Who is better than the Miz right now??!

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there's the promo from last night. It's pretty awesome.

and so that this isnt spam, Who's better than the Miz? On his level (i.e. mid to upper midcarder) and brand, I'd say nobody. Swagger's good in the ring but cant cut a promo nearly as well as Miz, Evan has all the charisma of a goldfish and isnt a midcarder anymore, and MVP hasnt done anything impressive since he turned face and went from the highest paid playa in the locker room to ex-con; and on his best day stilll isn't as good as Mike. There are main eventers better than him, but that's irrelavent. They're supposed to be better than him. they've been working longer, and should be the best (or at the very least highest drawing) guys you've got, and the Miz will make it.
I've been a fan of the Miz for a long time. I've just always enjoyed him on the mic and he's put on some pretty good matches. Like most people, I despised the guy when he first came to the WWE. I thought he was just going to be some reality show douche bag that didn't love or care about pro wrestling and just thought he'd make some quick and easy money from a "fake" sport.

However, the Miz has impressed me and has won my respect. He's worked hard to improve himself and to prove that he does care about wrestling. His promo on Raw last night was simply great. It had a very authentic feel to it and you quickly found yourself believing, through your suspense of disbelief, just about everything that he was saying. I liked the whole way the promo was presented and came about. In my view, it's the best promo to hit Raw in a long time.

I'd also like to say a brief word about MVP. MVP is someone that hasn't interested me all that much since his face turn but, last night, he cut a pretty damn good promo as well. I'd love to see more of these straight from the heart, authentic types of promos in the WWE. Letting the wrestlers draw from their past experiences and letting them use what they know can really work. Both the Miz and MVP told little stories during their promos last night without preaching about this or ranting about that and I think it just simply worked out great.
Thanks for posting that video. Tommy.

And after watching it again, Miz is pure gold. I can't understand how "Its Damn Real" can hate so hard on this guy. Miz' JBL impersonation was spot on. That promo made me a solid solid believer in the Miz.

MVP also reaffirmed my belief in him last night. This feud can be great. Hope WWE gives them more than 1 match and lets them shine off their promo last night.
Last nights Raw really solidified my already solid opinion about the potential that Miz has as a main event superstar for WWE. The real key to all of this is the followup for the next few weeks leading to an actual angle/storyline for the two to work with. This has potential to be a solid star making feud simliar to The Rock/Austin or Rock/Triple H from 1998 with midcarders rising while feuding over the IC/US belt in a great angle. ANother thing I really liked was that Miz didnt back down like a chickenshit heel and rather advanced on MVP and even got some decent hits in. That was one of the things I really remember about the aforementioned feuds is that the two guys hated each other and continually attacked one another rather than having Austin or Triple H chase Rock as he talked smack. Having these two interact weekly, whether it through promos, guest announcing during matches, attacking one another or whatever the followup needs to stay just as hot and exciting. Have Miz toss out MVP at the Rumble and lead to a title switch on a Raw and then carry the feud further to Mania even possibly.

Also I noticed in this thread and another that everyone is saying Miz reminds them of The Rock to an extent in his ablitiy to gain heat as a midcard talent with great promo skills. While I see the comparisons and agree to an extent, I really see alot of similarities in Miz's rise as I do in John Cenas rise to the main event. Both started as midcard heels who were good on the stick and decent in the ring. Cena advanced early into a brief feud with World Champion Brock Lesner by calling him out and attacking him only to lose the eventual match and then move into the midcard/US title picture only to win the title and start to get over with fans and slowly turned face without really changing anything and then moved into a World Title feud with the top heel of Smackdown. Miz has had a simliar path with his midcard heel act, calling out John Cena and feuding with him briefly only to lose the eventual match and then move into midcard/US title holder where he is slowly getting over with the fans and could potentially turn face down the road as he challenges someone like Orton or Jericho for the World Title. THe two paths are very simliar if looked at. Just something I noticed.
*watches Promo again*

Okay, if I was to REALLY (No pun intended) nitpick, it was a touch too long, but that was a brilliant job by The Miz there on that promo, his JBL Impression was gold, and he worked well with MVP (Credit to him too, did a great job)

By a mile, Miz's best WWE Performance by some margin. That and the new Theme Tune by Downstait as well, he's getting better and better. Second only to CM Punk in levels of consistent promos. Future World Champion methinks.
Why is everyone so worried about his in-ring work? He is the most interesting character on Raw right now, that's what people should be noticing. Steve Austin went huge during a time when he wasn't even wrestling matches. Classic matches are fantastic, but you still need people worth seeing in them. The Miz, right now, is doing what every young wrestler, or any wrestler, hopes that they can do at some point in their career. The Miz is creating a character, not a gimmick. He is currently creating someone that the fans don't see as a wrestler, but as a personality. Everytime he is given the mic he kills it.

