Who are the most overrated in WWE?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
A quick simple question - who are the most over rated in WWE past and present?

Present - Dolph Ziggler

He oversells, lacks charisma and has failed time and time again on the pushes he has received. Some folk think he is a god of wrestling but he is far from that. A nice addition to the midcard but WWE would not miss him if he jumped ship.

Past - Ric Flair

I just don't get him! I never have! Sure, Flair could cut an amusing promo but his ring work was unbelievable and terrible IMO. The 'Flair flop' was pathetic, he used to roll around like a fish! And the running and toppling over the ropes (every match) was simply awful. I don't remember Flair ever having a '5 star match'. His look was terrible as well!!! Some of the IWC say Cena 'can't wrestle' and should never win more Championships than Flair -well watch a Flair match for fucks sake!

Light the touch paper...
Now - Bray Wyatt. An intriguing talker but his current status of upper midcard middling feud guy is not in the slightest bit compelling. That's partly creatives fault so I'll also say Randy Orton. I like Randy but, as a face, he does very little for me and I can think of relatively few highest quality matchups he's had compared to a Cena. I'm not sure why "smark" crowds chant Cena sucks and give Randy a unanimous pop, it's dumb as shit tbh

Past - Hulk Hogan. Apart from all the ego stuff, I'm not American so why should I have ever cared about this man? Anyone else who built a career off of pure jingoism is overrated too

Ziggler - Great at Selling and Bumping for his opponents, but very limited on offence and despite a good level of talent he should not be rated anywhere close to a main eventer as a portion of fans see him

Ambrose - He can work a character well but current his selling looks too comical and his offensive moveset is also to comical to take seriously, despite this a large portion of the fans want him in the Main Event, current his selling and move set is at the level of a mid carder.

Titus - A lot of people are beginning to start to rate him highly but he is awkward in the ring with a limited move set and should not be anymore than a tag team / hot tag guy

Bella Twins - Nikki Bella is gonna break AJ's record and is currently booked as a dominant champion despite the fact that there are a large number of divas better than here in and out of the ring

Former Superstar

Christian - Only had success because he was Edge's friend not because he had the level of talent necessary, over pushed and undeserving of the world titles he had
Former Superstar

Christian - Only had success because he was Edge's friend not because he had the level of talent necessary, over pushed and undeserving of the world titles he had

I don't think that's true. He was pretty over, one of the best sellers merch wise with the Captain Charisma and Peeps stuff, and I think he was overdue a mega heel reign with a big belt. For me he had even more going for him than Edge, who probably won one or two too many titles.
Now: Ziggler, although I do see why fans rally behind him so much. I might think his comedic timing is awful, his psychology sucks and his promos to be weak, but I can't think of a dull solo match he has been in.

All Time: I'd need to think about it as what counts as overrated? I wasn't a big Nash mark, but everyone these days knows of his limited skill. I'm not sure...
Current: The Miz- Problem with this is, I actually like the Miz. But you have a guy who was a WWE champion, main evented a WrestleMania, and yet has done little to nothing since. Maybe it has more to do with the movies he has made but being put in the mid-card for a long time now isn't all that great.

Past: Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, and Goldberg. It actually pains me to say Warrior, because as a kid I was a big Warrior fan. But looking back on the matches now there was such a limited move set and very sloppy in ring work that it just shows how the right character can propel you into the high positions in the business. Speaking of that, Goldberg is the same thing. The ultimate product of the hype machine in the business, he took 3-4 moves and because of "the streak" was turned into a top guy in the business. I was never sold on Goldberg and his time in the WWE was an absolute waste. Also he was another one that was very sloppy in the ring. Even the great William Regal couldn't turn out a great match with this guy. Finally, Hulk Hogan, I will not dispute he is on the Mt. Rushmore of wrestling, I won't dispute he is responsible for wrestling being as big as it was in the 80s and early 90s. But we're talking overrated and here's another guy that in the ring was not that good. He had the big boot, the leg drop, and Hulking up. Other than that what else did he have? Not much.
Overrated - Roman Reigns - Other than look, what else does he really have? His promos come off forced. His moveset is not believable. He needs others to put himself over. I am PRAYING that Bray Wyatt actually gets his hands on Reigns kid just to see if Reigns will react. I said it before and I will say it again: He is a poor man's Lex Luger that is being pushed as this generation's Hulkster. UGH!

