Who is REALLY better? Shawn Michaels or Triple H

From a high flying wrestling standpoint, HBK Superkicks his way to victory, there's no doubt he has everything going for him everytime he's in the ring and deservers HOF status

However IMO Trips holds the rest of the cards, he is a better overall character and techical/mat wrestler, carried DX for most of it's tenure. He's what the Ultimate Warrior should've been.

Triple H has the best theme music, it opitimises wrestling. "Time To Play The Game" and as RVD once said, no one spits water like Triple H.

Triple H Has the intensity and yet can be one of the biggest class clowns aswell, the chisseled phyisique, the bosses daughter, obvouolsy an estute businessman

well they both rock.

only difference being the Superkick can come out of nowhere whereas the Pedigree is always preceded by a kick to the stomach so ya know it's atleast gonna be attempted.

One ast sidenote HBK obviously doesn't mind not being the headliner and helping other guys get over nowadays given it's been ages since he's had a title win.

Triple H seems to be heading this way finally but there was a long time when it seemed everything had to revolve around him at the cost of everyone else. Saying that he was the best the show had to offer so an argument can be made that it was the right thing to do
I have to say that im not a fan of either HHH or HBK, but if I had to choose between HBK and HHH, id have to say that HBK by far is the superior wrestler. Both come to mind when you talk about the constant politicing behind the scenes, but when it comes down to it, whats a better politicing move than to marry Vinny Mac's daughter? If you can come up with a better one, I owe u a cookie ;). That in itself would get you pushed to the moon. He was constantly fledgling in the midcard level, and then a couple of "I do's" later, hes WWE Champion.

When it comes to promos, Ive always felt that HBK always delivered, whether it be funny or serious, it was always usually good. However, HHH could deliver a serious promo, but when he tries to be funny, it always seems forced and not believable.

Offhand, HBK has been in more high profile matches that I can think of, and the best matches HHH has been in have been with/against HBK himself. I think that proves HBK brings out the best in everyone he wrestles with, and in closing I think thats what makes him the better man overall.
Hbk is better than triple h for a number of reasons. Michaels have 5 star matches that were out shining the main event. A good example is wrestlemania 21 where him and kurt angle stole the show while triple h was the mainevent with the title on the line couldn't even compete with the match quality wise. Most Triple h matches aren't more than average unless a title is involved. Don't get me wrong triple is a good wrestler but style wise isn't as diverse as shawn. People talk about how he high flys and hits high spot but yet shawn can mat wrestle with the best of them. Like it was send before hbk can wrestle dirt and it look believable and triple h needs to look dominate based on his opponents. Hbk has had so many great rivalries and matches with great like bret hart, scott hall, kevin nash, undertaker, kurt angle, jericho and even triple h himself. They were great cuz they told a story and gave you a emotional connection to the storyline that only michaels can give you. Triples ego never allows him to never put anyone over consistantly. Anyone of hbks matches people can claim were his best matches but can u say that for triple h? -n all honestly out of all his matches I can only name a few great matches that were 5 star quality done by triple h and guess what 75 percent of them involved shawn michaels so that's saying something. Triple h is as good as he says but his legacy is tainted by rumors. In addition to defend triple h if its a fact triple h screwed his way to top then what's the big deal? people do that all the time and in the wrestling world you have to be aggressive and want to be success more than anyone esle and if u expect fairness all the time then you are in the wrong business. No one has any solid evidence that was the sole reason that he was pushed. Give the man some credit and stop being so critical of him. I don't argee that was the thing that made him successful or believe its was the right thing to do but it is the thing he uses to his advantage at times and believe what makes him the cerebral assassin in the ring and out. Unfortunately 12 title reigns being grand slam champ and any other accomplishments he has done will never compare to michaels 20 plus career, very few careers can.

And you can take that to the bank.......period
I have to say that im not a fan of either HHH or HBK, but if I had to choose between HBK and HHH, id have to say that HBK by far is the superior wrestler. Both come to mind when you talk about the constant politicing behind the scenes, but when it comes down to it, whats a better politicing move than to marry Vinny Mac's daughter? If you can come up with a better one, I owe u a cookie ;). That in itself would get you pushed to the moon. He was constantly fledgling in the midcard level, and then a couple of "I do's" later, hes WWE Champion..

