Who do you NOT want to see get pushed?

This is tough because it's working off current gimmicks. There're people that I'm not fond of and wouldn't want to see pushed at the moment but I see potential in them if the had a change in persona. With that being said.

Drew McIntyre
Everybody keeps saying he's being shafted and deserves better. I never particularly cared for him much during his first heel run. Thought he was bland.

Zach Ryder
Another guy people say deserves better. I admire and respect the efforts he made to get himself over a while back. But I never got it. Maybe it's a cultural thing, but that Jersey Shore 'bro' schtick doesn't make a good face and simply makes an annoying heel. Wouldn't be averse to seeing him getting a push in the tag division though.

Jack Swagger
I used to like Swagger, thought he had great potential as a face, but he seems to find new and creative ways of messing up his pushes. He's fine where he is atm but I don't want to see him near the main event again.

Kofi Kingston
He's been the same for so long. It's played out.

Then there's the obvious ones...Khali, Hornswoggle...I'd have to go a long time without seeing Cena's face to be ok with watching him.
Rob Van Dam - As much as some people love RVD, personally, I've always thought him to be a bit overrated. As far as in-ring skill goes, he's still fine. The problem is that he has no real personality to speak of. He's every bit the one dimensional, intensity deprived stoner now that he was 15 years ago and his charisma is limited to doing his little pose. It looks as though the role he currently has is one in which he's used to ultimately put over younger guys and I think that's the perfect spot for him at this point in his life. He can still be a lot of fun to watch inside the ring, but it's obvious that he's not what he once was physically. As someone who only works ppvs and television tapings, RVD shouldn't have a title run but should, as I said, be used to put over younger talent and collect a nice paycheck doing it.

The Bella Twins - Generally speaking, I'm not sure how much of what we've seen of the Bellas in Total Divas is actually who they are. If I'm not mistaken, much of the content of Total Divas is scripted. I'm almost certain I've read that. But even if they are a pair of shallow ****s, I could look past all of it if they were actually worth a damn as wrestlers. As far as in-ring work goes, they're pretty lousy. They can't wrestle and, frankly, they've never been able to wrestle. Their charisma seems limited to just generally acting like a couple of snobbish, stuck up....well...divas and if you've heard them cut one promo, you've already heard all they have to say. In the grand scheme of things, in my opinion, The Bella Twins might bring less to the table than any other two women currently signed to WWE.

Bo Dallas - When I think of Bo Dallas, the thing that comes to mind is that he's John Cena without any real shred of talent. I find myself hoping that Dallas doesn't make it to the main roster because he's someone who has a LOT of work to do. The guy's just not that good, at all, so I find myself hoping more & more that he'll ultimately wind up getting cut. He's already spent his entire career in WWE developmental, so there has to be a point in which they realize that he just doesn't have it.

Tons of Funk - As they currently are, Brodus & Tensai shouldn't be pushed any higher than they currently are. If they were repackaged as a tough, super heavyweight tag team, MAYBE there'd be something redeemable about them in the long run. But, as is, there's just no money to be made with these two.

The Miz - I was someone who liked The Miz a few years back when most people were shitting all over the guy. I do think he's someone that's gotten a ton of unfair hate from the IWC, but I think his ship has sailed. The Miz is still a young guy but I'm just kinda tired of him and I think he can be put to better use in WWE in a role other than being a main eventer. Personally, I'd rather have Miz on commentary than wrestling right now unless he was able to form a solid tag team with someone on the roster. If nothing else, it could add some depth to the tag team scene. I think Miz does a good job on commentary most of the time and, frankly, I'd rather have him on Raw than Jerry Lawler. Lawler's a legend but I'm soooooooooooooo friggin' tired of listening to his lame, half-assed attempts at being funny with his jokes that would have been funny back in the 1950s.

There are others but these are the ones who leap out at me the most right now.
I do not wanna see damien sandow pushed, cause i dont think sandow is ready, i think sandow is better in the mid card, and i think that sandow shouldnt get pushed before someone who has been in there for years:)
Alberto Del Rio - I am just tired of this dude. I am not gonna be a troll and say fire ADR. But damn, to me he is sooooo boring. He is a good wrestler, no denying that, but beyond that I have a hard time buying into him. After this World Title run, I wish he would at least fall back to more of a mid-card status. I am not saying make ADR a Jobber, but dropping him some would be a good idea. At least in my opinion it is a good idea.
Fandango - as someone already said, he's just annoying. He should be a jobber, period.

CM Puny - We've seen enough of that loser already. Release him or make him job to some talented young wrestlers. His 434 days of mediocrity proved that he can't be a top star like Cena or Orton.

Ted DiBiase Jr - he was good as a heel in a tag team, but as a singles superstar, he's a complete joke.

