Who is more likely to return: Batista or Bobby Lashley

Batista or Lashley?

  • Batista

  • Bobby Lashley

  • Neither will return

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Both performers are doing their respective MMA careers and both were stars at one point in the WWE. Batista vs Lashley is also a very talked about match in MMA as far as these forums and other wrestling sites are concerned. Batista accomplished a lot in his short wrestling career and Bobby Lashley had a ton of potential to do great things. Both doors are probably wide open for potential returns.

Who comes back to WWE? Batista or Bobby Lashely?
In the eyes of WWE, I would say they would be a lot more inclined to rehire Batista. He accomplished a hell of a lot more than Bobby Lashley, would get a pop bigger than returning HHH (If he came out as face,) and Batista never went to TNA. They could easily throw straight back into the main event.

Personally I think they'd benefit from having him back on Smackdown! I'm getting rather tired of seeing Edge and Big Show hogging the spotlight. A Batista/Barrett feud would be a dream.

But yeah, in my opinion... a returning Bobby Lashley just wouldn't be that interesting.
You realize Dave Batista is 42 years old... So he honestly can't survive on the road at his age and keep up his build. Not for more than 3 years anyway. After that He is a heart attack waiting to happen (honestly he already is) So his wrestling career or MMA career won't last too much longer. If he steps into an MMA ring he might win a fight against a throw away competitor. But throw him in a cage with a real fighter and Dave will get his ass handed to him. A lot of these people train for YEARS and they have their styles Batista was a Body Builder then a Pro Wrestler... He will get his shit kicked Period... Meaning if he steps into an MMA ring his value as a Wrestler will be diminished as that will take time out of his already dwindling career time span.
Iwould have to say lashley would be the better pick.. I remenber a few years ago on smackdown, batista was out with a triceps injury and Lashley dominated the smackdown roster.. Lashley was a rookie but was pretty much the only reason to watch at the time. (they had king booker and the kings court at the time).. He fueded with booker and and kennedy at the time until batista came back.. He finally got a title shot with booker and then they made it a four way at the last moment.. THAT WAS BULL CRAP!! NEXT ppv they had batista win the HWC against booker in some last chance match... Lashley then went to ECW and KICKED ASS there.. April came around, he a had great match at wrestlemania, and then was drafted to raw.. HAd one main event match with john cena and then was forgetten about.. Such a wasted talent.. the right look ,decent mic skills, and should of been a multiple winner of the title.. Right now Batista is just to old and been around to long to be relevant again.. Although he did play a great heel.
Who comes back to WWE? Batista or Bobby Lashely?

Well either one could come back, but from a personal stand point I would think that Bobby would return, just cause what if should be eating him alive. Right now he doesn't know if he would have been one of the main men in the company or not, sure he had potential to, but just cause he had alot of potential doesn't mean he would have lived up to that potential & hype. So I would think that he would want to return just to see if he could really get to the top in the company.

Batista on the other hand was at the top & was consider the # 2 guy, so I can't really see why he would want to come back unless there is some young talent that he would want to mix it up with.

Personally I would love to see Batista come back, I was a real fan. I wouldn't mind seeing Lashely either, but he needs some tweaks cause he use to seem like he was a pussy to me. I dont know, he just didn't have that I bring it attitude that that Rock & Booker had, least to me he didn't. Physically he looked like a beast, but when he got on the mic he kinda sound like he bake cookies in his free time, now there's nothing wrong w/baking cookies in your spare time, but you shouldn't sound like it if you are about to go to war in the squared circle.

what batista mma career? all we know is tht hes training for mma and negotiating a deal with strikeforce. he hasnt had a match and hes been gone for almost 2 years.

You realize it hasn't even been a full year since he left, right? Barely over a half year.