Also mention that he was punished for better part of a yr thanks to the Clique incident with Shawn Michaels, Scott Hall & Kevin Nash, b4 he was even given a chance to redeem himself with a world title run. So that would have to given him good stead with Vinnie Mac, the fact that he put up with it and did what he was told.
Im a huge HHH fan, but Im not going to be biased. I think Shawn Michaels is the better wrestler of the 2, and i think HHH would say it himself. I think the fact that HBK could do all the high flying moves but still can wrestle a scientific match is what puts him over the top for me. But they are not too seperate. Both are great on the mic, even though I give that edge to HHH cause HBK's best days on the mic were before he retired, both are great innovaters, being part of some of the first hell in a cell matches, elimination chamber matches, and ladder matches. I think that HHH is a great wrestler and has the best timing of anyone in the ring.
Fact of the matter is HHH, HBK, and the Undertaker are still 3 of the top 5 wrestlers that are the most over with the fans. And for everyone who are always saying that HHH is where he is cause he married Steph, maybe a couple of title reigns are in part because of that, but when it is all said and done, when Stone Cold and The Rock decided to pursue other ventures, HHH pretty much had to carry the company on his back. And to think someone would marry a person just to have a better spot in a wrestling company is absolutely ridiculous. All you guys talk crap but are the first ones trying to get HHH's autograph. HHH is still over and will be for a while.
Now, back to the point, HBK edges out HHH in the ring, but theyre still 2 of the best ever, period.
Im going to sum this up really easy.

Shawn pretty much looks everyone look good, jobbing or not. Shawn beat Kennedy in their 3-match feud, with Kennedy still looking good.

Triple H really doesn't make any other superstar good, putting them over or not.

Shawn has the better gimmick, and Shawn is the better wrestler IMO.
If Shawn Michaels was married to Stephanie McMahon and was being groomed to own the WWE like Triple H, then Shawn Michaels would have won the title the 16 some times Triple H has. Shawn Michaels is 100 times more entertaining.
If Shawn Michaels was married to Stephanie McMahon and was being groomed to own the WWE like Triple H, then Shawn Michaels would have won the title the 16 some times Triple H has. Shawn Michaels is 100 times more entertaining.
Shawn Michaels is the best friend of the guy who married the bosses daughter. Don't you think that if HBK wanted more reigns, he would have had them.

Oh, and there's always that pesky "Triple H was already champion before hooking up with Steph" thing.

As far as who is really better, I'll say Shawn Michaels. Everyone talks about how Trips married Steph, but the BETTER thing to say is that if it wasn't Rock and Austin, Trips would never have been half of what he was, whether he married into the family or not. HBK, on the other hand, earned what he got, and made himself.
Shawn Michaels is the best friend of the guy who married the bosses daughter. Don't you think that if HBK wanted more reigns, he would have had them.

Oh, and there's always that pesky "Triple H was already champion before hooking up with Steph" thing.

As far as who is really better, I'll say Shawn Michaels. Everyone talks about how Trips married Steph, but the BETTER thing to say is that if it wasn't Rock and Austin, Trips would never have been half of what he was, whether he married into the family or not. HBK, on the other hand, earned what he got, and made himself.

I agree with this sentiment completely. HHH's greatest years were between 1999 and 2001, when he was able to play an uber-heel against the likes of The Rock and Austin. Without them, HHH wouldn't even have the smallest of reasons to justify his seven years in the spotlight since coming back from his first quad repair surgery in 2002 (and, I still question whether HHH's greatness from 1999 to 2001 justifies his long main-event status).

Unlike HHH, Shawn Michaels didn't really have to play off of anyone to acquire his reputation as an all-around great wrestler. His talent spoke for itself and got him where he is today. Furthermore, Shawn Michaels is still able to put on great matches even after coming back from a legitimate career-ending injury, whereas HHH's performance in the ring became noticeably poorer after each of his injuries. Admittedly, poorer is a relative term, and thus someone may say that HHH's post-injury performances were still good since he was so outstanding in the ring to begin with. However, I have never found HHH to be that great in the ring. It is his mic work that stands out most of all.

Thus, Shawn Michaels > HHH.
HBK without a doubt. He still outshines Triple H in the ring. Actually in my opinion he has always outshined Triple H in the ring. Triple H was at his highest point when Rock & Austin was around for him to feud with & was decent when Evolution was around but other than that he's just average at best whereas Shawn Michaels can still put on a quality match that people can sit through & make the talent look good unlike Triple H.

