Who deserves a push and how would you achieve it?

I'm totally going with John Morrison .. I got a storyline for ya... How about John Morrison wins the royal rumble eliminating hbk. After cheating to eliminate hbk, he goes to no way out and defeats hbk 1-on-1 due to him holding the tights on a roll up. He ends up choosing to challenge the deadman at wrestlemania. Beats the deadman fairly and ends his streak and becomes the new champ. Think how much heat this would bring on morrison as the heel.No one would really want to see the deadmans streak ended by john morrison. After winning the match the deadman sits up and trys to shake morrisons hand and morrison hits him with the belt and stands above him and celebrates as champ arrogantly.

John Morrison has proved time and again that his unique wrestling ability is awesome. He's got some great moves like the Moonlight Drive, and the springboard head kick etc so i agree with this post... that far.
Cheat to win the rumble to get heel heat? Wouldn't happen. The Rock cheated to win the 2000 Rumble, bcoz his feet hit the floor first. When that was revealed did everyone hate the Rock? No. Vince McMahon didn't really cheat in the final stages of the Rumble in '99, all he tried to do was get Austin eliminated. Austin and McMahon were both in/out of the ring for the same amount of time doing the same things, but at the end of the Rumble, Austin turned his back and got thrown out. Clean win, heel heat all the same. If Morrison was a heel and won, only the marks would cheer.
If Taker loses at WM one of two things will happen. 1) He WON'T sit up, and instead will have to be carried out by druids i.e. when he lost the belt to Edge. 2) He WILL sit up and go into a blind rage where he tries to cripple everyone in arms reach of him. We're not talking about the American Badass who demands respect, we're talking about an 'undead phenom' who if you f*ck with him, you will b severely hurt.
If Punk cashes in MITB and wins (Please God don't let that happen), we should see Morrison challenge him first. He beat Punk's ass a million times over in their ECW title fued and that was done cleanly every time. Morrison shud jus say, 'When you beat me for the ECW belt, you got lucky! I am clearly better than you, more athletic than you, and definately far sexier than you, and I've got your number! So if you wanna prove that you're more than just your namesake, you'll put that title on the line against the Shaman of Sexy." And low and behold, Morrison kicks his ass. This time around such a fued could have a couple of gimmick matches like 2 outta 3 falls or ladder etc, new (better) champ, Morrison gets a decent push and everyone's happy.
I'm sorry, but pushing a mid-card by ending Undertaker's streak is wrong on levels of both a fan and a booking.

As as fan, I would feel cheated in Taker lost to anyone at Wrestlemania. Perhaps I'm jaded by what would be my dream booking at Mania. Taker defending against some unstoppable force (big name having the push of their life), wins the match, but is knocked down in that same process. And just doesn't sit up, gets carried out by the druids as champion. And have him end his career there, undefeated at wrestlemania.

From a booking perspective, it ruins both continuity and future bookings. Look at the names Taker beat at Wrestlemania, and some of the shots he took in those victories (Triple H with the sledgehammer at WM17). Then for him to put some mid-card devalues all those victories. I'm all for him putting guys over, Edge and Batista, his last two victims have come out of defeat with enormous respect.

I'd like to see Undertaker put Morrison or MVP over, but not at Mania
MVP - This guy has all the skill in the world, greatly helped by Chris Benoit. I reckon he should be champion by January, or maybe win the RR. He has the mic skills, and can draw heat like anything. I know he plays the heel role well, but prehaps a face turn against Edge when Edge returns from his break? Could work.

CM Punk - Quality wrestler, not seem him much on the mic, but his ring work speaks for itself. Brilliant technique and is over with the crowd a lot. Needs a few more major fueds to help get him over, prehaps a fued with HHH once he loses the title, OR, have Punk win the title. Crazy scenes.

Mr Kennedy - This guy has deserved a push for a long, long time. He was super over as a heel, but I still think him as a face, but an arrogent one, someone who dosen't care about anyone but himself, yet, stays as a face. I think he would be uber-over that way. He is rumored for a IC title run, that should help give him the push he needs to be WWE Champion by next year after WrestleMania. Prehaps at SummerSlam.

