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Who is better than the Miz right now??!

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok so I'm sitting here watching Raw with my friend. He made a point I tried to argue but he countered. I want to see what you all think...

So the Miz promo came on, and God Damn!! That kid can cut a fucking promo! That promo was emotional, deep, while still being cocky, and really really well spoken. That promo actually solidified my belief in the Miz on a whole other level.

So then my friend made his point. "The Miz is getting to Rock levels right now."
To which I immediately said "Get the fuck out of here man. Put down that weed cause it's way too strong and leave, because that is absurd!!"
He replied, "Do you remember Rock's 2nd IC Title reign?"
I said "When he took over the Nation? Yeah."
He says "He was a mid-carder who could cut promos and put on a good match, but his wrestling was kind of average. He got over. Miz has heat. He's getting to that level."

After this I was kind of quiet and said I had to ask the posters on here what they thought.

Now, besides Chris Jericho(who we can argue is on a whole other level right now than ANYONE in WWE, but thats a whole other topic(please don't spam the page with that question.) --Who in WWE can be considered hotter than The Miz? He is being brought up very well. He has had a great US Title run and cuts an amazing promo. Miz is gold. His feud with MVP,I feel is going to be, pardon the pun, Awesome!, (MVP can also cut one fuckin hell of a promo too.)

Is Miz on his way to Rock status? Minus all the movies and all that exceeds wrestling. Miz in WWE could hit Rock highs?
Hard to say. The Rock could play heel, face or whatever the fuck was asked of him. I couldn't see Miz cutting awesome (can't believe I did that) face promo's. He's doing great right now and he's on the way up but I don't see him getting any world titles any time soon or reaching the stardom that Rock reached. He's good, but not that good.

Looking forward to how the MVP/Miz feud plays out though. Should be interesting.
Jay your friend and I are on the same page as far as the Miz is concerned. No one on any of the E's shows is even close to being on the same page as far as cutting a promo like this kid. It reminds me of the Rock almost to the point that it brings back memories of Rock/Austin IC fueds. And as far as his wrestling, I dont know if he made a deal with the Devil but he has improved 90 percent over the last 2 years. So NO is the answer to your question, no one is better than him right now.

MIZ = WWE Future
His promo was incredible and MVP's as well. It kinda reminded me of exchanging promos between Rock/Austin back then. The only person I think who can cut a promo better than the Miz is well.. John Cena. Though give him and probably MVP a good 3-6 months and they'll probably surpass Cena's promo skill.
I am certainly on board here as well. Tonight, he was given the ball and just ran with it. Everything fit together like a puzzle. About the only thing that would have made it better for the Miz was another one or 2 snappy comebacks to MVP's words. If he gets that down, WATCH OUT! As of now, I really do think he is getting there. Keep in mind the Rock was on another level from absolutely everyone in terms of promos and I'm not so sure anyone will touch him in that area, but the Miz, even in a time where wrestling isn't king, is really becoming a talent on the mic.

I, however, disagree with the above poster who said that they don't believe he could cut face promos. I do believe he could and I think he'd do it well, The insults will go from serious to funny and the "everyone doubts me" thing will go from "stop looking down on me and worship me" to "i had a dream just like every kid and i'm living it" and I think the fans would and will buy it one day. Basisically, the kid has skills, so I believe he could adapt to whatever role he is asked to play. Right now, that role is super cocky yet obnoxious heel with a chip on his shoulder due to being an "outsider", and he is owning it.
CM Punk that's who...Im really digging The Miz now but in the ring he hasn't shown me nothing. He has vastly improved no doubt but he hasn't has a classic like Punk vs Hardy TLC at Summerslam. I hope he keeps the US Title PAST Mania as I dont give a shit about MVP as a Babyface. The Miz has yet to reach his prime though like many WWE Superstars such as Punk/Morrison/Swagger/Ziggler/Kofi/Dibiase and ect so that's a great thing for WWE! When The Miz has constant good-very good matches then I will praise him.
Right now, I'd say The Miz is at least on par with every other promo cutter in the WWE right now. Definately miles ahead of any of the new comers out there. MVP cut a good promo, but The Miz's promo was one of the best ones I've seen in a long time, had a different feel to it. Also, you know it comes natural to him, he never stutters or has any momentum slowing mistakes, he shoots from the hip, and can get the crowd going with him, not just the cream amongst the new guys, but one of the best all around.

