How would you push? -Dolph Ziggler.


Getting Noticed By Management
Alright, I'm thinking of starting a series of threads of how would you like to push a certain Superstar. This is not a hate thread, not a lovefest thread, it is just a creative-management one. So, ever since Ziggler's "pipebomb", it seems like there are better things ahead.

How would you book a big push for Ziggler, to make up for his lackluster run as WHC back in April/May, especially now that there is WM coming up?

Personally, at the moment, I don't think WWE has any intent nor chance of doing that. BUT, if it was up to me, I would have secured Bryan the main event WM spot by winning the Rumble, and then, Ziggler would attack Christian to get him out of the Chamber, turning heel in the process. Ziggler would take his spot in the Chamber and would go on to win it, making it Bryan vs Ziggler (and possibly vs Orton, but I'd prefer not) at WM.

Throughout all the time from the Chamber until WM, Ziggler can cut shoot-like promos as a heel (a la Punk in 2012-heel run) against the company. Seeing as WWE doesn't want faces and heels anymore, although Ziggler would have semi-turned heel, people would get behind him, and they would also get behind Bryan. It would really be refreshing to see 2 guys who have busted their asses off to go at it with an amazing build up for the WWEWHC at WM.

What do you think of my angle? What would you suggest?
Geez, Bryan vs Ziggler at Mania, are you high? No way. I love both of them, but that is not a Wrestlemania title match at this point in both of their careers.

How would I push Ziggler? Either face or heel, he needs to continue with the chip on his shoulder he displayed in that promo and slowly start winning matches again convincingly. I would have him start at the bottom. Beating guys like Ryder, Heath Slater, etc. After Mania, I would have him ramp up the guys he is beating. Start beating Ambrose's, Cesaro, etc. I would have him keep winning until he was hot enough to get a title match at Summerslam.

Now, I like Ziggler but I think he does need something a little more to push him over with casual fans. And to accomplish that I would have Ric Flair managing him from next week on. Ziggler decided he needed a little 'old school' tutoring and experience from a 16 time champion (whatever Flair is) to put him over the edge. Promos with Flair and Ziggler would legitimize Ziggler with the casual fan and by him winning convincingly over the course of 4-5 months would get him in a spot to compete for a title.

However, I don't think he will ever get this opportunity with the WWE.
I can't imagine a way to push him that hasn't been tried already. He's had more TV exposure than anyone I can think of, has been given minor championships, the MITB gimmick, a couple of short runs as a major champion, people to accompany him to the ring in support of his "show-off" persona, backstage segments and ample mic time, both as a face and a heel.

What more can they do for him? The powers-that-be decided long ago they wanted Dolph to be a major star.....and when it didn't catch, they turned him into a glorified jobber quickly enough. Whether that turn had to do with him issuing controversial statements remains to be seen, but if he hasn't made it big after everything that's already been tried, it could be it just isn't in the cards.

How would I push him?....I wouldn't. We all know who Dolph is and he can toil merrily along on the mid-card for a long time to come.
Babysteps, realistically that man isn't going anywhere near the WWEHC in 2014. As much as I like Dolph there's people more deserving of it right now and in the foreseeable future.

Put the IC (I would say US but that's probably going to be busy in a Shield match, assuming they don't do the unification idea) title in a multi-man ladder match at WM. It's not MITB sure but it'll still be lots of fun, makes the title look the best it has in years since all these men are going through such great lengths to win it, gets a bunch of guys that would otherwise be left off the card into WM and a great watch for us. If Dolph makes a impressive performance there the fans will get behind him more and the pop would probably be huge if he actually won the title.

And you build him up from there. Give him a decent length run with the IC belt where he keeps putting on great matches. If he can keep making good promos like the one on SD(backstage) then that'll push him even further. If necessary give him a manager/valet whose job isn't to talk for him, but to smack him upside the head whenever he says something that will get him into trouble. Have him finish the year reasonable strong and out of trouble and then maybe we can talk about getting him back into the main event.
How can anyone say his push didn't "catch"??? He was so over...look at his MITB cash in on Raw...crowd went ape shit. Look at his return at the Rumble...crowd went nuts and chanted his name. Like most successful wrestlers, he needs a stable or a manager. Having Aj and Big E was absolutely perfect. I wish they never changed it but with his injury they had to. That was a shame.

I always thought he had sprinkles of Jericho and Badass Billy Gunn in him. Not saying he's as good as Jericho or as bad as Billy Gunn, but his swag, and gimmick remind me of them a little. He definitely has the ability to be a permanent main eventer. He has main evented PPV's against Cena before. He's beaten Jericho and Orton clean and had real good matches against guys like Punk. With the right situation, he could excel.

