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Who do you NOT want to see get pushed?

Magic Mark

Former WCW TV Champion
I have seen plenty of "who do you wanna see get pushed?" threads, so I thought that we could shake it up a bit. Now this may seem vague to some, so I'll just put a couple of guidelines out there. This is not a thread to say who you wish would be fired/released. Instead, it's going to be about who the IWC wants pushed, OR who the WWE is already and/or planning on pushing. So yeah, Knock yourselves out!!! I'll give a few of my personal opinions to kinda give you a feel for this thread...

Curtis Axel- I have seen a lot of people happy with the progress that Joe Hennig has made. And to them, I laugh. Sure, he's good in the ring. But can he talk? Can he do fun moves like moonsaults and head scissor takedowns? Does he have a bright personality? Bro, does he even sports entertain? The answer to all of those questions is... Not at the moment. Just because you're the son/daughter of a WWE legend, doesn't mean you should get pushed. Or even employed for that matter *cough* BROOKE HOGAN*cough*. Anyways, I just don't like Axel. He hasn't shown much improvement from his Nexus days, and Even Paul Heyman doesn't make him fun to watch. I'm fine with him in the mid-card, but I still think that he should turn face. He can't get heat worth diddly-poo.

Cody Rhodes- The IWC loves Cody. I like him, hell I'd even go as far as saying that I like him a lot more than half of the WWE roster. In the ring, he's great. On the mic, hit or miss. You can recognize him from a crowd of 1,000. So, why do I not wanna see him get pushed? Because he's a face. Now granted, he's an OK face, but he's MUCH better off as a heel. I remember him teaming with Hardcore Holly around 2007 and he was babyface then. He seemed generic to me, but when he turned heel, he got a pretty good amount of heat. Good enough to put him in a major feud alongside Randy Orton and Ted DiBiase (the boring one). If he gets into the main event, i'll be ok with it, but i'd still prefer him as a villain.

So there. Now that you have a good glimpse of what i'm talking about, tell me who YOU think dosen't deserve a push.
Alberto Del Rio - I'm not sure you can consider this guy seeing as he is the World Heavyweight Champion, but I have had enough of Alberto Del Rio. I'll admit, when he came in in late 2010, I sort of dug him. I thought he was a refreshing character to have around, he is good in the ring, and has good mic skills. All seemed good. But, since that point, what have we seen that has changed? That's right, nothing. A face turn was necessary for me to re-freshen him, but WWE failed on this one. His character has seen no evolution, not entirely his fault, but I just can't see the point anymore. WWE clearly have no intentions of shaking it up with him, so I put him down as someone to put less stock into. I would rather see others get the push then Del Rio, and I wouldn't have said that a few months ago. Shame.

The Miz - It is safe to say The Miz has fallen so far from grace. When he was the World Tag Team Champions or WWE Tag Team Champions with John Morrison, I found him thoroughly entertaining and a thought he would be someone someday. When he became the "awesome one" and won the WWE Championship, I was happy because I felt he deserved it. He worked his way to the top, from tag team gold, to the United States Championship, to Money in the Bank, to the WWE Championship. He beat the likes of Randy Orton, Jerry Lawler and John Cena, in the main event of WrestleMania XXVII might I add. Since then, he has fallen and hit the ground hard. His face turn has been so lackluster which annoys me because he has so much potential. He is constantly improving in the ring, he had that great match with Curtis Axel and Wade Barrett and WWE Payback, goes to show you his in-ring work; he has charisma and is good on the mic. The problem, just like you said with Cody Rhodes, he does not work as a face, at this point anyway. He keeps getting these mini-pushes. I would rather him turn heel and get a full on push, but it doesn't seem to be coming to anything. For that reason, cut the push and stop trying, because it won't work. Again, a shame.
Fandango - What do people see in this guy? Horrible gimmick, mediocre in the ring (on his very best day), and they have him beat Chris Jericho at WrestleMania in his DEBUT MATCH??? That, to me, was the single worst decision the creative team has made in the past ten years.