Sandow - Why the f*** is this worthless wrestler Mr MITB? Rofl! he debuted on the main roster last year, has won ZERO titles, but now he's holding the MITB briefcase? Very smart, WWE. Lol I seriously hope he has a match against Cody for the briefcase and Cody wins because he's the one who should've won at MITB. Not Sandow. Cody has been busting his ass for 7 long years and he deserves to be rewarded with a World title. I know Sandow kisses HHH's ass backstage, but still. Sandow is the most undeserving MITB winner in history.

Sheamus - Another talentless clown who kisses HHH's ass

Dolph Ziggler - I used to like him, but recently I opened my eyes and realized there's nothing special about him. Very average worker.
Camacho, The Usos, and Tamina.

None of them are worth having on the roster in any type of role. Not only are they the only wrestlers I do NOT want to ever see pushed to win ANY title, but I'd future endeavour each of them immediately. They are all so awful that they are not even worth keeping as jobbers. Seriously, there's not a single entertaining thing that any of them have ever done. If I had the choice between watching a 4 hour long Vickie Guerrero promo where I was not allowed to fast forward, or watch even ONE match containing any of these wrestlers, I'd choose the Vickie promo. That's how useless they are. I don't want to see them in any onscreen capacity, let alone seeing them in any type of push. Ever.
I'm with the Alberto Del Rio people. I never liked him from day 1 and most likely never will. I don't understand why he gets push after push and when I do watch and he comes on my screen I turn it to something else. I feel the same way about Randy Orton but with Orton I understand that he has a large fan base. While he's a channel changer for me at least he has an upside from a business stance. What's Del Rio's upside? There isn't one.
Big Show: I enjoy Big Show's work. I would be the first to say induct him into the Hall of Fame. But with that being said, his time as being a guy that needs to be pushed needs to end. He is one of the most well-paid wrestlers on the roster, and has been with the company for a long ass time. He has had his moments and I just feel his character should be the one putting people over instead of being pushed into the Main Event.

Jinder Mahal: There's absolutely nothing interesting about this guy to me. His mic skills are weak and have been weak since day one, he gives a half-ass match in the ring, and whatever gimmick he has ran with, even the lame 3MB that's meant to be campy, he has fell flat in and gets overshadowed by Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre. I repeat, gets overshadowed by Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre.

Humpty Dumpty: There just won't be an end to hearing about it.
Ryback: While I actually don't mind Ryback in his current mid-card position (although some of his heel bullying promos have borderlined on homosexual prison scenes) reports have said he is in line to recieve another "big push", which I think would be a horrible idea at the moment considering his last two pushes into the main event scene, both heel & face, seemed to basically bomb. I still doubt if the Ryback character could ever really get over in todays WWE but either way I think Ryan Reeves needs to spend some time in the mid-card & gain some more experience first.

The Bella Twins: Isn't much to say here, they are just talentless, skanks IMO. They only got hired because they happen to be twins & they only got rehired because they are sleeping with Cena & Bryan. The fact that WWE seems to consider them the main focus of the Divas Division is laughable.

The Rest Of The Ladies From 'Total Divas': I don't mind most of them & some are even starting to become decent characters & performers for the WWE but the fact that they are starting to take up valuable WWE programming when they already have their own show is really starting to bother me. I can handle all the ads to watch 'Total Divas' but I don't need WWE to start involving the "reality show" storylines into their regular programming & especially PPV's. If I wanted to watch 'Total Divas' I'd watch 'Total Divas', I tune in to RAW to watch RAW!

The Big Show: Between the lack of good booking through out his career & his trend over the last several years of switching back & forth between face & heel like he's changing his socks, I've never been much of a fan of The Big Show. & while I was actually starting to really like his return as a face & matches with The Shield, I didn't care for Show's involvement in the main event segment on Monday & I hope he doesn't get any sort of push from this. The segment wasn't bad but watching Show cry for the millionth time was awful. The Big Show belongs in the upper mid-card putting over guys like The Shield, not in the main event.

Alberto Del Rio: I'm not as harsh on him as a lot of people seem to be but I have been sick of seeing Del Rio involved in the World Title scene for awhile now & he is a terrible world champion. He should be fighting RVD in a plain singles match at NoC not involved in the main event for Smackdown.

Rob Van Dam: I'm very glad to see RVD back but it has been stated many places that he signed only a part-time deal & will be taking time off in between, so what logic does it make to have RVD fight for a World Title??? Rob's booking up until Summerslam was nearly perfect & his matches have been great but being teamed with Ricardo is just flat out stupid to say the least & him challenging for the WHC is illogical. Like I said before, RVD & Del Rio should be having a plain singles match at NoC.

Darren Young: Very average, hasn't really done anything in the WWE besides admitting he is gay (which in no way, shape or form is call for a push) & is obviously less talented than Titus O'Neil & just copies most of what he does. I'm okay with a little push for PTP but Darren Young as a solo performer hasn't proven a thing as far as I'm concerned.