I like that idea of Ric Flair managing him. He's got that same type of swag, and I could see them both dressed up in their suites they both always wear cutting promos about how they style and profile and the whole nine. Like Flair, Zigs is best as a dirty-player type heel. He's a cheat and loves to be one. I think that'd work pretty damn well. Just let Flair take Zig under his wing and help make him a champion.
I'd create a soft brand split. No draft or "Smackdown vs. RAW" or anything like that, but older guys, solidified main eventers (like Cena, Punk, Orton, Batista, Bryan, Mysterio, Lesnar, Big Show etc.) would only show up on RAW, and midcarders and guys who need more screen time (Ziggler, Barrett, Kofi, Ryback, Big E, Zack Ryder, Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Axel, Rhodes etc.) would be on Smackdown. With HHH switching between the two shows. I'd make it live and on Saturday nights. And talent would eventually "graduate" to RAW.

The US Title would be unified with the IC Title, and the new IC Title would be the main title (thus also solving the problem of the IC Title needing more prestige). I'd then go on to make Ziggler the top heel on the show. Have him kick off his heel turn by doing a Punk type promo where he ends it with something like "Who came up with the dumb ass name "Dolph Ziggler", my name is "The Natural" Nic Nemeth". Maybe have him do the old Mr. Perfect type vignettes, catching his own football throws, doing pushups with three Divas on top of him, funny stuff like that.
That promo on the app was insane. If he can keep doing interviews like that then he will start to rise up. In my eyes he was always viewed as a talented wrestler, yet soft on the mic. He always needed a mouthpiece, be it Vicky or AJ. I would try to see if he can continue to get over with these promos (I would have him snap every time he loses) . If he gets to the next level awesome. If not, let him toil in the midcard for the rest of his career
To where? That cow has been milked. Seriously, if Dolph Ziggler cuts a promo for the WWE App does anyone hear it? Thats like if a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around does it make a sound?

Again, where would you put him? There is one WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Where would you put him? All these guys are ahead of him:

Randy Orton
John Cena
Daniel Bryan
Brock Lesnar
Roman Reigns
Bray Wyatt
Big Show

Then you still have:

Alberto Del Rio
Big E Langston
Antonio Cesaro
Kofi Kingston
Jack Swagger

And what happens if Sting wants in the title picture? Or The Rock comes back next year as we expect he will. Or Chris Jericho for that matter?

Ziggler is done. His moment has passed. He had an awesome run. Who thought a guy from the Spirit Squad would hold the same title as Ric Flair?

Just put it to rest already.
To where? That cow has been milked. Seriously, if Dolph Ziggler cuts a promo for the WWE App does anyone hear it? Thats like if a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around does it make a sound?

Again, where would you put him? There is one WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Where would you put him? All these guys are ahead of him:

Randy Orton
John Cena
Daniel Bryan
Brock Lesnar
Roman Reigns
Bray Wyatt
Big Show

Then you still have:

Alberto Del Rio
Big E Langston
Antonio Cesaro
Kofi Kingston
Jack Swagger

And what happens if Sting wants in the title picture? Or The Rock comes back next year as we expect he will. Or Chris Jericho for that matter?

Ziggler is done. His moment has passed. He had an awesome run. Who thought a guy from the Spirit Squad would hold the same title as Ric Flair?

Just put it to rest already.

But see, these guys aren't above Ziggler based on entertainment value or talent. The cards just happened to fall that way. With better booking, Ziggler could definitely be where he's supposed to be.

I'm not saying he should have a year long run with the title, but do you honestly think Sheamus, Big Show, Swagger, Christian, Del Rio are more entertaining or deserve a high profile program more than Ziggler?

I look at it like this:

- Cena/Orton is getting played out so they are both probably going to be out of the title picture for a while after Wrestlemania.

- Reigns still has to have a non-Shield related solo program before a World title reign.

- Lesnar is likely never going to stay around long enough to be Champ.

- HHH and Show aren't going to hold the title at this point in their careers.

That leaves Bray Wyatt, Daniel Bryan, Batista and Sheamus (who is boring as fuck IMO but I guess he draws or whatever. Personally I think he's a beneficiary of being HHH's pal during an era when there was a lack of stars in 09-11, just like Batista, anyone with muscles could have played their roles). They seem to be going for Bryan-Batista right after Mania, so by summer that will be over, and honestly what's the difference between Heel Batista and Heel Sheamus?

