Who Is The WWE's Most Useless Person


Dark Match Jobber
This is my first official thread that I have started, however i have been replying to some as of late.

For my first thread I thought I would pose a question to everyone that somewhat relates to a thread I read earlier. The thread I read was about Kiyoshi, somebody that people are calling TNA's most useless person. That got me thinking: Who is the most useless wrestler/manager/personnel in the WWE and Why?

And to make it a little bit more interesting I want to say that Hornswaggle can't be used as a choice, simply because we all know that he is only still around because Vince loves to keep the kiddie, PG fans happy. I want to get some feedback on who you all think is deserving of the title and then I will give my opinion a little later on.
Despite what is going on tonight, I would have to say Chris Masters. He has been pretty irrelevant and will probably continue to do so. Unlike Jamie Noble, Masters doesn't have a gig backstage. If I'm forgetting someone, than they're probably more useless than Masters haha
Triple H.

He does nothing meaningful when he's on air, he needs to change his gimmick, he needs to stay out of the main event, and mainly he needs to quit being shoved down our throats week end and week out.

Second runner up goes to

Batista due to him being a bigger waste of time than Triple H.

Honorable Mention to every guest host of Raw, the Diva's (excluding Maryse), and anyone involved in a comedy segment on any brand or show.
This is easy its none other then Teddy long. Does Smackdown really need a gm because I haven't seen him make one annoucment that susprised me a bit. He's a wall flower that really has no use at all. He should be made a refree again then he has a use right now he is a waste of money since he has no purpose as gm and same can be said about Tiffany, does ECW need a gm since its obvious no one controlls ECW.
I'll say Curt Hawkins. Unlike guys like Festus and Noble, we haven't even seen Hawkins since Ryder got sent to ECW. In fact, I'm not even sure if he was released which is saying something because I always keep up with releases. You know you're useless when Charlie Haas gets more air time than you.
Chavo Guerrero

Hornswoggle doesn't need him to get over with the kids, he hasn't been taken seriously since Kane destroyed him at Wrestlemania and thats if you consider winning the ECW title as doing something with your career

I feel he was only kept around because of Eddie but these days he's not living up to the Guerrero name if anything they're destroying the Guerrero legacy, the way they had Vickie retire was degrading (not that I ever liked her anyways)

He needs to go to TNA where he could be taken seriously hopefully joining World Elite
Triple H.

He does nothing meaningful when he's on air, he needs to change his gimmick, he needs to stay out of the main event, and mainly he needs to quit being shoved down our throats week end and week out.

Second runner up goes to

Batista due to him being a bigger waste of time than Triple H.

Honorable Mention to every guest host of Raw, the Diva's (excluding Maryse), and anyone involved in a comedy segment on any brand or show.

Haha, two main eventers are more useless than guys like Jim Duggan.

I'm going with Kung Fu Naki. He's lame, period. He has no physical prowess, he's boring, he has a crappy gimmick, and his push almost immediately fizzled once it started. How often is he on TV?

Definitely say he's more worthless than Triple H :rolleyes:
mvp, Tyler recks, teddy long, layla, mccool, alicia fox, willaim regal, chris massters, kelly kelly, mike knocks, jack swagger, aberham washington, shelton benjiman, the bella twins and many more people who cant wrestle..............

Seriously? Regal, Swaggah and Benjamin can't wrestle? What planet are you on....and how exactly does that answer the question.

Regal's not useless. He's the number one contender for the ECW title. Swaggah is a former ECW champion. Benjamin.....okay, I'll give you that one, but only because WWE is severely misusing him.

However, I gotta go with the Swoggle. It was funny when he first debuted, and feuded with Mini-Boogeyman (which led to one of my all-time favourite moments, Finlay doing the Boogeyman dance). Then the whole Finlay's son thing happened.....which never really made sense to me. Back when Finlay was heel on Smackdown, he would abuse Swoggle like there was no tomorrow, and then all of a sudden they where chummy. Now he's pretty much crapping all over the career of Chavo Guerrero. I understand he's around for the kids, but he should not be featured on a weekly basis.
Well, the women's division as a whole has been pretty useless lately. To be honest, I think the division hasn't really mattered since Lita and Trish retired.

I personally like the comedy skits if it leads up to something. Chavo and Hornswoggle's schtick is OLD. We got the joke. Please, ENOUGH ALREADY.

