Who can make the better turn???


Dark Match Winner
This thread is about who you think can make a better Face-to-Heel turn or vice versa.

IMO that Randy Orton as far as being a heel is getting stale he needs a face turn and he can work with people like The Miz(which i think can make the Miz a Main Eventer) or TBK.
Triple H(and many can agree is 10x more entertaining as a heel) if he turns that can be a stepping stone to re-forming the corporation and he can work with MVP,and Kofi to groom them for the Main Event Scene.

Edge as well needs a fresh turn to a face he can work with Jericho, and Dolph Ziggler(Again Elevate his name because i think he is the future) or my personal favorite Shelton Benjamin.
CM Punk just because im tired of him being a face its very stale

Has a very small roster for me to say so this is a no decision to me.

What are your thoughts and opnions???
I think you're an idiot. No im kidding, but come on... if Orton turns face, he's not feuding with The Brian Kendrick. TBK barely even gets and TV time. Plus, Orton turning face would totally and utterly ruin everything that WWE has done to try to make him the evil heel. He hasn't eve reached the heel status that they would ineveitably hope would be the light at the end of the tunnel. He's still progressing. And while i do agree he seems stale, I think it's strictly because he's not that good. He's alright, but his promos never change, he's monotone, and he never has the best match on the card. Either way, he needs to do something really messed up to get to the point where he should be... such as... rape a dead corpse... that sounds like a great storyline.

Anywho, I would love to see edge turn face, but I'd be worried he'd lose steam. He's so good at what he does. He IS one of my Favs tho but I remember a time when he was a Face, and he got Booed, badly, against Orton in Evolution. (good match tho, for the IC belt.)

Triple H sux ass as a face, def should be heel.

And i think you're gonna get lucky with Cm Punk, cause it seems his heel turn is in the process of becoming reality.
orton turning face wouldnt be out of the question maybe in a year or so, but not at the moment i dont think. they have built him up to be this super evil heel, theres no way they would change him and turn him against legacy or vice versa now. it would be pretty good if he did turn face though, he does gvet pretty good pops even as a heel. he would need a solid heel to fight though, and if HHH turned heel then it would just be the same old HHH v Orton shit, that we have all seen plenty of times. a face orton v a heel big show wouldnt really work....you would have to turn HBK heel, that would be fresher than turning batista or HHH heel to fight orton...again, but it is unlikely to happen. for orton to turn face he needs a fresh heel to fight, and there are none or RAw, except maybe the Miz, but cant see that happening at the moment.

a HHH heel turn would be good, if mayb he turned on HBK or Cena or Batista, or even Flair, but again im not really sure who he could fued with that would make it fresh. mayb MVP, but MVP would just get buried.

on smackdown i agree, edge is really stale and boring and desperatly needs a face turn.
No no no no no no no Orton as a face, urgh. He's barely tolerable as a heel but a face turn would destroy his career. Anyways, onto your question.

Smackdown - I would turn Jericho face after his run against Mysterio. I think a Jericho face turn would be pretty sick. I don't think it would work right now but within the next 6 months I'd love to see a Jericho face turn. He's one of the few I don't mind seeing turn every year or 2 if you know what I mean. He's just so good at both face and heel. I'd love to see Jericho turn and feud against Edge or a heel Punk which brings me to my next point. I would turn CM Punk heel. He needs it and from what I've heard and seen on youtube he's pretty decent as a heel. The feud between him and Hardy would be so much better right now if he was heel. Punk would have so much to play off as a heel, oh I'm better coz I don't drink, don't smoke bla bla bla, the promo's could be gold!

Raw - This is a bit harder because I'm torn between 3 guys to turn heel. MVP, Trips and Cena...

Cena because I'd love him to come out and shock everyone and start beating the shit out of a face or screw someone over then make their life hell. I think he'd be an awesome heel now and it's a great time to do it. His feud with Show is shithouse and there's not going to be anything for him soon. I am liking his thing with Miz but I honestly don't see it going bast a month, 2 at most.

Triple H for obvious reasons. He's an awesome heel and looks the part. I won't go into his reasons too much because I think a LOT of people will agree a heel Trips would be so much better than his current face character.