John Morrison - He has such talent, which was showcased at WrestleMania. He is a very effective heel, but he just needs to do that something which gets him over as a proper heel, I like the fued with The Undertaker idea, just, not him winning at WrestleMania. A fued with HBK is a good idea, but its too early to move him over to RAW. Give him another year I say.
Matt Hardy is the man who deserves the push... Hands down. The guy has long paid his dues and deserves to be rewarded. I don't think It'll happen though. Personally if it were me though, and I were gonna push him, I think I'd do a Hardy Boys reunion for one night, or maybe a feud with Jeff. I know Jeff isn't getting a push for a long while, but fans still love him and just associating the two would give Matt some momentum that it seems like he's lacked since his return. The MVP storyline has sort of played out, and he needs a new person to feud with, and lets face it, smackdown doesn't have much to offer in that department. I mean, he could turn heel and feud with punk, or batista. But honestly, I think the pushes will be going to punk, mvp, and kennedy. not to say that none of them deserve them because they're all pretty talented.
Why does morrison have to move to raw to fight hbk??? From what i see Big dave is still on SD and fighting micheals. Ok i must say morrison beating the deadman and ending his streak would be pushing it a little to far. I'd like to see him win the rr fairly but then who would he face at No Way Out? Only person id enjoy seeing Morrison pin at WM more than the deadman would be CENA. But cena losing fairly period is so rare its nearly impossible.

Matt hardy is getting pushed now and he well deserves it. I hope he gets atleast a 6 month reign. CM Punk ( if was to win the title) wouldn't fight morrison . I can see crap jeff hardy winning the title b4 punk.
First of all, Kennedy deserves it, and I think it is starting. They seem to be starting his feud with Regal, and at the same time Regal is bucking up to HHH. That seems like an easy transition. Kennedy beats Regal, and Regal, with his power gives himself a title shot. Kennedy comes out, kills him on the mic, and bucks up to HHHHHHHHH. This is all fine with me. Kennedy has the tools, a main event moveset, a cocky mic demeanor, and everyting he says is pure f'n gold.

Secondly, MVP deserves a push. Besides Edge, he is the top heel on Smackdown. Proof of that lies in the fact that the whole time Edge was hurt, Taker and Batista, two faces battles over the belt. MVP, by default, deserves a program with the champ. Secondly, he made me care about the US strap. He does all the heel tactics we love, walking out, getting DQ'd or counted out, turning on friends. He is cocky as hell, and is good on the mic. the typical Taker feid involves getting fired up on the mic, and then laying down in the middle of the ring when the place goes dark. MVP is strong enough to carry a one-way mic feud.

Next, I think Jeff Hardy's push should continue. I know he fucked up with the drugs, but the guys is white hot with the crowd, and ahs been putting his body on the line, MORE THAN ANYONE IN THE COMPANY FOR OVER A DECADE. Sorry, I had to enunciate that point. The guys is flipping off of cages and diving thirty feet off of towers. His program with Orton isn't the first time he's done those stunts. This guy deserves a shot with title. He even made himself believable on the mic during his Orton feud. And if HHH put him over, that must mean something.

honorable mentions go to Morrison, Matt Hardy, and Shelton.
Alot of guys deserve pushs. And most won't get them. I think the best way to get a push is for the guys in the ME right now to shootch over a bit, and just fucking let someone through! If Vince wants to push Matt Hardy, and since Vince is the guy that makes ALL final choices, make Matt Hardy #1 contender, and just give him the belt already! If Vince wants kennedy to be in the ME, just give him a title shot sometime! If Vince wants CM Punk in the ME, all he has to do is make him cash in MITB. Vince can push whomever he wants at any time... But he chooses not to. Why I wonder?
i will list one from each brand.

RAW: MR. Kennedy. he is currently the only wrestler in RAW who hasnt seen the MAin Event status. Jericho, HHH, JBL, HBK and Orton oh and Cena have all been to the promise land and back. i'm already sick and tired of seeing them in the ME's. (i would have put Umaga in the wrestler needing a push but he is rumored on moving to SD)

ECW: tough choice here between alot of guys.(Benjamin, Burke, Punk, Morrison and soon to follow Kofi). but i'll choose Benjamin. he is lacking mic skills but makes up for it in wrestling ability. out of the names mentioned he has been here the longest. IMO he would had been perfect to fit in the role of King.

SD: MVP. lossing the US title to Hardy might have been a good thing for MVP. with his loss he has the chance to go after the title in SD. can only happen if Taker still holds the title, IMO. i cant remember what PPV it was but i've seen a match between him and Benoit that left me speechless. good mat skills with great mic skills equals the top for this guy.

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