But my nomination goes to the announcing team of Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. I will stand by this assertion until the day I die: you can have the best product in the world, but if your announcing team isn't capable of making a show watchable, you are in trouble. J.R. can turn the most horrible match into something you can at least watch once. Whereas Cole and Lawler can bore you to tears during the best match. When I watch Smackdown on YouTube (don't get MYNETWORKTV where I live), the announce team and the product as a whole is MUCH better.

So, my vote is for Cole and Lawler with the Women's Division (on Raw especially) not far behind.
Triple H.

He does nothing meaningful when he's on air, he needs to change his gimmick, he needs to stay out of the main event, and mainly he needs to quit being shoved down our throats week end and week out.

Second runner up goes to

Batista due to him being a bigger waste of time than Triple H.

Honorable Mention to every guest host of Raw, the Diva's (excluding Maryse), and anyone involved in a comedy segment on any brand or show.

This is the worst post I have seen in quite some time. Who do think they should fill HHH and Batista's time with? Do you think that there is anyone ready to fill their spots? Of course not. You just think it's cool on the internet to bash HHH and Batista. Now go make a puro thread and verbally ******e some cruisers, and you will be a full fledged IWC member.

HHH and Batista draw, which makes them more useful than Evan Bourne. They tell a story in the ring, which makes them more useful than most of the roster. These guys are two of the MOST useful members of the roster. If we were asking who the most useless member of the forums was though, you'd be in the running. So, you know, you've got that going for you.

Haha, two main eventers are more useless than guys like Jim Duggan.

Wow. That was terrible, right? Duggan is a good answer.

I'm going with Kung Fu Naki. He's lame, period. He has no physical prowess, he's boring, he has a crappy gimmick, and his push almost immediately fizzled once it started. How often is he on TV?

He's a road agent, and according to most accounts, a tremendous backstage presence. He is a very hard worker for the company. His TV time is nothing more than a reward for his hard work backstage.

Definitely say he's more worthless than Triple H :rolleyes:

You're right about that, but he does a lot of the company.

I don't understand how someone that far up the card is viewed as useless. This opinion is spreading. Not six months ago, according to these forums, MVP deserved to be pushed to the moon. This place turned on him quickly.

Tyler recks,

I don't watch Superstars much. Is he that bad?

teddy long,

I love Teddy Long. He usually makes me laugh once a show. Once again, this is the case of his experience and backstage presence being valuable to the company. His TV time is just because he's a pretty good talker, which is all the GM role needs to be.

She's hot. Like it or not, today's wrestling programming needs that.

I disagree here. I think she is very talented in the ring. Her improvement is amazing, and she is very good at telling a story.

alicia fox,

She's getting better. Once again, you may view them as evil, but the Divas are a necessary evil.

willaim regal,

He is a recognizable veteran who is very important for elevating guys, especially the young talent on ECW. That is the perfect role for him. Kozlov and Big Zeke are finally relevant after nearly a year in the company because of Regal rub.

chris massters,

Yeah. Masters sucks. I agree here.

kelly kelly,

Don't you talk bad about Kelly :lmao: Seriously though, she is the fastest learner in the ring I have ever seen. In all honesty, I think she is one of the top five in the ring now.

mike knocks,

The show needs large heelish men to put faces over. He is necessary to the advancement of stories.

jack swagger,

This is out of line. He is the future of the company. You say this is about people who can't wrestle, but he is a two time All-American......wait for it.....in wrestling. There is a difference between wrestling and the garbage Evan Bourne puts on in the ring. He uses psychology, tells a story, and looks absolutely brutal on offense. I don't understand this entry in your list at all.

aberham washington,

He serves as an aid for people who need some help on the mic. Some of the younger talent need his "show" to break up their promos into little parts that they can nail.

shelton benjiman,

See what I said about Swagger. You want to eliminate the entire midcard, huh? Two hour HHH, Randy Orton, Cena triple threats every week for you?

the bella twins and many more people who cant wrestle..............

There is always something to be said for twins.

Chris Masters is worthless. His draw was his size, but that was artificial. Now, he is half the size, half the speed, and twice as dull. He adds nothing to the show. He is a cookie cutter jobber to the stars, and the WWE would do well to bring in two more ROH guys with his salary.
And here I wanted to come in and grill anyone who mentioned Hornswoggle's name. Such a shame. Anyways, my pick from each brand will be as follows.

RAW: Rosa Mendes: While she had definite purpose backing Beth Phoenix and Santino Marella during the time that was, those days have long since past. Rosa still follows Beth around, but Beth doesn't need a lackie. Even if she did, she has Jillian - who's a better skilled and experienced Diva.