The Shield - I have never been a fan of WWE's fetish with having a group of nobodies debut and then defeat every big name on the roster. It makes WWE's established stars look like second-rate garbage. Every time they do this, the group suffers from burnout and all but one (or on extremely rare occasions, two) members of the group go on to have mediocre careers. I'm predicting the same thing with The Shield. Roman Reigns is going to be a top guy in WWE one day. The other two, I don't see making it any higher than midcard.

The Miz - This guy NEEDS to be a heel. As a face, he doesn't work. Plain and simple. He's not over as a face, his use of the Figure Four is laughable and he barely knows how to apply it, and as a direct result of his face turn, he's fallen to near the bottom of the card. Miz needs to be a heel again, and it needs to happen soon.
The Shield - I have never been a fan of WWE's fetish with having a group of nobodies debut and then defeat every big name on the roster. It makes WWE's established stars look like second-rate garbage. Every time they do this, the group suffers from burnout and all but one (or on extremely rare occasions, two) members of the group go on to have mediocre careers. I'm predicting the same thing with The Shield. Roman Reigns is going to be a top guy in WWE one day. The other two, I don't see making it any higher than midcard.

The problem with this is that everyone is a nobody until they debut. The days of established stars jumping ship to the WWF/E are long gone. The biggest star you are going to get is an Indy guy, and even then only Indy fans are gonna be the ones who know them.
I understand your point about discrediting established stars, but at the same time, The Shield avoided this problem by constantly working as a team. They were never billed as individual powerhouses, they were a unit that worked better together than the other slap dash teams that were thrown together to stop them.
I agree with Roman Reigns being a future headliner, but only if he continues to improve. I still think hes the weakest in The Shield. Dean Ambrose is where the smart money is, providing he comes out of The Shield with a decent character.


RVD - Im happy to see him back, and I feel as though he has really lived up to the hype of his return so far, but I really dont want to see him competing for the World/WWE titles during his run. I think he is a good replacement for Jericho in that he can be an enhancement talent, there to make the up-and-comers look good, and also give the mid card some much needed star power. If he was to start getting involved in the already crowded title scene, I think he would just take away from guys like Dolph, Bryan, Sandow etc. that are just in the process of working their way into that role.

Jack Swagger - Hes had his shot for now. He got no heat the first time, and his personal-time antics blew it for him the second time. The problem with this is that he is a great wrestler, and Zeb is a great mouthpiece for him. I just think hes better suited in the mid card, booked strong, like Cesaro was. For a while... He could maybe take the Tag route with Cesaro while we wait for Cesaro to take the next step, but I dont think he has a main event gimmick at the moment either. Its all about Zeb with them.

And the obligatory...

John Cena - Im not gonna go on a "we hate cena, he sucks" rant. Contrary to the usual feelings toward him these days, I think hes good at what he does. Fair enough, hes been on top for a long time, but thats normal for wrestling, historically. The problem is that after Bryan, he has no one left. Hes done it all, with every main eventer. Im not saying send him after the IC belt or anything, but give him a few personal feuds away from the main event to let others stake a claim. If anything, it lets Cena fight over something other than the title or personal pride, and it creates a lot more possibilities at the top of the card. I know Cena just came off a year with no title, but that doesnt mean he wasnt involved. Give some other people the ball.
I'm going to be neutral on this topic. To be honest it's a pretty good topic and I think I have a solid answer. Who do I want to not get a push? No one. Let's put away which guy gets a push and who doesn't. I have a better idea: Character Development! So I've seen from the boards here are that the popular guys who are in most need of a push, by you guys are: Barrett, Rhodes, and Cesaro. Quick, someone tell me who's character is more established out of those 3? Barrett, why should I care about him? He was a very poorly booked Intercontinental Champion. What else is there to him? Kayfabe wise, Barrett is a bare knuckle fighter or brawler or something like that. Sticking with Kayfabe, if his gimmick is a bare knuckle brawler/boxer, shouldn't he be knocking guys out with a single punch? We haven't seen any of that, so for Barrett and other guys like Rhodes and Sandow they are guys who need to develop their characters before any thought of a push.
I have to go with Cody Rhodes. I can't stand. He's puny and I can't get past the lisp.
I grew up the in the 80's and most of the jobbers were bigger than Cody. He not intimidating at all and he can't talk. There's no personality there and his matches do nothing for me.

