Who Do You Believe The WWE Completely Missed The Boat On?


Occasional Pre-Show
So, simple question. What wrestler do you think the WWE has just completely dropped the ball with and lost out on? Now i wanna limit this to wrestlers who were with the WWE, but are no longer with the company because as R-Truth has shown, as long as you're still signed it's never too late.

My pick would have to be Matt Morgan. I'm not a complete Morgan mark, but i am a fan of the guy and i have to admit, over the years he has evolved to be what Vince see's as the perfect wrestler. His run in the E was easily less than stellar, but now over on TNA he's the wrestler who's built like a beast, great on the mic, and a big guy who can actually wrestle! he's a talented Batista. He's not exactly the perfect wrestler in my eyes, but I'm pretty sure the current Matt Morgan would be a long term main eventer over in the WWE. And I have to imagine that when Vince see's his version of Morgan, and the current version, he kicks himself up and down his office.

So who do you think the WWE entirely missed the boat on? Please limit it to wrestlers no longer with the E and give your reasons, not just names!
I would have to say Chavo. I dont have alot of reasons but I just feel like WWE could have done more with him. I would like to have seen him in more meaningful matches. I wish him well in his future endeavours.
If, they gave him a few months to heal and get his sh*t together, Kurt Angle had another 5 years to headline and make new stars with the E. He was badly hurt and addicted to prescriptions, and was still light years ahead of 99% of the talent.

I also think that with guys like Bryan, Sin Cara, Bourn, ADR, etc; London and Kendrik and perhaps Wang Yang would make for some exciting wrestling on a weekly basis.
Everytime a post like this appears I always think of Matt Morgan. He had a great build as mentioned and when he was around with Nathan Jones I thought those two guys looked pretty bad ass. Jones is also one of my choices for the same reasons. I just remember seeing them and thinking about how they could have been a great team and/or single wrestlers. Anyone know why both guys left anyway?
Low Ki (Kaval), the guy is a freak and he's wrestled with some of the best from any/every promotion(Eddie Guerrero, Rey, CM, Kanemaru, AJ Styles). He first got his taste of the WWF/E in the early 2000's fighting WWF/E's mid to lower carders, Essa Rios, Christian etc. and jobbing to them all, while still putting on a good show. Then his more notable time came when he went from FCW to NXT to the second best show Smackdown, throughout this time he had dazzled crowds with his unorthodox fighting style.

I liked the guy (still do) and I didn't watch NXT on the regular so I youtubed a lot of his matches (New and old), I was proud of the WWE for their sign and I thought they were gonna do something special with him, especially since they teamed him with "Lady Taker" herself Michelle McCool (And Layla of course). We all know how politics is in the business Undertaker, McCool to Kaval? You would have to assume they'd do something great with him. But no, he came to Smackdown jobbed a few matches I think he only won like two and just as quickly as he won NXT season 2 he was dropped, another Talent gone. A victim to WWE's anxiety to be looked upon as an entertainment show that has great WRESTLERS. I still get angry even now and it stands as a testament to why I decided to not be a wrestler. Don't understand? think about it, regardless of how you feel towards the company, WWE is the end-all-be-all for American wrestling, it's like New York, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere; but if you can make in the WWE you won't leave. Because you're at the top.
Tyler Reks!

I have begun my second campaign as I feel he is a wasted wrestler. he has the look, moveset, and persona of a Monster heel. Put a creepy, heel manager with him and he can do big things. I think they missed the boat on his push last year and I really don't want to see him future endeavored because I earnestly feel like it would be a waste. The Kanes, Big Shows, and Undertakers arent going to wrestle forever. Time to go with the new monster. Push Tyler Reks
Ted Dibiase. I mean the guy had the look, the background, and a movie out. How in the world is it that this guy is relying on Cody Rhodes for a push? He should've won that rivalry against Goldust, there was no point in making a rising star lose to someone who isnt even in the ring anymore.
In my opinion, it has to be Chris Masters, he was great when he first came in, he was being pushed to the moon along with Carlito, he feuded with huge names like Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, John Cena, and if I'm not mistaken even Ric Flair, it's a shame he never even won a title in his run, and it looks like he's going to be future endeavored soon, he was supposed to get a big push after Wrestlemania, but unfortunately that never happened, he has talent, charisma, a good gimmick when he's a heel, and decent mic skills, he was destined for ME level when he first started, but the ball was dropped on him just like every other talented big midcarder back then, guys like Carlito, Mr Kennedy, Muhammed Hassan, MVP, Matt Morgan, Mark Jindrak, Snitsky, Hiedenriech, Orlando Jordan, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Hass, and Umaga never got far in the WWE, the roster was great back then, it was the best time to watch the WWE in my opinion, but it's a real shame those guys never went far.
In my opinion, the wrestler the WWE dropped the ball on is Rob Van Dam. Could have been the next Shaun Michaels. When he was in the WWE, RVD had very limited mic time. I think if the braintrust worked with him on his skills he could have been a main eventer for many years.

