Which of the jobbers do you want to see pushed the most?

I would change fandango's name to something original. Bring him back as a guy who has reinvented himself and is sick of being pushed around or put into stupid matches by the authority. Throw him onto Cena's survivor series team.
Honestly Brutus Clay could have been a whole lot more with decent writing. He had a unique look, good presence and could work, But of course, he got burdened with a comedy dancing idiot gimmick because they already had Ryback being fed as a monster heel to Cena, after than was done Brutus was too far gone to be credible. Now he is wasted on TNA with the rest of the minor league allstars.

WoW! This is coming from a wwe brainless moron who doesn t watch anything else but worst wrestling excrement! Try watching ROH and TNA and see the difference there is no stupidity, comical, soap opera , idiotic walt Disney gimmicks cause Mc Moron lives in a Disney universe! Seriously! Brodus or Tytus whatever his name is was a BENCHWARMER! He s more recognized as a bodyguard than that idiotic pimp gimmick with his ****es! I remember another star Papa Shango who drifted away as well! TNA knows how to rebuild stars look at Ethan Carter 3 he was a NXt star with no future !
Don t go knocking another association when they are better than the Disney product! I cannot even endure 3 hours of excrement show!
Honestly Brutus Clay could have been a whole lot more with decent writing. He had a unique look, good presence and could work, But of course, he got burdened with a comedy dancing idiot gimmick because they already had Ryback being fed as a monster heel to Cena, after than was done Brutus was too far gone to be credible. Now he is wasted on TNA with the rest of the minor league allstars.

WoW! This is coming from a wwe brainless moron who doesn t watch anything else but worst wrestling excrement! Try watching ROH and TNA and see the difference there is no stupidity, comical, soap opera , idiotic walt Disney gimmicks cause Mc Moron lives in a Disney universe! Seriously! Brodus or Tytus whatever his name is was a BENCHWARMER! He s more recognized as a bodyguard than that idiotic pimp gimmick with his ****es! I remember another star Papa Shango who drifted away as well! TNA knows how to rebuild stars look at Ethan Carter 3 he was a NXt star with no future !
Don t go knocking another association when they are better than the Disney product! I cannot even endure 3 hours of excrement show!
:lol: this

I agree with you.

There are better organizations than wwe.
way better

WWE just garbage now
Anytime I talk about anyone being pushed it has to be Kofi Kingston. He is a work horse. He never really has bad matches, he has a great look, and he can talk on the microphone if given the chance. He would need a character change for sure, but I think he is a guy that even if they changed his name he would have no problem getting over.
Heath Slater by a million miles. That guy has huge upside because he is naturally charismatic and is good in the ring. Like what you said there as I was hoping Slater would have gone on a flukey winning streak back when it looked like that was in store for him. You could even do it by having him always be the opponent of whoever a heel like Mark Henry comes out and takes down. Don't have them paired up but make out like Slater always happens to be the guy in the ring when Henry is in a pissed off mood and looking to take it out on someone.

I think Slater has the promo chops to get a gimmick like that well over with the audience

Totally agree the guy has taken a lot of crap since the nexus and deserves a U.S title push at the least, this is the guy that made 3MB not only watchable but downright hilarious
Could we class Bray Wyatt as a jobber? He hasn't a very good win/loss record.

Bray Wyatt is this generations answer to the undertaker in terms of eerie presentation and too solid a performer to be classed as jobber,

win/loss records dont really matter as a jobber is someone way down the card that take the bumps off the main event players, if we went by win/loss then cena and ambrose would be jobbers which sounds ludicrous even as i type it

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