I personally think Batista would be more inclined to return. For one, he is for sure going to make the HOF. Second, I've heard rumors stating that both and and WWE are open for a return. Of course he'd have to be gone for a bit longer to make his leave look legit, but I think it can happen.
Batista is more likely to return as well as get rehired. Batista don't really have an MMA career nor does he have anything that can keep his spending up like Wrestling. I can't see Lashley returning as he decided to leave while WWE was building him up.
batista sucks, but watch himmake a suprise comeback at WM27. lashley...pussy. just listen to his voice. NOBODY, mma, wwe, or tna...NOBODY can do anything more with a softspoken guy who is anti-juice. am i wrong here? nope. lets just forget all these has-beens and start looking AT the present and TO the future. i know the view isn't great, but anything is better than dave batista. all WWE fans (even me) better start adjusting their sets because the next few years of wwe NEED to COMPLETELY abandon the lthe past/
Batista most definately.

If Vince is gonna splash the cash on bringing in someone back, then he's going to want to have someone big return. If Batista comes back, instant main eventer on the roster. If he brings back Bobby Lashley, he would have to build him up again and he might not even get that far up the roster. Also, if Vince is going to build someone up, they might aswell build someone up who hasn't been a traiter and gone to TNA like Swagger, Morrison etc and not waste time with Lashley.

Lashley was shit aswell.
Iwould have to say lashley would be the better pick.... Such a wasted talent.. the right look ,decent mic skills, and should of been a multiple winner of the title.. Right now Batista is just to old and been around to long to be relevant again.. Although he did play a great heel.

I had to highlight this part of your post. Lashley had "decent" mic skills? Are you kidding me? He had the charisma of a sauteed mushroom. If Lashley had "decent" mic skills, then JOMO is the equivalent of The Rock on the stick. I would much rather see Batista return, he was at least able to draw on a program other than WWEECW.
Batista is more likely to return. His storyline departure leaves the door wide open for it. Hell he could even return as the anonymous GM since he was so mad at the then current gm(bret hart). Lashley I think doesn't want that WWE road schedule anymore now that he's a dad, so I doubt a WWE return.
I think both will eventually make their return but it will be Batista returning before Lashley. It was mentioned previously that Dave is 42 and may have 1-2 good years left while Lashley is young and has plenty of time to weigh his options. Also, it was mentioned on WrestleZone one day that Batista likes to live a pretty expensive and lavish lifestyle. Without that WWE paycheck that kind of lifestyle will be difficult to live. I will make a prediction that Batista will make his WWE return sooner than later...maybe even as early as SummerSlam, but that's just my opinion.
Most likely it will be Batista. Bobby Lashley is 5-1 in MMA and has a lot more promise than Batista to have a successful career in MMA. A lot of people (myself included) expect Batista to get crushed in MMA. He's in his 40s, has very little experience and little time to learn. His physique is impressive, but is he conditioned enough to be a fighter? Those muscles need a lot of blood to function. If he makes it to the 2nd round I bet he'd be on the ground trying to catch his breath. But then again they'll probably feed him a few chumps for his first fights. So when he faces a real fighter and gets destroyed his MMA stock will drop and he'll return. If Lashley does wrestle again it will most likely be for TNA and not WWE.
This is a brainteaser right here.

Batista's probably realized that at 42, he is way too old to start learning MMA at anything besides a one-night freak show level. You don't just walk into a cage, say "let's fight!" and go at it; these days MMA is a career decision, entailing years of training in many diverse fighting disciplines. It's not just about knowing how to attack in a jujitsu style; it's about knowing how to defend against the many different styles an opponent can bring to you.

Bobby Lashley is still chasing the dream, but I think he must have an inkling now that the jig is up. He hasn't fought since his ugly, ugly, UGLY loss to Chad Griggs, where he was badly exposed as a fighter who runs and covers once he takes a good shot. If you can't rebound from a hard hit in MMA, your career isn't going to last too long. Anyone can lose on any day in MMA (St. Pierre looks at Matt Serra and goes 'what, bitch?'), but Lashley didn't lose by chance; a glaring weakness in his game was exposed. In addition, the tour of gimps Lashley went through before fighting Griggs (also not exactly a top-level heavyweight) has come to a close; no one cares enough to see Bobby Lashley win a fight planned in his favor anymore.

