Who Is The "Real Life" Best Friend Of HHH?


Rise Above Hate
It seems like Triple H's have a lot of friends in the company but who really is his best friend?

I mean when Ric Flair is still with him, he is referred to as Triple H's best friend.

When Triple H and Shawn Michaels reformed DX it was Shawn Michaels referred to as Triple H's best friend.

And now, with Kevin Nash reappearing on the scene, he is Triple H's best friend.

I thought "best" friends should only refer to one person?

your thoughts? :confused:
He is a popular guy, but I believe Shawn would be H's best friend. If not him the Vince, them two seem pretty tight. Shawn and him have a long rich history and seem to have always got along, but Vince and HHH seem more like old friends than stepfather and stepson. But hell, it could be a no name that isnt even in the business???
Best friend doesnt have to refer to one person. That being said I think its Shawn Michaels. For one, he never tried to screw Hunter over and has a great backstory with him. Hes been in it with Triple H since his rise to power and the real life bond between the two has stood the test of time.
I would definitely say Shawn whould be. They've been through it all together on the same side, against each other, the whole nine yards. Nash is just a "friend". A close friend, but not a best friend.
you all are taking the storyline "best friend" and the real life "best friend" too seriously.. I would say HBK is his best friend for real, outside of the business.. similar to how close Hall and Nash are..
I'm gonna go with Shawn Michaels here for obvious reasons. Kevin Nash is only getting pushed as Trips' best friend to make the HHH/Punk/Nash storyline even more interesting. But Shawn Michaels has been pushed as Triple H's best friend ever since the DX reunited in 2006. Hands down this has to go HBK.
Best friend doesnt have to refer to one person. That being said I think its Shawn Michaels. For one, he never tried to screw Hunter over and has a great backstory with him. Hes been in it with Triple H since his rise to power and the real life bond between the two has stood the test of time.

Are you serious bro?! just kidding remember "Dont hunt what you can't kill. When Triple H had a match at Summer slam that was non sanctioned. Then HBK won the world title from triple H in the 1st ever elimination chamber match...they have had there share of conflict and screw overs but Nash HHH and HBK are all tight due to the clique, off screen they are close, but on camera its a show...
it doesnt have to refer to just 1 person but if i had to pick 1 person whos the real best friend of triple h id pick shawn michaels as they have been friends for such a long time and been threw alot in the business together although im sure triple h is still pretty good friends with big kev,scott hall and x-pac but im sure hes got plently of friends...hell maybe steph is his best friend they are married after all :shrug:
This thread is really starting to sound like 14 year old girls gossiping. That being said, Triple-H's best friend is probably the one who shares their GOOD crayons during craft time.
Well probably none of them but than again maybe every one of these three are his best friends...I have more than one best friend soo why he woudn't have more than one too??and as nikkamcdraco said this thread is a childish...
In literal terms, some might say that you cannot have more than one "best friend." Kind of like if you had received another grade of an 'A' in school after doing so constantly, telling everybody that this was your "best grade" - technically it was - but people could fall under the impression that this, specifically, was your best. It's all semantics I suppose.

That being said, I don't think it matters who Triple H's "real" best friend is. I'm pretty positive that Kevin Nash falls under one of his closest friends. As Nash had mentioned (and I don't see why they would add this in as a work for no reason), Triple H is the Godfather of Kevin Nash's son. But I certainly couldn't confirm that that is official.

I don't think people really understand or realize how close the klique was. You hear a lot of people put them down for "holding wrestlers back" and such...but it seems like they just think this was a group of guys who generally didn't care for one another but molded together only for the sole purpose to look out for themselves. While that may be true, in order to make it as successful as they did, they would have to be very close and trust one another to make it work (in my opinion at least) - and that is just what they did.

In conclusion, I think "best friend" is used loosely here (just like most people toss the phrase around) but I do think that Kevin Nash is one of his closest friends. He may not be AS close as Shawn Michaels, but that may only be because Nash and Hall went elsewhere, while Michaels and Triple H stayed for many more years together.
Just look for the man with the other half of Triple H's "Best Friends" heart shaped pendant. There you will find the true best friend.