Another guy the WWE dropped the ball on is Raven. His character in ECW was fantastic. I think that the WWE could have expanded on this. Maybe a feud with the Undertaker would have propelled him to main event status. Who knows?

Matt Morgan is another wrestler. I also think that TNA is dropping the ball on him as well. Big guy, good wrestler, excellent on the mic. I don't get it. He should be in the top tier of wrestlers in the world.
The first guy that came to my mind was MVP. They had something special with MVP with the whole "highest paid free agent" shtick on SD. He was entertaining and had some great stuff with the likes of Matt Hardy, Benoit, and Kane. I think he could have been a top notch heel and he had everything you look for in a sir. He had the look, good in ring skills, and good mic work. Even when he turned face and confronted Orton on Raw, they had the chance to put him into the main event scene and let him shine with a top guy like Randy Orton. They missed the boat there and MVP was just stuck in the midcard from that point forward.
In my opinion, the wrestler the WWE dropped the ball on is Rob Van Dam. Could have been the next Shaun Michaels. When he was in the WWE, RVD had very limited mic time. I think if the braintrust worked with him on his skills he could have been a main eventer for many years.

Yeah, I definitely disagree on that. RVD is no Shawn Michaels, never was and never will be. When it comes to promo skills, RVD just doesn't have it. The man just cannot talk on the mic. TNA's given him all the mic time in the world and the guy still hasn't improved in the least. As far as RVD goes as a main eventer, look what happened after Vince finally broke down and gave him his shot: he gets busted on drug charges while he's WWE & ECW Champion simultaneously. RVD was on top of the WWE after a long time of working his way up and he's the one that ultimately dropped the ball.

Another guy the WWE dropped the ball on is Raven. His character in ECW was fantastic. I think that the WWE could have expanded on this. Maybe a feud with the Undertaker would have propelled him to main event status. Who knows?

I've never seen the appeal in Raven, I honestly and truly haven't. I think he's ultimately just another one of many overrated ECW originals that the IWC worships like a god. Outside of ECW, Raven just didn't have it. It wasn't just the WWE where he was irrelevant but he was also largely irrelevant in WCW and TNA as well.

As for who I think the WWE missed the boat on...I'm going old school on this one and say Ravishing Rick Rude. Even though Rude had a run as IC champ in 1989, he never really made it to that main event level. Rude is someone that had a great look, he had the charisma, he could cut a damn fine promo and he was a lot of fun to watch inside the ring. It was really after Rude left the WWF for WCW that he really came into his own as far as his in-ring stuff. Some of the matches he had with Ricky Steamboat & Sting were downright fantastic. I think Rude had the capability to rise much higher than he did in the WWF. Did they completely miss the boat with him? No, but they could have gotten a LOT more out of him.
The person I think they dropped the with is Cody Rhodes.

Ok, yes, they have been pushing him lately, and with his new gimmick he SHOULD be a world champ within a year, maybe. But, what did it take him, like 4 years to get at this level? Rhodes is a 2nd generation superstar (I believe) and he hasn't gotten one singles title reign!

You can see guys like Orton or the Rock who were 2nd or 3rd generation superstars and they have held singles titles within a 2 or 3 years in their career.

It's time for the WWE to get Dibiase up to Cody's level or just leave him all together. Rhodes needs to be a dominating force and needs to be a world champion.

Another guy I think WWE dropped the ball with is Rhyno.

He could have been a dominating force, but instead they put him ni the hardcore division. Although he did ok in that, I think he should have been an IC champ or high level mid-carder.

And like Jack-Hammer said, people like Raven were just overrated ECW wrestlers that were in the WWE. What could they do besides be a hardcore champion?
READ THE F**KING OPENING POST. 'Past WWE talent' when was Chris Masters, Tyler Reks or Ted Dibiase future endevoured.
Anyway I was never a fan of his work in the WWE but since going to TNA, well his first few months anyway, i have been inpressed with The Pope. He was pushed well, had some good matches and was very over with the crowd. I was conviced he was going to get the strap at one point and thought he would have had a good run with it. But he is still young and we may still see him back in the WWE.

Also I was a big fan of Shelton Benjamin and thought he was wonderfully gifted and definetly capable of a world championship push maybe off a MITB win. I hope to see him back in the wwe some time if he can get a better push and if HHH is in charge in some way or another hopefully one of the few men he put over will get a push.
Sean O'Haire. 6 foot 6, looked like he walked out of a comic book and had the Devil's Advocate gimmick that was so smart, I was shocked it appeared on WWE. Then of course they couldn't sustain it. The guy was as big as Lesnar and could fly like Hardy.