Ziggler is the perfect beneficiary for Punk's absence. A Ziggler-Bryan program as a transitional thing from May/June until Summerslam (where maybe we get Bryan-Wyatt 2) would definitely be appreciated and not stopping anyone from shining. Not saying he has to win the title, but it wouldn't hurt to let him close a few RAWs over the summer.
Ziggler's only chance looking forward as said above is a June PPV feud with Bryan {if he will be the champion then}.But of course he will only get up the ladder to get down again {as much as I love him} because he cannot stay in the ME.He already got 2 chances:the 1st with Edge in 2011 & the 2nd with his world title run in 2013 {you can make it 3 with his feud with Punk in the start of 2012} and he just couldn't get the benefit from these feuds.

Also there are many guys that deserves a chance in the main event before him because he already got his chance more then once and I'm talking about the likes of Big E Langston & Cody Rhodes & Wade Barrett & Bray Wyatt & Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose & Antonio Cesaro.
If you love DB and WWE puts the title on him I guarantee the worst thing that can happen to him is a feud with Ziggler in order to stretch out his reign.

Dolph has had two great moments in the past 7 or so years he's been around:
- his cash-in over Del Rio just happened to be at the right time in front of the right crowd. Del Rio had put on a match that had the crowd looking for more and Ziggler cashing in was perfect booking. Del Rio sold that match like something Ziggler could only dream.
- his win over Swagger that separated the two and won him Vicki. He did something no other WWE star has done; lighten her up.

If I were to push Ziggler it would probably take about 15 months before he sniffed the top title. I'd continue to job him out and let him play his still cocky show-off character. Let him hit rock bottom and then re-introduce his relationship with Vicki. Have him tame Vicki again after a long feud and then put the two back together. Give them a face run for a while and then turn her against him. Have her use her power to support a heel champion and then have Ziggler beat the heel champion at a secondary PPV.
IF Ziggler gets a push at some point this year, I don't think it'll be until after WrestleMania. The wrestlers that are going to be the primary focus of WrestleMania are pretty much known by now, so Ziggler's probably not going to have a major role at WM.

However, if I was pushing Ziggler, I'd try to book him as a tweener character with a big chip on his shoulder. He's not going to whine or complain about being held down, he'll let people know that he feels that's what's happening, but he's not going to harp on it all the time. I like the notion of pushing Ziggler as being much more aggressive and generally in your face, someone that's willing to step up and be more of an "in your face" sort of guy. Someone that won't take no for an answer and is willing to get in anyone's face in order to make himself heard. He's cocky, but not in the sort of playful way that Ziggler is. He no longer worries about "showing off" as he's so good that he doesn't even have to "show off", he outshines everyone just by showing up.

I wouldn't push Ziggler to the main event right away but, rather, I'd go the route of giving him a strong push as a strong mid-card champion. Ziggler feels he's the best wrestler and delivers all the time and could play to the IWC a bit by suggesting that, at one time, the Intercontinental Champion used to be the best wrestler in the roster. He's going to bring that back to the title, he claims. He proclaims that soon, for the first time in what feels like forever, that the best wrestler on the roster will also be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. If things work out for Ziggler during this time, the fans are really into him and things have been given a good amount of time to simmer, I'd consider putting the top title on him.
I wouldn't push Ziggler. Honestly, if it was up to me, he would be more irrelevant than he is now.. Ziggler deserves the spot he' in now. He can't shut him mouth, he whines about everything. I don't respect people like that.
If WWE really wants to push Ziggler, they should show this promo on RAW, especially considering that RAW will have a higher than average viewership due to the build to Wrestlemania. Not a lot of people would have seen a random interview on the WWE App.

Also, they need to give him match at Wrestlemania with a decent competitor (probably someone like Christian). Not have him in a thrown-together match on the pre-show.
I would pull out a Rocky V Scenario for Dolph. They were going to bring in Flair at one time and put him with Ziggler... So here is what I would do...

Dolph comes back from his concussion, and is welcomed back by Ric Flair. They keep running into each other on Raw, while Ziggler keeps falling short in his matches. Flair Finally decides to be his manager and teach him how to be "The Man". Dolph starts beating all types of mid-carders and finally beats like a Punk/Bryan or someone. Dolph starts wondering when he will get a title shot and Flair keeps telling him "In Do Time".

This is where Paul Heyman or someone would come in and offer there services, promising the moon. Flair does not like this and tries to steer Dolph away from that person. Finally we see Dolph beat another top guy, yet still is not considered for a title shot. The next RAW we could see Dolph in the ring calling out Flair, who appears looking joyful. Dolph says that he has a new manager and that it is not personal. Heyman or Said person comes out and walks away with ziggler, and maybe a hot girl just to show that he sold out.

