Who Do You Believe The WWE Completely Missed The Boat On?

I agree with Blue Meanie, Raven was classic example of drop the ball, he was fantastic on the microphone, he was a very good wrestler, and could really work a crowd...
I'm going with Rob Conway! This man had the look, had the arrogance, had the best theme music in the biz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZeBbS8TDuQ . He was great and the canned him when he "didn't get great fan reaction". Maybe the reason he didn't get great fan reaction, bc the gimmick was just starting out and they weren't putting him against upper guys. I thought he was awesome.

Another good one was Muhhamad Hassan. I thought the reason they fired him was ******ed. People are way too over sensitive. I mean his gimmick was in no way condoning the terrorist attacks on 7-7-07. I mean no one calls for anyone to be fired from the show "24" when they have terrorists on there.

Thirdly I'd vote for Mordecai. As pointed out earlier it was the perfect anti-thesis to the Undertaker. The feud had money written on it and it unfortunately never came to fruition.

Another gimmick they dropped due to sensitivity that I thought could've been really cool was the whole Hirohito gimmick. I thought that such a gimmick could've been very well done and made for some interesting storylines, but they dropped it due to fears that it would hurt there brand in Japan (which may have been true). Either way though I thought it could've been very cool and would've been a whole lot better than the whole Kenzo Suzuki gimmick they changed it to.
I'll agree with Muhammad Hassan in one aspect. He was a great performer and drew TONS of heat but the fact is his gimmick would have gotten worn out and boring after a while believe it or not. He also had a lot controversy surrounding him and that's a good thing from our point of view but he would have only gotten even more bad media attention and that's not what Vince wants whatsoever. I don't know if even a repackaging of his character would've helped.
Raven, big time. I will really never understand why they had no interest in letting him do anything when he worked for them. The character was far from running its course. You had Heyman around to work with him if you needed ideas for the character, Scott Levy made magic happen with the Raven character and its a shame that WWE never capitalized on that when they had him. Not saying WCW used him wonderfully, but he got a nice run there, and his ECW stuff helped put that company on the map. I would have loved to have seen him unleashed on the WWE, instead he had a couple hardcore matches and turned into a jobber.
Scotty Goldman aka. Colt Cabana, We hardly saw the guy at all, probably because the gimmick was so lame and shallow he couldn't do anything useful with it. If you have watched Cabana's work you would have seen that he can cut good promos and make them entertaining and also back it up in the ring which is where the line is sometimes drawn with lots of WWE's one sided performers. I think WWE could be close to bringing him back but they better do it right and use him properly or there is no point
I don't watch TNA, but i LOVED Mr. Kennedy when he was in WWE and I could imagine him in amazing feuds with Cena and Orton. Ok he wasn't the best in the ring but his promos did all the talking. I hear he's not doing that well in TNA though so a lot of people will disagree on this one
This one is easy for me. Mark Jindrak, the guy had so much talent and was going to be huge easy if they had given him the right time.

Another is Trevor Murdoch, the guy had the look, toughness, its a shame his mic skills werent all that but they could of easily been worked on
Chavo Gerrero and Kaval. Both are tremendous wrestlers especially Kaval. I was completely amazed that someone (Kaval) who has amazing wrestling skills became nothing but a jobber. He is quite a small bloke but if he was given a chance that wouldn't stop him from becoming a star in the WWE. As for Chavo, i am a fan of his and it was a complete shame that the WWE didnt utilize his skills in the last few years during his time at WWE.
For me it is an easy choice, Elijah Burk/D'Angelo Dinero. I thought he was good on ECW for what he had to work with, and put on some good matches with Punk and The Originals. I wish he would have got a push after he got traded to Smack Down he could have really amounted to a good upper mid-card talent. I would love to see WWE pick him back up when his TNA deal is done. I think right now Tyler Reks is being wasted as well. He has an awesome look and he can work in the ring. I don't know why his push, if you even want to call it that, was killed when he came over to Raw. My honorable mentions are Matt Morgan, Chris Masters, Carlito, Kenny Dykstra and Shelton Benjamin. All of these guys could have at the very least been upper-mid card guys and I could have seen Masters, Carlito and Dykstra in the main event, at least as transitional guys.
I think Umaga was pretty wasted a lot of the time. They had him slapped in pretty good mini feuds with Michaels & Flair when he debued, and they were quite good matches. He had the awesome manager in Estrada, he was big, had an awesome look & he was really good in the ring. They could of done so much more with him, but they took away his mouth piece and aligned him with the McMahons (even though the storyline went that ONLY estrada could tame him and keep him in check), then they repeatedly jobbed him out to lashley and let him knock about in obscurity!

