Who Do You Want TNA To Bring In For Hard Justice?


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
I'm well aware that we have a thread about the Invasion is up and running, and if this must be moved there, I'm all for it. But that thread seems to be based more in concrete and solid data, and this thread seems far more speculative. Thus, we have Hard Justice coming in about a month, and already we've heard speculation about who TNA will be coming. Jerry Lynn already has been floated out there, and while I love the name, it's getting me to think more about who I want to come into this event. Naturally, this can get a bit long, so I'm going to limit myself to three or four names. But the question is simple; who would you try to bring in for Hard Justice? My choices are pretty damn simple

Tajiri- I really want this man wrestling my event. The man's working in Japan, so bringing him into for the event, especially if it's a one night event, would be absolutely fantastic. The guy is relatively young, and if allowed to work as stiff as we know him to be, he can work a fantastic match with anybody. He's a pretty big name from TNA, but can also work in the mid card, which they're going to need at this point. He, after Jerry Lynn, would actually be my first phone call placed.

Super Crazy- Another foreigner, who can be brought in for a one night affair away from his company. Actually, apparently he's working for the Indy Circuit, so he'd be perfect to have. Again, he's a name everyone is going to remember, a former TV Champion in the company, and a man who can work a good match with anyone. I'd really like to include the Lucha style which was so important to getting ECW's name out there, and he's the perfect name to bring in.

Perry Saturn- Yes, that's right, Perry motherfucking Saturn. We all know that he's alive and well now, and seems to be just fine. If I were Tommy, I would call him up, as my feel good moment of the night. Have him come out, get a wonderful response for all his hard work, and finally have the exit from the wrestling world he deserves. Easily the most underrated wrestler in ECW's history, Saturn deserves his day in the sun. I'd love to give it.

So, who do you bring in for Hard Justice?
Tajiri would be my first choice as well. Not only is he one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, but the fact is... the man can still go. His work in Japan these past years prove that to be a fact. Also, Tajiri vs. Brian Kendrick is a dream match of mine, and if he were brought to this pay-per-view... then that match would most certainly be possible.

So, yeah... Tajiri first and foremost.

Shane Douglas is a close 2nd, though. He could easily be the stable's main mouthpiece, since TNA wasn't able to snab Paul Heyman like they originally wanted.

The Sandman is another guy I'd like to see come in, even if it's just for him to interfere in match and not have a match himself. He's too much apart of the original ECW to not be apart of this.

And lastly... James Mitchell. Bring that motherfucker in to fuck with Abyss, and then hopefully... sometime down the line the two can reunite once this is all done with, since the only time Abyss is tolerable is when Mitchell is his mouthpiece.
2 of the people I'd get and would like 2 see have already been said and for obvious reasons I think...tajiri and super crazy...others I would get well it's more of a team...FBI....not sure if guido works for the E or not though.
I would like to see these guys being brought in for longer then just 1 night.

Tajiri-ECW mainstay and could help put Kyoshi over too, by teaming.

Bill Afonso- I personally want to see him. I miss his whistle blowing

Simon Diamond- Please make him somewhat active!!!!!

New Jack-Why fucking not!!!

PErry Saturn-Needs to be redeemed after the Moppy stuff.

wow, I'll try to limit it a few and I won't name whos already been said...although they were great choices. However, once I saw this thread I immediately thought of one guy:

New Jack - Can't have an ECW reunion/PPV without a Holy Shit moment and hes your man to bring it

Mikey Whipwreck - pit him against either Tajiri or Super Crazy and you have one hell of a match

Terry Funk - Correct me if I'm wrong but is he not a former NWA champ? he doesn't need to wrestle, can just be a manager

and I guess I'll end my list at just these 3 but the possibilities are limitless
Tajiri has already been mentioned, however 2 that have not been mentioned that I think should be brought in...

Masato Tanaka- dude can still deliver, his match with Awesome at the first ONS is proof of this (granted it happened 5 yrs. ago), and I think he could have some great matches with guys like Joe, AJ, Wolfe, Angle, even Abyss, among others

another would be Lance Storm- This guy is seriously underrated, the knowledge and talent he'd bring to TNA as well as the passion he has for the buisness, he could do a ton of good within the company, as well as have some amazing fucking matches, plus the guy is still is great shape and can still go
Theres a few Id like to see

First of all Paul Heyman- You cant have an ECW PPV without Paul E even if he dosent end up working for TNA he has to be at this

Terry Funk Not to wrestle or anything but same as Paul, Terry Funk same as Paul he needs to be there in some capacity

Joey Styles I know he is working for WWE and there is not a chance in hell of this happening but If your gonna have an ECW PPV Joey Styles needs to be commentating on it

Sandman As some one else said too much a part of ECW not to be there

Sabu See Sandman
The top 3 guys TNA should do anything to try to get for Hard Justice are:

1. Masato Tanaka- Like Justinsayne said, the match vs. Awesome at the first One Night Stand was epic. It stole the show. If he can carry Awesome like he did, there is no way he won't be able to produce the same results with just about anyone at Hard Justice

2. Lance Storm- Pure technician and extremely talented wrestler

3. Sabu- The guy is a nutcase and is completely out of his fucking mind. There is no one that is more enjoyable to watch if you are in the mood to watch someone throw their body around with a complete lack of caring for their well-being
perry saturan would be f'n great, but other than him it would have to be sabu, sandman,malenko, francine and tazz should get envolved in the story line. ECW ECW ECW.and to round it all out of course the mastermind Paul Heyman .
Like most people have said above I would like to see Tajiri. I wouldn't mind seeing Lance Storm either, but if anyone goes to his web site and reads his commentaries you would know there's no way he'll go to TNA.

