Shawn Michaels- Overrated

Depends on your purpose and subjective reasoning for naming someone GOAT. I remember WWE years ago putting him at #1. What this tells me is that drawing power was not a significant driver for that poll as opposed to something like longevity. But then surely Hogan should have been higher except he wasn't which tells me that stand alone match quality and quantity are probably important and mainstream appeal is not important. But then surely Angle should have been higher except he wasn't which tells me that like Hogan working for the competition is negatively important. Based on these parameters I can completely agree with HBK being labelled as the GOAT.

This isn't how I would choose the GOAT but I may also not use the same parameters today that I use tomorrow. So if you have a strong opinion on why someone labels someone else GOAT you probably want to have a preliminary discussion on what it takes to be the GOAT before you start picking names. Personally I go by whoever inflates my dick the most. Congratulations Midajah on being the Greatest of All Time.
Not sure what you wrote after this because stating your opinion as fact shows me that whatever else you have to say can't be relevant.

I don't get Michaels' Mr. WrestleMania moniker. Savage was more Mr. WrestleMania, in my opinion. HBK had some big Mania moments but had far more forgettable ones.

He was very good. He would improve any mid-card anywhere, but he wasn't a main eventer. He technically was, but out of necessity.

Hall of Fame? Yes. Mount Rushmore? No.

Savage was more "Mr. Wrestlemania"?!!

Pretty much anything you say after THAT cannot be relevant.

You want to compare the number of big time Wrestlemania matches and moments between Savage and Michaels?? I dont want to turn this into a Randy is overrated thread, because he definitely isnt either. But Michaels would rival Savage with his first run alone. Then he comes back in his second znd completely annihilates anyone you compare him to. Jericho, HHH/Benoit, Angle, Cena, Flair, Undertaker 2times. Come the fuck on!!

Oh wait...this really IS an April Fools joke, I get it!!
Shawn Michaels is in an elite group of great great wrestlers that includes Macho Man, Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Curt Hennig, Chris Benoit, Ric Flair and Chris Jericho. He is not however head and shoulders above them and those that go out and say he's unquestionably the GOAT is wearing rose tinted glasses or is a huge WWE mark, as far as "Mr WrestleMania" goes, Undertaker and Hogan make a better case for that name than HBK does.
Shawn has more Charisma but he can't begin to touch Chris benoit in the Ring.

As far as wrestlers who have both, Eddie Guerrero and Jericho are arguably better.

As far as unquestionably better, Kurt angle owns HBK in every way possible.
It's funny how any thread about Shawn Michaels devolves into a debate about Shawn or Bret. Same thing with any thread about Bret Hart.

Shawn Michaels is great. He is definitely overrated, but that's only because of the WWE re-writing history machine. They like to pretend that he's on the same level as The Rock or Steve Austin, which he isn't. But that's not to say he wasn't great. He was. He was also loyal, stuck with the company during hard times (even though he's said himself he would have jumped ship but his contract wouldn't allow it), and being best friends with Triple H hasn't hurt either.

He's one of those guys who will always be in Vince's good books no matter what, and as a result gets praise in every video package that tries to re-write history. He's not the only one either, so I don't fault Michaels for this at all. It runs opposite to how guys like Randy Savage, Chris Benoit, Bret Hart had their legacy's nearly erased until recently (minus Benoit, obviously), and how CM Punk is currently being erased from history.

As for in the ring, Michaels was excellent when he wanted to be. When he was motivated he was great. Throughout the 90's this didn't always shine through due to a lot of personal problems. Yet he still managed to put on a number of classic matches, despite missing a ton of time. His post 2002 return was excellent and I think what really solidifies him as one of the best ever in the ring. Matches with Triple H, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle and The Undertaker always stole the show, and this is where the Mr WrestleMania moniker really became true.

