Who in the hell actually votes for these people?


Supposedly ''dumbfuckistan'' does. I didn't.

Thank God Michigan avoided the rest of the mid-west.
Uncle Chester does raise a good practical point, albeit stated in an inflammatory manner. Also, I don't think it's been addressed properly. What if a homosexual finds a a straight man attractive and they're platooned/stationed with each other? This isn't to say that DADT prevented enlisted homosexuals from making a pass at their comrades, but will a tolerant attitude encourage such behavior?

I think this issue delves deeper than just discrimination. The issue of the role sex should play in active duty is what's at the heart of this matter.
Uncle Chester does raise a good practical point, albeit stated in an inflammatory manner. Also, I don't think it's been addressed properly. What if a homosexual finds a a straight man attractive and they're platooned/stationed with each other? This isn't to say that DADT prevented enlisted homosexuals from making a pass at their comrades, but will a tolerant attitude encourage such behavior?

I think this issue delves deeper than just discrimination. The issue of the role sex should play in active duty is what's at the heart of this matter.

I think Norcal raised this as a problem before and while it is a legit concern, here's the thing: if homosexuals are allowed to serve in the military in secret, wouldn't the feelings be the same either way? If a homosexual soldier makes a pass at a straight soldier and is turned down, then how is that any more of a threat than a straight soldier making a pass at a female soldier and being turned down?
But think about it this way. What would happen if you were a soldier and took showers with the female soldiers. You'd get a boner, so naturally a gay man would get a boner of other men would they not. I support gay marriage and I don't give a shit if someone's gay but cammon separate showers.

First of all, male soldiers aren't allowed to shower or live with female soldiers when they are in basic training and deployed. There are separate barracks and bathrooms for men and women. Secondly, the only time men shower with other men is in basic training and its hard to get a boner or have any sexual thoughts for anyone when you are being screamed at 24/7.

Also, do you really think in a war zone when soldiers are being shot at they are thinking about having sex with the men they are working with?

The military doesn't discriminate against race, gender, religion, and it shouldn't discriminate against sexual orientation.

What do you think is going happen if they repeal DADT? The soldiers will have a gay pride parade and dress like Ru Paul?
Maybe because if the straight guy turned the gay one down it's not as if the gay one would wait till he's a asleep and shove his cock in his mouth.

It isn't a legit concern unless you believe that the gay population is filled with more rapist than the straight population is.
Update: the vote on nothing but DADT comes up Saturday. Allegedly there are enough moderate GOP Senators to pass it and break that moronic filibuster. I'll believe it when I see it.
I think the point the Reps wanna stress at is wouldn't it make YOU uncomfortable showering and knowing that the guy next to you could be oogling you?

It does tug at at an awkward chord but then again, you're at war. Survive a car bomb first, try and have sex later. I do think most of them have their priorities sorted out.
I think the point the Reps wanna stress at is wouldn't it make YOU uncomfortable showering and knowing that the guy next to you could be oogling you?

It does tug at at an awkward chord but then again, you're at war. Survive a car bomb first, try and have sex later. I do think most of them have their priorities sorted out.

It would scare me more if they had X-Ray vision to stare through shower stalls.
Mutant Homosexuals, yes that could be troublesome. Although imagine all the money the Army could save on building new war equipment.

"Sir, the insurgents maybe behind this wall"

"Right, Keith take off your Prada glasses and have a look will you"
Soldiers have their own room and shower when they aren't deployed. The shower stalls are private for the most part. If they are public and someone is that much of a homophobe then don't take a shower.
I think Norcal raised this as a problem before and while it is a legit concern, here's the thing: if homosexuals are allowed to serve in the military in secret, wouldn't the feelings be the same either way? If a homosexual soldier makes a pass at a straight soldier and is turned down, then how is that any more of a threat than a straight soldier making a pass at a female soldier and being turned down?

Two things here:

1. As I said in my original post, I don't know if DADT has prevented gay men from making passes. However, its potential repeal still leaves open the question of whether or not such actions would encourage them to proposition men they find attractive.

2. Kenny Powers already provided the information I needed for this point: when deployed, women and men in the military shower and bed separately. It's going to be a lot more awkward and potentially damaging to deny someone that you have to shower and sleep in the same quarters with than someone you don't. I don't think I'm alone when I say that I believe intimate living situations is a breeding ground for sexual attraction (and maybe even consensual sexual activity if the attraction's mutual).
1. As I said in my original post, I don't know if DADT has prevented gay men from making passes. However, its potential repeal still leaves open the question of whether or not such actions would encourage them to proposition men they find attractive.