I honestly believe Rosa is only being kept on the roster, out of some type of racial profiling fear that if she is cut - she'll play a race card on the situation. She doesn't add anything to the show, and she has little to no real talent. Shes worse than Tori during the Sable/Tori stalker angle.

Smackdown: Jesse: I can't say in all honesty that this is the right pick, but I just can't see why he's being kept. Without Festus, who was always the main individual in their Tag team - Jesse is just floating until the WWE gets tired of likely jobbing him out to random people.

I can't possibly imagine Jesse getting repackaged into something thats going to even remotely help him get somewhere, so as far as I'm concerned he has no true reason to even be holding a roster spot and will more than likely lose his job when the WWE does its next round of releases.

ECW: Random Backstage Announcers: Why can't Gregory Helms interview people, while the Hurricane wrestles? I fail to understand why we need to insert 10 different blonde females backstage every month to interview a different new comer to the Brand. This Brand has more revolving doors than a mall as far as people coming and going. There is no need for it.
I just don't think I could pic just one. There are several "talents" that are really not worth keeping. Most of the Divas....but we all know and accept that. Wrestler that needs to stop being paid I have to go with.....sht.. Masters and Henry, I just can't pic one of these guys. I don't enjoy either at all. Crappy fueds, boring on the mic and in the ring. Most of the names i've heard are worthy of being Futured Endevoured.....
and off topic...can someone arrange an intervention for littlelibertygirl, think she might have a substance issue after reading her post
I'm going to take a crack at this and base my opinions of worthlessness on those who, based on evidence (news or visual evidence), show lack of desire for the product and the company. Being in the WWE is an honor and a privelege. It is the major leagues of wrestling and most, if not all wrestlers would KILL to work for it. Therefore, anyone who takes their job for granted deserves the axe as there are hundreds who would jump at the opportunity.

The first member of the all-useless club is Carlito. I know I might get flack but hear me out. The son of a wrestler, entertaining should be in his blood.....and it is. However, because of that, he has been known to have an attitude. For a guy that won a midcard title over the now face of the company in his debut, he figured he would be pushed to the moon without earning it. It doesn't work like that though, and he has floundered around the midcard despite having all the talent in the world. I remember him giving an interview bashing HHH a little while back saying he held him down, and I'm sure Carlito feels that way, but you don't get put over a main eventer with mediocre work ethic. We all know he's capable of great matches and is pretty good on the mic, but you don't see it all the time. He is inconsistent and from a reliable source tells me that he has refused on numerous occasions to change his look (mainly his hair) slightly, and was the one who wanted to break away from his brother and didn't want to team with him in the first place. Selfishness, taking talent for granted, and a bad attitude. For a guy who can probably work better than most of the roster, it's a shame he doesn't have a better head on his shoulders.

To sort of prove this point, based on my definition of useless, the WWE has shed itself of other "useless" talents like Kendrick and Kennedy, maybe even Umaga. Again, we're not talking about who does the least on screen, who's character sucks, etc. We are talking about who wastes their talent, who takes their spot for granted and who doesn't put the work in they should. Kendrick was and is talented but wasn't willing to give up a drug as asked by the company so he was fired and deservedly so. Same situation, different drugs for Umaga. Both had a great position in the company and should have done what they were told if they truly cared about being there. Kennedy's drug was his own hype. Every since Heyman told him he'd be a star, he believed his own hype and lived it rather than working for it. We've all heard he was a liability to himself and to others in the ring, and becoming a safe worker earns you a lot of respect which results in pushes in the WWE (ask Brett Hart - the man who never injured someone in the ring). That stuff is important, arguably moreso than anything else because life is in your hands, and the dude took it for granted. Had charisma and maybe that "it" factor, but not a good head.

I basically don't have respect for anyone who takes their employment for granted. We'd all kill to be in that lockerroom. To me, if you woudln't, that defines useless.
I say Hornswoggle.

How does it look when a midget beats a man who happens to be a very great wrestler what, 8 times? Simple, it doesn't. I hate seeing Horny appear on WWE TV. Most people in the IWC hate him, and the kids are getting bored.

I say fire him.
Chris Masters for sure.

I don't have a fucking idea if he is still with WWE. Really has he been any matches since his return ? I don't know if he can last a year in WWE.
Festus, Kung Fu Naki, Jim Dugan, Charlie Haas, Jimmy Wang Yang, Slam Master J. Would anyone care if none of these people were never seen on TV again, maybe a few, and maybe some of them could be an OK mid carder with a good gimmick/push. Right now however they are pretty useless.