I think there's a good chance WWE is going to try to scoop up some of the former ECW talent before TNA can get them. I doubt they'll hire many of them as wrestlers maybe to a legends deal or something like that. I just read today they offered Mikey Whipwreck a job as a trainer.

I wouldn't be surprised if they do or at least try to resign Tajiri before TNA does.
It seems like Jerry Lynn is a go, but not set in stone yet. Other than Lynn I would love to see Steve Corino, Mikey Whipreck, Tajiri, and Sabu.

Sabu v. Abyss would be crazy. Or maybe have James Mitchell come in with Mikey and let him battle Abyss.

Tajiri and Corino could be golden with anybody.
Paul heyman as their leader and for his mic skills
Sandman and Sabu for their status as hardcore ledgends
Tajiri and super crazy for excitement
i would have them in the stable along with tommy dreamer, raven and rvd
i would get rid of al snow, and the others to less compicate it
Well...since dreaming is free...here is who I would like to see

Joey Styles....OH MY GOD!!!
The Gangstas
Perry Saturn
Sandman...just for his entrance
The Franchise!
Kimona Wanalaya...maybe she will dance on top of the building?
and just for laughs...Sign Guy Dudley!
Sabu and Sandman. Use them as a tag team and have them win the tag titles. This team could be great and then they could re name the titles like the Extreme Tag Team Titles and just run with it. These 2 could be great
2 Cold Scorpio
Axl Rotten
Balls Mahoney
Bill Alfonso
Blue Meanie
CW Anderson
Danny Doring
Ian Rotten
Jerry Lynn
Justin Credible
Little Guido
Masato Tanaka
New Jack
Shane Douglas
Spike Dudley
Steve Corino
Tammy Sytch
Terry Funk
Yoshihiro Tajiri
Wow i cannot believe anyone hasn't said this man yet..... so
WELL WELL WELL the quindisintial stud muffin Joel, you will mavel at the size as he is in between her thighs, Gertner
I'll add to the Tajiri wishlist and hope for him as well. If Sandman is sober enough, he would be awesome to bring in. Balls Mahoney will probably be there. Sabu has a long history with TNA, so I'd expect him too. Although I hear he's having some addiction problems as well, so we'll see on him. Lance Storm would be awesome, but he's really not a fan of TNA, so I'm not sure if he'd come or not. I'd really like to see Little Guido on the show as well. When the crusierweight division collapsed, he was just pushed away, which is really unfortunate because the guy is pretty talented. I've heard rumors of Jerry Lynn coming in too. Hopefully they work something out with ROH because that guy can still perform like he's in his 20s.
I'm a total ECW mark and have been stoked ever since the rumors started flying about the "invasion" and themed PPV. There are a number of people I'm dying to see, most of which have already been mentioned.....though I'm most excited to just see Raven return to television. Hopefully, Hard Justice will feature some faces I haven't seen in a while like the Sandman, Sabu, Steve Corino, Justin Credible (PJ Polaco?), 2 Cold Scorpio, Balls Mahoney, Mikey Whipwreck, and or course, Joel Gertner.
I'd like to see the obvious (Sabu, Sandman etc.) as well as some of those "vets you can't forget" such as Justin Credible, Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri.
New Jack- as some else said an ECW Reunion always needs a HOLY SHIT! moment and New Jack is the Perfect guy for that...

Tajiri- He was a 2-time ECW champ and stayed there for the better part of 3 years and Tajiri is just awesome.

I'm not so sure on how TNA is gonna pull this off and I mean not just bringing in the wrestlers.
Tenta ... You hit the nail on the head with Tajiri...a one night having him woiuld be great for the mid carders and im all for what someone above me said about him teaming with Kyoshi..it will really help him, even if it is for one night...

Sabu - I think he will be there...but even though, I want him there...he has been in TNA before and he has done crazy shit...

I don't think TNA will disapoint us with who they decide to bring in, but the only man that will be missing will be a non-wrestler whos name is Joey Styles...OHH MY GOOOODDDDD!!!
bWo...Just think of the humor.

Come on...It may not happen as to who they are mocking, but it would be hilarious!

The Baldies or the FBI You need a tag team in there, but if they do get Storm and Credible, they have a built in team there.
The Sandman - The entrance alone would make the PPV worth watching.

I would also like them to use Taz as more than just a commentator, I'm not saying he has to wrestle, just get more involved in the PPV somehow.
This is tough considering I want them to bring in guys that would be worth something. Several old ECW guys are terribly ou of shape nowadays and should be nowhere near a wrestling ring. But if I had to make a list it would be

Jerry Lynn (top of my list)
Super Crazy (perhaps to team or wrestle against super cray
Little Guido (Three Way Dance!)
Tony Mamaluke
Doring & Roadkill
Sandman (simply for a run in. Guy can't be trusted to worka full match)
Sabu (could still go)
Shane Douglas (mouth piece only. The guy is out of shape but can still cut a promo better than anyone)
Francine (She is still hot and what's the Franchise without the head cheerleader?)
James MItchell (duh)
Impact Players (I just wanna see that promo and pose one more time and they both I'm sure can still do something great in the ring)
bill alfonso would be great. very underrated manager and worked really well with the likes of rvd and tazz

a sabu match with anyone from the x-division, or anyone period, would automatically be the match of the night

i do hope the rumor that wwe is going to try and snatch most of these guys simply to screw up the ppv is false because i was thinking of getting this.

mikey whipwreck would be another one, but it sounds like he may sign with the E as a trainer.

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