Evan Bourne Less Restricted By WWE - Do You Like It? Possibility of Bourne's Future?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Kind of a weird question but I've noticed lately WWE has strayed away from just using Evan Bourne as a highflier. I've noticed all around that WWE is getting better in ring wise and Smackdown was proof of that, it felt like a PPV to me but that's a different story; Matt Korklan is known mostly for his amazing abilities in the ring but lack of charisma to be a top draw, he has a wicked case of Shelton Benjamin-syndrome and it's apparent that Vince may view Evan/Matt as a guy who was a definate indie guy he needed but isn't going to use as a top guy because of his size but hey you never know look at Punk{ I know Punk is more awesome charisma wise} look at Rey, look at Jericho, look at Bret Hart, look at what Owen Hart could've been.

Not to sound like a total mark or smark but I do know for a fact that Evan is not as bad on the microphone or charisma wise as everyone says, he has the pure out skills to be in that realm Rey and Jericho were/are, the upper midcard-lower main event and he's push last year
definately proved that if you go back and watch his tagging with cena-feud where Jericho put him over + MITB 2010 PPV, even his promo challenging Edge that one night wasn't bad and I have proof right here :D


He's a former business + marketing graduate and he's got his facial expressions down pat{ Hey he became OVW world champ so he must've done something right}.

There is no question that he is kind of an in ring general. Hear me out/ read me out now doubters and haters; He has been a highschool wrestler, trained in martial arts and gymnastics, was one of the most
popular guys on the indies from 2004-2007 and can pretty much do it all in the ring.{ On superstars just a few weeks ago, he did a back toss and a heel hold submission and has done power and submission moves in the past in his tenure in WWE}. He got his wrestling license at age 17 one year under legal age and I read in WWE Magazine that Orton's family used to scout him and in every interview I've seen he's been revered by the locker room and when Edge, EDGE left the WWE cause of his injury he looked at Evan and gave him a BIG hug backstage.

From highly rumored stuff I've read Jericho, Cena, Triple H, Stephanie, CM Punk, Miz, Legacy and Orton have all spoken positively about him.

He's an OVW world champ, a former crusierweight/ x division and great tag team performer, he's put on epic matches with guys like AJ Styles, John Morrison, Sheamus, Edge, Randy Orton, Miz and Chris Jericho as well plus many more. Now let's not overate him here but he's a pretty
top notch seller and if you check out his podcast interview with Colt
Cabana you'd see that he is an ammicable, laid back, unpretentious and fan of hardcore and x division wrestling. If you check out the interviews and promoting he's done for WWE with his biz and marketing skills you will realize why they've kept him on the roster for so long.
Here's the problem with Evan Bourne: He's scrawny.

It really doesn't get any more clearer than that. A simple fact of anatomy is what will keep Evan from ever being big. Dude, you can claim as much as you'd like of how amazing you think he is, but the fact of the matter is, he's a skinny guy with a kid's face that just can't be taken serious if ever to become world champion. I mean, he could go the underdog road, but that seems like an extremely unlikely scenario. He just doesn't have the it factor that it takes to be up there with guys like HHH, Punk, Jericho, Cena, Orton, or even Miz and Del-Rio for that matter.

It's just not him. Evan is a cruiser-weight. His purpose is best served where he's at right now, in the tag division or casually dropping in and astonishing the crowd with his crazy antics. Maybe Evan'll go as far as US Champ or IC, but picturing him as big as the ones mentioned... Highly doubtful.
of course it's doubtful but never say never this is WWE. Nobody said Miz would make it, Chris Jericho had doubters too.

Yes, this is WWE; but there's something you're not taking into account when relating to Jericho and Miz. These two guys had the it facor it took to make it to their level; Evan does not.

Evan is handicapped under the fact that he's scrawny. Tell me, how many scrawny guys are in the ranks of the ones I mentioned? The closest I could relate to is Shawn Michaels or Christian, and even they were/are much bigger in size than Evan is. The next that comes to mind is Mysterio, the short Mexican luchador. But that's where Mysterio has the advantage. He's Mexican. Upon Eddie's death, the WWE needed a Mexican icon to appeal to it's Hispanic population; thus, resulted in his push. Inevitably, Mysterio would have made it to the big leagues also even without Eddie's death, but that's beside the point. The point is, he's a Hispanic that can appeal to a good chunk of the WWE's population.