MVP just doesn't work as a face for me. I want to see him have a crack at the main event, but as a heel. His face character is dumb. The gimmick works as a heel but not as a face. As a face he looks so try hard and idiotic and that ballin thing is so fucking stupid. As a heel all that works perfectly because it's fun to poke fun of him but still be interested in watching him, right now I can't be fucked paying attention to him.

For a face turn on Raw I would have to go with Ted DiBiase. He'd be great turning on Legacy and feuding with Rhodes or something. He could team up with whichever face is feuding with Orton, please not Trips. Anyways, I think he's decent on the mic and in the ring but not at a top level yet and as long as this Legacy thing keeps going he won't get much better. I don't think it's working being Orton's bitch. I do hope this tag thing with the Colons works though. Anyways a face Ted would be something different and fresh and would open up some pretty cool potential feuds for him to engage into.

ECW - Christian heel turn. I want it very very soon. He just works so good as a heel bagging the shit out of people and hosting the Peep Show. I think it would open up some great feuds for him and then could be drafted to SD or Raw next year. He's great both as a face and heel but I'm starting to lose interest in him right now so a heel turn would rope me back in. There are no heels on ECW that need a turn, Swagger is perfect right now and Henry can't be a face. Maybe the Hart Dynasty towards the end of the year but not now.

Anyways, there's my picks.
I agree with Christian, he needs to be a heel, but Ace covered it. For me there's one person that needs to change heel/face;

Matthew Moore Hardy. His heel turn was great, I loved it, but now he's stopped feuding with jeff there's nothing really for him to do, he's sort of lagging in the US title picture, but that's really it. His injury could be a godsend as having off TV him for a while could enable a repackage of him, and once again have him as a face, where I feel he is strongest as.
@ People complaining about orton: You realize you're doing it again? Here we go, the cicle of IWC. First they totally love and demand for a guy to get pushed high, and once the guy does they love him 1-2 months only to flame him and start pushing someone else. Orton IS raw right now just think about it, where would we be without him right now? The big show vs Triple h for a ppv main event? Ewwww.. no thanks. Its time for you people to stop bashing every single thing you see on tv and start enjoying the shows without thinking "what will iwc think about this? im gonna hate it to look cool on forums" thats what i've done and im enjoying wwe way more than back in the day.

Back on topic
Heel to Face
- His character as a heel is getting stale and is going nowhere, so either turn him into a phsyco bast@rd as he was before, or turn him face and turn CM Punk the biggest heel of smackdown.

The big show (?): Im not so sure about it since ok, i totally HATE big shows character right now, but then again, isn't that heels purpose? Make you boo them? Im sick of him and his boxing gimmick and his new submission move yet well, as i said before i think thats what they want us to do, hate it.

Face to Heel
John cena
- Even if im not so sure about it i'd say give it a try, yes, cena was a great heel back on the rapper gimmick, but how would a heel turn serve his new hustle loyalty respect gimmick? I'd say he would suck even more than he does as a babyface so i'd rather him to stay as he is, plus he's the top seller on the company so yeah, he wont change.

- The guy can't be the typical good guy, and his out of ring persona is a heel as far as i know so he could be himself on the ring only caring about his own and destroying everyone instead of being the typical babyface he is right now.
Face to Heel:
Triple H ---OR---
SHAWN MICHAELS: Think about it. H wins the title at the Bash, Then is booked in a Tag match with a partner of his choosing vs. Legacy (all 3 of them). The DX music plays, they beat the hell out of Legacy (cause they're DX), then after the match during the celebration, SWEET CHIN F'N MUSIC. They we could get a long HBK vs. HHH feud, which is fresh again, especially if HHH is face and HBK is heel.

Heel to Face
Matt Hardy
Face - Heel
-John Cena- Wont happen until WWE is done with the PG rating
-Shawn Micheals- Could happen just dont feud with Triple H not with the whole thing were theve been lovy dovy best buds the past 2 years
-Christian- Either go to Smackdown and team up with Edge or become the #1 Heel of ECW.

