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Who is the heel of raw?

Brahma Bull

Getting Noticed By Management
We all know that john cena is the face of raw, and until around wrestlemania orton was the heel of raw. With orton now making his move to number 2 face behind cena, who is the new top heel on raw?

I know that sheamus is the champion, but he is still too green to carry the weight of being top heel.

Nexus is stong and taking out cena, but they will be around till october. And barrett does lead them, but i would hardly call him the heel of raw.

Edge seems to be in limbo after his face turn went sour. Seems his role as a top heel has slipped.

I would say jericho but he hasnt had a title run on raw, and he has lost a lot. He is my favorite wrestler, and i do see him becoming the new heel of raw, but he's not it right now. I see him being the top heel come wrestlemania though. possibly being in the title match with either cena or orton.

Honestly id go with nexus as a whole. They wont be around for too long, but the show seems to revolve more around them then cena, and that never happens, lol.

so who do you guys think is the top heel on raw now, and who do you think it will be come wrestlemania?
Nexus by default. Thanks to them, it seems like almost all of the heels are more like tweeners, even Sheamus (now that the truce has been called off). After that, I'd say the Miz.
I know it is normally wrestlers but I honestly think the biggest heel on RAW at the moment is Michael "I can't call a match for crap" Cole.....

Sure he is being Vince's monkey and saying whatever "The GM" tells him to but a lot of people are starting to get annoyed by him and he is getting tons of heat.....
I'm surprised you didn't mention the Miz, he by far is the true heel of RAW at the moment in my opinion. He's able to generate so much heat in everyone of his promo's and almost cost Team WWE the match at summerslam after he interfered.

Sheamus would probably come in at a semi-close second. You were right when you said he was still green, but he is able to generate pretty good heat.

Jericho and Edge haven't really done anything that "Heelish" in quite a while now, sure they are still technically "Heel's" But they have been acting more like Tweeners as of late.

In third place....I will go with of course the Nexus, just my opinion though,
Gotta be the Miz. All his promos get a ton of heat and he's a budding superstar who will be stepping into the Main Event picture with that MIB pretty soon.

I think Y2J is still a close second though. Once he pulls off one of his Y2J promos he should be back into the swing of things and out of his tweener roll.
Ooh this is a tough one.
It's gotta be between The "I'm AWESOME" Miz & "Vintage" Michael "And I quote" Cole.

Miz generates great heel heat straight off of his interviews. Michael Cole is also getting heat with his "Vintage" along with his "And I quote" nonsense when reading the emails.

Edge & Jericho really aren't the major heels anymore. Although they've always had their fair share of loyal followers. Jericho & Edge have never really been totally full fledged heels even at their peak. There were people that still cheered them on simply because they disliked who they were feuding with *Coughs CENA coughs*

Wade B could take the role of Head Heel if he wanted it though. He's got the mic work to really deliver at the position.

Top 5 Heels on Raw:
1. The Miz
2. Michael Cole
3. Wade B/Nexus
4. Sheamus (I personally just can't like the guy. He just has the heel look. And no I don't dislike lucky charms..)
5. Jericho
Batista was the undisputed heel of Raw until he left... let's make that certain. Other than that, I would say nexus but that's a group and doesn't single anyone out, except for maybe Barret. But in my opinion it's The Miz. I personally genuinely don't like him. He should be on Tool Academy, not Monday Night Raw!:disappointed:
In terms of heat then it is probably Micheal Cole.

Seriously though people are saying The Miz? Really? Thats like saying CM Punk is the top heel of SD when it is clearly Kane. Nothing against The Miz, actually I love the guy, but he is not the Top Heel on a show featuring the likes of Nexus,Jericho,Edge and Sheamus. As for who is the top heel? Nexus as a whole are the top heels. They generate the most heat and are given the most air time, on top of all of that they just main evented Summerslam over two title matches. If that dosent constitute being the top heel then I dont know what does.
Batista was the undisputed heel of Raw until he left... let's make that certain. Other than that, I would say nexus but that's a group and doesn't single anyone out, except for maybe Barret. But in my opinion it's The Miz. I personally genuinely don't like him. He should be on Tool Academy, not Monday Night Raw!:disappointed:

Ill agree with you with batista being the top heel at that time since he was so great in that fued. But i said orton was the top until AROUND wrestlemania. I dont know the exact time he changed, but it was close to mania so thats why i chose that date.

I should have mentioned the miz, but since he is not in the main event yet, i cant say he is the heel of raw.

