Who deserves a push and how would you achieve it?


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Which wrestlers would you like to receive a push and how would you achieve it? Would you give them a new gimmick, if so, what would it be? Maybe a new finisher? Anyway you can think of too give someone a push.

My pick would be CM punk.

He is an amazing athlete and wrestler who sadly is being held back in the wwe. He needs to go back to his ROH days, be the heel that fits his character better then a face and get back the pepsi plunge and anaconda vise. His gimmick has so much potential, and countless possible fueds.

If stone cold is coming back for a match at WMXXV then this could be a perfect fued to bring him into. Punk claims he is the greatest wrestler ever due to him being better then everyone cause he doesn't drink etc, and then attack stone cold through a handful of promos which could then see him have a few altercations leading into a match.

Or maybe one with a returning jeff hardy. Would really turn the fans against him.

What are your thoughts?

All the way. He needs the WHC strap by the end of the year. He's probably the best heel in the company, there's no 'cool' aspect to him like Edge, and no tweeners that would look heel against him like Orton has in Cena.

He's gonna lose in his program with Matt Hardy, which will make him free for a Main Event run (they won't cock up the US title like they did the IC on Raw, i mean come on, IC champ running for title???)

He should have won money in the bank really, it doesn't work with a face, unless it would be like Jeff Hardy, who cashed it in, in advance going into his hometown. Have MVP cleanly beat someone like Batista in a number 1 contender match.

Have him pick up a cheap win on Taker for the belt, nobody does him clean, and especially not a heel
Just a few examples...

Kennedy - I'd have him feud with Jericho and eventually defeat him for the IC title. Give him a rather long run until he's legitimate enough to challenge for the WWE title.

Morrison - King of the Ring. Use that as the catalyst for his push. This guy's got it all.

Miz / Kenny Dykstra - I'd team them up and put them as two potential tag team champions. At the same time, they'd feud with Matt Hardy over the US title. Perhaps the Miz could be the one to take it from him. They can be another "trio stable" underneath Morrison the same as Edge has his "Rated R-Entourage".

Carlito - I'd move him over to ECW to take Burke's place.

Ryder & Hawkins - Have them win Raw's tag team championship via some cheating method that Edge teaches them. As I've said before, I want Edge to take Orton's place on Raw, as they both have exhausted all their feuds.

Burke - Draft to Raw. Feud for the IC title. Takes Carlito's place on Raw.
I would love to see some guys like Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke get a push. They were pretty hyped up upon entering ECW and neither has even really had a serious push at a major title...I think both men are extremely talented, especially Shelton, who has been around a bit longer.

We have seen Shelton do some pretty incredible things in the ring, especially considering how few high-profile matches he has been involved in. In order to give him a solid push, though, I think you would need to move him over to Smackdown to content for the US Championship or Raw for the Intercontinental Championship. In order for Shelton to flourish, he needs to work his way up from the mid-card to the upper mid-card/main event level, ala Jeff Hardy (granted, Shelton doesn't have nearly the fan support that Jeff does).

I think a good idea in order to give a lot of midcarders more of a push would be to move them to ECW (which is in lack of talent and diversity to begin with) and bring back the ECW TV Title. Take some guys from Raw and Smackdown who aren't being used much and you could easily make the ECW TV title as prominent as the IC and US titles. I think some programs involving the likes of Shelton, Elijah, Kofi Kingston, Carlito, Santino, Charlie Haas, Cody Rhodes, Paul Burchill, Super Crazy, Chuck Palumbo, Jamie Noble, Kenny Dykstra, Vladimir Kozlov, etc. Now obviously you can't just take all these guys to ECW, but I could see some good programs for ECW involved with many of these wrestlers. Plus, it would not only push the wrestlers upwards a bit, it would also push ECW in general. It would also help these guys out in the long run when contending for bigger name titles...It is never a bad thing to have held championship gold in the past when working a program involving another title. Make its more believable, in my opinion
I'm Going to catch some heat for saying this but Matt "Frickin" Hardy.

He has all the tools in the world. He has charisma, hes very skilled in the ring, fans love him. He was red hot coming back from getting "Fired" and I use that term loosely as I believe it was a work. You know what WWE did with him. They Buried him. The fued with him and Edge couldve went on for a long time but they chose to stop it fast.

