Who currently has the best theme in WWE and TNA?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Simple really, who in all of your opinions has the best theme in WWE and in TNA?


For me its a tie between Michael McGillicutty and CM Punk. Punk's is extremely good because its a theme where you can legit feel pumped up for a fight and the words make you feel like you're playing the villain in a fight scene of a movie. Punk has lost his swagger of which he would come out with such great promo material however not so much anymore and this has impacted my love for the theme.

McGillicutty's is very good for a guy who is only featured on NXT. And for those of you who never get to see McGillicutty since he's never on RAW or SmackDown, here's a video of his theme:



I have always loved Samoa Joe's. So intense and a fight-worthy song. Its a shame what has happened to his character and TNA as a whole because he used to be one of my favourites.

I also love Kurt Angle's theme, which was amazing when he used to have the whole Rose crumbling graphic in the background as he rose from the floorings. I marked out whenever he rose on PPV lol.

So who's yours?
Always been a huge fan of Jericho's 'Break the walls down'... Have it on WWF the music Vol 4, and everytime it comes on i feel like a god among men!

I like Henrys, suites the character, and... actually... i cant remember any! I watch both shows every week and i cant remember!! What does pprimo and epico's sound like?? Loveis deaf, as they say, and i love short shorts... Cant remember Kofi's, or the miz after Awesome, or R-truths... He just raps right? I'm shooting blanks here!!

Cena's works a treat? Triple H is a classic... Tna, i watch just as often and i couldnt hum a single entrance theme...

I really enjoy Del Rio's actually, just has the right feel!! I'm a huge fan of jim jihnson, have all the first six albums, but they havent been as strong lately, though neither have the characters, and the style is different so maybe its just me!!

favourite is always gna be jericho!!
WWE: I really like Miz's, Rhodes, Punk's and Ziggler's 2011 version.

Yet my vote goes for Christian. It's such a good song, I actually have it on my ipod.

TNA: Agree with an above poster Samoa Joe's is pretty epic.
There are alot of classic ones I won't bother mentioning, but I think RVD's TNA theme is really good. I like it alot more than his old WWE theme.

Alex's Riley's theme is quite good as well. It has that Pavlovian lick at the beginning that gets your attention (like the power chord at the start of HHH's, or UT's gong).
I have a few:

Alex Riley, Miz, Ziggler: Downstait has done really well for WWE. I also like their version of Rhodes' song, but he never used it.

Drew McIntyre's theme is epic. Really great theme. I hope he gets another push soon.

I never heard Maguillicuddy's until you posted it, but it's pretty good.

In TNA the only two that stands out to me is Jeff Hardy's and James Storm. They're both pretty good. I also liked Jeff's theme "Another Me" he used while in Immortal.

PS. To the guy who said he likes RVD's theme, #AreYouSeriousBro? That theme sucks, it's just three guys screaming Rob Van Dam at you.
The best theme in WWE is Triple H's. Motorhead, need I say more? :)

The best theme in TNA was Beer Money's theme, but now that they're not together and no longer using that theme. My new favorite is probably Bully Ray's. Don't know why, I just love the beat to it and everything.
WWE: Triple H...gotta love Motorhead, sure its been the same for a long time now but the crowd still pops each time

CM Punk..I love Cult of Personality before he used it in WWE at first I didn't get it probably because I was used to the old song from Killswitch but I really enjoy his theme

others...Ziggler, Miz, of course Jericho, Brodus' gets stuck in my head all the time, and of course Big Johnny (joking of course)

TNA: I really enjoy AJ Styles theme and James Storm and I'm not a fan of country at all but it is a good song. Other than that there's nothing too memorable, Hogan's is just a rehash of the nWo song.
Yes! I've been waiting on a thread like this. Good topic.

For WWE, I'm going to say CM Punk. When you hear that little static at the beginning of his song, you know shit's about to go down. He's either gonna drop a pipe bomb, or kick someone's ass! Living Colour doesn't get enough credit for making one of the dopest rock songs ever. That guitar riff and the lyrics are just awesome! It just fits him perfectly!