Now Evan. He's Caucasian. A dime-a-dozen. He's also very skinny. I'm sorry, dude. But realistically, it looks extremely slim that this man will make it as far as the big guys. He'll get somewhere, somewhere pretty good. Hopefully. Just not as good as Punk, Miz, Orton, etc. It's just not him.
Matt Sydal is a great wrestler, he is exciting, gets the crowds adrenaline flowing, most fans seem to connect with him in whatever manner, his finishing move when isolated is one of the best currently in the WWE, hes got good in-ring psychology and its hard to find a poor match from Bourne - all that stated, he has the voice of a mutilated cat and a poor look/build.

Evan Bourne isn't a big guy and for a small guy he isn't a big guy either; if that makes sense. Sure there have been small guys in the past who have made it, even though their size isn't what some see as "neededc criteria" to make it, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho as examples, but they have things Bourne doesn't. Jericho has a great look, he had a great look in the ninties and people connected with him, these days or in his latest run it wasn't so much his look but his charisma which shun through. Jericho can play amazing personalities, diverse at that, something Sydal has never shown in WWE or on the indies.

Evan Bourne is good. He'll probably get a US Championship run some day and who knows, he may get a chance to be one of the "big guys", I for one genuinely thought he could have won at MITB, based off the fact I believe if WWE were going to give a WWE/World Heavyweight Championship run to a smaller guy they'd do it in a way which would make them gain a win without making them look strong, by capitulizing on a weakened opponent. But right now, asides from being a good wrestler Bourne doesn't fit the mold.

You can use the Jericho argument, compare Bourne to Rey, Mizanin and whoever else. Thing is, Evan Bourne isn't Chris Jericho, he look is much weaker than Chris' and he hasn't got the sheer quantity of personality and charisma. He isn't Rey Mysterio because at least Rey looks good for a small guy, can show different personalities, has charisma and most of all he sells. And Bourne definitley isn't The Miz - I don't even need to explain why.
Matt Sydal is a great wrestler, he is exciting, gets the crowds adrenaline flowing, most fans seem to connect with him in whatever manner, his finishing move when isolated is one of the best currently in the WWE, hes got good in-ring psychology and its hard to find a poor match from Bourne - all that stated, he has the voice of a mutilated cat and a poor look/build.

Evan Bourne isn't a big guy and for a small guy he isn't a big guy either; if that makes sense. Sure there have been small guys in the past who have made it, even though their size isn't what some see as "neededc criteria" to make it, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho as examples, but they have things Bourne doesn't. Jericho has a great look, he had a great look in the ninties and people connected with him, these days or in his latest run it wasn't so much his look but his charisma which shun through. Jericho can play amazing personalities, diverse at that, something Sydal has never shown in WWE or on the indies.

Evan Bourne is good. He'll probably get a US Championship run some day and who knows, he may get a chance to be one of the "big guys", I for one genuinely thought he could have won at MITB, based off the fact I believe if WWE were going to give a WWE/World Heavyweight Championship run to a smaller guy they'd do it in a way which would make them gain a win without making them look strong, by capitulizing on a weakened opponent. But right now, asides from being a good wrestler Bourne doesn't fit the mold.

You can use the Jericho argument, compare Bourne to Rey, Mizanin and whoever else. Thing is, Evan Bourne isn't Chris Jericho, he look is much weaker than Chris' and he hasn't got the sheer quantity of personality and charisma. He isn't Rey Mysterio because at least Rey looks good for a small guy, can show different personalities, has charisma and most of all he sells. And Bourne definitley isn't The Miz - I don't even need to explain why.

I agree with you I just disagree with you on some points. Evan/Matt has a good attitude, pretty good charisma for where he is at right now and sure he doesn't have a HUGE it factor. Maybe 50-100 people pop when he comes out and he doesn't sell all the merchandise but you can't just tottally throw him under the bus because anything can happen in just a few months. If someone at Wrestlemania time earlier this year told you CM Punk would be where he is now and explain everything that would happen during the summer of Punk, would you believe them? Nope. You'd probably go " Punk's my favorite guy but Orton's burying him." You can't predict the future and you may be smart and I may be smart but we aren't IN the biz and all we can is support the people who but their bodies on the line for us.
We have not seen evan bournes mean face yet... maybe he should go heel walk to the ring with a air pilot helmet then use it to cheat by hitting his oponents with it when he leaves it in the corner... how about at wrestlemania have him drop in the middle of the ring by parachute... i dont see him as wwe champ but i could see him as the us title holder but have him go heel for that run.
To the guy that said he is too small or scrawny just take a look at Rey Mysterio.