Then he went to smackdown and got lost in the shuffle and he lost all his momentum. Finally last year they put him in an excellent fued with MVP. Then he got injured. I hope they keep building him up because he is one of the most talented people that WWE has right now. He is one of the few people that have been around a long time and its time they reward him with a HUGE push.
I'd have to go with Kennedy, he got a gr8 push on Smackdown, beating 8 former champs during 2006, had a couple of title shots against Batista and Lashley, went to Raw and he's floudered ever since. Defeating HBK and winning MITB with no follow up is all he achieved in 2007 (altho that's because of suspensions and injuries), and now he's been off tv for a month doing a movie and most people have stopped caring.
He shud be in KOTR tomorrow night and win it. King Kennedy has a ring to it don't you think?
i agree with the Kennedy angle. The guy has some real talent and needs the chance to prove it. he at least deserves the IC title and a long run with it. i dont honestly think he is World title status with the high-card superstars, but he is right below which would make him a contender for the intercontinental championship. I just cant go with the Matt Hardy angle tho, im just not impressed with his in ring abilities and lets face it he is awful on the mic, i just have a feeling that they are going to have the guy beat MVP at backlash which is also a bad idea. take jeff and matt hardy off of the singles card and make them a tag team again which is very so needed, being the fact that there is no really good tag team ne more. the WWE really needs to concentrate on re-building the tag team division, b/c they have enough really good singles competitors to wrestle and feud for title and non-title matches in all 3 brands. Tag teams tho, they should just have one set of tag team titles instead of 2 and have all the tage teams from all brbands compete for one set of tag titles. that way it would boost the tag division.
My pick would be CM punk.

He is an amazing athlete and wrestler who sadly is being held back in the wwe

yOU FOR REAL BRO?? being held back?? By held back, do you really mean getting pushed to the moon despite being extremely sloppy and getting very little pops when he enters?? Uuuum he won money in the bank, despite being NOWERE near being ready for title match main event status?? So how is the WWE holding him back?? He is being pushed far BEYOND his abilities, if anything.

BTW this thread has been done a million differnt times, and different ways. But I shall drone on with the same things that are fairly easily rcognized....

Kennedy, Morrison, Shelton Benjamin, Elijah Burke. One of these guys could have the push started this monday night with KOR, especially since all of them have a cocky heel gimmick, in varying degrees. Something like this would give them yet another thing to be braggadocious about.
im goin wit john morrison ever since he dropped the johnny nitro name he has really stepped up his promo's and wrestling ability i liked him as the ecw champ and he showed what he could do in the mitb match and will be a big time player in the wwe if not by the end of this year by next
i think when ppl are saying punk is being held back they mean that his move set is being limited. i think if he was given a bit more freedom ppl would start to see him as a better package. perhaps with more freedom of move selection he would be less sloppy.

atho i actually like punks work. ive seen some pretty good matches with him in. i think he needs to be on raw, he wont become a heel because thats not what wwe want to do with him. But i think he can become a bit of a stronger face on raw with more mic time. as they say - practice makes perfect!
yOU FOR REAL BRO?? being held back?? By held back, do you really mean getting pushed to the moon despite being extremely sloppy and getting very little pops when he enters?? Uuuum he won money in the bank, despite being NOWERE near being ready for title match main event status?? So how is the WWE holding him back?? He is being pushed far BEYOND his abilities, if anything.

By being held back I mean not in terms of his push, which I'm stokd to see, but in a couple of ways.

One is his moveset
Two is the way they are portraying his gimmick, he is so bland compared to is roh days, the heel turn opens up so many more doors.

I really dig the fact that he is getting the push he is getting but they could be doing it better. I think everyone is hating on him becos he is getting wat seems to be an unjustified push, which is only the case becos they are holding back the potential of his character becos the wwe wants to shove him down ppls throats as a face when he is a natural heel.
I'd like Elijah Burke to get a push sometime soon..the guy has always impressed me, he has natural ability on the mic and is a great athlete to boot. In order for him to really shine I think he needs to go back to Smackdown or get a fresh start on Raw..Maybe Tag Team with Shelton Benjamin for a while to then have them feud over the IC or US Title??! All sounds good to me!
Kane, hes finally getting a well deserved push but with taker as the champion theres a great opprutunity for a fued between the two. I would probably have them first team up for the brothers of destruction and hold the ECW WHC and Tag team championships, Kane would turn and lead to a battle at Wrestlemania for unification and Have Taker win.
i would bring the ecw title to ECW and use it to push guys like elijah burke. carlito, miz guys who are stuck in midcard and cant get out but wont get the main straps on raw or smackdown

i would also use the king of the ring to bring a main eventer to the world title picture, say a guy like kennedy who could use it to get pushed
man I'm so pissed at this week's RAW. The WWE dropped the ball big time with the KOTR tournament. Yes I'm a big fan of Regal's work, but the whole tournament was a waste of time. The KOTR should have been used to elevate one of the following...