Past: Speaking of the Hulkster, he was probably one of the most overrated wrestlers, if not THE most overrated in wrestling history. It was his appearance in Rocky III as Thunderlips that made his career, not anything that he did in the ring. He was crap under Freddie Blassie in the WWWF. He got over in Japan because he was a blond heel. Gagne saw right through him as a two-move pony, but VKM saw "Hollywood" and pushed Hogan to the moon. I was calling him "the real Loser" when he was The Real American because his moveset was just crap and bored me to tears. How WWF went from Bruno to Backlund and dropped dramatically to Hogan really sums up the difference between two truly great athletes and an actor.
Present - Overrated By The WWE - Roman Reigns - His in-ring skills are improving, but his mic skills are lacking. I have nothing against Reigns, and I'm not a hater. However, he is only liked for two reasons. First, he has the look. Nothing wrong with having a great look, which he does, but a wrestler should NOT be pushed because of that. Second, he feeds off other superstars who are more popular than he is. He's related to The Rock, which is the main reason he got hired in the first place. Then he was part of The Shied, a stable that covered up his weaknesses. After that he received Daniel Bryan's endorsement after Fastlane in a desperate attempt for him not to get booed out of Levi's Stadium. More recently, he was hanging around Dean Ambrose leaching on his popularity. Don't even get me started on his very strong booking.

Past - Overrated By The WWE - Great Khali - He was extremely limited in the ring. So much so that he does not have even one good match on his record. Ok, he had 2, but one was a triple threat match involving Batista and Rey Mysterio, in which he had little involvement. The other one was a FCA match against John Cena, and Cena can basically get a good match out of anyone. He's just yet another big man that WWE pushed down our throats. He couldn't even speak English. The Punjabi Playboy is possibly the worst gimmick ever.

Present - Overrated By The Fans - Dolph Ziggler - Ziggler is one of my favorite wrestlers in WWE today. He's great in the ring and decent on the mic. Still, some people on this site think he is the future of the WWE and should be a multi-time WWE Champion. He's good, but he's not that good.

Past - Overrated By The Fans - Shelton Benjamin - He's basically the black version of Dolph Ziggler. Great in the ring but lacking in every other area. Again, some people think he should have been WWE Champion, but he wasn't good enough.
Past: Speaking of the Hulkster, he was probably one of the most overrated wrestlers, if not THE most overrated in wrestling history. It was his appearance in Rocky III as Thunderlips that made his career, not anything that he did in the ring. He was crap under Freddie Blassie in the WWWF. He got over in Japan because he was a blond heel. Gagne saw right through him as a two-move pony, but VKM saw "Hollywood" and pushed Hogan to the moon. I was calling him "the real Loser" when he was The Real American because his moveset was just crap and bored me to tears. How WWF went from Bruno to Backlund and dropped dramatically to Hogan really sums up the difference between two truly great athletes and an actor.

WWE wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan. WWE and possibly pro wrestling in general would have died a long, long time ago if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan.
Over rated- Sheamus...I care about him so little i probably spelled his name wrong and didnt care enough to look it up. Hes the MITB holder and a former multi time wwe champ. He bores the hell out of me and yet is being again pushed to the top as of now with nothing memorable from his past, they invested alot in his new look and into..but still nothing for me. IMO overrated.
present- Has to be dean ambrose terrible wrestler only seth rollins can make him good., how many times can u hit that slingshot clothesline and his promo's are average and he makes the worst faces ever cant take him serious dont know how anyone likes him.

Past- Shawn michaels its not that he wasnt good its just the wwe ranked him as the greatest superstar off all time which he isnt
present- Has to be dean ambrose terrible wrestler only seth rollins can make him good., how many times can u hit that slingshot clothesline and his promo's are average and he makes the worst faces ever cant take him serious dont know how anyone likes him.

Past- Shawn michaels its not that he wasnt good its just the wwe ranked him as the greatest superstar off all time which he isnt

Ambrose hasn't had a lot of singles matches outside of Rollins, so it's not fair to judge him for that. He does do the slingshot clotheslines a little more than I'd like him to, but it's fine. His promos are actually above average, and his facial expressions are good.
present- Has to be dean ambrose terrible wrestler only seth rollins can make him good., how many times can u hit that slingshot clothesline and his promo's are average and he makes the worst faces ever cant take him serious dont know how anyone likes him.