In due time, when the Miz is blown up, just wait for everyone to be saying how great his in-ring work has improved. Then, come back to now and watch a match. It will probably be the same thing. The Miz has for sure come a long way in the ring, but he has come a lot further on the stick. Remember, this is the guy that had to write down stuff on his hand in order to remember it during a Diva competition....and look at him now.
I've got to agree with most of the people on here. Miz is doing great now, and that promo on RAW was really good. That's something that causes me to really respect a wrestler's character, when he can go out there like that, not stutter once and get through his entire promo that smoothly in one, live take. He really did remind me of Jericho, as someone else also said earlier on in this thread, and he definitely has not only the speaking ability, but his wrestling ability is getting better and better each week. I'm looking forward to seeing where this feud between him and MVP goes over the next little while, but either way I hope he has a lengthy US title run, because his performance of late has convinced me he deserves it.

I also hope the Miz starts an on-screen relationship with Maryse, because their characters are exactly the same: cocky, confident and stuck up, and I think they'd be so funny together as a couple cutting promos. But that's not what this thread is about so never mind for now.

Oh and one more thing: as much as I love the Miz, I can't stand his new theme music, just saying.
Sorry, D-Man, I caught the promo last night, and I have to say that I'm still equally as unimpressed. What I was impressed most by was MVP's ability to take what had become a very stale story line with him being an ex-con, and turn it into him being a legitimate threat again – not the promo The Miz cut at all. That sucks for him that he had to go through all that shit in the locker room, but quite frankly I don't give a fuck. I really don't. I see exactly why they did what they did to him, and I'd continue doing the same if it were me personally, because I don't really see all that great of a potential in him, anyway. IMO, The Miz reminds me all too much of a spoiled rich kid with a fantasy to become a professional wrestler than he does the cut-your-teeth type guys who laid it all out on the line to achieve what they always dreamed of. I just don't buy it. I don't buy him, and I just don't get what's so appealing about him as a character.

If I'm being blunt, the only thing The Miz has going for him is the signature sign off he uses when he tells everyone he's awesome, and the crowd screams "awful" in place of "awesome". Outside of that, I see very little in terms of long-term character value.
He is quite simply the best in the business at what he does at the moment. In fact, he's the reason I started watching wrestling again. I stopped watching around Evolution time, and started again the week before Miz came back and won a contract against Eugene. I was amazed at how bland everyone in WWE was, other than The Miz, who had me thinking "this guy's top notch". I had just flicked RAW on that night because there was nothing else on, and The Miz is the reason I stuck it on the following week. And the next week. And the next. The "I'm awesome!" phrase got me totally hooked on him.

I see similarities between him and Jericho/The Rock, more so Jericho because of his size, and I think this is what will hold him back from becoming an Orton or a Cena within the company in the future.

I'm glad a thread like this has appeared, as opposed to another one of those inane JoMo threads. JoMo, by the way, is no where near the level The Miz is on. Infact, I'd release him, but that's a discussion for another thread.
Jay your friend and I are on the same page as far as the Miz is concerned. No one on any of the E's shows is even close to being on the same page as far as cutting a promo like this kid. So NO is the answer to your question, no one is better than him right now.
MIZ = WWE Future

It is funny that you say Miz is the best in the WWE right now when while I was reading your post I was looking at 2 pictures of a wrestler far better then the Miz. Yes, his in ring ability has improved, but he still isn't very good, he's just solid. The Miz can cut a damn good promo, no doubt about it, but he doesn't really have the look of a wrestler, he's got stuiped, gay hair and he looks and talks like a bitch. He gets decent heel heat from the crowd but nothing like the Rock did when he was a heel, and he never will. He will be a solid midcarder for years to come, but as far as main event, I sure hope not.
He is quite simply the best in the business at what he does at the moment.
I'm glad a thread like this has appeared, as opposed to another one of those inane JoMo threads. JoMo, by the way, is no where near the level The Miz is on. Infact, I'd release him, but that's a discussion for another thread.