I know it's not the 80's anymore and most of the guys aren't the muscle bound giants of the 80's. I thought I would put that in there because I know that statement will jump out at people. I would be ok with puny Cody if his matches were entertaining. I'm not saying they are bad, but they are nothing special.

Cody isn't my least favorite wrestler. I chose him for this discussion becasue I'm so afraid he's going to get a major push. It will be like having Miz as WWE champion all over again. Everytime I see the cover of the wrestlemania 27 dvd, it looks fake too me.
Miz has a stupid look on his face and he's holding a belt that's bigger than he is. It was just awful. I can't go through that again.
I wouldn't completely pull the plug on Del Rio just yet.

But for the love of god, keep the man away from the WWE or World Heavyweight Championships. WWE keeps throwing Del Rio into into world title pictures, and they've thrown the WHC on him twice, without giving him any real momentum to build upon. Yes, it was a shocking and unexpected heel turn at Payback, but in the grand scheme of things, it was an ill-advised heel turn.

It's not like we saw a different guy, when Del Rio turned heel again. No, he was/is the same boring snobbish Mexican aristocrat, who couldn't get over with the fans like he was supposed to the first time around. Yes, more often than not, Del Rio's matches aren't bad, but he hasn't been able to develop a character that can really click with the live audiences. He needs more time, and more importantly, time away from ANY world title pictures.

The Miz- The problem with Miz is he plateaued a while ago. I'm sorry, but I honestly don't see any more potential for Miz breaking any glass ceilings. WWE putting him into a hosting position at Summerslam is a prime example of this.

I'm going to wait and see how things unfold with Axel and Heyman before I give up on him. But I could see why someone would mention Axel, because he's on his what, third or fourth different character change on the main roster? Swagger has the goods, but he really fucked him self over this year, so yeah, he's going to have to eat shit for a while, and I wouldn't be surprised if he drove the final nail into his own coffin. Fandango? Eh, I know he fizzled out pretty quickly, but you could blame some of that on his recent concussion. I just think the character needs a little more depth, because the current narcissistic ass, who loves to dance around like a fool character will only take him so far.
I'm tired of them pushing Alberto Del Rio. He needs to improve his acting skills if he is ever to be taken more seriously.
I agree with everyone who says about Axel, he is just not right to me. I dont know what it is about him, I just dont like him. He doesnt entertain me, nor do I like to watch him wrestle.
But I dont know why I have been reading so much hate about Rollins and Ambrose. A couple of month ago everyone was on Ambrose and now he isnt talented? He is the thick Mick Foley, its a adventure watching him every time.
But I will admit that the shield need to slow down a little bit for a real nice and long fued.....with someone like the newly debuted Wyatt Family. Or if thats not possible, bring another member into the "We The People".
But my other couple of guys that I am tired of seeing are Del Rio and SHeamus. They can put on a hell of a match, but they are just getting old at the moment.
besides some obvious ones (like Khali, Hornswoggle and others) i will go with a guy who started off hot that i am not a fan of and it's nothing to do with his in ring work, just mainly his character which in my book doesnt fit with a championship, Fandango. i like his in ring work, but his dancing to the ring and his character of a ball room dancer just doesnt look like a main event type of guy, so unless his character gets changed up, he's the one i dont want to get pushed yet.
1. cm JUNK! This guy, is the MOST OVERRATED "wrestler" in HISTORY! He sucks on the MIC, TERRIBLE RING EXECUTION, MOVES are SLOPPY! cm punk is so bad, and idiot fans dont see it, even though, its easy to see!

