Batista, Goldberg, Brock Lesner or Bobby Lashley?


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok lets say you could bring one of these back to the WWE

Which one would you bring back?

Who would they feud with?

And why would you bring them back?

for me I would bring back Bobby Lashley I know he Isnt as big as Goldberg, Brock and Batista but He was better then Batista and Goldberg in the ring and has more athletisum then both of them put together and was proberly on par with Brock Lesner when it comes to in ring skills. Lashley could of been as big as all 3 of these men if he stayed with the WWE because just before he left he was on a major push and I would of loved to see him win the WWE title.

If he came back I would have him Feud with CM punk because at the moment CM punk is the biggest heel in the WWE and with him leading the new Nexus Bobby Lashley would have such a big pop and would get him over as a clear main eventer or.............

Id have him go to Smackdown and become the top face of Smackdown he could feud with Ezekel Jackson and the Corre and then feud over the World title with Alberto Del Rio which I reckon would be a great feud with some good matches.

what do you think?
I definitely wouldn't like to see Lashley back, I never enjoyed watching his matches, and I felt he was rammed down our throats a bit too much, just my opinion.

However, I would like to see Brock Lesnar out of all those return. I felt like he didn't get much a run like Batista, was a better wrestler than Goldberg, and a far better talker than Lashley.

I would be interested to see how Vince would handle him, though I think i would like to see him in a feud with Randy Orton. They are both predators, both quick, but Lesnar is more technical and stronger, so it would be intruiging to see how the feud turns out.

Also I'd love to see him feud with Daniel Bryan, if only for the technical showcase they could potentially put on.
I'm going with Lesnar. It won't happen. But at least Brock was able to deliver.

Batista was over, but overrated.

Goldberg was sloppy and a flash in the pan. He's pretty much the Ultimate Warrior of the 90s.

Lashley sucked. He's a BATHTURD.
From the very first time he appeared on WWE TV with his run ins was a great way to debut him.
Without saying a word Lesnar became something to fear and when he would decimate anyone in his way even 2 at a time (The Hardyz who where weilding chairs). Almost instantly Lesnar had the crowd reaction, no one knew what to make of this monster but we all feared for our Favorite superstars.
After his establishment as a main eventer almost every single program/fued Lesnar worked was solid and entertaining from his Heel Fueds right up threw his Face Turn and Fued with Big Show.
Angle and Lesnar where amazing to watch in all forms as Heels or Faces or something in between i enjoyed and still hope to see atleast one of them back in the WWE.
Whether it was against each other or aligned with each other it was always great to watch.
Lesnar and Angle are able to help any other talent to get over and managed this in there careers to help launch or establish new main eventers. And seeing as this thread isnt listing Angle i would have to say i want to see LEsnar again.

And i would retunr him in similar fashion to how he was debuted.
I would like to see Batista return. I always like him, unlike most other people in the IWC. I think he has a lot of charisma and his in ring work was starting to improve. I would like to have him return as a heel and attack Cena and pick that feud back up.

If Cena ends up turning heel, I would want Batista to come in as a face and either feud with Cena or feud with Nexus.
I would not bring any of them back. But if I had to choose one I would choose Bobby Lashley. I would bring Lashley back because he was getting a push when he left and he was going to go far like Batista did. I would throw Bobby Lashley into a fued with the Corre. Big Show, Kane, and Bobby Lashley could take on the Corre at Wrestlemania. Eventually Lashley could build himself up again and win the WWE or World heavyweight title. I would only choose Lashley because he did not accomplish what Batista, Lesnar, and Goldberg did.

Just by far the most rounded talent out of them who would bring the most.

Lashley was around when I wasn't watching but from the glimpse I got of him in TNA and the stuff I've seen on youtube he just didn't do anything for me.

Batista achieved a lot despite his limitations. He hasn't been gone long either and I don't really miss him to be honest. In a few years I might want him back.