Shelton Benjamin (KINGS love GOLD)
MVP (The Most Valuable Person would be THE KING)
John Morrison (Shaman of Sexy = KING of Kool)
Mr Kennedy (KING Kennedy... Kennedy)

Having the RAW general manager become KOTR is just absurd, what will that do for storylines really? Have him act like more of a pompus ass than he is? Won't work!!!
Here are the two people that should receive a push and how to get them there.

1) KENNEDY!!!...........Kennedy.
The simplest way to give Kennedy a push is to have him attack CM Punk on Raw. Set up an angle where Kennedy is bitter toward Punk for having the MITB. They set up a match at the next PPV...with Kennedy beating Punk clean...then at the end of the night...he pulls and Edge and storms the ring after the Fatal Four Way, attacks the winner of the match unmercifully (Triple H), and wins the WWE title. Then you have a good feud with Triple H and Kennedy going into Summerslam.

2) Shelton Benjamin.
His push will take a lot more work, since he's being buried on ECW. But you could use the Money in the Bank to push Benjamin as well. Have him take the place of Kennedy in the push...only he wouldn't go for the belt on the same night...instead, he'd confront Triple H or Cena after the Fatal Four Way...and build that into a title match at Summerslam. Benjamin would have to work on his mic skills though...to hang with either Cena or HHH.

3)Kofi Kingston.
Strike while the iron's hot...have him feud with MVP...win the US belt...and free up MVP to feud with Taker.

Thoughts? Comments?
Here are the two people that should receive a push and how to get them there.

1) KENNEDY!!!...........Kennedy.
The simplest way to give Kennedy a push is to have him attack CM Punk on Raw. Set up an angle where Kennedy is bitter toward Punk for having the MITB. They set up a match at the next PPV...with Kennedy beating Punk clean...then at the end of the night...he pulls and Edge and storms the ring after the Fatal Four Way, attacks the winner of the match unmercifully (Triple H), and wins the WWE title. Then you have a good feud with Triple H and Kennedy going into Summerslam.

2) Shelton Benjamin.
His push will take a lot more work, since he's being buried on ECW. But you could use the Money in the Bank to push Benjamin as well. Have him take the place of Kennedy in the push...only he wouldn't go for the belt on the same night...instead, he'd confront Triple H or Cena after the Fatal Four Way...and build that into a title match at Summerslam. Benjamin would have to work on his mic skills though...to hang with either Cena or HHH.

3)Kofi Kingston.
Strike while the iron's hot...have him feud with MVP...win the US belt...and free up MVP to feud with Taker.

Thoughts? Comments?

Yep, these are the wrestlers i would push without a doubt, plus Morrison and Burke. I just cannot believe Kennedy wasnt in the KOTR or Morrison. The KOTR was the perfect chance to give these 2 guys spotlight and push them up a bit in the WWE, but no Khali and Hornswoggle were a better fit apparently, geez.

These 5 guys have great talent and should of been in the KOTR, thats how i'd would push them. Show their talents and make them look like something in the tournament, especially Kennedy, he needs all the help right now, he needed to win the KOTR, but no, he had to finish that movie.

WWE are just missing opportunity after opportunity with these guys. I would push Benjamin, Kennedy and Morrison first and i would of done it in the KOTR. I would give Kennedy a program with Jericho for the IC title, and i would make Morrison break away from Miz and give him a good feud with Benjamin, that would cumilate to a ladder match, wow that would be great. But WWE would never do it, so why metion it, lol.
I am going to go outside the current landscape of WWE and pick a guy that has yet to redebut on WWE television, and that's Ron Killings.

This guy showed so much potential in TNA that was wasted. This guy can cut a promo and is one of the most exciting wrestlers to watch in the ring.

I wouldn't bring him in as a face, like he was before in WWE and the latter part of TNA. I would have him debut as a heel, with a chip on his shoulder similar to when he was at his best in TNA. Perhaps he's pissed off at WWE for firing him 7 years ago. Or he still has an extreme dislike for John Cena. Perhaps a heel thug like gimmick for Killing would bring back the Thug in John Cena, the one we liked so many years ago.
Shelton Benjamin He is very athletic and I haven't seen the WWE make anything for him. I remember when he came to the WWE with Charlie Haas and had a storyline with Kurt Angle. I liked him in that character and would like to see him make it again. Shelton can wrestle for real not just be a stuntman. I like those who can really wrestle in the way angle and benoit did it way back.