2. Kofi Kingston: this guy sucks

3. Dolph Ziggler: this guy sucks

4. Christian

5. Wyatt's going nowhere!

6. Sheamus

7. Ted Dibiase

8. Wade Barrett

9. Brodus Clay All These guys are boring and suck! LOW TALENT
hmmm, this is a tough one because At this level everyone's got some likability to them. Solely for Midcard purposes I hope they don't put Curtis Axel in the Main event picture too fast. the IC title needs to regain some of it's importance and he could very well help it do that. Keep him where he is and have him make that title mean something, THEN push him up to the main event.
The Miz: We get it! The Miz is not versatile. By the way the guy has been booked for the last few months you would think that's what the WWE has been trying to reveal. For so long everything that came out of his mouth was gold. Do you remember his team with Morrison back in the day? The irony is that he's looking more like a tag team fixture now than he ever has before. When you have a guy who can talk and get the heat that he did? Use him for that! But now look at him; he's hosting pay per views instead of wrestling on them like he should be and was for the longest time. And at this point? I'd rather him doing that than fighting for titles and it is looking more and more like that's where he's heading or so I hope. I don't want to see anyone fired because I know how hard it is to do what they do but something has to give here and hopefully a break from action might teach him that.
1. cm JUNK! This guy, is the MOST OVERRATED "wrestler" in HISTORY! He sucks on the MIC, TERRIBLE RING EXECUTION, MOVES are SLOPPY! cm punk is so bad, and idiot fans dont see it, even though, its easy to see!

2. Kofi Kingston: this guy sucks

3. Dolph Ziggler: this guy sucks

4. Christian

5. Wyatt's going nowhere!

6. Sheamus

7. Ted Dibiase

8. Wade Barrett

9. Brodus Clay All These guys are boring and suck! LOW TALENT

Are you on drugs??? Yea sure i can agree with Brodus and the Wyatts and maybe even a couple others on your list But CM Punk are you kidding me...he is one of the best they have at cutting a decent promo and he can go in the ring. Dolf Ziggler is another one that has come along way and will only get better. Kofi is pretty awesome in the ring one of the best high fliers they have.
1. cm JUNK! This guy, is the MOST OVERRATED "wrestler" in HISTORY! He sucks on the MIC, TERRIBLE RING EXECUTION, MOVES are SLOPPY! cm punk is so bad, and idiot fans dont see it, even though, its easy to see!

2. Kofi Kingston: this guy sucks

3. Dolph Ziggler: this guy sucks

4. Christian

5. Wyatt's going nowhere!

6. Sheamus

7. Ted Dibiase

8. Wade Barrett

9. Brodus Clay All These guys are boring and suck! LOW TALENT

Seriously what planet are you on? CM Punk is one of the best in ring performers of this generation and his mic skills are up there with the best as well. As regards to the people I don't want to see pushed question has to be The Miz as a face he's a boring, generic run of the mill early 90's face, whereas a heel Miz with his whole I'm Awesome personna was someone I enjoyed watching and getting behind.
1. cm JUNK! This guy, is the MOST OVERRATED "wrestler" in HISTORY! He sucks on the MIC, TERRIBLE RING EXECUTION, MOVES are SLOPPY! cm punk is so bad, and idiot fans dont see it, even though, its easy to see!

2. Kofi Kingston: this guy sucks

3. Dolph Ziggler: this guy sucks

4. Christian

5. Wyatt's going nowhere!

6. Sheamus

7. Ted Dibiase

8. Wade Barrett

9. Brodus Clay All These guys are boring and suck! LOW TALENT

I love how you use well weighed arguments and proper language to prove your point here...


I personally like the miz on the mic. He has a quick wit that can bring a fresh taste to predictable feuds and he balances things out this way. But that's it; He should just be doing interview segments, work his mic skills. Although he's a decent wrestler, he's not any better than the next guy. Let him replace, help or do something with commentary or something like that.

The guy is just annoying. His in ring skills are not bad but are overshadowed by a completely bullshit persona. When he was still good ol' Jonnhy Curtis he did some decent work in NXT where he was just a creep. Hell, even his stint in Santino's Youtube show worked out. This faaaaaan-daaaaan-goooo bull isn't working and never will. The only reason people cheer him is because he's got catchy entrance music.