-Edge-Stale Heel gimmick although even if he did turn heel id still hate him.
-Ted Dibiase Jr.- Turn on Legacy all ready itswe all know its gonna happen.
-Big Show- Stupid Stale Heel gimmick dosnt work.
Shawn Michaels need to turn to add some freshness that RAW desperately needs. Edge would be a good turn, as well as John Cena. The funny thing is, if all the guys turned on RAW that would add to the show there would be no faces. HHH is good where he is cus him as a heel has been done and done. Orton needs to stay heel as well.
I think Batista was set up for a heel turn this summer, but another injury spoiled those plans. I for one have become frustrated with Batista. He is always in the title hunt, but always comes up short. Even when he does win a title his reign is so short even by today's standards. That combined with all the time he spends on the shelf with injuries have really turned me off Batista.

I'm not saying I think he should turn heel simply because I don't like him. He has never been a main event heel. He became a main eventer when he left Evolution and has been face ever since. All he has to do is show his frustration with all his shortcomings and a heel personality will come out. As I said I think he was set up for a heel turn this summer before his latest injury. Remember his role in HHH losing the title at Backlash? My guess is the original plan was HHH vs. Batista to main event SummerSlam.
Batista - I think a heel turn for him would be great. Have him return and end up turning on Triple H, costing him a title match with Orton (whether Triple H is champ or Orton is champ). A Batista/Triple H fued would be fresh because the last time they did it was like 3 years ago, and roles were reversed. Have Batista play mind games with Triple H, like Trips did in the good old days as a heel, essentially using everything he learned from Trips against him. Then eventually Batista could fued with HBK, Cena, etc.

Ted Dibiase- Maybe when Batista turns heel, he joins with Legacy and he and Orton show more favoritism to Cody Rhodes. Eventually, they all turn on Dibiase, and he gets kind of the rub Orton got when he was booted from Evolution.

Edge- His heel character is old, and he has nobody at his side anymore to help him. Turn him face, fued him with Jericho to start off. I don't think a face turn would kill him either if done right. If they turn Punk heel, have Punk and Edge team in a few matches, but not really get along, both wanting the WHC. Eventually the two are in a match against each other, but not one on one, like a triple threat or Elimination Chamber as the final two or something. Eventually, Punk is fueding with Mysterio lets say, is beating the crap out of him, and out comes Edge to make the save and really get the face turn.

CM Punk- He's a brilliant heel, let him take the reigns over from Edge and let the two fued. He'd be a solid heel on Smackdown, and become a huge star that way. Fued him with Mysterio, Hardy, a newly face Edge.


Christian - He's a better heel IMO. He had a shot to be a huge face in the WWE years ago before he went to TNA, but WWE didn't come through. Now they need him as a heel with a little alliance, possibly Hart Dynasty?

Jack Swagger - He's doing great as a heel, but I could see him being like Kurt Angle was as a face. That guy who can be the American Hero against a foreign group (Christian and Hart Dynasty?) I could see him being one of those faces who gets the crowd into the match with his powerful mat wrestling.
Batista would be the best option to turn in the near future. Think about it. He could come back as a heel the first night by attacking MVP. This could lead to somewhat of a PPV squash victory over Porter and would be a first of many. He then goes on a tear and destroys most of the upper-tier faces on his way to a rematch against John Cena at a big show, possibly Mania. He has already been talking retirement soon, and to go out against Cena would be a great way to do it. Being a heel is about the only thing left for Batista right now.
First post! :icon_biggrin:


Face - Heel

Triple H - Makes the most sense, in my opinion. I can't get on with his character when he is portraying a good guy. I also believe that his heel days in Evolution were really enjoyable. But the thing is, once he turns heel after a matter of weeks, the character will just become stale again. But nonetheless, turning Trips into a bad guy and having a storyline, THAT DOESN'T INVOLVE THE CHAMPIONSHIP (which is unlikely), will do him some good.

John Cena - I will scream like a fangirl if he ever does turn heel. I don't like him as the good guy, winning over the kids hearts. This gimmick has gotten stale the past year or two and I think turning him heel would do him some good. Like say, his ego get's too big or he turns on the fans. Anything will rekindle my love for Cena, because I thoroughly enjoyed his rapper gimmick in 2003.

Mickie James - Just a random thought but I really enjoyed Mickie's psycho days back in 2006. Not saying that I want her psycho again, because I don't, but just simply turning her into the bad guy would be a good watch. In my opinion anyways.