Now to be honest Evan Bourne is quite a bit skinnier than Rey, no that much scrawnier but you can still see an obvious difference in terms of how much build they have. Still being believable for your size is not nor has ever been a factor when it comes to superstars becoming major players in mainstream companies. I am pretty sure no one would look at the TV if Evan was champ and say "he is too little I am going to not watch Raw this week". Taking him serious should not be based on his size but rather how well a top main eventer puts him over and how well he gets over with the crowd.

Now to answer the OP's question if his restrictions (or lack of them) would be good for his future I say yes. Evan has been able to get over with the crowd using a limited move-set for quite sometime now. If he, like most WWE main event guys can get over with a restricted set of moves, I am sure adding more complex moves to arsenal would not hurt. The only thing at this point he needs to gain is charisma! As said before his charisma levels as his mic skills level while not as horrific as most people seems to make it out to be, they are with all honesty nothing to brag about.

I truly believe that Bourne has a bright future in the WWE if he can up his game in terms of charisma and Mic skills.
We have not seen evan bournes mean face yet... maybe he should go heel walk to the ring with a air pilot helmet then use it to cheat by hitting his oponents with it when he leaves it in the corner... how about at wrestlemania have him drop in the middle of the ring by parachute... i dont see him as wwe champ but i could see him as the us title holder but have him go heel for that run.

actually he's been heel a lot during his 11 year career, go look at him back in


Don't just stick in the WWE bubble, thanks for the comment.

Check out his matches with Miz, John Morrison, Jericho, EDge, Orton, Sheamus, AJ Styles, Zack Ryder, he's shown a mean face and pretty good ones.
Well I think DragonSaga got it right on the button.

Bourne is entertaining sure, and small guys SHOULD be able to make it big in the WWE if they have the right tools. But Bourne is still coming up short.
He doesn't mess up, he's not sloppy, he's really really crisp. He has a gymnastics background. Vince trusts him. No problem with it. "less restriction" doesn't get you more over because MOOOVEZ don't get you over. Why is this an issue?

He's small so he lacks legitimacy as a guy who could beat you up. However, if he gets to the Mysterio-level of legendary flier and his best friend dies and gets him over, maybe then he'll win a world title. Otherwise who cares. He's not enough of a mark to get pissed if he never wins a title. He's over, he's solid in the ring, not everyone needs to be the quarterback.
Bourne to me serves the purpose of someone who is able to get the crowd excited by the possibility of doing his finisher. I can't see him going anywhere past an mid-card title run. He doesn't have the it factor like mentioned earlier. He also doesn't have a connection with any top star like Mysterio did in Guerrero. The only reason he got the title then was due to the death of Guerrero otherwise I doubt he would have gotten the shot. I really do like Bourne and hope he can evolve into a reliable upper mid-card talent that the crowd gets excited when he comes out.
Bourne to me serves the purpose of someone who is able to get the crowd excited by the possibility of doing his finisher. I can't see him going anywhere past an mid-card title run. He doesn't have the it factor like mentioned earlier. He also doesn't have a connection with any top star like Mysterio did in Guerrero. The only reason he got the title then was due to the death of Guerrero otherwise I doubt he would have gotten the shot. I really do like Bourne and hope he can evolve into a reliable upper mid-card talent that the crowd gets excited when he comes out.

Well who died when Rey won the title again in 2010? or when he added the WWE title to his resume a couple months back? It's a valid point a lot of people make, but Rey was being treated like one of the "Elite" from the first year he came to WWE, having great matches against Kurt anlgle etc...Eddie dying or not, the WWE always had big plans for him somewhere down the line.
I agree with you I just disagree with you on some points. Evan/Matt has a good attitude, pretty good charisma for where he is at right now and sure he doesn't have a HUGE it factor. Maybe 50-100 people pop when he comes out and he doesn't sell all the merchandise but you can't just tottally throw him under the bus because anything can happen in just a few months. If someone at Wrestlemania time earlier this year told you CM Punk would be where he is now and explain everything that would happen during the summer of Punk, would you believe them? Nope. You'd probably go " Punk's my favorite guy but Orton's burying him." You can't predict the future and you may be smart and I may be smart but we aren't IN the biz and all we can is support the people who but their bodies on the line for us.

