Who Do You Think Will Be in The Clas of 2007 Hall of Fame?



I think it will be:

Ted Diabse
Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Rick Rude
Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake
Randy Savage
Razor Roman

tell me your thoughts and who you think will be in it
This thread has been done about 6 times now... Plz start looking around the Forum before making a thread...

Owen Hart
British Bulldog
Mr. Perfect
Rick Rude
Jake the Snake
jimmy*cain said:
^^^^ sooo alll the dead wrestleers from the 90's

Um last time I checked Jake was still alive... But if thats what it seems like then yes...


Terri Runnels possibly...
Honkey Tonk
Terri Runnels? LOL!! WTF!!! Before Sunny, Sable, and not to mention Dustin Runnels & Dusty??? What in the world would make you believe she's getting a call to the hall at all... let alone next year!

Anyways last year since it was in Chicago, I was thinking...

Road Warriors
Dusty Rhodes
Jake Roberts

But when I heard Bret was getting honored, I thought it was going to be:

Bret Hart
Owen Hart
Mr. Perfect
Stu Hart
Rick Rude
British Bulldog
Brian Pillman
(Basically Bret Hart & all the greats that were close with Bret that passed away)

But that didn't happen... So for next year in Detroit I think it'll be:

Dusty Rhodes
Ricky Steamboat
British Bulldog (So they can push his son Harry Smith)
Mr. Fuji
Von Erich Family
Ted DiBiase
Jake Roberts (if he's not in TNA)
Mr. T (Celebrity wing, if he's not already there...)
and possibly Bruno Sammartino, but that's very doubtful.

But who really knows, it's so far away. There hasn't been any hints dropped or anything. I know Dusty wants to be the main focus when Inducted.. :S

Here is my list of people that should be in the Hall of Fame soon...

Ric Flair
Ricky Steamboat
Rick Rude
Mr. Perfect
Von Erich's
Dusty Rhodes
Randy Savage
Ulitmate Warrior (I doubt he'll ever be inducted. Maybe after death)
Road Warriors
Mr. Fuji
Lex Luger (maybe)
Arn Anderson/Four Horsemen
Ted DiBiase
Owen Hart
Stu Hart
British Bulldog
Jake Roberts
Honky Tonk Man
Bam Bam Bigelow
Bruno Sammartino
Brian Pillman

Plus there's a few others probably, but I can't think of them right now...
my pick would be stone cold, jim ross, &i would love to see owen hart in wwe hall of fame but i dont think vince or any mcmahon will put him in there which is sad. i think chris jericho should go in hall of fame too,

so stone cold, owen hart, chris jericho, big bossman i would put them all in hall of fame in 2007, sure big bossman didnt win much in wwe but he was classic

god bless bossman R I P
jim ross should go in HOF he has been the best broadcaster of raw&wwe peroid, hes classic,
It has been said that WWE doesn't want to induct people into the hall unless they have pretty much retired from active competition! Like the Road Warriors... Untill Animal retires.

So I doubt JR will be inducted anytime soon.

Stone Cold still seems to young to be inducted.
Jericho no chance of that happening unless he drops dead tomorrow! He'll still be back wrestling before he really retires.

Bossman? Hmm not too sure... There's so many people like him that aren't inducted or even considered like:
Koko B. Ware
Rick Martel....

I'm sure a couple of them 'could' be inducted, but Bossman would be a big surprise for me. Same with Brutus Beefcake as someone mentioned.

Why wouldn't the McMahon's put Owen Hart into the Hall??
because the mcmahons just wont, just like crash holly wont go in hall of fame, its sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crash holly one of the best wwe hardcore champions ever should go in hof but no
i could see trish stratus or lita maybe both going in hof maybe not untill 2008 or 2009 maybe later but i can still see them both or just trish going in hof
i wish crash holly got more credit for what he did in wwe, he was with molly holly and was hardcore champion, he invented 24-7 rule and was classic in my book but wwe never said much or anything about his death&wont put him in hof how sad
vince mcmahon will put him self in hof, vince mcmahon SR is in hof as is gerald brisco so vince will go in 100%
Dusty Rhodes, Rick Rude, Jake Roberts, Miss Elizabeth, The Brisco Bros.(Neither are in the HOF yet), Ted Dibiase, and Terry Funk. I really don't see them putting Owen in....I think i've heard something along the lines before that Bret wouldn't want Owen to go into the HOF simply because his death.....and he also doesn't think that Owen had a HOF career yet. I don't know where I heard that from but I sort of agree with it. Owen was an Intercontinental Champion and Tag Team Champion sure.....but as talented as Owen was(he was one of the best), I don't think he had a Hall of Fame career. He was more of a "star on the rise" with his best yet to come. That's one of the main factors as to why his passing was so sad. Randy Savage I think they'll hold off on too for at least another year. I think there's a little bit of hard feelings between Randy and WWE that need to be worked out first. I'd like to see the WWE have Wrestlemania 24 in Vegas so it'll sorta be the 20th aniversary of Savage winning that Championship tournament at Wrestlemania 4 in Vegas. I think if they do that, then they should defintely try to get Randy. Crash Holly, I don't think he had a Hall of Fame worthy career either...he didn't have enough of an impact for long enough. You could say well he was a whatever time Hardcore Champion....but that title got passed around more than the classroom ****. Just look at some of the past title holders....Pete Gas? Terri Runnels? Molly Holly? I'm sorry....but it's hard for me to take that whole thing seriously. As for the British Bulldog in the HOF, I think that's a long time coming. Guys like him, The Dynamite Kid, Curt Hennig, they should be there....but there's plenty you could put in so you gotta spread them out and wait a little bit. And guys like Ric Flair, Steve Austin, they won't go in as long as they're still appearing with the WWE. Flair is still wrestling, Austin still comes back every now and then for appearances(I think they should hold off a few years on inducting him), Trish is JUST retiring now and I really believe that there's a good chance that she'll be back sooner than later. For those people, you just gotta give it some time.
trish is the moolah of the 21st centru, trish will go in hall of fame. undertaker should go win wwe belt 1 for time then retire&go in hall of fame!!!! hbk, &hhh wont be in hall of fame untill 2009 or 2010 at earlyest, i dont think xpac will ever go in hof i wish but no chance. lita in hof?? i wish but no chance i bet