3MB: They aren't really getting pushed at the moment or have been talked about in terms of getting a push but how these three still have a spot on the main roster is pretty much beyond me. They've hardly done anything & got old/stale almost instantly. Jinder Mahal is awful IMO. Drew did show a moment of true intensity in the Elimination Chamber a few years back but he has yet to show it again & comes off as pretty bland to me otherwise. & 3MB basically saved Heath Slater's career, which is just sad. As individuals they aren't good but as a group they just stick out like an incredibly sore thumb.

Los Matadores: I really hate to bash on any characters that have even yet to debut but since this is the re-debut of Primo & Epico, it appears even more hopeless. I am usually one who enjoys a lot of the more gimmicky or character driven personas in wrestling but Los Matadores looks pretty bad. The promos are beyond cheesy & they even took the "Ole" chant it seems, which seems to have angered some die-hard El Generico fans since Sami Zayn just had his first match on the main roster at a house show. But my biggest problem is that this is the reintroduction of Primo & Epico, a team that never seemed to get over anyways. The gimmick isn't even that much different from what they were in the first place. So I don't see how bringing back a sub-par tag team, with what looks like a really bad gimmick is destined for anything but failure.

Bo Dallas: I don't see how this guy is the NXT Champion, he has a terrible look, terrible gimmick & poor ring skills from everything I've seen. He may have a future as a heel just because everyone seems to automatically hate him so much but besides that I see absolutely zero value in him.

Emma: Not a bad talent at all but her current gimmick is just silly & cheesy. She is a prime example of why WWE doesn't want to televise their NXT talents too much IMO. She could be something really awesome someday but she needs a lot more work & a totally new gimmick/entrance before she shows up on the main roster.
Darren Young: ITs been said before on other threads but im going to say it again. Without Titus o Neil, he wouldn't be anywhere. He is very generic in the ring, cant talk.

Sorry but Darren is gonna be shoved down our throats now. Ugh. Just gagged a bit.

Funny, just not too long ago, everyone was boo hooing about Hennig being in NXT forever, he gets bumped up, everyone bitches that he isn't that good.

Just like you guys did to Zack Ryder, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, bitch bitch bitch until you get your favorites on TV. Then cry cause they are portrayed to your liking.

Anyway, Del Rio is one that I'd never push. The ONLY reason WWE kisses his as is because of his family. Take away Mil Mascaras and Del Rio is a nobody.

Another key choice is The Miz. He is worse than Mordecai right now. His best work is as the sneaky rat face heel. He plays it perfectly. It looks so awkward whenever Mike tries to do a face character.

Plus dude can't lock in a figure four to save his life. EVERYONE knew that Dolph should have gotten the Figure Four.
Magic Mark said:
I have seen plenty of "who do you wanna see get pushed?" threads, so I thought that we could shake it up a bit. Now this may seem vague to some, so I'll just put a couple of guidelines out there. This is not a thread to say who you wish would be fired/released. Instead, it's going to be about who the IWC wants pushed, OR who the WWE is already and/or planning on pushing.
Randy Orton-
Two strikes already. His arrogance and sense of entitlement are not on screen only. Plenty of reports of fans being treated like trash by this guy....... even while he was face. At least treat the kids and the mentally challenged with an iota of respect. I understand being a little standoffish with adults as I am sure they can be intrusive. You chose this.

Ryback -
already ruined.

Big E -
Hate to add him, but I am sure if he was pushed now, he would end up in Rybacks situation.

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Emma: Not a bad talent at all but her current gimmick is just silly & cheesy. She is a prime example of why WWE doesn't want to televise their NXT talents too much IMO. She could be something really awesome someday but she needs a lot more work & a totally new gimmick/entrance before she shows up on the main roster.

Emma is probably the best female wrestler they have on NXT. Her gimmick is also fresh and interesting. I've seen the Anti-Diva gimmick before (Lita, Katie Lea Burchill). I've seen the evil princess gimmick before (Maryse, the Bella Twins). I've seen the crazy chick (Mickie James). Who did the clumsy gimmick last? Was it Molly Holly? That's a long time ago and I think Emma has made it her own. There aren't many other gimmicks in the Diva's division unless you want another farting Natalya.

As far as people I don't want to see pushed.

Randy Orton
He's the definition of boring. His RKO is boring. The way he sets it up is boring. His rope DDT is boring and also stupid. His dropkick is boring. His whole moveset is boring. His only good move is the inverted backbreaker. His entrance is boring. The stupid pose he does is boring. This storyline is boring. There are a ton of interesting things the Shield could be doing right now but they're stuck in this stupid storyline with Randy Orton and Triple H.

I don't like that the first fued the Wyatt family had was with Kane. If Kane comes back and buries the Wyatts, I might just go back to watching NXT and Main Event. Likewise, I don't want to see him comeback as a member of the Wyatt family either. Kane is almost as boring as Randy.

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