Flair could now be trying to get Dolph to understand that this is a bad idea. Dolph could then start winning by DQ's and Cheating. Which would lead to him beating the current champion by Cheating again. Dolph could then say that he want's to thank His new manager for his success and winning the belt. Backstage people are making fun of Dolph for being a paper champ and cheating his way to the belt... and being a Flair Wanna-Be. Dolph gets mad and Heyman tells Dolph to challenge Flair... and if he says no, then make it personal.

Dolph gets into Flairs face and challenges him, except Flair turns it down and says that he is retired and won't wrestle again. Flair says that he may have done what he had to do to be champ, but he was "The Man" ... which he wanted Dolph to be, and he clearly is just a sell out. Dolph attacks Flair which sets up...

Dolph Ziggler /vs/ Ric Flair - Street Fight

- This is where I would change it up... and have Flairs Family in the crowd. Dolph could taunt them during the match and even blow Ashley Flair a kiss. Flair could knock out Heyman and put Dolph in the Figure Four and the crowd would go nuts... Only for Ashley Flair would get in the ring, causing Flair to break the hold. She would low blow him and Dolph would take the win.

Dolph Ziggler could now say that he is "The Man" and Walk off with some major heat with Heyman and Ashley as his managers. Kiss Ashley Flair and hold up the Belt while yelling I am The Man... While Flair looks on helplessly in the ring.
im a huge huge fan of ziggler, his in my top 3 for current wwe stars. I just watched some old matches, where he main evented or was high up on plenty of ppv cards, and seeing him dip like this is so sad. What would i do? USE THIS PROMO, have him say it again, but new, on raw. Have him loose more matches, have him break down wwe 4th wall. How his the most talented star (like punk and jerichos calling card) ziggler can say, im the most under rated, under appreciated super star, but im the most talented here, and wwe creative thinks there done with me, that im burn out, that my glory days are behind me, where i can be best for business, im talent, not cause im not huge and tall and come from family, cause i work hard and show it every night.
So what do you do with that?
He looses more and more, and his not heel, nor face. his real. for now
Crowd will love him cause we do love him. It might be a smart move for wwe, to maybe take some bryan love and give it to ziggler so the fans to go crazy whenever bryan isnt in the ring.
So have ziggler loose more and more, and you see his frustration in interviews, in the ring. you seem him not care. his music hits and he just walks down the ramp, you dont see him promoting his shirts anymore. His promo works gets better and better because its real, and thats when we love it, when its real. Like bryans jab at john cena for not being a real wrestler, aj pipebomb against the divas and of course cm punks famous pipe bomb. We love it cause its real, its not corny or part of a gimmick, its real and their opinions. So have ziggler loose, and not make it on the wm card. AFTER wm, thats when you can set him up, have him take out the champ, shoot a promo saying. If im not going to get creative behind me, if im not going to get wwe behind me, than im just going to have to start taking what i want. Bam, his heel or face depending who it is, and as long as its not bryan some how, than he should be fine.
Ziggler ultimately has to push Ziggler. They've given him a LOT of chances to get over and elevate, it hasn't happened. It's pretty obvious how it works in the WWE. You get a spot, if you exceed it, you move up a spot, if you exceed it, you get moved up again, and so on and so forth.

Vince says "I give opportunities" and he's right. If he wants you to dress is skin tight gold latex, come out with a blonde wig, and act somewhere between a cross dresser and a psycho, you do it to the best of your ability and get that shit over.

Dolph has been given all sorts of opportunity. I guess if I had to give him another one, he'd be the heel who does a program with Reigns after Reigns wins the US title in the Shield triple threat at mania (I'm speculating that's what happens). If you can't get over as a heel vs a hot babyface, then you don't deserve a further push. If Ziggler gets more over, then maybe I put him against Cena or Sheamus in a number 1 contender program. If he keeps getting over, then a title feud. If he keeps getting over, he holds the belt.
I think the thing with Dolph unfortunately with him,is hes been pushed as far as he can. He has had MITB,IC,hell even the WHC championship reigns. Someone did indeed decide Dolph your our guy were gonna push you to the moon. Dolphs push never really took,the fans tried in our best defense to get behind him,but it just never took.

I doubt Dolph is realistically going to get another reign of any type of title!
I'd have him randomly tag with Big E in a tag team title match, to help establish the NAO as legit tag team champs.

Have Ziggler turn on E, have the reason behind the turn was because he's jealous that Big E has the IC Championship while he claims he was one of the greatest IC champs ever. Him and E feud over the title, swapping title reigns, building to a legit Summerslam classic.
I'd push him outta the door.