This is silly, he may have a best friend from his youth that none of us know about. He may not have any best friend. He does not seem like the emotional type that sits around figuring out who his best friend is. The best friend storyline stuff always really just seems like it is for storyline effect.

Gun to my head I would guess HBK since they have a ton of history and HBK's retirement with HHH coming out seemed like a genuine moment of two guys that really cared about each other. Otherwise I will go with his best friend being Steph's last name and his other best friend being <<insert your favorite "muscle enhancer" here>>.
:banghead: This subject is stupid. Look this is all a storyline, you can bet your tushy that if Hall was sober, Waltman didn't have Hep-C and that HBK didn't retire they would all be involved in the storyline. All those i mentionned, are really the best friends of HHH to the point that i believe that all of them could have been in the "Original" NWO in 1996 or in the "WWE Version" of the NWO in 2002. Maybe HBK and HHH are closer because they stayed in WWE so long together, but the same could be said about Nash and Hall in WCW. And by the way Waltman is really close to all of them because how else could you explain that he was in both DX and the NWO when his friends were leaders of those factions?
I believe that would be Mr.Shawn Michaels. If u watched the hall of fame 2011 , you would see that hhh really loved hbk. He even cried when he done the introduction. Simple answer.
Probably HBK - HHH was at his side when Michaels was at his height, the early DX days, before injuries forced him out of the ring (which paved the way for HHH to stand at the top with Austin, Rock, & Taker, great to be in the right place at the right time).

HHH and Flair were reportedly very tight, along with HBK. Both Trips & Michaels have said in numerous interviews that they idolized Flair during his NWA Champion days and he more than any oher wrestler was their influence in creating their ring styles and looks. HHH still wrestles and looks a lot like Flair, Michaels went for a distinctively different appearance but copied much of Flair's ring style, as well as his interviews. He's admitted so publicly before.

HHH & Nash were always supposedly on good terms back before Nash & Hall split for WCW in 1996. Nash rose from obscurity once teamed with HBK as his "Bodyguard" during his cowardly weasel days in the early 90's, so there is a bond there.

Through they years however I think you'd have to say HBK would be HHH best friend, longest association, really helped elevate his career, etc. He definately would have a friendship with Nash and close friendship/hero worship with Flair, but HBK is his guy.
From what I understand, all of The Kliq consider themselves best friends but I heard that some are closer to each other than others due to age grouping. I can't remember if it was HHH or Sean Waltman but they said that they were always the closest in the group since they were the two youngest and Hall and Nash always seemed closer and I assume it's due to them being the oldest in the group.
Probably HBK - HHH was at his side when Michaels was at his height, the early DX days, before injuries forced him out of the ring (which paved the way for HHH to stand at the top with Austin, Rock, & Taker, great to be in the right place at the right time).

HHH and Flair were reportedly very tight, along with HBK. Both Trips & Michaels have said in numerous interviews that they idolized Flair during his NWA Champion days and he more than any oher wrestler was their influence in creating their ring styles and looks. HHH still wrestles and looks a lot like Flair, Michaels went for a distinctively different appearance but copied much of Flair's ring style, as well as his interviews. He's admitted so publicly before.

HHH & Nash were always supposedly on good terms back before Nash & Hall split for WCW in 1996. Nash rose from obscurity once teamed with HBK as his "Bodyguard" during his cowardly weasel days in the early 90's, so there is a bond there.

Through they years however I think you'd have to say HBK would be HHH best friend, longest association, really helped elevate his career, etc. He definately would have a friendship with Nash and close friendship/hero worship with Flair, but HBK is his guy.