Goldberg is a legend in his own right. I just don't know if I'd get excited for him long term. He's a very one dimensional talent.
Brock Lesnar.

It won't happen, simply because of his position now within the UFC but Brock really was one of the top wrestlers in the company when he was on top. He was a star, no doubt, and now thanks to him being the UFC Heavyweight Champion for nearly 2 years, he's now even more of a star. So to bring him back to the WWE now would be absolutely gigantic. Plus, the guy could go in the ring, he could wrestle with the best of them and in his two years in the WWE, he was involved in some of the best matches at the time. His match with Undertaker inside Hell in a Cell probably remains the bloodiest of what was already a brutal and violent match type to start with. He wrestled some utter classics with Kurt Angle both on PPV (WrestleMania main event at his first WrestleMania none the less) and became one of the true monster heels of the time. Looking back, come the end of 2003, the biggest heels in the company were himself and Kane. Two bad motherfuckers who could snap you like a Twiglet.

Brock almost has some unfinished business within the world of professional wrestling, simply due to the way he left. So out of the guys listed, Brock by a mile. A Batista return would mean nothing because it's happened so many times. Bobby Lashley returning would mean even less because hardly anyone remembers him anymore (he wasn't even a star before he left so why would people care). A Goldberg return would be amazing initially but once he works a match, people will remember just how sloppy and distinctly average he is.
I would go with Brock Lesnar as well.

From his debut, Brock has always been a force to be reckoned with. The first time I saw the F-5, Brock made the move look so devastating and painful that I was actually worried about my favorite wrestlers. Brock demolished all in his path, and I hated when Brock beat RVD for the King of the Ring (since I was a huge RVD fan at the time).

There was just so much left undone with Brock in the WWE. I really hate that his final moment was WrestleMania's biggest letdown of all time. I would love to see Brock return for one final run if only so his legacy can end on a better note than a garbage match with him and Goldberg.

My second choice would definitely be Batista. I admit his character had become completely stale and boring, but his heel turn completely rejuvenated the Animal, and I felt his heel character didn't really get time to mature more. More importantly, I found myself a fan of Batista once again for the first time since he won his first World Championship at WrestleMania 21. I felt he really embraced the heel role, and it felt like Batista was truly in a role he belonged in. I'd love to see that once more.
Lesnar of course. He had the best matches and was the best overall out of all of them, though I think he was over-pushed. As for who he'd feud with, it's difficult to say at this point. First he'd have to destroy some jobbers and then work up to the mid-card scene. Maybe Sheamus. After that he could say that he wants some real competition and go into the world title scene.

I'd love to see Lesnar/Taker at WrestleMania.
Brock Lesnar - without a doubt plenty of matches to be re run and new ones we would all like to see Undertaker, Kane, Randy Orton, John Cena, Big Show , Edge all main event head line matches - and how would i bring him back simple Royal Rumble Entrance no 30
None of them. Im not talking skill level now,but I just found myself bored to death almost any time any of these 4 guys were on screen.

Brock could amaze me one week,then look a total amateur the next.So I gave up being interested in which one he'd be.

Batista was,well,competent in the ring,but again,I just didnt like him he was boring.

Goldberg,same deal.VERY prone to botches and I just didnt get on board with the whole Goldberg thing,he looks like a mix between santa clause and the laws of Karma all come down wrong.

And Lashley I didnt see much of,but when I did,same deal yet again.He didnt impress me.Great strength,decent move set.But just..plain.A bit dull.Battle of the Billionairs would have been MUCH better if it was 2 other guys,better guys.
I don't know how this is even a question i think Brock is lightyears above of the other 3 in terms of overall value and ability. Batista did show me some growth when he made his heel promos for WM26 but that doesn't change the fact that Lesnar's amateur background helped him put on classics that Lashley and Goldberg weren't able to produce.

Right now who would draw the most money? Brock Lesnar.

Who's the youngest WWE Champion of all time? Brock Lesnar.

