Who will come after Bobby Lashley?

CM Steel

A REAL American
In a short amount of time Bobby Lashley has become a force in the world of wrestling. In the WWE Lashley was a former U.S. champion and a former (WW)ECW champion. Some wrestling fans consider Bobby Lashley to be a clone or a replacement of Brock Lesnar. Both Lesnar & Lashley have simularitys. They both are powerhouses, had big pushes, and have the same initials (BL).

Bobby Lashley comic book wise was the Steel to Brock Lesnar's Superman, a black Superman! So now with Bobby Lashley gone from the WWE, who will replace him?
Oh yes...because they have the same initials.... lol Cant tell if serious.....or trolling.

Bobby Lashley was nothing more than a Mid Carder....he barely even broke into the upper Mid Card. Yes he had the potential to being a main eventer eventually but he never took his oppertunities and he then eventually split.

Who will replace Bobby Lashley ? He never left a hole to be filled in the first place.
Bobby Lashley was nothing more than a Mid Carder....he barely even broke into the upper Mid Card. Yes he had the potential to being a main eventer eventually but he never took his oppertunities and he then eventually split.

He co-main evented Wrestlemania 23. Yeah, definitely a mid carder.

On topic though, Lashley doesn't need a replacement. He was nowhere near as good as Lesnar. The difference between Lesnar and Lashley was that Lesnar was actually exciting to watch in the ring and listen to him cut ridiculous promos. Lashley didn't have half of the intensity that Brock had, he just looked like a muscular little kid and couldn't cut a promo outside of calling someone a bathturd.
I think eventually Bobby Lashley will, but he will have to accept a far lower position on the card that before... He would have been pushed to the moon by now, on his 4th or 5th title reign and a much bigger "name" had he stayed with WWE. His mistake was to "leave" when his push was still in process, rather than after it.

I think eventually Vince would take him back, but on a far lower rung of the ladder than before.
Well lets be honest here does anyone miss lashley i dont!! Sure he was and still is a powerhouse looked like a walking apartment building!! But thats about it for him he had no charisma couldnt talk to save his life and had little ability in the ring! Lesnar was a legit badass had amazing ability speed agility strength and was a two time all american!! NCAA heavyweight champion i do miss Lesnar but not lashley. As far as replacing lashley if it hasnt happened by now it wont likely happen anytime soon. Mason Ryan i just dont see it looks like batista walks like batista its another batista!! Off topic for a minute here where the hell is Skip Sheffield
Well this is easy; his replacement is already in the WWE. Look no further than Ezekiel Jackson.

Lashley and Jackson share these details:
*They're both large powerhouses
*They both share "power" movesets, but carry enough skills to hold a decent match
*They're both black superstars (not that it matters, but you brought up the initials thing)
*They're both barely passable on the mic
*They've both held the midcard titles (Jackson IC, Lashley US), and the WWECW title

Lashley had a slightly better run than Jackson has had (so far), as Lashley did have a match high on the card at Mania 23, something which Jackson hasn't achieved yet.
I think you're overestimating Bobby Lashley's legacy and impact. The guy was a midcarder whose been gone for years and was fired for basically no reason.

He may have had a top spot in WM 23, but that feud was promoted as McMahon vs Trump. Lashley was just along for the ride.

But to answer your question, Mason Ryan's size and push are pretty similar.
I think you're overestimating Bobby Lashley's legacy and impact. The guy was a midcarder whose been gone for years and was fired for basically no reason.

He may have had a top spot in WM 23, but that feud was promoted as McMahon vs Trump. Lashley was just along for the ride.

But to answer your question, Mason Ryan's size and push are pretty similar.

He was in a main even slot when he got injured. Most likely onto atleast 1 title win not counting the ECW title.

He was on injured reserve list til his contract expired. he wasn't "fired" they just didn't renew his contract, we don't know what really happened, just what he's said

I agree though i didn't see much in him other then look, hell even TNA didn't capitalize on whatever was there
He co-main evented Wrestlemania 23. Yeah, definitely a mid carder.

On topic though, Lashley doesn't need a replacement. He was nowhere near as good as Lesnar. The difference between Lesnar and Lashley was that Lesnar was actually exciting to watch in the ring and listen to him cut ridiculous promos. Lashley didn't have half of the intensity that Brock had, he just looked like a muscular little kid and couldn't cut a promo outside of calling someone a bathturd.

Jack Swagger is a former Heavyweight Champion... he is still a Mid Carder. Explain that?
They may have attempted to push Lashley as a Main eventer but he wasnt....so he isnt.
Jack Swagger is a former Heavyweight Champion... he is still a Mid Carder. Explain that?
They may have attempted to push Lashley as a Main eventer but he wasnt....so he isnt.

I'll explain it. Swagger has the same problems that Lashley did. Not exciting to watch in the ring, it's not entertaining at all to listen to him talk, and he doesn't connect well with the audience so Swagger was pretty much de-pushed because no one gave a crap about what was happening with him when he had the WHC. The closest Swagger has gotten to main eventing Wrestlemania was being Michael Cole's "trainer".

BUT being WHC doesn't mean anything really, Great Khali was WHC once. :disappointed: It's spot on the card we're talking about here and even then in my opinion that doesn't really have too much of a valid argument. Lashley started small and ended his tenure with the WWE by main eventing Wrestlemania and then even until the end he was on the top of the card facing John Cena at his last PPV.

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