Who Do You Want TNA To Bring In For Hard Justice?


Sabu is a crazy motherf****.
Always has been, always will be and no REAL ECW reunion can be complete without him.
And BTW,
I wanna fuckin' see SABU vs KURT ANGLE in an extreme rules match!!
I mean they did wrestle in the resurrected ECW but it wasn't extreme rules and it was just shite. This match has epic written all over it.

The Sandman

This man is just so cool.
He could have a great feud with anyone and his presence alone is amazing.

Joey Styles

He was the rightful successor for JR's throne, but then...ughh we all know.
The best play by play man around with such in-depth knowledge.
I mean I just used to listen to his commentary to hear what that sick move was called, and the way he would say it would just sell that move so beautifully.
Joey Styles is every wrestler's dream in the way he calls their moves (especially their finishers), making them look larger than life (ala JR to Stone Cold).
Bringing in New Jack would be one of the stupidest moves TNA or any wrestling promotion for that matter could ever make, the guy is a complete liability, if I were a promoter New Jack would be about the last guy on earth I would want to stick a possible future star of my company in the ring with, he's danger, sloppy as fuck, & incredibly unpredictable, this guy has nearly Killed several people in the the ring, anyone remember what he did to Vic Grimes?, the reason you don't see New Jack in TNA or WWE is because the guy is too much of a loose cannon and neither company can afford to take the risk that comes with hiring a massive piece of shit like New Jack, New Jack is the perfect example of what a professional wrestler SHOULD NOT DO, he is one of those guys who got over for all the wrong reasons, and really should be in prision... or dead
New Jack as long as he signed something lol

But they really should bring back James Mitchell.

I agree Sandman as a run in only

Jerry Lynn

Blue Meanie to fight with Jay Lethal
KEVIN THORNE! (Lol... jk)

Of course Tajiri. I would also love to see Sabu, Sandman, Jerry Lynn, Spike Dudley, Mikey Whipwreck, Justin Credible and New Jack.

I wish Public Enemy was still alive :(
for starters why not kid kash amazing wrestler very underrated also lance storm and dfo jerry lynn. i dont see sabu wrestling yet after addiction problems but could see terry funk managing like a paul e role. Tajri is a must just for the stiffniss and tankana has to come back and would love to see him in tna full time :)
Tajiri, Kid Kash, Corino, Lynn, Tanaka & Storm w/ Credible would be awesome. Sandman and Sabu could work too on a minimal basis.

I hope that for the most part that TNA talent goes over. Only talent who are still working should be in contention to win. Tajiri could go over Kendrick for example but Sabu or Sandman shouldn't go over Abyss.
I doubt Heyman would be apart of this so even though I would name him number #1, I'm not going to. It would also be awesome to see Joey Styles doing commentary with Taz, but since he is under contract to WWE there is no way that is happening.

Terry Funk
Jerry Lynn
Masato Tanaka
Shane Douglas
The Rottens
Balls Mahoney
Blue Meanie
Steve Corino
Justin Credible
Tammy Sytch

It would be great to see Lance Storm team up with Credible to reform the Impact players for one night, but considering that Lance Storm hates TNA I doubt it will happen. He could be a great heel if he ever did come to TNA though. Most importantly of these names would have to go to Terry Funk and Jerry Lynn. I would love to see Funk again. He doesn't even need to wrestle but I'm sure him and Foley would go through hell together again. Lynn vs. RVD has been rumored so I"m very hopeful of that match.

I imagine if Sabu comes along he can have a hardcore match with Jeff Hardy. Maybe Tajiri and Tanaka can face AJ Styles and Kazarian. If the Impact players were to form together, they could take on Motor City Machine Guns. Wishful thinking. BWO could take on Beer Money. There is just so much talent to use in this PPV that the choices are endless on who could feud with each other.

That is why I hope Dreamer can recruit as many ECW guys as possible. Just having Raven, Richards, Foley, and Team 3D is not enough.
As others have said before, the likes of Tajiri and Super Crazy would be nice.
I'd try to get Sabu, The Sandman, Masato Tanaka, Justin Credible, New Jack, Jerry Lynn, 2 Cold Scorpio, Shane Douglas, Spke Dudley, The Blue Meanie, Nova, and Balls Mohoney.
I already know Lance Storm's rants about TNA, but he'd be great to have.
I'd try to get Kid Kash aswell. Not too sure if he'd go either though, since he kind of left on bad terms with TNA last time(?).
I would definetly like to see some of that fast paced old school style lucha libre matches they had on ecw!! i would definetly like to get to see a rematch tooo the one night stand match between supercrazy, nunzio, and tajiri!! a very good match!!
i definetly would like to see:
kid kash vs rhino again
rob van dam vs jerry lynn
sandman and tommy dreamer vs the dudleys,(we all know thats never gonna happen basedd on the fact thatt tna once again destroyed another legendary tag team!!)
Speaking purely from a more realistic point of view (as opposed to the more fanatical side that would negate most aspects of logic and reason in favor of favoritism), I'm hoping for Jerry Lynn, Sabu, Sandman and Shane Douglas.