Who's just as young as John Cena and would probably be the face of WWE if he didn't leave in 04? Brock Lesnar.
Not a bad question, but fairly simple to answer.

First, eliminate Goldberg and Lashley. Lashley was a good athlete, solid performer, and a decent draw, but he never had the "it" factor. Goldberg did have the "it" factor in WCW and even a little bit in the WWE, but he's too old now and wouldn't be all that useful.

That brings us to Batista and Brock Lesnar. Both guys had great feuds, championship reigns, and were both top draws. While you probably wouldn't say either of them were ever the face of the company, there's no denying that they both played huge roles in the company during their time with the WWE.

Batista brings a lot of pluses. He's more recent, so he has history with most of the top stars in the WWE. He also left with a lot of heat, so the fans would still have some leftover feelings for him when he came back. That said, Batista is also 42 years old, injury prone, and is notorious for being out for himself and no one else. Batista would be a huge asset to the WWE for what little time he'd have with them, but he's hardly the perfect addition to the WWE roster.

Brock Lesnar, on the other hand, is younger and better trained than Batista. He's much more interesting in the ring, and his youth allows him time to build new feuds with new talent. I could be wrong, but I don't believe Lesnar to be as injury prone as Batista, and you (hopefully) don't have to worry about him getting caught up in any steroid scandals because he (hopefully) stays clean for UFC. However, he left WWE on a very sour note, and some of the die-hard fans will remember that and may hold it against him. Also, he's been gone for a long time, and a lot has changed. He has very little history with some of the company's top stars today, and some of the top stars were never even in the company at the same time as Brock.

However, if Brock Lesnar were to return to wrestling, he might bring some of his UFC fans with him, which would be huge for the WWE. He would bring an air of realism, and someone who competed in and even held the championship in the top levels of Ultimate Fighting choosing wrestling over the prestigious UFC (keep in mind, UFC was nowhere near what it is today when Shamrock came to WWF) would be a huge boost for the WWE. Also, his youth allows him time to develop rivalries with the younger talent. If he's face, I could see him being involved in interesting programs with Sheamus, Barrett, or Miz, and if he's heel he could get involved with Orton, Cena, or even John Morrison.

If I could only choose one, it'd have to be Lesnar.
I'd bring back Brock Lesnar. From an overall perspective, he's head and shoulders above the other three guys. Lesnar is someone with the look, the intensity, surpisingly good in-ring ability and is deceptively athletic. He's not just some big, muscular hulk but if he has one weakness, it's probably mic skills.

One thing I'd be tempted to do would be to bring Lesnar back and have Michael Cole be the guy's mouthpiece/manager. Lesnar would immediate get monster heat just from Cole's presence and things would work out just fine. Lesnar barely said a word during his run in WWE and was especially dominant when he had Paul Heyman to talk for him. There's no reason why using the exact same strategy wouldn't work with substituting Michael Cole for Heyman. Cole is arguably the most over heel in wrestling right now and being Lesnar's mouthpiece is a role he'd excel at.

As for who Lesnar would feud with, I'd start Lesnar out somewhat slower. He wouldn't be WWE Champion within 3 months of his television debut this time around. I'd bring him back with a storyline in which he's sort of involved in a "bidding war" between Raw & SmackDown!. As a result, he's not exclusive to either brand so he could appear on both shows for a while. I'd start out by having him feud with Jack Swagger on SmackDown! with both of their respective collegiate athletic careers and accomplishments as a backstory. It's a feud more about bragging rights than anything else. Book a couple of very competitive matches between the two so both guys can look good with Lesnar ultimately coming out on top of the feud. After this is over with, I'd book him in an intense feud with Randy Orton before booking him to go against either the US or IC champ that results in a title reign.

The temptation to push Lesnar to the main event scene very quickly would be there but it'd probably be poorly recieved by the locker room and by many fans in general given Brock's first run in WWE. I think it'd be better for him in the long run to be booked into several good, competitive feuds before giving him a good long mid-card title run before looking at the main event scene.

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