Maybe a Ziggler push?

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The Extreme Machine
On Smackdown! during the Beat the Clock challenge Dolph Ziggler versed Kane. And it ended in a time out. During the Match Ziggler was using a more amateur style of wrestling rather then his usual move-set he has used recently. and almost got the win over Kane near the end with a submission hold.
But after the match Ziggler got angry he didnt win and used his finisher on Kane.

Now could this mean a potential push feud with Kane? Which could lead into a push for Ziggler? Or a new Direction in terms of his wrestling style?

Or was this just for the Beat the clock challenge and nothing will come out of this.

Personally i think that this means a push for him. not a massive push. but a slow one. I think that there are 2 possibilities that can come out of this.

1. He feuds with Kane for a bit. giving him a slow push, But winning overall in the end. They could feud on Smackdown! for a couple of weeks not on any PPV. And they could either have a qualifying match against each other for the elimantion chamber or both compete in the Smackdown! chamber and elevate it from there.

2. Ziggler wrestles upper mid card guys every week and winning, then after the match always attack the opponent from behind. eg. Khali next week, R-Truth the week after then Hardy, also cutting promos about how he is defeating people who were the best and how he is now the best and deserves a shot at gold, which would elevate him to vs Mcintyre for the IC and maybe, just maybe, he finally gets to hold gold.

but thats my opinion so what do you guys think?
I think that no matter what, Ziggler deserves a push. I loved it when he started challenging for the IC title but then as rematch after rematch went on between him and Morrison I came to realize that WWE was maybe just using him to put over Morrison even more. Now I think that maybe there is a feud with Kane on the horizon, and if so I think that would be great, not just for Ziggler but for Kane as well.

Kane, unfortunate as it is to admit, has never been used to his full potential by the WWE. He's been a jobber, or else just a guy to put over other stars in losing efforts. I've said it a million times to friends of mine who are wrestling fans that I believe Kane deserves a World Heavyweight Title run after all these years, but I'm sure that won't happen. Either way, I think a feud with Ziggler would help elevate Kane's status a bit and definetely help him get over with the fans again. (I noticed the past few weeks on Smackdown that Kane barely gets any kind of reaction from the fans)

Now in terms of Ziggler, he's obviously a heel and most of the fans hate his guts but I love his gimmick and the way he wrestles in the ring, whether it's how he did this past friday or over the past few months. He needs a new feud, especially something to make himself look better, but not only that; Ziggler I find has always had the ability to help give other stars a push even when he's the one that's supposed to win a match. He sells moves really well, and I'm sure he could be the jump start to a fresh run for Kane.

I'm not sure if everything I said made much sense, but to sum it up, I think giving Ziggler a push against Kane would benefit both of these great superstars.
I think that no matter what, Ziggler deserves a push. I loved it when he started challenging for the IC title but then as rematch after rematch went on between him and Morrison I came to realize that WWE was maybe just using him to put over Morrison even more. Now I think that maybe there is a feud with Kane on the horizon, and if so I think that would be great, not just for Ziggler but for Kane as well.

Kane, unfortunate as it is to admit, has never been used to his full potential by the WWE. He's been a jobber, or else just a guy to put over other stars in losing efforts. I've said it a million times to friends of mine who are wrestling fans that I believe Kane deserves a World Heavyweight Title run after all these years, but I'm sure that won't happen. Either way, I think a feud with Ziggler would help elevate Kane's status a bit and definetely help him get over with the fans again. (I noticed the past few weeks on Smackdown that Kane barely gets any kind of reaction from the fans)

Now in terms of Ziggler, he's obviously a heel and most of the fans hate his guts but I love his gimmick and the way he wrestles in the ring, whether it's how he did this past friday or over the past few months. He needs a new feud, especially something to make himself look better, but not only that; Ziggler I find has always had the ability to help give other stars a push even when he's the one that's supposed to win a match. He sells moves really well, and I'm sure he could be the jump start to a fresh run for Kane.

I'm not sure if everything I said made much sense, but to sum it up, I think giving Ziggler a push against Kane would benefit both of these great superstars.

I get what you mean. Kane is, now we can say it, reaching the end of his career. I'm sad :disappointed:

I'll always remembering the big red machine. But you gotta think positive about it dude. Kane has achieved more in his career than most people could hope to. He's beaten the best: Stone Cold Steve Austin twice, The Undertaker twice, big show 4 times, xpac I'm not sure how many times, Triple h 4 times, The Rock once, Batista, Khali, , HBK, Nelson Frasier (both gimmicks), Mark Henry, , benoit, local jobbers, midcarders, etc. Kane has beaten them all by pinfall or even submission. Granted a lot of the time they are never clean victories, he usually wins by outside interference or cheating behind the referee, but I'll still take it. He's also beaten lots more dudes I forgotten over the years.

He's a two time world champion, 2 time intercontinental champion. Ten time world tag team champion, one time hardcore champion, YES he won the European title once, it was an event in the UK. He is the eight triple crown champion and the third grand slam champion.

He's not the best, but he has had a great career. I think we can say overall he's a dominant upper midcard monster that has main evented a few times in career, and has had great feuds and reaction from the fans. Hopefully Kane can find a nice way to put over Ziggler, dominate one last Wrestlemania match, and then call it quits.
Ziggler is probably going to be in a feud with Kane over the next month, facing off against him in 6-man tag matches and singles matches.

I expect Ziggler to win cleanly next time he fights Kane, and when Kane has had enough, he can win in a gimmick match, while putting Ziggler over. Then, a week later at the Rumble, Kane can make it to the final 5 like he usually does, and have Ziggler come back and eliminate him.
This way, Ziggler can receive a small push.

And yeah, I noticed the change in his move set a little bit. He started using dropkicks more often, as well as snapmares and elbow drops.

He is "dangerous when he is in control", as the announcers would put it. I like how he uses the sleeper hold as one of his signature (hopefully finisher) moves. As much as I like the Zig Zag, that move looks pretty useless.
the guy's good (not great) in the ring but just decent on the mic. I can't see why people want such a big push for him... as a heel, he can't even draw heat. There's not much he can do on Smack Down... maybe a move to Raw would help, have him feud with Miz for the US title, no face turns heel vs heel, and as much as i dislike Miz, i'd watch their matches.
Thank fucking goodness. We have assclowns like Sheamus and The lost Bella triplett getting titles, while talent like Ziggler seemed to be wasting away. The guy had some fantastic matches with Mysterio over the summer, is superb on the mic and in ring awareness. A ring general, especially for someone so young, and is beyond aware in there. Ive always been extremely high on Ziggler, and im really glad to see him not wasting away like poor Swagger is. Thank goodness someone took note of this guy.
Ziggler is a wonderful talent and in my opinion has just been thrown to the side. To make a prediction for the future I think a feud with Kane would be great for both stars.

One reason for Ziggler is that he can finally get in line for another shot at the IC title as well as finally put him back into some sort of story line.

Kane's reason is purely just because he hasn't really been a part of anything in a while. And I can honestly say he has been cast into the wilderness by WWE. I haven't seen any sort of real evil side of Kane that made him both feared and loved in a long time. And to an extent I can say the same about the Undertaker although that is a topic for another day.
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