WWE should Just color his hair back to normal and put him in somekind of "all-american-wrestler" attire and make him wrestle!
I am going to go outside the current landscape of WWE and pick a guy that has yet to redebut on WWE television, and that's Ron Killings.

This guy showed so much potential in TNA that was wasted. This guy can cut a promo and is one of the most exciting wrestlers to watch in the ring.

I wouldn't bring him in as a face, like he was before in WWE and the latter part of TNA. I would have him debut as a heel, with a chip on his shoulder similar to when he was at his best in TNA. Perhaps he's pissed off at WWE for firing him 7 years ago. Or he still has an extreme dislike for John Cena. Perhaps a heel thug like gimmick for Killing would bring back the Thug in John Cena, the one we liked so many years ago.

I was thinking the same exact thing. Rep coming to you.

Here's a plan I'd have for Ron. During the Fatal-Fourway match at Backlash, have it Cena-Orton as the last two, with Ron interfering and hitting his special on Cena, have Orton pin Cena, and start up a feud between Cena and Killings. Perfect storyline if you ask me.
I was thinking the same exact thing. Rep coming to you.

Here's a plan I'd have for Ron. During the Fatal-Fourway match at Backlash, have it Cena-Orton as the last two, with Ron interfering and hitting his special on Cena, have Orton pin Cena, and start up a feud between Cena and Killings. Perfect storyline if you ask me.

It wouldn't work. Killings was a mid carder in the WWE, and will still be one in the WWE. You think they're going to give a former TNA guy who was once in the WWE that kind of push? Wishful thinking.

Have Kennedy win the MITB from Punk at Backlash, then have Kennedy pull an Edge on the winner of the Fatal Four way (Cena or Triple H) and have Kennedy win the WWE Title. Instant push...and a great use for the suitcase.
There are plenty of superstars with all the talent in the world. The only problem is that not everyone can be at the top of the food chain. Thats why some people are held back. My suggestions for pushes are.

Mr. Kennedy - He was a hell over heel on SD!, but when he moved to Raw, he got buried. The guy was huge over and unfortunately he gets pushed back. With the injury and drugs of course he got stopped in his tracks.

MVP - Obviously MVP is going to get to the ME relatively quickly. He is almost ready for his push to the ME for a WHC shot when the Edge - Taker thing ends.

Eligah/ Kofi Kingston - Both incredible athletes. I love both on the ring and mic. They will both hopefully get their shots in the future.

Festus - He will probably get a shot eventually, his gimmick doesn't really fit it though. His size and ability in the ring gives him an Edge.
I'm totally going with John Morrison .. I got a storyline for ya... How about John Morrison wins the royal rumble eliminating hbk. After cheating to eliminate hbk, he goes to no way out and defeats hbk 1-on-1 due to him holding the tights on a roll up. He ends up choosing to challenge the deadman at wrestlemania. Beats the deadman fairly and ends his streak and becomes the new champ. Think how much heat this would bring on morrison as the heel.No one would really want to see the deadmans streak ended by john morrison. After winning the match the deadman sits up and trys to shake morrisons hand and morrison hits him with the belt and stands above him and celebrates as champ arrogantly.
I'm totally going with John Morrison .. I got a storyline for ya... How about John Morrison wins the royal rumble eliminating hbk. After cheating to eliminate hbk, he goes to no way out and defeats hbk 1-on-1 due to him holding the tights on a roll up. He ends up choosing to challenge the deadman at wrestlemania. Beats the deadman fairly and ends his streak and becomes the new champ. Think how much heat this would bring on morrison as the heel.No one would really want to see the deadmans streak ended by john morrison. After winning the match the deadman sits up and trys to shake morrisons hand and morrison hits him with the belt and stands above him and celebrates as champ arrogantly.

I'm all for a Morrison push 100%, I'm all for a Morrison/HBK feud 100%, but I don't think that they'll have the Undertaker lose his streak. Still, though, its not a bad idea at all. I really like the touch you added at the end with the Undertaker wanting to show his respect, only to get clocked in the head. That's classic heel heat right there. Nice post.
Theres a number of guys I'd like to see pushed to the next level... MVP, Elijah Burke, Lance Cade, Morrison... They all have an easy way of getting pushed and that is to feud with y2j for the IC title. It should be a longer drawn out feud with whoever it is eventually winning it at a ppv. It would help to be workin with a vet like jericho whos bringin some legitimacy back to the IC belt. If that belt was feuded for more often it could push some younger talent up the ladder.

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