Well of course it won't prevent people from hitting on people they find attractive regardless of gender. That being said, it also doesn't mean gay soldiers are going to be walking up to a solider they find attractive naked and asking if the straight soldier likes what he sees. Also it might help knowing who is gay rather than wondering if someone is and being unsure about who might be and having it turn into a near guessing game that could distract a soldier.

2. Kenny Powers already provided the information I needed for this point: when deployed, women and men in the military shower and bed separately. It's going to be a lot more awkward and potentially damaging to deny someone that you have to shower and sleep in the same quarters with than someone you don't. I don't think I'm alone when I say that I believe intimate living situations is a breeding ground for sexual attraction (and maybe even consensual sexual activity if the attraction's mutual).

Easy answer from me on this: sexual attraction does not equal acting on that attraction.
Well of course it won't prevent people from hitting on people they find attractive regardless of gender. That being said, it also doesn't mean gay soldiers are going to be walking up to a solider they find attractive naked and asking if the straight soldier likes what he sees. Also it might help knowing who is gay rather than wondering if someone is and being unsure about who might be and having it turn into a near guessing game that could distract a soldier.

1. We don't know for certain what the repeal DADT will do except allow gay men to proclaim their homosexuality to their colleagues. I'm not arguing a slippery slope here; I don't think repealing DADT will turn all gay men into sex fiends with one-track minds. I do, however, think it will make them much more open to propositioning other males (again, this only deals with homosexuality at the surface; the more significant issue is how much of a role sex should play in the life of a soldier on active duty).

2. Whether or not a soldier's "gaydar" is correctly calibrated would be much, much less distracting than rebuffing a colleague's advances then still having to work with him.

Easy answer from me on this: sexual attraction does not equal acting on that attraction.

One-third of all females in the American military are raped. Not saying that gay men are all going to be rapists (or that men in the military are all rapists), but I am saying that there are some things in the military that are conducive to non-consensual sex.
On the topic of a gay man hitting on a straight man; I have a feeling it'd be like a straight man hitting on a straight woman and being turned down. It's going to be awkward as fuck, but you'll get through it.

Instead of arguing my own morals on this issue, I'll just turn to the Department of Defense sponsored study that says 70% of the current armed forces believe there will be no negative impact on the current operations of the military if DADT were repealed. The only people still worried about gays in the military are the Marines and the Republicans in Congress who seem to think gay men can't aim a gun straight if everyone knows he's gay.

Oh, and I'll bring up every other westernized culture's army. They allow gays to serve openly too. Gay Britons have been helping us in Afghanistan since day one.
Just to clear things up regarding my worthless opinion. I support the repealment but measures would have to be taken. That's all I'm saying, I'm against DADT just certain measures would have to take place if it is repealed.
Holy shit about the woman getting raped:wtf:

I never would've thought that shit would be so rampant in the world's most sophisticated military.

And why the fuck did thriller send me that picture of homosexual soft porn? How do I get rid of it for good?
I didnt bother voting, both parties annoy me. They either have it half right or all wrong. Lets just hope if they do repeal DADT it doesnt cause discrimmination against gays in the military to go up, dont want another murder. Alot of people who need help in there. (Homophobes I mean, therapy)
1. We don't know for certain what the repeal DADT will do except allow gay men to proclaim their homosexuality to their colleagues. I'm not arguing a slippery slope here; I don't think repealing DADT will turn all gay men into sex fiends with one-track minds. I do, however, think it will make them much more open to propositioning other males (again, this only deals with homosexuality at the surface; the more significant issue is how much of a role sex should play in the life of a soldier on active duty).

We also don't know that it won't be a resounding success. It opens up a lot of doors for new men and women in the armed forces. I find it very hard to believe that when they're out in the field or even in the barracks that what you do in your own bedroom means very much at all. In short, the benefits outweigh the negatives.

One-third of all females in the American military are raped. Not saying that gay men are all going to be rapists (or that men in the military are all rapists), but I am saying that there are some things in the military that are conducive to non-consensual sex.

And if a gay man rapes a straight man, they would be prosecuted just like a straight man raping a woman would be.

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