Heel - Face

Big Show - The only one I can think of that really bores me to death. I've never been a big fan of Show, but I do prefer him as the "Big Friendly Giant" type character. There really isn't much creative can do with a giant anyway.


Face - Heel

CM Punk - Already been said, but I do agree. He'd been a brilliant heel as we got a tease with this Hardy V Punk feud, and I'd love for him to be a heel for quite some time. I've seen some of his promos from promotions before joining WWE, and I've got to say the guy has magic.

Gail Kim - Since the WWE have done nothing with her since her return, a suprise turn on Melina could win her some fans and possibly a storyline with Melina (in hopes Melina keeps the Womens Championship). She was great in 2004, even with her working in Molly Holly's shadow.

Heel - Face

Edge - PLEASE! I really miss Edge as a face. Even though I did like the Rated R Era, the Vickie & Edge storyline seriously messed up his character and I couldn't get on with it. With that being said, a face turn is the right way to go. Heel or Face, the guy can do it all. Great promos and enjoyable matches, set him up in a lengthy feud with Jericho, and I'll be made for the year.


Face - Heel

Christian - Stating the obvious, I find him quite boring as a face. He's so bland and needs some type of personality to make him watchable. He also has some comedic value, when shooting a promo.
Above all else I have to go with a Cena heel turn, I know he sells a ton, but this character is so damn stale and boring, when he was wearing the chain with the lock around his neck he was more entertaining. I swear no matter who Cena wrestles its the same damn match all the time.
What if Legacy (the team of Rhodes and DiBiase Jr) became the super evil vile scum of Raw. Attacking everyone and anything that moved, and after some long title program with someone(other than Triple H) Orton drops the title. Rhoads and Dibiase Jr snap on Orton, saying how hes the weakest link of the group, and how hes been holding them back from becoming bigger, better and brighter superstars than him, and they attack him, forcing Orton into a feud with both and eventually turning him face.

buuuuuuuut because its the WWE, it will most likely be Dibiase Jr that gets feed up with Orton treating him and Rhoads like dog shit, and them being booked as nonstop jobbers that turns on Orton and Rhodes, knowing Rhodes will side with Orton, the feud will be Orton and Rhodes vs Dibiase Jr, with Orton and Rhodes remaining Heels, and Dibiase Jr becoming a Face(the only downside to this is neither Rhodes nor Dibiase Jr can cut a promo to save their life and couldnt hack it with Orton on the Mic)
Heel to Face

Matt Hardy - If they didn't plan on him feuding with Jeff for very long, why bother to turn him heel? Unless he's a smug heel like he was during his VI phase, it's not going to work. IMO Matt works better when he has the crowd behind him.

Face to Heel

CM Punk - With the way things between him and Jeff have been going lately, they could easily shift him into a heel. And it's not really that hard to picture Punk talking down to teh crowd telling them there not as good as he is because of his drug-free lifestyle. It's really just a matter of time.

Batista - Honestly, Batista hasn't been interesting since 2005 when he broke away from Evolution. In fact, I have never liked him as a face. He doesn't have enough talent to be a main eventer. If he became a heel again, then even the little kids would realize he's not so special.

MVP - I know he just recently became a face, but he just seems awkward now. It's like he is trying too hard to get the crowd behind him. He now runs out up and down the ramp catering to the crowd instead of making a grand entrance through that awesome tunnel, which was part of his gimmick: the stereotypical overpaid athlete. "Ballin'!" ain't really cutting it for me.

And why do people keep clamoring for a Cena heel turn like it's going to be the solution for everything? I mean, what is he supposed to work with if he makes a heel turn? You won't ever use the rapper gimmick anymore. You all keep thinking it would be good, but can you even picture Cena with heel tendecies, especially considering he has gotten a bit generic over the past few months?
I would like to see Ted Dibiase turn face. He has been pushed by WWE to seem like an important part of the future. EX: winning tag title in 1st match, defeating batista and cena to win back tag belts, joining Ortons group. The only problem is, Ted doesnt look like a heel. He looks like a good guy. Besides, as a heel, he's not doing much except losing a lot. I think a face turn would be good, cause it may lead to a feud between him and Randy/Cody. He also has a southern Terry Funk like charisma which is very good for a face.

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