I think Batista gets the message sooner then Lashley.
Batista... But not for long, he has hit his 40's and well doesn't look all well, so if he is too come back then it would be short term and they would give him some sort of send off!!

Now Lashley is 34, but I already heard he is going back to TNA, could be a rumour, but looks to me WWE don't want him..
I think Batista has a helluva lot more chance of returning to WWE than Bobby Lashley. If Lashley wanted back in pro wrestling, he'd go back to TNA. As much as I would rather see him in WWE, no shots on TNA, I like TNA a lot but i dont watch TNA enough. Also I don't think Lashley is going to leave MMA for a while as he apparently loves it and is doing great with a 5-1 record. He's a young guy. Young guys like him with his build and (very small amount of) charisma belong in MMA. He doesnt need to be a big talker like he might have to be in WWE or even TNA (cuz when he was in WWE i remember him having the funniest voice for a big man like him). Batista wants in on MMA? Ok, give him a shot. He's big, has a huge build, somewhat athletic, but he's in his 40's and will get crushed just like other MLB and NFL stars turned MMA fighters. After this (or even before he gets to his first match) he'll be back in WWE.
I never saw what was the big deal with Dave Batista. The guy was boring as hell. But to answer the question, Batista will come back first because at some point he is going to realize this MMA stuff really hurts for real and they not paying me as much as uncle Vinny did and we know the Rock open the doors for guys in wrestling to go Hollywood but Dave is freaking 42 and in his mind wrestling is just story lines not the actual combat in the ring, so may be fighting in a ring is Hollywood and thats why after Mania he will beg Uncle Vinny for his job back. And how he suppose to live the night life without uncle's Vinny's $$$.
Lashley to me is an athlete, not a WWE wrestler. He's physically gifted and an immense talent but he simply can't connect to the fans and his mic work was horrendous. He's just not a great fit in the wrestling world. He belongs in MMA, that's what he was born for.
Seems more likely Batista should return, and also that us probably who WWE would perform. I don't know who told Batista he could have a run in MMA but they are a ******, Batista is slow and aging. Just because your built like a brick shithouse it doesn't mean you can compete with trained cage fighter whom have probably trained there fitness and there arts of fighting there whole lives.

Bobby Lashley on the other hand still has potential in MMA and shouldn't give up quite yet, he is still young former all-american and seems to have a fair amount of quickness for his size. Also if Bobby does decide to return to Pro wrestling it won't be so easy to return to WWE because of how he left. TNA would probably be more likely.

So I guess I would prefer to see Batista in WWE again because MMA is not going to work so he should try to keep some of his pride and just return to WWE.
Seems more likely Batista should return, and also that us probably who WWE would perform. I don't know who told Batista he could have a run in MMA but they are a ******, Batista is slow and aging. Just because your built like a brick shithouse it doesn't mean you can compete with trained cage fighter whom have probably trained there fitness and there arts of fighting there whole lives.

Bobby Lashley on the other hand still has potential in MMA and shouldn't give up quite yet, he is still young former all-american and seems to have a fair amount of quickness for his size. Also if Bobby does decide to return to Pro wrestling it won't be so easy to return to WWE because of how he left. TNA would probably be more likely.

So I guess I would prefer to see Batista in WWE again because MMA is not going to work so he should try to keep some of his pride and just return to WWE.

The same ****** that told him he can be a movie star. Batista is all body no charisma and talent, lets not forget he was a bouncer that got lucky. Now Bobby Lashley is a true athlete with no mic skills but is more entertaining. Trust me when I tell you Dave will be back at WWE soon, he loves the High Life 2 much and you need major $$$ to live that life. I like how you summed it up buddy your 100% right. ;)

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