Also, Cena is overrated as a promo guy, or maybe just stale and repetitive. I mean he's been cutting the same promo for like 5 years now, starts off with jokes, talks about how he does it for the fans who love him and even the ones that don't gets all serious, whatever, he's good, and I've never seen him cut a heel promo that didn't involve a white thug rap(not that I didn't like it, just saying).
basically everyone has said it, and Im going to agree, The Miz was GOLD tonight along with MVP. This was actually my favorite part of RAW, and Im a huge Orton fan! The Miz has definitely impressed me since he was a team with Morrison, and he only keeps improving! Now if only WWE let Christian run promos like this... (Im a big Christian fan too). Christian definitely has the talent and ring skills. Anyways, thats another thread for another time. Good job Miz, keep up the good work and you can be a main eventer. Definitely top 3 right now when it comes to cutting a good promo these days (Jericho, Punk, Miz).
I have to admit that after that promo tonight, I am officially on the The Miz's bandwagon. That was one HELL of a promo. Well done by the WWE having him start in the back and work his way out. Those are my favorite "Jerichoesque" type of promos. He had a lot of emotion, determination, wit, and most definitely the moxy which evolved into something great out there tonight. It may be too soon to compare him to The Rock, but it safe to say he is well on his way.

This was a great move by the WWE. This is what they need to do. They need to involve multiple storylines into the show. Don't make it all about the main even/title scene. By having Miz and MVP (who was very good as well) go out there tonight and make it personal will only help solidify the fan's emotional appeal to the storyline, and guarantee a great feud to come.
One rarely used tool every promo-cutting superstar should have is the fluctuation in their pitch. Jericho used it as a face (and some as a heel), and along with his in-ring skills, he has caught the fan's interest where many others have failed (promos). The Miz HAS IT. As I watched the promo, I thought, "Is this the same capri-wearing guy that I saw live, jobbing to John Cena?" because ever since he got a change towards a more serious style, he has improved in the whole spectrum. No he's not the Rock YET, but he's got potential.
I gIve it to CM PUNK

Look I see what you are saying about the Miz. The man has come a long way. I remember a couple of years ago so many people on this site wanted the guy to get the pink slip. He has improved his game so much. But I have got to say that CM Punk is the man right now. and imo the real superstar of the year. Creative keeps dumping all over this guy but he keeps rising above the ashes. i mean look what they did to him agents The Undertaker and Cena. I am not saying that Punk should have won those maces but at least make the man look good. Now he is back in the mid card but he is still the most enervating superstar in the wwe. “imo”. I think that 2010 will be the year of the Straight Edge Saint.
I was slow to buy into the Miz. I detected potential when he teamed with JoMo and I saw him bring some great material this summer in his mini-fued with Superman. However, last night I really thought he finally arrived to the big dance.

Just last week, I thought I was proven right for not buying into the Miz when I heard him do commentary during the Fatal Four Way. I thought he sounded weak and uninspired. I did not see the glimpses of greatest that he had in his promos from the summer. Then tonight, The Miz cut what will probably be remembered as one of the best promos of his career. The Miz is a bratty child, in terms of character and it was perfect for him to hold a grudge for things done to him in the past and shove his recent success in his peers' faces. I think if the Miz explore what MVP, specifically, did to belittle him and makes it his mission to demean the host of the VIP Lounge in the same way, then we have a great story feud for the United States Title, and we may also begin to see the Miz make cracks in the WWE's glass ceiling.
After that promo, as far as midcard guys are concerned, I have to agree that it's a toss up between Punk and Miz. Especially now since WWE is allowing Punk to start doing the types of heel promos he did in the indies. Even if both of them were given scripted promos, they are pulling them off like they came naturally.

Could the Miz be a future WWE champ, if he keep improving his in ring skills, I don't see why not. Will he hit the level of popularity outside of WWE as the Rock? I highly doubt it.

The Rock only has the strike of being a former Pro Wrestler against him where the Miz has the pro wrestler strike and the former Reality Show star strike as well.

I could be wrong, but I still don't think he's going to hit the heights that the Rock did.