Past- Shawn michaels its not that he wasnt good its just the wwe ranked him as the greatest superstar off all time which he isnt

You're talking about worst faces, have you ever seen Reigns goofy ass faces?
I can probably never understand why this guy gets so much praise. I can't see any charisma & mic skill. In the ring, he's ok. Recently when he was about to leave people actually compared him to Punk. Terrible.

I'm still surprised by the push he's getting. Never ever have I enjoyed any of his matches; terrible on the mic, I don't understand how this guy is still employed.

Damien Sandow.
Very generic in the ring, mostly a midcard material. Initially I admired his Intellectual saviour of the masses gimmick, but again, not as great as ppl make him seem.

This may come as a surprise, but,
The Rock.
He's always seemed like a guy with just catchphrases as opposed to a good promo guy.
People hate Cena for being very monotonous but he's a lot more versatile talker than The Rock. In the ring, he always oversold and had not more than 4 - 5 moves.. Austin, on the other hand was a well rounded talker and multiple times more a better wrestler than him. So ya. Very overrated.

As for someone like Hogan, you can never call that guy overrated. He was every bit of what he professed to be. The hype surrounding him was always justified.
WWE wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan. WWE and possibly pro wrestling in general would have died a long, long time ago if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan.
The nationalization of pro wrestling might not have happened. Pro wrestling would still be very much alive today. It would not be just one company dominating everything. The NWA, AWA, and quite possibly ECW would be around today if it was still territorial. WWF would probably remain in New England and Metro NY. But, to say wrestling would have been dead without Hogan is way off base.
So far in this thread people have ragged on Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and HBK. Three of the top six wrestlers (all categories considered) of all time. Gimme a damn break.

Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose. I've no hate or ill feeling towards them, I just really don't see the attraction, especially Ambrose.


Nash and JBL. I just thought Nash was a lazy waste of time and I could never get past JBL being Bradshaw (which I loved), the APA etc. I just didn't buy the gimmick change at all.
My over-rated is no surprise. Bray Wyatt and Sheamus both top the list.

Sheamus for some reason I've never been a fan of. Even though I do think he's a good in ring worker, there is just no connection for me. I find him bland and boring. He's won a lot of titles, KOTR, MITB and still gets no reaction from the fans. He's a case of someone who I think got where he did because of friendships with management. I have no idea why they're pushing him now, when there are so many more that they could go with.

Bray Wyatt again not a fan of. I was originally interested in him, but over time he hasn't really produced much. His promo's which are his best attribute, have become long rambling nonsense, that have begun to sound the same. The only thing that changes is the name. All his feuds seem to start the same way, interfering in a match. Then it's a month or so of long winded promo's, and he gets his ass handed to him at the PPV. For someone who hasn't been on the roster for that long, he's become stale. Creative could have done so much more with him, but it looks like they've dropped the ball. Since Mania, he's had a short lived feud with Ryback, and now Reigns. Other than that nothing.

As for past wrestlers, I can't really pick one that was overrated. They all brought something to the table. It's true that some have stayed well beyond their sell by date, Hogan I'm looking at you, but saying that, I don't think the WWE would be where it is today if it hadn't them for all of them as a collective unit.

The sad thing is, if today's roster were the ones who were in charge of getting the WWE up and running, they would have failed. They are barely managing to keep the boat afloat as it is. When your development system is getting more respect from fans than your main roster, that's very telling.
Currently I would say my pick for most overrated wrestler is Bray Wyatt. I'm a fan of Brays too!!!!

He has a good character. He's good on the mic. He's interesting. He's different. But his matches absolutely suck!!!!

So far Dolph Ziggler is the only one who got a match out of him that I liked! And that was because Dolph kept things moving.

I can't stand Brays pacing for matches. WAY too many rest holds, sitting on the ground catching breath, walking around catching breath, stalling to rest, laying around etc.

Someone needs to lock bray in a room with a treadmill and leave him there for a few months! I like Bray, but his cardio conditioning is pathetic! Bray vs Ryback was one of the slowest ppv matches I've seen!

Honerable mention for current goes to the dull (and white) as mayonnaise, Sheamus. I have no interest in him.