Wow, ummmm I don't even know where to start, lets go with "The Miz is quite simply the best at what he does at the moment." Ok, if your saying he is the best midcarder at the moment, your wrong. If your saying he is the best wrestler his size your wrong, if your saying he's the best at cutting promos, your wrong, if your saying he is the best heel, your wrong, and if your saying he's the best in ring talent at the moment, your wrong once again buckaroo. Explain what exacley the Miz is the best at then maybe I will agree. As far as JoMo, the man is insane, and light years ahead of Miz as far as in ring ability and wrestling attire/looks go. If WWE released him, he'd go to TNA and make them bigger so that would be a shitty ass idea, so please DON'T start a thread about that cause you will get eaten up. Miz is a solid midcarder, nothing more.

Wow, ummmm I don't even know where to start, lets go with "The Miz is quite simply the best at what he does at the moment." Ok, if your saying he is the best midcarder at the moment, your wrong. If your saying he is the best wrestler his size your wrong, if your saying he's the best at cutting promos, your wrong, if your saying he is the best heel, your wrong, and if your saying he's the best in ring talent at the moment, your wrong once again buckaroo. Explain what exacley the Miz is the best at then maybe I will agree. As far as JoMo, the man is insane, and light years ahead of Miz as far as in ring ability and wrestling attire/looks go. If WWE released him, he'd go to TNA and make them bigger so that would be a shitty ass idea, so please DON'T start a thread about that cause you will get eaten up. Miz is a solid midcarder, nothing more.

He's the most entertaining in the WWE, for me, it's as simple as that really. In all honesty, perhaps I was exaggerating somewhat to get my point across. However, my opinion still stands, I think he's the brightest prospect in the WWE right now and will be a big part of the company for years to come.

As for JoMo - is he entertaining? No, not in the slightest. I cringe everytime I see him. To be honest, my love for Miz is probably partially to do with my hatred for Morrisson. Those Miz victories over Morrisson were just magic.

It's interesting actually, in my last post I mentioned that I was impressed right away by The Miz. On seeing JoMo for the first time, I thought to myself "I don't like him". I had absolutely no idea they were former tag team partners either.

First impressions count, so I'm told.
He's the most entertaining in the WWE, for me, it's as simple as that really. In all honesty, perhaps I was exaggerating somewhat to get my point across. However, my opinion still stands, I think he's the brightest prospect in the WWE right now and will be a big part of the company for years to come.

As for JoMo - is he entertaining? No, not in the slightest. I cringe everytime I see him. To be honest, my love for Miz is probably partially to do with my hatred for Morrisson. Those Miz victories over Morrisson were just magic.

It's interesting actually, in my last post I mentioned that I was impressed right away by The Miz. On seeing JoMo for the first time, I thought to myself "I don't like him". I had absolutely no idea they were former tag team partners either.

First impressions count, so I'm told.

First of all, Miz is Awesome. Period. The man cuts the best promos week in and week out and in all seriousness he's the only reason I even bother to watch Raw. He's the kind of bad guy that makes you cheer for bland faces, because you want to see him get beat. Who cares about his moveset when he has built such a great character, an extreme rarity in today's WWE!

But Morrison is a victim of the WWE switching his cocky/awesome/out there personality to the boring nice face that we have. The greats didn't change their characters and that's what has happened to the Guru of Greatness.

But those two men are, in my opinion, the two best in the WWE outside of CM Punk, Randy Orton and Y2J. I can't wait to see them get better. I'm DVRing Raw once Impact goes live SOLELY to see the Miz and since Batista started stinking up Smackdown, I have been tuning in for Punk and Morrison.

Miz IS AWESOME, plain and simple. You're just hating if you think otherwise.
I think Jack swagger deserves a US title run as i think he is better than Mike Mizanin, Swagger has the whole package: the look, the lisp,the potential and the moves.

and if ur not down with dat den we got 2words for ya John Cena
The Miz is possibly the best promo cutter in WWE at the moment (second goes to CM Punk) I watched his promo from Raw against MVP and it was fantastic, the emotion put into it made want more, even though he was playing the heel I felt his reasons were justified in that promo.

His ring work, yeah can do with some improvement but like others has said Steve Austin's ring work wasn't exactly top notch so there's hope for Miz yet
2 Words pop to my mind... Jack Swagger

Well WWE have given him jobbers at the moment, but he has better in-ring ability however he isn't good on the mic. Which is why he should have a manager, the guy has more potential then the Miz does.
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