I'd even go so far to say that Hornswaggle even has a place above these guys at the moment. Yes I hate him, and yes he really hurts the credibility of anyone he gets over, but he is making money for WWE at the moment (or I'm assuming he is, kiddie appeal, stupid green hat sales etc), so for that reason he has a use.

Oh and for Sean Valjean, Curt Hawkins has been moved to FCW, but apparently he isn’t even performing there so looks like he might be on the way out soon.
Triple H.

He does nothing meaningful when he's on air, he needs to change his gimmick, he needs to stay out of the main event, and mainly he needs to quit being shoved down our throats week end and week out.

Second runner up goes to

Batista due to him being a bigger waste of time than Triple H.

You know I was just going to let FTS's comments on this stand, but screw that. These are two of the biggest and most seasoned main eventers on the roster. Get rid of them huh? Even though they have so much to offer to the WWE in terms of feuds and entertainment right? By HHH staying out of the main event you would refer to the tag team PPV matches he's in right about now? Yeah, thought so.

The "Triple H is gay" ship sailed about a year ago mate.
I'm surprised no one has said the Great Khali yet. He is completely useless, especially as a face. As a monster heel he was at least tolerable, but enough is enough. The fact that he is pushed, with no mic or ring skills is really annoying, especially since he makes anyone he wrestles look bad.
I'm surprised no one has said the Great Khali yet. He is completely useless, especially as a face. As a monster heel he was at least tolerable, but enough is enough. The fact that he is pushed, with no mic or ring skills is really annoying, especially since he makes anyone he wrestles look bad.

Im suprised no one has pointed out to you that The Great Kahli is an absolute megastar in India yet. He's one of the biggest (pun INTENDED) guys over there, on Cena's level and makes masses of money for the WWE in that respect. And he's a special attraction. Everyone loves to see him match up with other big guys, or beat up little guys. I don't mind him at all.
Who is the "Most Useless", that is a difficult one to answer. Does is mean useless in the ring? Or does it mean useless to the company? While Khali's work in the ring leaves a lot and I mean A LOT to be desired, he can hardly be considered useless to the company. His presence with the WWE has raised the company's profile in India, which has to be one of the fastest growing markets in the world. Close to one billion people live there and Khali is a celebrity of some note for them. I mean have you seen how the Indians cherish their celebrities? The Indian cricket captain, M.S. Dhoni, was mobbed by thousands as he went to get his hair cut!

Personally, I am not entirely sure why a one hour show like ECW needs a general manager or so many backstage announcers that aren't part of the action. Surely with such a limited time scale, someone like Gregory Helms should conduct interviews and Abraham Washington should be the on-screen authority figure.

As for in the ring, someone like Chris Masters is particularly useless at the moment. Similar scenario with Duggan and even Charlie Haas. Jobbing is an important part of the make-up of a wrestling company but when you aren't even doing that and you have no backstage presence, for me that is the definition of "useless" in the wrestling world.
Ok, this is a serious question so I hope it doesn't get marked as spam. Why are people saying guys like Duggan, Funaki and Festus? WWE obviously knows this, hence they are never on TV.

With the exception of Duggan a few weeks ago when is the last time any of these guys were even on TV? Whens the last time any of them had a match on TV?

I'm going with Abraham Washington. Whats the point? Hes doesn't wrestle and he isn't even funny. Its a waste of time on a show thats only one hour long. I might expand this to anyone in ECW who is not on the main event scene because without a second title 99% of the matches are pointless.
Jillian. Her singing impresses nobody and in my opinion is more annoying than funny. If she stuck to wrestling it would be ok.
Im suprised no one has pointed out to you that The Great Kahli is an absolute megastar in India yet. He's one of the biggest (pun INTENDED) guys over there, on Cena's level and makes masses of money for the WWE in that respect. And he's a special attraction. Everyone loves to see him match up with other big guys, or beat up little guys. I don't mind him at all.

And i understand that, but it really doesn't make up for the fact that he is terrible in the ring, and makes alot of people look bad in the ring because he is so limited in the ring. I meant useless in the ring, not overall. I actually liked him a bit as a heel, but i just find him annoying and useless as a face. And the only reason he is in WWe is because he is a spectacle. Plus, i don't see alot of people who are really fans of Khali, other than maybe India of course.
i have to go with abraham washing too, his stupid talk show is ******ed all he does is insults soemone then says im just playin and laughs about it. and now they have tony atlas involved. way to make me want to never watch ecw ever again. washignton needs to be fired or sent back to fcw to learn to wrestle or possibly 4th grade to learn how to have a conversation with someone

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