As for past, I'm going to have to go with The Bogeyman :) another different interesting gimmick wasted on someone who.never belonged in a ring.
Currently I would say my pick for most overrated wrestler is Bray Wyatt. I'm a fan of Brays too!!!!

He has a good character. He's good on the mic. He's interesting. He's different. But his matches absolutely suck!!!!

So far Dolph Ziggler is the only one who got a match out of him that I liked! And that was because Dolph kept things moving.

I can't stand Brays pacing for matches. WAY too many rest holds, sitting on the ground catching breath, walking around catching breath, stalling to rest, laying around etc.

Someone needs to lock bray in a room with a treadmill and leave him there for a few months! I like Bray, but his cardio conditioning is pathetic! Bray vs Ryback was one of the slowest ppv matches I've seen!

Honerable mention for current goes to the dull (and white) as mayonnaise, Sheamus. I have no interest in him.

As for past, I'm going to have to go with The Bogeyman :) another different interesting gimmick wasted on someone who.never belonged in a ring.

Royal Rumble 2014 - vs. Daniel Bryan
Elimination Chamber 2014 - vs. The Shield
WrestleMania 30 - vs. John Cena
Payback 2014 - vs. John Cena
Money in the Bank 2014 - MITB Ladder Match
Battleground 2014 - vs. Chris Jericho
SummerSlam 2014 - vs. Chris Jericho
Survivor Series 2014 - vs. Dean Ambrose
TLC 2014 - vs. Dean Ambrose
WrestleMania 31 - vs. Undertaker

Ring psychology plays a significant role in Wyatt's matches. If you're looking for a fast-paced, technical match, then you have the wrong expectations.
Current - Roman Reigns : He only has a decent match every once in awhile and is basically a five or six move guy. Too many boring matches in between the half decent ones. Punch, clothesline, superman punch, spear and you have Roman Reigns. Not sure why he's seen as a future champion. Needs to rework his move set and bad mic skills.

Past - C.M Punk. He rarely wrestled a match where he didn't just go the same route with his moves throughout. I just thought he was boring in the ring as a wrestler. Everything else was fine, but his wrestling was overrated.
Current Roster - Bray Wyatt. He took probably the neatest and most unique gimmick on the current roster and shit all over it by refusing to be in wrestling shape, learning how to actually wrestle in the ring, or to be able to make a point with nonsensical rambling. He could learn a lot from watching guys like Raven cut enigmatic promos.

Past Rosters - CM Punk. He was sloppy, also in pretty poor shape while refusing to add tone or muscle to be a top guy, and demanding that everyone acquiesce to his demands. He was pretty skilled on the mic, but that withstanding, his in-ring work was cringeworthy most of the time.
Current Roster (By WWE)- Sheamus - He is just so bland. I am not a fan of straight up brawlers, so I may be just stating my opinion, but I have never enjoyed a Sheamus match.

Current Roster (By Fans) - Bray Wyatt - He cuts the same promo over and over, is not exciting in his matches, and the feud bores everyone after month #1. Yet the fans on the forums love him. He takes a month or two off then does the same schtick again. So bored

Past Roster (By WWE) - Booker T - Whoopideedoo, I can do the spinaroonie, and say 5 time, 5 times. He lacked his moveset from WCW, upon moving to WWE. He had good matches, just not classics

Past Roster (By Fans) - Randy Savage - Yes, Steamboat/Savage was a classic, yes he could go in the ring, yes him and Hogan had a great feud. Yes, he was great on the mic. He was not a #1 guy and never was, no matter how hard both WWE and WCW tried to tell us he was. I feel some hating coming on

Honorable mentions: (Present) Roman Reigns, Damien Sandow, RTruth
(Past) Scott Hall, Ric Flair, Iron Shiek
Past Roster (By WWE) - Booker T - Whoopideedoo, I can do the spinaroonie, and say 5 time, 5 times. He lacked his moveset from WCW, upon moving to WWE. He had good matches, just not classics.

Maybe you could, but could you have the charisma and personality he had? It's not what you say, but how you say it.
Currently: Dolph Ziggler - All he can do is bump, as some might notice that's all people praise about him. Great, he's good at getting his ass kiced, no wonder he hasn't made it to main-event status.

Past: AJ Lee - She absolutely sucked at everything. She's definitely the most overrated in wrestling history just by how much people praise her and how bad she actually is. Terrible performer and one of the most unattractive divas of all time.

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