Jerry Lynn while aging (well, might I add), is still a tremendous ring worker, and having been able to watch him work in TNA not but a few years prior, and though I haven't been privileged to see his work in ROH, I'd imagine he can still go with the best of them. Lynn v. RVD as has been reported would be an OK match for me.

Sabu would be great based solely on the fact that I'd mark out when the lights went out and he appeared in traditional Sabu style, pointing to the sky with foreign object in hand ready to cause some carnage.

Sandman is one of the first names I associate with ECW, and whether he wrestles or not, what would an ECW anything be without watching him bloody his own forehead with a beer can?

Shane Douglas is the Franchise for a reason. The man is the pivot for what became ECW, and one of the best talkers in pro-wrestling history. Again, not entirely necessary for a match, but a promo or two certainly wouldn't hurt.

While it'd be a lot of fun to see guys like Lance Storm, Perry Saturn, Paul Heyman and Joey Styles among others, the reality of many of them being available or actually showing up is a little too far fetched for me to consider them as even plausible.
Lance Storm and Justin Credible would be really cool to see, only if they came back together as the Impact Players, however I find that unlikely seeing as Storm is always talking shit about TNA. It would be great to see them fight Beer Money or 3D in some sort of hardcore match that would also allow Storm to showcase how technical he is. That would be a real treat, but I am biased seeing as I am a big fan of the man.

Steve Corino isn't a bad choice either. The dude is pretty good and can still go to a decent level. He could give one more good match. Also, the Blue Meanie and Super Nova because I enjoy the bWo, but I may be the only one at this point.

In all honesty, I would much rather just see the TNA boys go at it with the current ECW guys and not see an entire ECW show, not that it will be. TNA needs to showcase its people. The ECW tribute show has been done before and even though I love the memories a show like this would bring back I think it would just be a waste for TNA to do.
I think some of my favorites besides a lot of the ones mentioned would be CW Anderson, Danny Doring, Roadkill, Jazz, and does anyone know anything about the whereabouts of Chris Chetti? I heard rumors that he either had a real bad injury or was dead...?

I would love to see CW and Corino tag up against beer money... Or maybe even a Three Way Dance with Doring and Roadkill (Anyone know if he is still wrestling?)

Jazz is one of my favorites to see return though.... She was great in ECW, where she mainly wrestled men and held her own... I live in Louisiana and I know she is in great shape and can still go... She recently tagged with Awesome Kong against Simply Luscious and a partner that Simply has been training... She should even stick around full time...

Justin Credible and Lance Storm would be great too... The Impact players were great... Too bad Candido is dead...

Taz... Does anyone know if he is capable of having one more match? I would love to see him get in there and throw a few good T-Bone Taz-Plexes...

Cyrus The Virus... Get him in there on comentary...

I really wish Joey Styles could be there...

I'm almost postive Douglas and Francine will show... Shane was just in TNA not long ago...

My top 3 besides Tajiri and Super Crazy would have to be...

Corino, CW, and Jazz...
Hey Yo!

Like many have stated im all for Tajiri appearing for a much, and blow the roof off the building against Aj Styles (fat chance i know). But seriously he would be a very good addition to the card.

Sabu you cannot have any reunion show without him and he is just a crazy motherfucker and that's why i love him.

I wouldn't mind seeing Balls Mahoney, he always generates a few laughs at my house, it's weird the guy brings a smile to my face no matter how shit he is now.
Steve Corino> Great talent, solid in-ring, great heel. Would love to see him here.

Shane Douglas> Just to hear him babble and then get his ass kicked. Good on mic but he's aged.

Tajiri> Just don't re-do the 3 Way from '05. Always entertaining and athletic.

Jerry Lynn> He also double's as a TNA original. he competed with AJ and Low Ki in TNA's first match. Would be great to see him back. Maybe fight RVD, or AJ Styles. He is definably a must here.

Sabu> Just like Jerry and Shane, he has a connection with TNA. It would be great to have him back for this. He was always a fun watch. Maybe a match with Jeff Hardy.

Ricky Banderas> He had a very short stint there, but I'm just wishing to see this man back mas himself. He has been a huge draw for WWC and AAA lately. Using his short stint in ECW would be a great way to sneak him back in without recalling "Judas Mesias". Very underused in TNA.
Sabu-he was always one of favorite Ecw guys I think that he could still have an entertaining match

Lynn- He is the guy that I would like to see the most and he is probably the best worker available

Tajiri- I think that he can still go and have a good match. Always have been have fan of his I would like to see him there.