With guys like Batista being Champion, O'Haire could have been a huge money spinner ofr the E. Shame.
Rude is a great choice. I would similarly say Curt Hennig. I never understood why he did not get a Hw title run. He was great in the ring, terrific on the mic and drew solid heat. I think he could have done a great job putting any babyface over for a meaningful title win. He just kind of slipped away to WCW with only IC title runs if my memory serves me correctly.
Sean O'Haire. His character was so fresh and intelligent. He could have had so many levels and his character could have been so easily evolved. O'Haire was a great worker too.

Also, Mordecai. He was only in the WWE for a month or two in 2004, but he had such a sweet look, and awesome music. He was the antithesis of the Undertaker. It would have been awesome to see those two guys in a long program.
I would say from the old school Rick Rude and Curt Henning. Both of those guys had huge potential to be at the very top. IMO Rude more than Henning- but thats just my choice and I could easily agree with Curt. I think Marty Jannetty could have done quite well - maybe not top of the company but a good challenger- or main event jobber. Thats ify though. I always thought he had a lot more potential- obviously a lot of demons. The Warlord could have been huge too- that guy had an amazingly badass look. Not a great in ring worker but could easily have been a top heel. Tyler Recks (sp?) also had a great look. Should have been a star.
Just because someone doesn't win the title does not mean the WWE dropped the ball on them. To me dropping the ball means they hyped the shit out of them and either they didn't perform, the angle was crappy, or they came from competition and never worked out like they should have.

Shelton Benjamin had talent through the roof and the WWE never gave him a true shot. Maybe one day he'll return, but from some shoot interviews I've seen, he holds a pretty strong grudge against WWE.

Ron Simmons was a hero in wrestling fans eyes, and the WWE tried to give him a gimmick based off of "Thor" give me a break. Farooq was an ok character, but was still dumb considering he came from WCW and was the 1st african american champion.

Goldberg!! Here you had maybe one of the best "tough guy" gimmicks ever, and they bombed this so bad. In fairness, Goldberg might not have been the best guy to work with, but the ball was dropped here.
There are so many talents that WWE fucked up on it's hard to pick one BUT I'm going for Drew McIntyre, he's a great heel and he has the look of a great champion and they completely fucked him over although according to some he was a bit of an ass backstage, but so was Shawn Michaels and he's often regarded as one of the biggest and best stars to ever hit the ropes. Drew has some big ass potential but now I fear he will soon be "future endeavoured".
Ok i know this is not quite an answer to your question but WWE should kick themselves as long as this man is in TNA ... I'm talking about AJ STYLES !!!! Thats right he worked a match maybe more with WWE back around the Invasion angle maybe little while afterwards ... he faced the hurricane ... but anyways i gotta say WWE dropped the ball many times to be quite honest ... Owen Hart should of been WWE Champion !!! What was there that Owen could not do ???
Shelton Benjamin had talent through the roof and the WWE never gave him a true shot. Maybe one day he'll return, but from some shoot interviews I've seen, he holds a pretty strong grudge against WWE.

Clean wins over Triple H and Ric Flair while have that match with HBK only to have an entire brand (abid a small one) built around the guy isn't a "true shot"? The guy had the charisma of a mop. But a mop probably has more mic skills than him.. So, yea.

The only one that comes to mind for me is Jillian Hall. She had great charisma, very good worker, and had no problem looking like a total asshat for enjoyment of the crowd. She never blogged on the internet bitching about how she was a jobber for life. She never took the night off just because she was pissy about the booking. And most of all, she made other divas look good as oppose to going into business for herself (looking at you Beth & Melina).
Matt Morgan guy had everything size speed agility can wrestle but what does the E do?? Gives him a stuttering gimmick who in the blue hell thought that was a good idea?? He could have done wonders if given the right opportunity
I believe they dropped the ball on Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin. In my opinion both were talented. Should of had atleast one World Title Reign in their career there. ECW doesnt count.
For all you guys who have said Shelton Benjamin I would love for you to tell me why. The guy is a tremendous athlete but the WWE has given him SO many shots and he hasn't been able to garner a single crowd reaction past 2005. I also can't remember one promo where he didn't fuck it up somehow. I think Shelton Benjamin has all the ring talent in the world don't get me wrong, but in all other areas he was lacking and I can see why WWE never pulled the trigger with him.

MVP definitely comes to mind in this one. I stopped watching around the time he became a bonafide jobber so I guess I don't really know what happened which caused him to be pushed so far down the card, but damn this guy had some charisma and was WAY over.

And bash me all you want for this one, but I think Lance Hoyt aka 'Vance Archer' could have actually been something in the WWE. He had a great build and if they had given him the right character and ran with it he could have made a good heel. But they had him play second fiddle to Curt Hawkins.
There are a lot of good choices here. I'd go with Shane Douglas. He was above average on the mic and in the ring and was a veteran who knew how to handle himself in and out of the ring. I think he could have carved out a decent niche for himself as an upper card heel for a while in WWF in the mid 90's, but unfortunately he was stuck with a horrible gimmick and backstage politicking and was out of the company before long.

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