and Sheamus.

Oh his matches with Sheamus... that should have been a Mania feud.

Oh, why did you have to remind me of that feud. That TLC match was a Match of the Year contender for me.
Must be on account of me speaking up. I'm influential like that. They listen, because they know this ain't no make believe.
Dude, during that feud with Sheamus Morrison was my favorite guy in the company, no joke. I honest to god thought he'd go up against Miz at Mania for the title and I had zero problems with that.
Haven't seen that. Though I do know his match with an equally talented high flier in Evan Bourne was hot shit. See "John Morrison: Rockstar" DVD for proof.
I fucking LOVED JoMo! I still hold a vigil every day in the hopes that he might come back. Who could forget those furry bell-bottoms? Seeing the Starship Pain is enough reason alone to get the guy back.

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