Thus without a doubt HBK > Triple H
It doesn't matter who he is in the ring with, a Michaels match is something not to miss. To say he is the most well rounded wrestler of all time isn't saying enough. It's not just his in ring ability, but his promos, controversial fueds, and history making gimmick matches. If for nothing else, he is the better wrestler b/c he has changed the course of WWE history. He was in the first ever ladder match, iron man match, hell in a cell, and elimination chamber. He was the first to mix mexican lucha-libre wrestling with traditional mat wrestling and bring it to the big stage.
Triple H is great in his own right. But, what he has done is been able to capitalize on what he has been given. Getting in good with HBK when he came in from WCW led to DX, which made HHH. Thats right, HHH didn't make DX, DX made HHH. From that, he was able to fued with Rock at the IC title level, and Rock elevated HHH. Of course, the Helmsley-McMahon era angle was a huge booster for his career.
Again, HHH capitalized on opportunities given to him, which is great, and is what he should have done. However, my point is that others have built HHH the character, Michael Hickenbottom built Shawn Michaels the character with his ability, charisma and dedication to the company.
HBK was the guy who convinced Vince to change directions and introduce the attitude era with DX. Vince didn't want HBK goin out there and doing what he did and saying what he said, but HBK did it anyway and made it popular, and made it work. While i'm sure no one will agree with me, he is the one that allowed Stone Cold, the Rock and the rest of the Attitude era cast to blast off as fast as they did after his departure.
I'm going to make this as simple as possible. Shawn Michaels. He helped pioneer if not construct the Attitude Era. Think back to him throwing Marty Jannetty through the Barber Shop window. That was the beginning of an era in and of itself. Who was Hunter Hearst Helmsley? Let me think... In 1993, he was Terra-Ryzing in the WCW. Ha. Who!? Did you forget about Jean-Paul Lévesque? Yeah, me too... Came to the WWF and was Hunter Hearst Helmsley. He had a little swagger about him, I'll admit, but it wasn't until he joined up with Shawn Michaels for DX that he REALLY took off and became "HHH". I challenge you to name a stable that HHH has been apart of, that DIDN'T have a bigger name on the marquee. Shawn Michaels was established when HHH came along. They did the DX thing and it was over. The "McMahon-Helmsley" era came along... There was a McMahon involved here, so no point needed... Evolution comes along... Ric Flair is the big name here... If you haven't figured out the pattern yet, put simply, HHH couldn't have carried himself to where he is without the help of multiple people. Shawn Michaels was, is, and will always be better than HHH because of his all around package. He has the high flying skills, the technical ability, the charisma, the mic skills, and the willingness to job if need be. (<~~ Means alot in the business...ask Hogan!) HHH is an awesome wrestler and has lots of charisma now that he's established, but without the other people around him throughout the years, he wouldn't be anywhere near where he is now... Banging the bosses daughter didn't hurt either... :lmao:
Shawn Michaels is the best friend of the guy who married the bosses daughter. Don't you think that if HBK wanted more reigns, he would have had them.

Oh, and there's always that pesky "Triple H was already champion before hooking up with Steph" thing.

As far as who is really better, I'll say Shawn Michaels. Everyone talks about how Trips married Steph, but the BETTER thing to say is that if it wasn't Rock and Austin, Trips would never have been half of what he was, whether he married into the family or not. HBK, on the other hand, earned what he got, and made himself.

How do you make yourself in fucking wrestling? Please explain this to me. Did Shawn Michaels give himself the spotlight, write his own storylines, and work his matches all by himself? Its a rather asidine statement to me. You claim HHH was made because he was a heel against Austin and the Rock? And others would give the credit to everyone else.. him marrying Stephanie, him being in DX with Shawn Michaels, him doing this and doing that, instead of giving HHH credit for what he's done. Vince McMahon is a business man and he's not going to do anything that isn't best for business, certainly not have a wrestler on top that doesn't belong there or beneficial for the company because of what he brings to the table. HHH is marketable, he can perform with the best of them, he can cut promos with the best of them, and he would've been a star regardless of Stephanie McMahon or Shawn Michaels. Anyone... anyone in wrestling.. is made by the feuds they have, the storylines they're in, and those they're in that ring with. Its as simple as that. You think Hogan would've been as big as he was if he didn't have Roddy Piper across the ring from him making him look like gold? Or Andre the Giant there making him do what was built as the impossible? Or Vince McMahon as the machine behind him marketing and pushing him down people's throats? Of course HHH was made by the feuds and matches he's had, but thats because he carried his own in those feuds and matches and helped to make them memorable and great, because it takes two to have a great match. It takes two to have a memorable feud. Shawn Michaels was "made" by feuds with Bret Hart, the Hart Foundation, Undertaker, and so many others. To say he made himself doesn't even make sense.

I think both HHH and HBK deserve their accolades and will go down as legends in wrestling, but from my perspective.. and to say whose better is nothing but one's perspective.. I have to go with HHH. He's had just as many classic feuds and great memorable matches as HBK, in my opinion. I also prefer his character much more then HBK, and he's far better on the mic in my opinion then HBK who I find annoying and fake.
They're both very good, but HBK easily, HHH made his name/legacy in my mind as being a mega heel, but that's made a lto easier when you have two of the biggest faces EVER to fued with.......

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