chris jericho in hall of fame ever?? i would hope so, kurt angle is hall of famer in my book, wwe champion, ic champion, tag championsm, real king of the ring, world class star

mark henry never in hall of fame

jbl in hall of fame?? i hope but i feel he hasnt done enought but was longest world champion in last 6 yrs

kane in hall of fame?? no i doubt it

bigshow in hall of fame?? i think he will hes a giant, there pushing him hes "ecw" or wwe ECW champion u can say,

hows that for what i think about going in hof?
trish is awsome to watch in the ring, its like shes been wrestling for 20 yrs or so, class act trish, trish=hof
I can't even compare Crash & Owen... Owen was so much more talented in my opinion. There are alot of other wrestlers in the Hall that have never even held a WWE/WCW/ECW Title. Jimmy Snuka comes to mind, as does Junk Yard Dog! I think Snuka was once a ECW World Champion, but I'm sure it wasn't mentioned in his HoF Induction, or would be if he were to be re-inducted today. Roddy Piper only held the IC title I think.. Paul Orndorff? WTF!

Anyway... This just goes to show you, that someone like Owen who was so well liked backstage, and was a pretty good wrestler, should be inducted... Not so great on the Mic, but whatever. Haha!
dx69 said:
hows that for what i think about going in hof?
All those guys won't be inducted into the Hall of Fame atleast for another 5 years! You must have just started wrestling...

Right now they're just barely getting into the 90's group of wrestlers. The next MAJOR names inducted over the next 5-10 Years will be
Dusty, Flair, Macho Man, Sammartino (possibly) [Hey is Backlund in the HoF yet?],
Then we'll get into the mid 90s era, and induct people like Sunny, Austin, Undertaker, Michaels, Foley, (Sting!), The Rock...

Then people like Angle, Trish, Sable, Jericho, Nash/Hall... nWo, Triple H after a few many more years will be inducted.
I can't believe some of these suggestions for Hall of Famers that I'm hearing. Crash Holly? Big Bossman? Earthquake? I'm sorry, but just because someone passed away, in my book, this shouldn't constitute an immediate free pass into the Hall of Fame. It should be based on your accomplishments in the ring. I can see Eddie because he did accomplish a lot in many different promotions, but none of these names did anything to merit such an honor.

And I also hate to say it but Sunny and Sable? Sure, great eye candy, but neither of these 2 will go down in wrestling history as Managers deserving to be in Hall of Fame. Mr. Fuji should go in before either one of these 2, based on past champions he's managed, including World Champion Yokozuna and Tag Team Champions Demolition, but more importantly his own long term success as a Tag Team Champion back when he wrestled.

Same goes for Miss Elizabeth for being generally regarded as the First Diva in wrestling. She had championship affiliations with major stars such as Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage. She should be inducted before someone like Sunny or Sable, who really didn't accomplish all that much.

Cornette needs to be inducted, as well, as only he rivals Bobby Heenan as greatest manager of all time. I still rank Heenan ahead of him, though. We'll have to wait for him to leave TNA before that happens.
BBVTyrant said:
I can't believe some of these suggestions for Hall of Famers that I'm hearing. Crash Holly? Big Bossman? Earthquake? I'm sorry, but just because someone passed away, in my book, this shouldn't constitute an immediate free pass into the Hall of Fame. It should be based on your accomplishments in the ring. I can see Eddie because he did accomplish a lot in many different promotions, but none of these names did anything to merit such an honor.

And I also hate to say it but Sunny and Sable? Sure, great eye candy, but neither of these 2 will go down in wrestling history as Managers deserving to be in Hall of Fame. Mr. Fuji should go in before either one of these 2, based on past champions he's managed, including World Champion Yokozuna and Tag Team Champions Demolition, but more importantly his own long term success as a Tag Team Champion back when he wrestled.

Same goes for Miss Elizabeth for being generally regarded as the First Diva in wrestling. She had championship affiliations with major stars such as Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage. She should be inducted before someone like Sunny or Sable, who really didn't accomplish all that much.

Cornette needs to be inducted, as well, as only he rivals Bobby Heenan as greatest manager of all time. I still rank Heenan ahead of him, though. We'll have to wait for him to leave TNA before that happens.

Very well said
i say hhh goes in hof in 7 yrs i think at earlyest

booker t will go in hall of fame in 6+ yrs or so, WCw 5 time champion and tag champion with gold freak dust, and one of the best
This year im going for:-

Dusty Rhodes
Jim Duggan
Curt Henning
Ted Dibiase
Ricky Steamboat
Arn Anderson

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