He should have been so so sooooo much more.

MVP is another one, good gimmick, good on the mic, maybe not at first but eventually really good in the ring. He had the look, he had an excellent life story in the redeemed thug... it was all good! Why they couldn't find a place for him properly is beyond me.

As much as I like Shelly B, above posters are right, they tried and tried and tried with him BECAUSE of how good he is in the ring, but anytime the guy talked it made ME feel awkward... and I was someone who wanted him so badly to succeed.. so the general audience who were indifferent to him to begin with? No chance he was getting over.

Raven may have been limited in the ring, but his character and promo work alone would have made a fair few awesome feuds with the upper echelon of the WWE. A feud with Undertaker alone would have been awesome sauce. Just a shame that at the time they brought him in there were so many, too many even, excellent workers. One of the best times ever to be a WWE & wrestling fan in general.

They should never have let Angle go, or Chavo. Mordecei should have atleast gotten a few more months to get over instead of being jobbed into obscurity by Mysterio. Morgan should never have been given that ridiculous stutter. DDP should NOT have been relegated to European championship status. Booker T even though he eventually did win ONE world title in the E should have done SOO much more. But of all the above people I mentioned I truly think someone who they dropped the ball with bigtime is.

A-Train. That guy is a fucking beast.
I'm kinda uncertain about the definition of "dropping the ball." Does it have to mean the guy never achieved anything of note or can it also mean they could have gotten a lot more out of him?

For example, I would say they dropped the ball with Owen Hart. Yeah, he eventually entered the IC title scene (way too late) and stuff, but I think he had way more to give. I also think they dropped the ball with Eddie Guerrerro. He is remembered as one of the all time greats, but other than his short run as champion the guy was considered a midcarder. He was never hyped as a big attraction, never really got that big star treatment. Shortly before his death there were rumors that he was supposed to get the belt, but that was only because then-champion Batista was injured.
Both guys I just named passed long before their time, of course. But I didn't have the impression that the WWE had very big plans for either.

For a bit I even considered if Ted Dibiase Sr and Roddy Piper should be on that list, but someone said "just because you never were the champion doesn't mean the ball was dropped." I agree. They were legitimate big stars. Title runs would have been nice, alas that was a time when Hogan ruled and the belt simply didn't switch as frequently as it does today.

Many cited Raven. I don't know about him. Didn't watch a lot of what he did at the glorified ECW, but some say (including Steve Austin) it was gold. I wasn't too impressed with what I saw in WCW or WWE.
I too am unsure as to the definition of "dropping the ball" but Ill give it a go anyway.

Elijah Burke - He had the charisma, mic skills, and in ring ability to make it in the E. I don't know the story as to why he was future endeavored, but I think the company whiffed on him. He should've been in line for at list an IC/US championship run.

If I had another vote I would probably chose Shelton Benjamin. Shelton wasn't good on the mic, but his in ring ability and athletiscism were without peer. I've never seen a guy do the things he could do in and out of the ring.

A couple of guys I saw from the previous posters I don't agree with for the following reasons:

Goldberg - terrible to work with, bad backstage,

RVD - had the championship until he caught the drug charge

MVP - left on his own. Longest reigning US Champion on SD!
If he stayed, I almost guarantee he would be in the title picture.

Raven - Overrated. Hardcore talent only, no wrestling skills and never connected with the fans in any way

just my thoughts.
UGH!!! I was getting so excited until you told me that it had to be someone that was IN the WWE. But I'm gonna break the rules a little...

I think Luke from Tough Enough was a HUGE missed oppurtunity. He had the the look, he had the charisma, he had the in-ring ability. But from what I saw on the final episode of Tough Enough, he may have botched a couple of moves in his match against Bill. Overall, I think its pathetic that Andy won Tough Enough. I thought surely Luke was going to win. The whole Silent Rage thing doesn't appeal to me. Andy just annoys me. I hope we haven't seen the last of Luke.
Theres a few guys in my opinion...

1. Samoa Joe...had a tryout match way back in the day on WWF Metal or Jacked or something against essa rios. But there is still a huge chance he could join the company and shine.