But you didn't ask about the future, you made direct comments about the present, and presently Evan Bourne doesn't have the abilities to do anything else other than hold the WWE Tag Team Championships or get a good mid-card single title run, but he is in no way a contendor for the WWE/World Heavyweight Championship.

And no, he doesn't have good charisma. You probably think charisma is personality or something, but it isn't. Charisma is your ability to gain attention and asides from when he hits Air-Bourne, Evan Bourne doesn't do that. Sydal even on the indies never quite did that, WSX is a good example of how he failed - something he has even admitted as he'd never portrayed a heel before and had little idea what he was doing.

Also a few months ago I never thought Orton was burying Punk, I certainly don't remember him burying Punk. They'd a good feud which saw Punk get over as a heel, manipulating Orton, threatening his wife, attacking him countless times with New Nexus, eliminating Orton from Elimination Chamber and their WrestleMania match was way above average. So yeah, that point isn't very valid.
Everyone uses Mysterio as the "see it could happen" but the thing is, Mysterio was a legend when he came to WWE. The mask and the way he wrestled was his charisma. He connected. Eddie died, he got sympathy, got the world title, and has stayed in the picture ever since and is a pretty big draw.

Bourne COULD someday become a legend, and they pop for his finish and his hot tags, but think about this, Mysterio started in WCW in 1996. I know he had been wrestling for a lot longer than that, but I'm talking about mainstream visibility. It was 10 years before he won the world title. 10 years of being very over and being generally seen as the best small guy by the mainstream audience.

Can Evan do that? Who knows. My biggest gripe with all of this is why does he need to win the world title? No everyone has to be the star. You NEED an exciting guy to open the show to get everyone going. To me, a guy who is a guarantee to get the crowd going in the show opener is more valuable than a main eventer who is sometimes over and sometimes not. It's dependability. You can't always depend on a Alberto Del Rio segment getting over when you want it and as much as you want, but you can pretty much always depend on Bourne's matches and segments to do what you want.
Everyone uses Mysterio as the "see it could happen" but the thing is, Mysterio was a legend when he came to WWE. The mask and the way he wrestled was his charisma. He connected. Eddie died, he got sympathy, got the world title, and has stayed in the picture ever since and is a pretty big draw.

Bourne COULD someday become a legend, and they pop for his finish and his hot tags, but think about this, Mysterio started in WCW in 1996. I know he had been wrestling for a lot longer than that, but I'm talking about mainstream visibility. It was 10 years before he won the world title. 10 years of being very over and being generally seen as the best small guy by the mainstream audience.

Can Evan do that? Who knows. My biggest gripe with all of this is why does he need to win the world title? No everyone has to be the star. You NEED an exciting guy to open the show to get everyone going. To me, a guy who is a guarantee to get the crowd going in the show opener is more valuable than a main eventer who is sometimes over and sometimes not. It's dependability. You can't always depend on a Alberto Del Rio segment getting over when you want it and as much as you want, but you can pretty much always depend on Bourne's matches and segments to do what you want.

I'm not into the whole norm of Evan Bourne marks but I am a big fan.
I feel anyone who's been in the biz over 8 years should hold a world championship, he's been in the biz 11, since age 17. He's not as renound as Rey but he's got a good deal with any company and WWE should be glad they have him and not treat him like crap because of his size or lack of freaking charisma! I mean dude, he's awesome at what he does, championships should go to people who EXCEL in the ring and he excels. I know what personality & charisma are and if he can get people behind him in less than five years, get a WWE contract in 8 years and be flawless in the ring as well pretty amicable why does he need mic skills, t-shirts sold or propaganda; he's a professional wrestler
not an entertainer he's just a more easy going version of low ki/senshi/kaval or a younger Chris Jericho{without mic skills}
in my eyes. He has what Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley and any other cream of the puff x division- IWC fan favorite has and that's charisma
of a solid upper midcarder. Don't disresgard him for being scrawny because he does things that are amazing and me and you; average people cannot do them. Does he have a lack of main eventer charisma
hell yes, Rey does as well, D-Bryan too but he can go in the ring and has a good reputation, why can't that be enough. I know plenty of fans{ casual ones} who'd GO absolutely nuts with excitement if Evan won the big won, should he NO, not now. Could he in the future? HELL YES.

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