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Who is Christian talking about?

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I think talks with Sapp went nowhere because he's still under contract to MMA fighting in Japan and they were pretty pissed he was talking to TNA. Puder is a long shot, but I think Angle would only like to fight him if it was a legit shoot, and that is something TNA doesn't have the license for, so I don't know if that's a possibillity. Tito might be as his marketability is damaged after his recent loss to Chuck at the last UFC debacle so this could be a way for him to net money as Dana White probably isn't all that high on him after the "push" they gave him in the leadup to the title match.

Most of the smarks understand that Lesnar is pretty much cockblocked from wrestling in the US for a while due to WWE's court injunction, so most of them don't really see it as a possibillity. Also, some of the same things you said about Goldberg had been stated about Lesnar in terms of not caring about the business. Just look at the terms he left NJPW on. Vacant title after they fed him their best guys on a silver platter. Anyone with respect for the business would've carried that torch high, but he threw it in the trash. His problem is still that he's just a kid and doesn't even know what the hell he wants to do with himself. I mean, how many dedicated wrestlers would throw away the top spot in WWE to tryout for the Minnesota Vikings? Not many. Plus, his starpower was severely damaged after the disaster that was WM20 when he had to job to of all people, Goldberg.

RVD drew a chant because he isn't just a possibillity but is a definite probability with regards to coming to TNA after his wife's apparent "TNA" chants at the ECW PPV and him jobbing recently to greenbeans Lashley. Most fans are aware of his contract status and wouldn't mind seeing him coming to TNA. I know I wouldn't. He's more dedicated to the business, and with Lynn returning to action I'd love to see those two mix it up one last time.
First I just want to say some random things about all your thoughts on the subject.

Nathan Jones has never been even remotely close to the wrestling talent Brock Lesnar has in his pinky, Jones was just another bigman (like Khali, Goldberg, Boogeyman to name a few) that Vince was high on that dropped the ball over and over again due to lack of talent please don't ever compare Brock(Truly a great and mega talented wrestler) to Nathan Jones (a C-list actor, and i'm being nice).

I'm not a big fan of it being Steiner or Jericho(although that would be a great signing for TNA) I think TNA is going for some kind of shock factor and with Kurt talking about getting into MMA don't be surprised if Bob Sapp(as TNA has been in talks with him about possibly faceing Angle), Daniel Puder(TE winner that never made it in WWE but kind of put up a fight against Angle in their shoot match on Smackdown!)or my personal pick Tito Ortiz(he's recently said that pro wrestlers aren't in his league and they could never hang with a MMA fighter and has done business with TNA in the past)this would be a smart move and a good next challenge for Angle after his feud with Joe ends, but it most likely will be Steiner and that's a shame as it's been done to death I guess Steiner just sucks off whoever is the champ.

When is everybody going to get it through their head's Goldberg doesn't care about us wrestling fans, he doesn't respect the business that made him a star, and all's that greedy bastard care's about is his next paycheck TNA needs to stay away from this loser as he's not super talented anyway.

And last but not least Brock Lesnar, I couldn't believe the reaction his name drew from the crowd, not only that but they started a RVD chant and with all due respect to RVD Brock Lesnar is a bigger star and name than RVD he's younger and agruebly more talented than RVD is, in the long run Brock Lesnar would be a WAY better signing than RVD ever could be, i'm very disapointed in the average TNA fan as they don't know much about true wrestling talent.

Well those are my thought's on the matter agree, disagree, I could care less as this is MY opinion.

tito ortiz would make a great heel, but as for the brock/rvd thing, i agree with u completely, brock would be a better signing but as of now its gonna be a hell of a lot easier to sign rvd because he hates wwe now
i dont know why u guys hate on goldberg so much, if he came to tna u have to admit tna's ratings would skyrocket. he did end hart's career but it wasnt like he was gonna go a lot longer. i really just dont understand y u guys hate him so much

Becuase he's stale and ptredictable, he's only got like 2 moves, spear and then the jackhammer, even Cena has like 5 moves, do the math that's a whole three moves more than Gold-turd (great name Kasey, lol)
The reason I personally think everyone hates on Goldberg is the fact that he's over-rated as a wrestler. Seriously, the man has at least 3 real wrestling moves. The Sphere, which Edge and Rhyno both do way better, the Jackhammer, which is just a beefed up brainbuster, and...oh wait...thats it. He has no passion for the business or respect for those who have paved the way. It's all about money with him. He's about as useless as Hulk Hogan.
yeah i agree that goldberg should never be signed to tna. maybe make an appearance for one match, where joe destroys him or something. thatd be unbelievable and awesome. but otherwise he should stay away. worry about signing talent, not superstars.
bret may not have been as great as everyone says in some eyes but in no way can u say he didnt deserve it. u cant compare goldberg to hart at all. hart worked for years to get where he did, and he knew how to wrestle well with everyone. bret hart will go down as one of the greats, and goldberg wont be remembered nearly as long as the excellence of execution.
No, dont get me wrong. I'm not gonna compare the two. Hart did work his way to the top, and I dont like the fact he left for WCW. They had no clue how to use him. He's a great wrestler and great on the mic. I just dont agree with his opinion on a few things. I guess if I were to compare Goldbeg with anyone it would have to be the Ultimate Warrior.
yeah i agree that goldberg should never be signed to tna. maybe make an appearance for one match, where joe destroys him or something. thatd be unbelievable and awesome. but otherwise he should stay away. worry about signing talent, not superstars.