I like your guys' responses, but please respond to my other part of who you think will be the heel come wrestlemania. I think it will be jericho with the whole cena being just as bad as nexus. I could see this leading to bigger things. Thoughts?
quick addition

feel free to add hhh to this thread as well. If he does come back as the gm, or leader of nexus, he would definately be the top heel. so take that into consideration.
It's got to be Nexus, Jericho would be but he's lost heat since he joined Team Raw. Nexus is probably the heel of WWE at the moment with Kane coming close second. I can see Miz becoming a serious heel when he becomes a true main eventer but now I just wouldn't be able to take him serious as the heel of Raw I don't know what it is about him, I like him but he just doesn't seem like somebody who could pull of being the heel of Raw.
quick addition

feel free to add hhh to this thread as well. If he does come back as the gm, or leader of nexus, he would definately be the top heel. so take that into consideration.

HHH won't return anytime soon from his injury so you can't write him off right now.

The main heels of Raw right now are the Nexus. They're keep on trying to take over Raw. You can make a claim for the Miz, but he's hasn't been doing much ever since winning the MITB. Yea he had a couple main events, but he was left off of Summerslam card and he's been losing to every main event person he's been facing. So Nexus is the main heels of Raw.
Nexus and Sheamus are the top heels right now. Edge/ Jericho are like tweeners - sometimes they are heels when they fight Cena, etc and sometimes they are tweeners when they join forces with Team Raw against Nexus. But Nexus and Sheamus are always on the negative side.
I'd Love to say it's the Miz, but not quite yet. I know this is sacreligious, but I honestly think both Edge and Jericho are fairly boring right now, so that rules them out. It could have easily been Sheamus until they turned him from Monster Heel, to Cowardly Heel. I don't think it's working quite as well for him, although it's still somewhat entertaining. That leaves me with only one choice.....Nexus. Though, I hope I'm wrong, I don't think it's likely to last TOO much longer.
The fact that this thread has been posted highlights the answer, there is NO lead heel on RAW at the moment. Asides from anything else, having a lead heel would diminish the 6 man at NoC. The E is looking to build Sheamus to Animal heel levels but realises that isn't viable at the moment so they have the Miz, Nexus and (when needed) Edge and Jericho help carry the load. Cole is a commentator who is currently used to promote talent, ie elevating Daniel Bryan and the Miz. As such, he cannot even be considered as a heel - outside of the two mentioned guys, he pretty much still follows the vanilla commentator role.
Currently its Nexus and Sheamus. After Night of Champions it'll be The Miz. He'll lose the US title to Daniel Bryan (tapping out mysteriously early) and then cash in the MitB briefcase against Cena after Cena wins the six pack challenge. Ends the rivalry with Bryan by letting him win and get the US title, and starts a new rivalry with Cena over the title.

And regarding Michael Cole - Cole is currently doing a GREAT job elevating Daniel Bryan and The Miz, and as irritating as he can be, if his job right now is to be the "tool" commentator and voicebox of the mysterious GM, you've gotta admit you hate him, the GM, The Miz, and are digging Daniel Bryan. Just saying.
Sheamus, for sure.

Yes, he's young but the guy has cemented his position as a top performer with some terrific wrestling and an attitude (and bad deeds) that make fans love to hate him.

In the midst of all the Nexus stuff, Sheamus has had confrontations with top bad guys like Jericho, Edge & The Miz.......and the fans are booing Sheamus while giving conditional cheers for the other guys. Even during his confrontations with Nexus in which he's showing cowardice by trying to ingratiate himself with them so they won't attack him, the fans are booing Sheamus, not Nexus. That's heel heat.

As for Miz.......well, he gets some good crowd reaction but he's too much of a cartoon character to be considered the top heel.

It's ironic that the wrestling community has often criticized WWE for pushing only experienced performers, but now that they have rookies like Sheamus, Drew McIntyre and Nexus being given early pushes, the community is now complaining that they're too green to be featured this much. The writers can't please everyone, I guess.

But it's even more ironic that of the rookies just mentioned, all are functioning as heels.