There are other guys I would like to see but these are my top 3
bWo...Just think of the humor.

Come on...It may not happen as to who they are mocking, but it would be hilarious!

Imagine the bWo comes out and does their thing then we hear the music hit and the band with hogan are coming out. They are dressed up parodying raven, nova, meanie and richards and do a whole skit about it. It will never happen for a million reasons but it would be awesome or a trainwreck or both (in the true ecw spirit). A nexus parody might go over pretty well. The idea of meanie as Skip Sheffield is cracking me up.

There are more guys than there is room for on the card that I would like to see make an appearance. However, when it comes to the matches I hope they stick to people who can still actually work at a decent or better level. If they do not have a sandman entrance it will be a disappointment for sure.
Well for my list of ECW wrestlers I would want to see is:

1. The Sandman - If they just have him come out to Enter Sandman alone would be worth buying the PPV imo. I would like to see him have one more hardcore war with Raven or Tommy Dreamer.

2. Tajiri - As many have said before me, Tajiri would be a perfect addition to add a hardcore element to any X-Division match that TNA may have on the PPV. I could imagine an Xscape match b/w him, Homicide, Amazing Red, and Suicide would be brutal.

3. James Mitchell - I think they are bringing him back to be an important part of Abyss' "they" but if I wrong, I hope he comes back to deliver one of those Sinister Minister original promos as only he can do
My question is which direction do they take this invasion (or invitation, rather) ? Is this going to be TNA vs the 'Hardcore Stars' or matches that are completely independent from the storyline ALA One Night Stand I. I only wonder because there are dream match candidates on either side of that fence.

Impact Players - I would love to see these guys have a program with the Motor City Machine Guns. I understand that Lance Storm is retired, but one can hope.

Tajiri - Reunite with Rhyno, also to either fight the Guns, or Beer Money. Or hey, the Impact Players. If they don't go the tag route with him, give him a match against Samoa Joe.

In fact, now that I consider it, there's alot of solid tag team options. 3D (the split won't last), MCMG, Beer Money, Impact Players, Rhyno/Tajiri, Raven/Stevie.

Sandman - If they're going to give this guy a match, I'd put him against Anderson or Hardy. Jeff and Sandman could have an entertaining spotfest all over the arena.

Sabu - Yeah, I'm agreeing with something somebody else has already said (please excuse me, I just got here and haven't learned your names yet, and I'll be damned if I open a new tab for this) and match him up with Kurt Angle.

Someone else joked about Kevin Thorne.... why not? Maybe have a small nonspecific confrontation with The Pope about the 'old days'. Give them a match, and Pope goes over in a quick squash. Maybe the stipulation is the loser gets a major beat down from the Originals. It'd be fun for the whole family.
Kevin Thorne[/b].... why not? Maybe have a small nonspecific confrontation with The Pope about the 'old days'. Give them a match, and Pope goes over in a quick squash. .

Yeah I though it was kind of funny that Pope came out and gave some heavy shots the ECW guys when he did the exact same thing when he was in WWE.

5. 2 Cold Scorpio.
I don't know if he still wrestles but despite his age if he can still do the 450 then hes worth at least one match.

4. Sabu
I kind of want to see something happen with Homicide and Suicide if Genocide comes back.

X-Division or Mist vs James Storm's beer.

2.Superrrrrrrrr Crazy
The top of the ultimate x is just one of the many places he can do a moonsault off of.

1.Kid Kash
This Owen Hart/Kid Rock amalgamation is my 2nd favorite wrestler of all time despite the fact I have never saw him too much. Kid Kash, Nova, Tajiri, Crazy, Lynn, and RVD on ECW was the greatest wrestling I saw. Poor Joey Styles, eat your heart out.
I don't have a certain order but man the list of names that could be brought in.

Kid Kash
Masato Tanaka
Steve Corino, Justin Crediable, Dawn Marie. (Impact players the last time we saw them)
Cyrus The Virus and the whole Network thing.. That would be classic..
The Sandman ONLY if he comes out to Enter Sandman. That alone would be an amazing moment.
Super Crazy.
Joel Gertner!
Balls and Axl vs Dudleys..
Jerry Lynn
Shane Douglas (I don't want to see him wrestle tho he's done in that area) W Francine
Bill Alfonso
Danny Doring & Roadkill
James Mitchel with Mikey Whipwreck.

I'm sure i missed some names but last but not least Paul Heyman to book this. I know the Dudleys and Dreams were there but they can't replace they way Heyman books shows. Even if its for 1 night, just get Paul to do it.
The main event has long been rumored to be RVD v. Jerry Lynn, which makes sense since they were the last ME feud on Spike before the original ECW folded.