like that would happen, i gurantee u if he comes back then some punkass will call him out, and then he will spear the shit out of him
OK, wait. Do you honestly believe that Goldberg is up to Samoa Joe or Kurt Angles level? No way. There is only one man in wrestling today that could have a great match and hold their own with either of those two men. Chris Benoit
Can you image what kind of ladder match it would be if Joe, Benoit, Angle and Styles were to go at it? Or even Eddie R.I.P
I think the person who Christian is talking about is Eric Angle. Eric has a lot of history with Kurt because he's his brother and he is also a wrestler.
I think talks with Sapp went nowhere because he's still under contract to MMA fighting in Japan and they were pretty pissed he was talking to TNA. Puder is a long shot, but I think Angle would only like to fight him if it was a legit shoot, and that is something TNA doesn't have the license for, so I don't know if that's a possibillity. Tito might be as his marketability is damaged after his recent loss to Chuck at the last UFC debacle so this could be a way for him to net money as Dana White probably isn't all that high on him after the "push" they gave him in the leadup to the title match.

I know that they're long shots, but my point was that anyone of the MMA guys I named would be a better choise than a luckluster Scott Steiner return, so I truly hope TNA has some sort of trick up it's sleave on this one.

Most of the smarks understand that Lesnar is pretty much cockblocked from wrestling in the US for a while due to WWE's court injunction, so most of them don't really see it as a possibillity. Also, some of the same things you said about Goldberg had been stated about Lesnar in terms of not caring about the business. Just look at the terms he left NJPW on. Vacant title after they fed him their best guys on a silver platter. Anyone with respect for the business would've carried that torch high, but he threw it in the trash. His problem is still that he's just a kid and doesn't even know what the hell he wants to do with himself. I mean, how many dedicated wrestlers would throw away the top spot in WWE to tryout for the Minnesota Vikings? Not many. Plus, his starpower was severely damaged after the disaster that was WM20 when he had to job to of all people, Goldberg.

True Brock has a big head right now and I blame WWE for pushing him as far and fast as they did, he really didn't get the chance to earn his spot or truly understand and respect wrestling as a whole and it also doesn't help that he is one of the most talented wrestlers I have ever seen, and trust me I was one of the guys that really was down on Lesnar for leaving wrestling the way he did but truth be told Lesnar and Goldberg are a little similar in persona but no where near same talent level which makes Lesnar a way better chance choise than Goldberg will ever be, it's way past time Brock grows up and do what he can do best entertain us wrestling fans in the ring.

RVD drew a chant because he isn't just a possibillity but is a definite probability with regards to coming to TNA after his wife's apparent "TNA" chants at the ECW PPV and him jobbing recently to greenbeans Lashley. Most fans are aware of his contract status and wouldn't mind seeing him coming to TNA. I know I wouldn't. He's more dedicated to the business, and with Lynn returning to action I'd love to see those two mix it up one last time.

I'm not as high on RVD as some of you are he's getting older and it's almost time for him to make those little changes to his moveset, sure he could go to TNA and make a promiseing run and some great dream matches of mine RVD versus AJ/Jerry Lynn(I have to agree I hope it happens just so I can see this feud again) and so many more but my point was that in the long run if somehow they were able to sign Lesnar it would be better for TNA, because Lesnar devoted to the business or not is a better wrestler than RVD, and I know that's a bold statement but it's the way I feel.

Last but not least I can't believe people on this site is blasting one of the best wrestlers of all-time in Bret "The Hitman" Hart, you can not doubt or qustion the talent this man had love him or hate him he is one of the best ring techinicians ever to step in a wrestling ring period.
I think Steiner is the lead choice here. I noticed it, and many of yall did, and that was Tomko's goatee. All of a sudden he dyes the sides blonde and strokes it more than usual. Even when he was walkin away, he stroked it. Makin it almost blatant to say "LOOK AT MY BEARD!" Plus, he has signed a new deal, and there were talks of Steiner vs Angle. But, like everything in life, we'll have to wait n see.
OK yes I know the discussion is on TNA, I was just making a comment.
I was one of the people bashing Bret. He contributed alot to the sport, but he's just as self centered as Hogan. I have no respect for Bret.
And whoever said Christian is talking about Eric Angle needs to wake up. TNA is not going to bring in someone with his wrestle ability, meaning he has none.
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