Another complainer who thinks he is better than he is. I do not understand the infatuation with him by alot of the IWC nerds.
I'd have him randomly tag with Big E in a tag team title match, to help establish the NAO as legit tag team champs.

Have Ziggler turn on E, have the reason behind the turn was because he's jealous that Big E has the IC Championship while he claims he was one of the greatest IC champs ever. Him and E feud over the title, swapping title reigns, building to a legit Summerslam classic.

Not a bad idea. I see him as a face these days though.

I'd much prefer him to feud with Ambrose or Rollins over the US title once the shield break up.

The skills between these guys. Would be some epic, fast paced matches.
Me: Ahh, I can finally sit down and enjoy my General Tso Chicken and Diet Rite. I wonder what the poor people are doing? HAHAHA!!


Me: Oh shit! *spills the Diet Rite on himself and drops the carton of dogmeat on the floor*


Me: Push Dolph, umm. Right away good sir. *salute*


Annnd *scene*

So I find myself in the unique circumstance of having to push one Dolph Buttersnatch Ziggler in a way that impresses the average WWE fan and the IWC. You may as well strap a bomb to my nuts and hide the greek instructions for defusing it in my liver.

Dolph enjoys dressing like he raided the dumpster outside of the set for Miami Vice. So, we jazz him up in a leisure suit and make him wear mirror sunglasses at all times (especially at night). Dolph's character evolves from that of an obnoxious prick with a narcissistic complex to all of that and an actual personality that reacts to things that aren't run of the mill 80's shitcom bullshit. The most interesting thing he's ever done is dump an onscreen girlfriend.

We have Dolph yakking on his cell phone only to see Stephers walk by, prompting him to say "I'll call you back" and chase her down. Dolph begs for a match that evening, Steph is upset because she's Steph and has to see that in the mirror every morning, so Steph tells Dolph that he'll get a match against Batista and that it'll be a retirement match if Dolph loses.

Dolph is oddly upbeat by this news, thanks her a dozen times, and promptly hops back on his cellphone, giving material to JBL and Cole so they can bicker over it. Dolph puts on a good effort against Batista, but Batista uses his backstage bargaining powers to own most of the match up until the finish. Dolph hits the zigzag on the referee, who obviously didn't "see" him do it. Batista clothes-lines Dolph, and while attempting to revive the ref is hit with a chair by Dolph. Dolph does a swinging ddt on Batista to the prone chair and while pinning him makes the count himself. The bell is rung.

Dolph hops on the mic and exclaims that he forgot to add one important note, that he's now a part-time referee for the WWE. He explains that nothing in his contract or the rule book disputes his right to perform as a licensed referee while also performing as a superstar, only that he can't make decisions if another ref is present (maybe that detail would be too much, but fuck it).

So Dolph does something beyond just performing in the ring and appearing smug just for the sole purpose of being smug. I'm grasping at straws here, give me a break.
No way for another ziggler push. Ziggler is a great heel than face. His face turn absolutely failure. His push is halted by his concussion. But now wwe not consider ziggler as a main eventer.

Ziggler is not a great face but he is #1 heel.

At wm make a MITB match and ziggler wins the match. At extreme rules bryan wins the championship in his home crowd. Then BANG a myestry man attacked from the crowd. The ziggler cash in his contract and turn heel. This will the best push for heel ziggler.

wwe made big mistake by unifiying the championships. They use whc belt for upper mid carders and testing the wrestlers as a champion. If they pass then they give the opportunity to win the wwe championship.

But now they back to old age. Only give certain wrestlers the opportunity to hold wwe championship like old school. wwe never test best talent in title picture. Ricky steamboat, mr perfect, roddy piper and so many.

Now we dont have ambrose, cesaro, rollins, sami zyan, bray wyatt, ect.
The missed whatever boat with him long ago. They could have had flair give him the figure 4 and that whole push instead of wasting it on the miz but then again flair messed that all up when he got in trouble. My girlfriend who hasn't only started watching wrestling the past year and is the definition of a casual mark can't even figure out what dolph's gimmich is. To be honest I can't give her an answer either. If you look at him from a non talent in ring point of view he's a guy with bleached blonde hair with a stupid name, no mic time, and brags a lot while never winning. WAIT! I know that gimmick he's a late 80s early 90s local city jobber! Seriously though not trashing the man but he has a shit gimmick that he's been in too long so it's almost impossible to reinvent him without the fans going oh hey look at dolph ziggler he has a different haircut now. Their only real option is for him to do the "reality" gimmick where he uses his "real name" yadda yadda but thats been don to death.

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