Then again, he will have a longer active wrestling career than Dwayne Johnson did also.
The Miz has came along way and I knew from the Final Tough Enough Competiton that he was goin to be something major did everybody forget a went the distance w. the Taker 3 yrs ago and has been rollin since then. The ex-MTV Real Worlder stated on that show he wanted this more than anything. So in the Best 4 heel-ness promo guys he's in there with Jericho, Punk, and Orton. The Miz will headline WM's main event hopefully some year he'll deserve it. Here's the Final Reality Check The Miz will become WWE Champ by his retirement. Here's my dream feud 4 the WWE Championship Christian-The Miz. Vinnie Mac needs to get his head out of The Hitman's arse and realize this would be platnium.
I hate the Miz. I think he's horrible in the ring. That said, he is great on the mic. His promo tonight was outstanding. The entire backstage aspect was brilliant (especially the JBL part). And MVP held his own as well. These two could really have a great, long feud. And if the progress, in a couple of years it could be a feud for a bigger title. They just have that chemistry.

I agree with others that CM Punk is very good right now. He's hitting the right notes, getting major heat selling something he clearly believes. These guys have to believe what they're selling. Punk is obnoxious and self-righteous-a perfect combo, and he's getting major heat. The only problem is that he doesn't have anyone to feud with. He misses Jeff Hardy more than anyone. I think he could probably have decent chemistry with Cena, but I don't really like Cena. I think he's corny and not much of a wrestler, and I know Vince would never let Punk go over, so I wouldn't want to see that feud happen for Punk's sake.
The Miz has definitely improved ever since he and John Morrison split up. I will even venture to say that he will become a bigger star than his former tag team partner. He has all the tools: great promo skills, a good look, great character, garners heat from the fans, and has decent in-ring skills. Sure, they're not stellar, but when did that ever stop someone from becoming a major star in WWE?

Some posters have mentioned that he must be able to execute and sustain a face turn, in order to be considered a top talent. While this is true, he is just not that ready yet. Give him a year or two with the current gimmick, and the fans will warm up to him. Much like a guy named John Cena. Or, another performer that I see shades of in the Miz: Chris Jericho. Jericho was a heel throughout his entire WCW tenure, yet debuted with much fanfare in WWE because the fans, after all that time, eventually warmed up to him.

The Miz is perfectly fine where he is. He just needs more challengers, preferably ones that he can spar with verbally. Like MVP.
i disagree/agree wit' some comments... the miz stole the show last nite... but judgin his ring work well, its a mixed feeling... it seems obvious that most wrestlers really need 2 cool it down with the partyin'... need 2 stay more consistent and athletic... hit the gym harder... look at sheamus... say what u want but triple h did the same... hes is workin very hard... i believe in him... his 2nd reign as champion better be an awesome run... but goin back 2 the point, so what right now its a family show, bend the envelope at least on tv... accelerate the pace of the match... tell the writers, look, if u put evan bourne and mark henry for the 1st time against legacy, its a squash... what does that mean for an elephant and mouse team? mark henry's only spotlight was mitb last year... take notes...

take intercontinental title and make new history this decade and have tna's x division style matches... nonono... no cross ropes above the ring, more like ladder matches tlcs, tables, etc. keep tlc away from older guys, much boring match... it doesnt have 2 be a lightweight or cruiserweight division... but keep these guys and push them harder...find it hard 2 do well guess what, ask people around wwe not using a poll, but rather ask for input, ideas there are people like me all over who go thru so much battles in our life, that we can turn it into a storyline, thats right, make it poor and ghetto again dammit... this way it seems like wwe looks poor and has somethin to prove...but anyway i was kidding bout that i know their schedule be tight but if u wanna be succesful, wrestlers would have to put in as well, if they party and complain bout their spotlight then wats the purpose... cm punk, miz are great... morrison, not great mic work either since his partner... ziggler became a lost case... i had hopes for him... kofi lost 3 str8 against randy... maybe its time for cena 2 become the one who gets kofi over... food for thought... carlito and chris masters just have 2 team up again, they were great during their stint... re-unite them...