2. Elijah Burke...The guy has it all! The look, the ability, the charisma and a crappy finisher. Could have been a huge star if booked correctly and could have put a end to all that nonsense about WWE being racist.

3. Brian Kendrick...Now i know that he liked to smoke a bit of the stick icky but i totally loved the whole 'THE brian kendrick' gimmick and i think if they gave him a chance to shine he would have packed in the tokin for a chance to show what he can do

4. Rob Conway....i might get some stick for this but his final heel solo run was great! he had the greatest theme in the history of wrestling (Just look at me!), he had the look, had the in ring and mic skills and could have been a major player!

Honourable mentions...Mark Jindrak, Shawn O'Haire, Trevor Murdoch, Kenny Dykstra and Carlito.
Very, very easy one for me. It has to be DDP. The man was one of the main event guys on WCW and could have been a HUGE draw for the WWE. They didn't even have to build him up, he was already at the main event level coming into WWE. They started him off with a great feud with The Undertaker then afterwards had him Job. He won the Tag Titles and the FREAKIN' EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP! A THREE TIME WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION WINNING THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Vince and the WWE really let their ego get in the way of a HUGE Star.
I have quite a few, really:

More recently...

MVP. When MVP was hot and a heel on Smackdown, I really think he could've become World champion and become a top star for the WWE right now.. but instead (and supposely there are reasons like his criminal past, etc) they really dropped the ball and just allowed him to fizzle out, made him a face, and decided to do absolutely nothing with him.

Chavo Guerrero. I think Chavo has the entire package: he can outwrestle 90% of the roster, he has name recognition, and he's even good on the mic. For whatever reason they never wanted to let Chavo really hav a chance to shine to his full potential, I feel, and its a shame because I think he could've become something much bigger then he was allowed to. He go over with ridiculous gimmicks, imagine if he'd actually gotten a real push and the company was truly behind him?

I agree with those who say Matt Morgan, too. Now, I think he needs a lot of work and isn't as great as some make him out to be.. but the WWE clearly didn't give him a valid chance to become ANYTHING and he was gone long before he even got a chance to show his potential. I think he could've definitely be a nice asset to the company, and its a shame they dropped the ball so quickly on him.

Elijah Burke. I still do not understand why they cut his push so suddenly and then did nothing at all with him until he was released; whether he's overrated or underrated the guy still has a lot to offer and I think he has the potential to have been a star and an interesting asset to the WWE right now.. especially over guys like the Miz and John Morrison right now.

Londrick. They could've done more with this tag team.. but, obviously, the WWE hates tag team wrestling so its no surprise they did very little with them during their run as a team and as the champions. Just like Benajmin/Haas and others.

Looking back farther I would have to say Sean O'Haire for sure! This guy had everything and they totally dropped the ball. He even had a great gimmick which they somehow squandered and then just gave up on before he even had the chance to do anything with it, really. I think Sean O'Haire could've been a future World champion and a star for the WWE, why they gave up on him I don't understand.

Raven. A great mind, a good wrestler, great on the mic.. they could've really done someting with him when he was in the WWE but they once again squandered the chance, for whatever reason. He was NEVER given even a chance to be anything more then a mid-card talent and that's a HUGE shame.
Elijah Burke. He went to TNA and set a trail. Now TNA ain't doing nothing with him. Bring him back to WWE and have him feud with CM Punk. I buy that PPV. Whoo. New Blood. New Blood. There is potential.
Naomi Knight, I think WWE fucked up NXT Season 3, but then again most winners of contest in WWE were fails: Maven, Daniel Puder, Nidia, Andy (didnt even sell right his first night)

and Kaitlyn, nowhere near as talented as Naomi Knight and AJ Lee. They let her win, not the most talented

Naomi is like a black Melina, the flexibility, in-ring ability, she's quite an athlete and they could have a great WrestleMania match together @ WM30 in the future for the belt, it'd be the best pure wrestling match Divas have had in a long while

AJ shouldve won over her too if Naomi didnt win, she's miles beyond Kaitlyn but look who she's paired with, they threw her with Kaitlyn because they know she's good, WWE dropped the ball on both AJ and Naomi really and need to let them both be singles Divas not AJ tagging with Kaitlyn and Naomi shouldve been up on the main roster by now, what the hell is the problem WWE?!