Tons of funk
Brodus clay...where to start. Never had the looks. Doesn't have interesting in-ring abilities and only provides some entertainment on youtube shows. Maybe he's fun for the kids, i don't know. Tensai is like the 2.0 version of Clay and it suits him even less. Two guys who aren't interesting sporting a gimmick that died in the 60's. Nah-ah.

I never really caught on to why he's called captain charisma. He was always carried by Edge in his tag team days, which were granted quite fun and entertaining as a tag team, but as a singles competitor he just can't bring it. He was a horrible heel and he's not charismatic, likeable or special enough to get much further than lower midcard in mho. Plus, he's getting old, and it's showing.

Alberto Del Rio
I'm quite surprised that they granted so many titles to a guy who is so terribly a one trick pony. The fact that he had a guy with him that was sort of funny as a ring announcer saved him for a part but he's got no real mic skills whatsoever and even has gone back to his stupid wink a couple of weeks back. Sideline him for a while, try and make him work on his character and then give him a shot again i'd suggest.

Damien Sandow
I'm probably gonna get a lot of heat for this but i don't like Sandow at all. His character is flawed at best and though his wrestling skills are decent enough it's completely overshadowed by a character that's simply trying too hard. The "You're welcome" thing, the names of his moves... all just points to me like he doesn't know how to give his character a backstory and just is a snob because of it. I guess a heel should be hated, i hate the character, not the heel.
1. cm JUNK! This guy, is the MOST OVERRATED "wrestler" in HISTORY! He sucks on the MIC, TERRIBLE RING EXECUTION, MOVES are SLOPPY! cm punk is so bad, and idiot fans dont see it, even though, its easy to see!

2. Kofi Kingston: this guy sucks

3. Dolph Ziggler: this guy sucks

4. Christian

5. Wyatt's going nowhere!

6. Sheamus

7. Ted Dibiase

8. Wade Barrett

9. Brodus Clay All These guys are boring and suck! LOW TALENT

what is wrong with you??? CM Punk is one of the best guys ive seen in a long long time hes flawless in the ring and on the mic. The wyatts need time to build. Ziggler is pretty good as well. you must be one of those guys that only like Cena and the faces.
any way I would not push:

Alberto Del Rio: Face it. Hes decent in the ring, but has the charisma of a brick and without his manager RR [who more people like than him] he cant talk.
Darren Young: ITs been said before on other threads but im going to say it again. Without Titus o Neil, he wouldn't be anywhere. He is very generic in the ring, cant talk.
Daniel Bryan

The guy is just too small to ever take seriously. I mean where are the muscles? Where are the big power moves? Where's the charisma? If you ask me, this cruiserweight can cruiserWAIT. The best move would be for Orton to cash in after Bryan beats Cena. See, you've already got those marks in the Staples Centers' money, you can get the strap to someone reliable like Orton. He also never smiles, whats up with that? Push a happy person for once, like Bo Dallas.

Antonio Cesaro

Does this guy even speak english? With that accent, it makes no difference. He may as well be speaking gibberish. Can't cut a promo and his matches are average. Yes you can uppercut, what else can you do? Also, is balding. Generally, we've seen Vince push guys with a fuller head of hair to distance himself from Hogan/Austin. Bo Dallas has some great locks for the pushing.

Damien Sandow

Is pretty much a shite version of The Genius, who was himself the inferior Poffo brother. I dont understand why they keep ruining gimmick. Sandow was GOLD as one of Michelle McCool's Teachers Pets, and I for one will never forget his tag match on Smackdown 09.26.06 as Idol Stevens. Now there's a gimmick with money written all over it. Push Bo Dallas.
Alberto Del Rio-Sick to death having shoved down my throat. He is not good on the mic and he bored to tears whenever he wrestles a match.
The Miz-the lamest mid card wrestler in history and a terrible wrestler but has a great work ethic.
Jack Swagger-unwatchable but still better than The Miz and has a lisp
Fandango-I like the wrestler but the character is stupid and has no main event potential.
Kofi - He's an absolute joke and is just there to entertain the kids. I wouldn't push him into the main event scene at all.