Other matches (first draft, I'll make improvements over time I'm sure) but here's a first draft:

ME #1: RVD (C) v. Jerry Lynn
ME #2: Cactus Jack v. The Sandman (I know he deposed TNA, but seriously, let the man have his due)
ME #3: Raven, Dreamer and Stevie v. The Triple Threat (Douglas and the Impact Players w/ Francine of course) . . . One of the versions of the group, I don't think the last, but they could talk about Francine bringing her "boys" back together for one night and all . . .
Good workers who can protect an aging Raven and injured Dreamer as well.
ME #4: Sabu v. an "Orange" Kurt Angle . . . Angle told Dixie he was "all in" . . . Taz's medical history most likely won't allow him to compete, he asks Kurt to do it for him, Angle comes out with the black towel and wearing the orange gear for one night only! Fitting tribute in as much of a classic with Sabu as you can have with Sabu.
ME #5: Amish Roadkill/Danny Doring come out to accept award as the dominant team of the ECW-era with the "Dudley-dis" from Impact. Dudleys come out to challenge the notion, again for one night and put their differences aside, Dreamer asks "So we have a match?" . . . Cue Ice Cube . . . And New Jack and Mustafa Saed return with shopping carts saying ECW is the home of the "3 Way Dance" and now we have a party. This is how I would open the show.

Other matches include:
-Rhino v. Masato Tanaka
-MCMG v. Tajiri/Super Crazy . . . Absolutely INSANE to think about that one
-Kid Kash v. AJ Styles
-bWo v. FBI . . . All kinds of skits, parodies, etc . . .
-Simon Diamon/Johnny Swinger v. Gary Wolfe/Perry Saturn . . . Uniting two of the great "teams" of the era with the remaining surviving members in Pitbull Wolfe and Eliminator Saturn. Following the match, cue Dreamer and the waterworks and pay homage to the fallen stars of Extreme who are unfortunately too many to list . . .
-Al Snow v. 2 Cold Scorpio or Mikey or both

and last but not least . . .

Balls v. Axl

Sure it's a dream, but not too bad in 10 minutes of putting it together
I'd absolutely love Lance Storm to be there. Haven't seen him in a while due to his retirement, but I'd love to see him at this.

Perry Saturn would be great. Seeing as though a couple of his old mates (won't bother mentioning names) are dead, it'd be nice for him to show his face and suplex someone.

The one man I'd like to be there more than anyone else sadly can't be. Mike Awesome. I loved him and he got shat on big time with the 70's Guy thing and the Fat Chick Thriller. One of my favourite big guys of all time. His matches with Tanaka were great. At One Night Stand (the original one, and only relevant one) he came in, got slandered to fuck and quietly stole the show. The man deserves a mention at this event. Hernandez is a 50p version of Mike Awesome. Get Tanaka to wrestle him or something.
If TNA can't get Sandman, Sabu,Tajiri,Balls Mahoney,Terry Funk, and of course Paul Heyman then they should throw the whole plan in the trash.

Now if they can get Sandman and Sabu and none of the others (including Heyman) then probly should go with it cuz those 2 men ARE ECW.

Now Terry Funk should really be apart of this, however the guy should not wrestle he's probly more closer 2 a heart attack in the ring than Ric Flair but he just needs 2 make an appearance.

Now my honest oppinion is that they should hav stuck 2 the invasion story because it would hav made 4 better TV and more stuff 2 work with in the next few months but thats 4 a differant thread.
I Agree With You With The Green Mist Japan Man .. Tajari .. :)

Ive Got A Few Though .

1:Selton Benjamni .. : Would Inlove Great In Story Line Worlds Greatest Tag Team .. Get Haas In Aswell .. Team Angle Reform .. Greatness ..

2:Sabu .. : Man He Would Give The Edge That Tna Need .. Hardcores ..
May Have The H Divison Hahah :)

3:The Hurricane : Okay Not Every Ones Chocie - He'd Shred Desmond Wolfee To Srehads ..

4:Cherry : A Diva From The Other Side Of The Tracks Rerand Her As Sweet Inconet Girl Who Finds Her Dad Jeff Jerret .. And What !! Mick Foley Has Tossel And Has His Kid Years Ago :O

" Anit No Stopin Me " :worship:
If they are gonna go ahead with the TNA vs ECW angle I don't think they should add anyone. Sure, seeing an all ECW pay per view again would be awesome but it's just going to hurt TNA. If TNA wants to get more viewers just continue the TNA vs ECW angle. TNA already has enough ECW guys to make at least 8 good TNA vs ECW matches.

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