She's better than most of the Divas in the ring, they dont get mic time as it is so that cant be critiqued much vs any Diva on TV, she should totally be on Raw or Smackdown!
Lance Cade. I know it was his fault he got fired in 08 during his run with chris jericho but i really believe that Cade had all the makings to be a legit heel singles champion. He was in the right place in the right time and i honestly hoped that he couldve been signed again before he passed and i remember hearing something about them looking to re sign him. such a seriously sad story.
There's so many people saying Matt Morgan and I'll never understand what people see in the guy. He is below average on the mic, below average in the ring, the only thing he has going for him is his look. Pushing a look never works. Sometimes by pushing a look the superstar is able to develop some good ring and mic work but not in this case. Morgan has gotten multiple pushes in TNA and done jack shit with them.

For my answer I'm going to go back a bit and say Vader. The guy was a legit bad ass who could go in the ring. He wasn't tremendous on the mic but certainly good enough for his character and he also had a mouthpiece for part of his WWE run. He had a good initial push and lost a WWE title match against HBK at Summerslam in 1996. Then he feuded with the Undertaker and had another title shot at IYH Final Four. However, after those two feuds his push seemed to stop completely. He became a face which never fit him and his feuds kept getting less and less significant.

Vader was capable of being a top heel in the company for a few years and instead he didn't do much of anything after his initial push. I'm not sure if they didn't think he would fit in the Attitude Era or what but he went down the card rather quickly. At the very least the WWE should have gone with him as the transition heel champion instead of Sid back in 96/97.
I like many believe WWE's biggest screw up with a talent was with Matt Morgan. I believe he could've been one of the best if they had used him correctly. He has shown in TNA that he's good but they also keep screwing up with him. Anyway he's decent on the mic and good in the ring for a man of his size. So I think WWE really missed out on Morgan.
I have to say MVP and Muhammad Hassan.

He had a good debut, who can forget that slap he gave to that unknown wrestler? I loved it.
He had that power-ranger attire that people started to hate just because it makes them remind a kid show, blah blah. He had a good push and in my eyes he was pretty good in his first run, he had pretty good feuds with Benoit and Matt Hardy but I for no reason WWE just dropped the ball on him, making him lose every time, I can't even remember if he had a World Title Match once in his career.
I've seen him in NJPW and I still like him
He has good in-ring skills and he is good in the mic, a great superstar that they could have used better.

Muhammad Hassan
I have to be honest, I still don't know why he was released. He was great and he was being build as a pretty major player, his feud with The Undertaker is still in my memory, he was really vicious and intense.
Now we have Jinder Mahal that frankly makes me remind Hassan in almost every aspect, in ring skills are good and mic skills are nice.
He is another wrestler that WWE take the ball with no reason.
Muhammad Hassan
I have to be honest, I still don't know why he was released. He was great and he was being build as a pretty major player, his feud with The Undertaker is still in my memory, he was really vicious and intense.
Now we have Jinder Mahal that frankly makes me remind Hassan in almost every aspect, in ring skills are good and mic skills are nice.
He is another wrestler that WWE take the ball with no reason.

You cant really blame WWE with hassan because they did book him perfectly IMO but it was UPN who said they didnt want the character on their network. WWE was really caught between a rock and a hard place because they knew it was a great character and that he could have been something big but the major networks would not allow him on tv after the 7/7 attacks. He was planned to beat Taker at the bash and go on to Summerslam and win the title (off batista i think) but yeah there wasnt really anything WWE could do.
You cant really blame WWE with hassan because they did book him perfectly IMO but it was UPN who said they didnt want the character on their network. WWE was really caught between a rock and a hard place because they knew it was a great character and that he could have been something big but the major networks would not allow him on tv after the 7/7 attacks. He was planned to beat Taker at the bash and go on to Summerslam and win the title (off batista i think) but yeah there wasnt really anything WWE could do.

Hi mikde_ :)
The truth is that they didn't tried to bring the guy back, even after UPN disappeared in 2006.
He was becoming a major star and he could be by now a major player that could boost the ratings and the sells from the Arabian Community.
I know he didn't really born in Iraq or whatever, but he portrayed that character back in the days.
Well Kurt Angle comes straight to mind. They definitely used him great and he had accomplished a lot, but he could have done so much more in the past 4 years he hasn't been there. Putting guys over would have been easy for Angle. Man I wish I could see Ziggler vs Angle 5 star match easily.

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