damm, dont feel like typin nomore... well, til next time
if we aren't counting jericho, which we should cuz the question is who's better than the miz, then its cm punk. punks promos have been, um, awesome since the jeff hardy feud. the miz is definitely the best on the mic out of the raw roster. but, imo punk is a tad better all around than miz. and actually, we've never seen the miz try to cut a face promo so its not really possible to compare him to the rock. its really unfair to put that on anyone cuz there's only one great one. but i have to agree that miz is very entertaining and his promos are the best thing going on raw, seems like he isn't as scripted as some of the others, and i'd give some credit to mvp as well, as the two played off each other very well tonight. i just think punk can get in the ring cut an awesome promo by himself where as miz is better if he's got someone else to banter with.
I think ya'll are taking the divide between heel and face promo's a little to seriously. Realistically, the promo's don't change that much, the fans just warm up to the character, its how it always happens. The Rock's promo's didn't change that much, he was still cocky, he still trashed his opponents, he just so happened to start saying, FINALLY THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO _____, and fighting heel opponenets, started getting screwed over by the heels and started teaming with the faces. Same thing with Austin, most of the things that made him a heel at first we're things that the fans eventually started to love, he didn't have to totally change him promo style, the fans just started to like him.

Look at Cena, he completely changed his promo style from "heel" to "face" and it hasn't worked out for him because he hasn't stayed true to character. Look at when Orton turned face for a bit, he didn't stay true to character and he's not a natural face, the crowd got sick of that stuff. However, now he's been a heel again for like 3 years and the crowd is just starting to like him. When The Miz has been a Main-Event heel for long enough(if he gets there at all)the fans are going to turn him face. But even if they don't there is nothing wrong with being a lifetime heel, if it works it works.

Also, completely forgot about Punk, he's right up there with the best too in The Miz. But as much as I like him, I'm not going to say he's better than The Miz, he plays his character great and so does The Miz, I don't se one as above the other. Jericho is great too, but I just view him as having had more experience and more chances to play with different characters. But I wouldn't say he's head and shoulders above The Miz, he's been delivering Main-EVent top level promo's for a while now, and last nights was the best I've sen in the WWE in quite some time.
miz is great, that was a superb promo he did his time as a reality tv star has helped him too , mvp is good too, jericho is an obvious choice for top, but what about triple h? He can deliver vicious , aggressive , heel promo's, but also funny and immature jokes, like he is doing now
Quite simply put: everyone. The Miz is a phenomenal jackass. His promo style is pathetic, IMO, as it relies too heavily on his sarcastic (and empty) use of the word "really?" in rebuttal than it does any semblance of intelligence or guile. The MTV reject couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat, and it shows like a flaring case of syphilis every time he suffers the audience through one of his drawn out tirades about how "awesome" he is.

Let's not get it twisted here, either – this isn't even his being an overly-effective heel role. There are plenty of characters who've historically aggravated me to no end who were actually successful heel characters – most recently, and most notably Vicki Guerrero. This isn't the case with The Miz, if you ask me. I have an objectively honest distaste for him and his character. It's a representation of everything I hate in pop culture. Everything from his faux hawk to his "fashion sense" reeks of conformity and assimilation.
Quite simply put: everyone. The Miz is a phenomenal jackass. His promo style is pathetic, IMO, as it relies too heavily on his sarcastic (and empty) use of the word "really?" in rebuttal than it does any semblance of intelligence or guile. The MTV reject couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat, and it shows like a flaring case of syphilis every time he suffers the audience through one of his drawn out tirades about how "awesome" he is.

Let's not get it twisted here, either – this isn't even his being an overly-effective heel role. There are plenty of characters who've historically aggravated me to no end who were actually successful heel characters – most recently, and most notably Vicki Guerrero. This isn't the case with The Miz, if you ask me. I have an objectively honest distaste for him and his character. It's a representation of everything I hate in pop culture. Everything from his faux hawk to his "fashion sense" reeks of conformity and assimilation.

Wow... I mean, just wow. With all due respect, this assessment is about 10 miles off the mark.

The guy cut a 10 minute promo in a single take, without stumbling over any of his words or deviating from his point for one split second. He addressed REAL-LIFE issues about himself and his career and let everyone in on the amount of bullshit he had to go through to gain any kind of respect from the WWE locker room. Every word he said was 150% truth.

Meanwhile, his promo sparked a counter-promo by MVP that quickly got personal, and probably elevated both wrestlers better than any Monday Night Raw match could have.

And you say the Miz's promo style is pathetic?!?

So, if he is as "pathetic" as you say he is, then you should easily be able to name 10 competitors on Raw who cut promos better than he does without breaking a sweat. Fire away.