The guy has the most heat in the roster right now and you can't forget that he is the WWE Champion, I'd also like to point out that he is quite a good heel. He does very well being a coward against Nexus. Why is The Miz getting mentioned so much? Jericho,Edge,Sheamus and Nexus are all better heels and have more heat at the moment (maybe not Edge).
Okay maybe it is just me but I DO NOT understand why everyone is talking about MIZ is destined for greatness... LMAO! I just don't get it.... He is CORNY! He sucks in the ring... U guys always talk about how limited Batista was but honestly what AMAZING moves do the MIZ pull off that make U love him so much... He is not intimidating @ all ( Yeah he has pu on about 15 pounds of lean but he still looks like the PREPPY FRAT BOYS I used to BEAT UP). I just don't get it! That is the BAD THING! RIGHT NOW THERE ISN'T A TOP HEEL IN THE WWE! Seriously... I think the NEXUS storyline has become silly now... Look to try to put over a WHOLE ROOKIE CAMP IS DUMB! If these guys are jumping EVERYONE each week why haven't they just gotten squashed. If U have EVERY played any SPORT then U know that ROOKIES don't come on the TEAM RUNNING THINGS! So why considering there are only 6 members are people still scared of NEXUS! STUPID!

That is why I think they need to do something quick to switch things up... GREAT HEROES NEED GREAT VILLIANS and right now there just isn't one in the WWE!!
The Nexus. Almost everything on RAW is tied to them. They have their fingers in every storyline, they get the most heat out of everyone, and they're the hottest group in the company. They are the most important thing on RAW, more important even than the WWE title. That I believe is enough reason to think that they are RAW's top heels.
Just to be different, I'm gonna say the mystery GM. Whenever the lights flicker and the email sound goes off, they get a consistent groaning reaction. Though that could be because it's a prelude to Cole standing up and doing his usual crap little ceremony before reading an email (without clicking on the mousepad I might add)
Yes Cena is the Face of the WWE. There is no denying that. However, I think people are getting the term “Face of the company” and “Face of a show” confused. If by “Face” you mean, “who is the Icon of the company”, then I say it’s Cena. If by “Face” you mean, “who is the number one “Hero” of Raw”, then I think otherwise.

As of right now, I think the Face of Raw is Randy Orton and the Heel of Raw is Sheamus. I am basing my opinion around the WWE Title picture.

To make a clearer example, at this year’s WM, I would say the Faces of Raw and Smackdown were Cena and Edge, and the Heels of Raw and Smackdown were Batista and Jericho at that point in time, but Cena IS the Face of the WWE.
Miz wasn't on the card @ SS but he was involved in the main event to set up him hopefully passing the strap. His music was played and he got an entrance if they counts for anything.
He has threatened Sheamus and looked to cash in the case only to stop.

I doubt if even creative know who the fans will choose if it comes to Miz/Sheamus for the strap in a rematch - does this mean they won't meet or does 1 of them join the crowded tweener ranks?

Nexus as a group are drawing good heat.
Barrett couldn't generate it on his ownsome. Without him they wouldn't draw as much. After his beatdown and no saving run-in by the rest of Nexus. By putting him in with so much talent they obviously see long term plans for him. Possibly even the new Cena except he is English.

As it was Sheamus who threw Barrett into the circle for the beatdown and Miz is still midcard he is my current top heel in ring

Cole is drawing the most heel heat though
By default I would probably say The Nexus, most specifically Wade Barrett. He's obviously the most over one of them, and he can get pretty good heat by himself without The Nexus being in the ring with him. But obviously The Nexus being with him helps a little bit to throw it over the top, he gets a great reaction, and they're definitely the most over heel, and perhaps the top heel(s) of WWE right now.

However I don't want to discredit Sheamus, who is definitely over as well. At least compared to the amount of over he was when he first won the WWE championship. He has matured, and he has grown to a point where the IWC seems to love him, and the live crowd gives him a great heel reaction. He's dominant, cocky and all that. And if it wasn't for The Nexus, or Wade Barrett as a singles competitor, I would definitely be saying Sheamus.
It'd probably come down to The Nexus in general, Sheamus or The Miz as being THE heel or heels of Raw at this point.

The Nexus is a potential top candidate seeing as how they're the enemies of the entire Raw locker room, both face and heel. They have no allies or allegiances except to each other, and then that seems to be only if you're able to pull your own weight.

I know some think Sheamus is too green, but I disagree completely. Sheamus has shown time and time again that he's got the stuff in spite of all the undeserved hate he still sometimes gets. Sheamus has shown himself to have a pretty broad range as a heel goes. He looks like a big muscular bruiser but he's shrewd, opportunistic and even a little cowardly. Taking out a beloved legend like Triple H only helps cement his credibility at potentially being the top heel on Raw.

The Miz is arguably the best young heel in wrestling right now. He's got the ability on the mic and inside the ring and he's on the verge of being in the main event. The Miz has definitely worked harder and longer to get where he is than either The Nexus or Sheamus.

It could easily be any of these.

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