Fandango - I don't mind him in the ring but the character is just ridiculous.

Swagger - Good Luck in all your future endeavors

ADR - stinks. He can't get over as a heel or face and his character is too generic.

Ryback - Had some potential at first. Can't talk and has a one dimensional gimmick.
The McMahon Family- It seems like every time these fuckers start taking more on camera roles, the more I find myself getting bored with the product.

The Bellas- I have never seen two less ***** less deserving of a job with WWE let alone a fucking push. These are two of the shallowest, evil, self-centered piece a shit the entertainment industry has ever produced, they have literally sucked & fucked their way to where they are now. They are to the wrestling industry what Beiber is to the music industry.

Bo Dallas- He's is shit, & for the the life of me I can't understand what in the bluest of blue fucks WWE sees in this guy, he's terrible in every aspect of the business.
Assuming we're talking about guys being pushed/in the midst of the push, I've got to go with Cody Rhodes.

I just don't want to see him with the WHC or WWE title....ever. Sure, the WHC isn't quite on the level of the WWE title, but still. I don't see why so many people are so crazy about him. He's fine in the ring and he wasn't bad as Disfigured Cody Rhodes, but then he became another boring heel. The jury is still out on how good he is as a face. He was pretty lame as a face six years ago. Also, WWE, more often than not, can't make good faces for the most part. His brother was (and still is) much more over than Cody likely ever will be, and he was never more than midcard. Then there's certain things I just don't get about his character. Like, why does he wear suits? Damien Sandow was the more talented member of Rhodes Scholars and I would be perfectly fine if Sandow decisively beats him and Rhodes eventually fades into Ted Dibiase territory. Speaking of Dibiase, I'm probably one of the few that still prefers him over Cody.

I see some people have mentioned Ted Dibiase, Darren Young and Tons of Funk as people that they'd rather not see pushed. I don't think you have much to worry about. Quite honestly, I'd like to see those guys receive pushes, but that's for another topic.
Tons of Funk

Seriously, two overweight dudes dancing. and this is meant to get anyone over how? You'd think the big 'E would've realised from the stalled teaming of Scotty 2 Hott and "Hip-Hop-Hippo" Albert that this sort of shit doesn't go down well. They're a comedy duo without the comedy. In short, they are no Team Hell NO. I don't see why they allow them on TV for one thing. And after Brodus Clays semi-decent monster heel run I was disappointed for them to lower him to this.

Kofi Kingston

He used to be Jamaican. Now he's African. Had a semi-ok run at Randy Orton and now he just hold up the mid-card with Wade Barrett. Only around for his entrance dance that the kids can get on with. Release.


Do I need to say more?


Might catch a lot of flack for this, but I don't "get" him. So his gimmick is what? He's clever? He knows a lot of words? I know 3 programming languages does that mean I can get over as well? I just don't understand why there's so much support of him. There's no depth to his character at all.

He shouldn't have went heel, especially after LOSING at wrestlemania. Didn't help that he was supposed to be fighting Cena and he did nothing during it. Its funny that he sounds and acts meaner now than he did when he was "acting" all fierce and stoic like. They ruined him, when he needed wins and support.

Brock Lesnar:

Know he's not getting "pushed" per se but can he just leave alright? He has like 10 dates a year and he doesn't add anything, or do anything noteworthy. Why did he fight HHH 3 times, I can't remember? Why Is he fighting CM Punk, and not Axel who could really use the exposure and experience? So much just goes unsaid its annoying, that and he's just there for the money.
Alberto Del Rio. The man is a complete bore. I don't want to cheer him or boo him. I just want to fast forward on my DVR when he's on. Or if it's live his matches are always a good time to head to the bathroom.

Christian. Never understood what people see in him. He's not overrated, he's flat out awful yet the IWC thinks he's somehow under utilized.

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