As for TNA, I'll say James Storm's "Longnecks and Rednecks". I used to love Jeff Hardy's "Modest" and AJ Styles "I Am", but they aren't current. TNA overall has produced, however, some of the worst wrestling themes in the history of wrestling. They have bad quality, are very repetitive, and hardly get over with the fans. But that's for another topic. James Storm's "Longnecks and Rednecks" is just a kickass song! I'm a black male from South Carolina, so I'm clearly not a redneck. But still, it fits HIM very well. I love that intro to: "Creek swimming, moon shine sippin', deer skinnin', beer drinkin', Johnny Cash listeniiiiiiiiin! Lonngnecks and Rednecks are my friends!" lol Best TNA theme in years!
For WWE Triple H's theme is number one for me. I dig Edge's theme too. I also like Cena's theme, CM Punk's and Brock Lesnar's.

As for TNA, I honestly have never heard a decent theme from them. Christian's TNA theme did an ok job of sounding like a cheap version of his WWE theme but as far as music goes TNA may aswell not even have themes.

P.S. Jeff Hardy's "Modest" is probably the worst song ever written.
Punk and Christian for WWE. These are the ones I sing along to every time I hear them. I just enjoy both of them.

As for TNA, I like Anderson's, Angle's, and AJ Styles. Each just sound good to me. They are fitting for the wrestler. AJ has had better versions of his current one in the past, but its still good.
In WWE my favorites are HHH, and Mark Henry. Say what you want about Henry's theme but it definitely fits him. It also gets you pumped for a match. HHH's is done by Motorhead and is just badass. I am also surprised no one has mentioned Undertakers. TNA is a little harder to pick, but Somoa Joe's is really good. Bully Ray's seems to be good to, but you can never quite hear TNA's themes enough to really get you into it. I think that is something they really need to work on. Themes are important and in TNA they just don't really come off all that great on tv.
WWE- Jericho, Mark henry and CM Punk, although This fire burns was better than Cult of Personality
TNA- None

Randy Orton's "Voices" is a great theme song, definitely the best one he has ever used. The music really fits his character as he slowly walks to the ring, looking at his prey.

Triple H's theme is one of the all time greats. I am a big Motorhead fan anyway, and his theme is one of my favourite songs by the band, that guitar riff at the start is still great. I pop for this every time.

Alex Riley's theme is also really good, as is Chris Jericho and CM Punk's. Undertaker's fits his character perfectly and is another all time iconic theme.


Kurt Angle's theme is world class, far better than his WWE music. I used to love the way he would rise up on the stage when it played. Brilliant song, and cool lyrics too. I listen to that to get pumped up for the gym.

Bully Ray's is cool, Velvet Sky using the Beautiful People music is good, and I used to love AJ Styles' music but his later themes are not as good as his earlier ones. Bobby Roode's new theme is good too, a big improvement on his earlier themes.
'Longnecks & Rednecks' is brilliant because it symbolises the 'Tennessee Cowboy' gimmick to a tee. Likewise, I think Mickie James's 'Hardcore Country' is very apt. Like others here, I was also a fan of the earlier versions of AJ's theme but think the latest redux is fubar.

Like Naitch, I still think 'Voices' is the best original theme in the WWe. To reveal a closely guarded secret, I'm also loving Brodus Clay's theme - it just so 70's Blacksploitation movie cool. And I agree on Drew McIntyre's also having an epic quality to it.

All that being said, it still takes something like 'Real American' or the WCW Goldberg theme (not the abominable WWe version) to raise the hairs on my neck.
I'd go with Brock Lesnar. His music just suits him so well. As for TNA, I liked AJ Styles old theme...but not a huge fan of his new one.
For me, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Rhodes, and McIntyre have the best themes in WWE. I also dig Voices, which Randy Orton uses, as well too. About a couple of months ago, Heath Slater had this badass song called Black or White, and they changed it to the theme he has now. I despise Cena's current theme, not because I'm a Cena hater, but because I've heard it so many damn times before. However, I like his Basic Thuganomics so much. In TNA, the only themes I like is Jeff Hardy's Another Me and Resurrected.

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