Fact of the matter is that the Miz is on a level of cutting promos that rivals CM Punk. Both men have cut the same type of promo... a single-take, live, emotional, shoot-like promo, without mistake or fail. That is more difficult than you could possibly imagine.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the promo that the Miz cut last night has got to be in the top 10 promos of at least the past 5 years.
I didn't see last night's promo, D-Man. I'm talking about The Miz as far as I know him, which up until the Bret Hart episode (the last episode I've seen of RAW, and the last I plan to see for some time) was a pathetic and sniveling little shit with an incredibly aggravating and abrasive attitude (as part of his character) that I simply couldn't take.

If this thread is based entirely off of the promo he cut last night, then I'll back out now, because not having seen it, I'm in no position to judge it – obviously. I was simply stating my opinion on The Miz as a character I've experienced since his inception.

But if you'd still like to entertain the list of guys who can cut promos better than The Miz, I'll counter you with C.M. Punk, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Triple H, Edge and Christian. It's not ten, but it's eight.
But if you'd still like to entertain the list of guys who can cut promos better than The Miz, I'll counter you with C.M. Punk, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Triple H, Edge and Christian. It's not ten, but it's eight.

If you didn't see his promo from last night, then I'll back off and let you check it out. After all, I've seen your posts and I believe that you'd put your hatred for him aside and respect the work that he displayed on Raw. It was very impressive.

As for your list, unfortunately, four (and a half) of them are not Raw superstars. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you misread my question. No matter, though.

But when has the Undertaker actually cut a GOOD promo? Besides his "Rest in Peace; I will bury your soul" garbage, he really offers nothing in terms of realism and emotion to his promos. They're borderline sleep-enhancers.

The point of my challenge was that if the Miz was so awful, he should have been in the bottom percentile of wrestlers with any skill on Raw. Therefore, he would have easily fallen into the lower category of promo-cutters and it should have been easy for you to name 10 wrestlers that were better than him. However, this isn't the case.

The Miz has come a VERY long way. His ringwork is solid, his character is easily hate-able (you're a perfect example of this), and his mic skills are in the top 10 of the entire WWE.

Maybe he's not as bad as you think. Be careful that your personal judgment of him doesn't blind you of his true potential.
If you didn't see his promo from last night, then I'll back off and let you check it out. After all, I've seen your posts and I believe that you'd put your hatred for him aside and respect the work that he displayed on Raw. It was very impressive.

As for your list, unfortunately, four (and a half) of them are not Raw superstars. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you misread my question. No matter, though.

But when has the Undertaker actually cut a GOOD promo? Besides his "Rest in Peace; I will bury your soul" garbage, he really offers nothing in terms of realism and emotion to his promos. They're borderline sleep-enhancers.

The point of my challenge was that if the Miz was so awful, he should have been in the bottom percentile of wrestlers with any skill on Raw. Therefore, he would have easily fallen into the lower category of promo-cutters and it should have been easy for you to name 10 wrestlers that were better than him. However, this isn't the case.

The Miz has come a VERY long way. His ringwork is solid, his character is easily hate-able (you're a perfect example of this), and his mic skills are in the top 10 of the entire WWE.

Maybe he's not as bad as you think. Be careful that your personal judgment of him doesn't blind you of his true potential.

I did mis-read your question, but that's also my fault for saying "everyone", because despite the fact I hate him, The Miz is light-years better than probably 70% of the RAW roster – both on the mic as well as in the ring. The reason I used such a strong insult was because the way I see it, that isn't a character strength as much as it is an organizational fault and a big-time knock on the WWE's product.

If The Miz is your mid-card, you're in trouble, IMO – namely because of a lot of the reasons I listed earlier. I haven't seen the promo from last night, so I'll reserve any further judgements until I do, but as for him being easily hate-able... I noted earlier that this isn't an easily hate-able character like Vickie Guererro in his case. It's a legitimate distaste for what is quite obviously (IMO) a young, angry and very confused individual who's not quite sure exactly what he's supposed to be in life. His direction of late has cleared up quite a bit, but let's not forget that it wasn't but a few months ago that he was parading to the ring in 3/4 capri-style pants with Hot Topic-esque like designs on them, half a faux hawk, a bedazzled (in the shape of a ying-yang) fedora and knuckle to elbow gloves. He looked (and sounded) like a very, very confused teenage boy in desperate need of life direction. IMO, that hasn't changed very much outside his ring attire.
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