You are probably right on this one. The thing is, outside of the ring all those guys are really tight even when Nash was in WCW he said hello to HBK on live tv. And do you remember what Waltman said when he was introduced in the new DX, he said that if their contracts permitted them to leave the Outsiders would have been in DX. Thats how close they all are, even Scott Hall said that if he was sober he would have been with the Kliq when HBK had his ceremony at the hall of fame. Those guys are so close that TNA were willing to bring in Hall and Waltman even if they know that those two could screw up at anytime ( wich they did) to appease Nash. Also how do you explain that Nash can show up in WWE like it was nothing when he spent years in TNA?
Actually they're all close! If seen many interviews with HHH and Nash where they talk about their old days. Sean is also close with them also. I think Scott Hall at this point is the odd man out. The Kliq used to be Hall, Nash, HHH, Waltman, and Michaels.

That is why I think Nash is going to cost HHH the match with Punk (makes sense for the new stipulations added at RAW last night IE No DQ HHH loses COO job). I think it's going to set up John Laurinaitis is still the yes man for Vince storyline and setting up for HHH to lose his job storyline. Then Punk wins and HHH loses no face because of Nash. Then Vince shows up later with Nash and the new NWO to get his company back. Just my opinion.
Obviously his best friend is Shawn Michaels.Xpac,kevin nash,scott hall,and ric flair are just close friends that he has a very good friendship with but with shawn michaels he considers him more like a brother.
And here I thought Shawn Michaels was a poor excuse for Stephanie McMahon, but then HBK DID pose for playgirl and THEN HBK started riding his coat tails to the top.

Seriously? It's gotta be HBK only because of all the time they've spent on the road together. That may have been different had Hall & Nash not split. I think it probably WOULD have been Nash simply because Nash had things together better than either HBK or Hall (not that THAT is saying much) & HHH was more or less the designated driver.

However if you were ask HHH he's probably tell you his best friend was Stephanie.

Does anybody remember hearing anything about Justin Credible being a part of the Kliq? Just thought this forum might be a good place to have this question answered.
He was close with those guys yeah, but then he left and went his own way and lost contact. Had he stayed around with either Hall & Nash & Pac or HHH & HBK & Pac he may have made it into the Kliq.
When Trips or anyone else on screen says so and so are their best friend the majority of the time it's simply to add to a storyline. I'm not saying that the two wrestlers in the storyline aren't best friends in real life I'm just saying it's to add to the storyline.

But if you were to ask who was Triple H's best friend I'm guessing HBK, but I'm not him so I wouldn't know. But my guess is HBK because they've been on the road together longer and have probably spent more time together, but like I said I'm not him so I wouldn't know.

They really seem to be in love. I kinda envy the relationship they have. I don't know how but every time I see them together I get the vibe that they love each other so much, and because they're in wrestling they seem to be one of those cool couples.

As for clique, I think that at first he was closer to Waltman, but after Hall, Nash and Waltman left and HBK took him under his wings, You can give the possibility that now he is closer to HBK, but I really can't tell.
Only Trips can answer the question... I would hazard a guess that these days its probably Vince... For him to pass his company on to him there must be a very close friendship there over and above what Shawn and Trips have...

Credible was the "replacement" for Trips as porter, dogsbody/future member... Trips paid a lot of dues as a "lackey", its kinda ironic he ended up the main man... or maybe he was just smart all along... Credible joined just as the Kliq splintered tho, so once Nash and Hall had left there wasn't really the same power...

I did hear some rumors years that Credible didn't help out the night Shawn got attacked by the Marines, and that also harmed his standing, as Davey Boy and X-Pac saw it...
In real life, its gotta be HBK. The night after Wrestlemania, when HBK said goodbye, you could see how emotionally choked up HHH was becoming. That was real, that wasn't storyline. That was a guy who was clearly emotionally compromised by the thought that HBK wouldn't be traveling with him anymore. Paul Levesque and Michael Hickenbottom are bonded to each other like brothers. It's at JD/Turk bromance level.
When someone like Nash is referred to onscreen as the best friend of Trips, that is kayfabe. They are good friends in real life but certainly not best friends. Some might argue that Michaels is, while others perhaps could argue that his wife Stephanie is. I would have to say that his legit best friend is HBK because when Shawn retired and went into the Hall of Fame, you could tell that the exchange between the two was real. He chose his best friend Triple H to induct him, and they were sad that their days of traveling together as wrestlers would now be coming to an end.

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