As for mic skills - I agree he was weak until 1997. After that he really came into his own and he's been fine ever since. Drawing power, yes he was a low drawing champion that's why I will never put him into the same class as Hogan, Flair, Austin or The Rock, who for the most part are all household names that most non fans have heard of. Ask them about Shawn Michaels and they think you're talking about the band Poison. But in today's world, no one draws. WWE as a brand draws. WrestleMania as a brand draws. No single performer really draws all the money like back in the 80s and 90s.
Idk wtf you people are on.......just look at all the great matches he has had.......I mean like wtf.......are u guys mad.......I dont even know what to say....just wtf.
HBK is the greatest of all time. He wasn't the greatest in any one category but he is extremely talented in all needed. His in ring ability cant be questioned. He has every tool you could ask for in a wrestler. He could fly, brawl, wrestle, and flat out entertain. Wrestling is all about entertainment and i personally find no one more entertaining than Michaels.
It has come to my attention that many here are claiming a superior ring performance. Really? Here's some stuff from Scott Steiner. Tell me was better in the ring? What did Shawn really do? I don't think he did anything ever innovative as a wrestler or perfected any of his moves. Meanwhile, here's Scott (mostly in his older years) doing stuff that guys today at that size still don't do:

Here's some of his earlier stuff:

Young Scotty Steiner easily beats Shawn Michaels for ring work pound for pound.

Like I said for drawing. He was a terrible draw. No one ever paid to watch Shawn Michaels as a champion. The clip about putting on the best show because he could? Well, what about that Wrestlemania against Diesel? Easily one of the worst main events ever.

He also never drew in any other territory and if he went to WCW, I can guarantee he would have been buried until Nash got the book. Probably pushed once Russo got there just like Bret. I can't imagine Hogan or Flair at that point letting him pull any of his shenanigans at that time.

My point about screwing people over is this. At the end of the day most guys do business, even when Shane Douglas and Ric Flair faced off, none of them took liberties. The same can be said for Benoit-Sullivan. But Shawn Michaels actually lied to Bret Hart's face about the finish and pretty much made a mockery of Hulk Hogan. Yeah, real f'n professional dude. That right there should automatically disqualify him for the hall of fame. Let's not forget all of the times he refused to job as a champion (ic champion reign included). Or what about when he beat Kevin Nash to the punch and did the original finger poke of doom against HHH to lose the European title on Raw? This after refusing to put over Davey Boy Smith in England. You know, the guy that drew f'n 82,000 at Summerslam in England? Yeah, in the words of Jim Cornette, F**K You Shawn!

As for his promos being good. Pre-main event heel shawn michaels was alright, but after that the guy became a joke. "Hey Kingfish!" "IF...Ya know what I mean!" LOL at his legendary promos.
@peter, Scotty Steiner is def on my list as well. He's a suplex machine, and the fact that he could do the Frankensteiner at that size is very impressive. Steiner won't ever get his just dos because he did have a crappy run in the WWE and no one really cares about what he did in TNA or WWA. Steiner started getting his push when WCW was still hot, but by the time his time had came WCW was on it's way out. Unfortunately, he was always be wrong time wrong place. He could definitely cut amazing promos and was probably the most entertaining thing at WCW during it's final years. Had Steiner been with the WWF during the Attitude era with the same gimmick he would have flourished with Rock, HHH, and Austin IMO.

I don't think anyone can sit here and say the Michaels was the best at any one thing, however he was definitely great at everything and I don't see the case for many guys being an overall better performer than him.
It has come to my attention that many here are claiming a superior ring performance. Really? Here's some stuff from Scott Steiner. Tell me was better in the ring? What did Shawn really do? I don't think he did anything ever innovative as a wrestler or perfected any of his moves. Meanwhile, here's Scott (mostly in his older years) doing stuff that guys today at that size still don't do:

Here's some of his earlier stuff:

Young Scotty Steiner easily beats Shawn Michaels for ring work pound for pound.

Nobody's arguing that Scott Steiner wasn't great in the ring, but tbh those videos don't prove shit other than Steiner was a powerhouse who can suplex people. All of those videos consisted of power moves... either variations of powerbombs, slams, or suplexes but Scotty doesn't deviate from that style at all (other than the occasional monkey flip or dropkick). HBK could wrestle a ground game, high-flying style, technical style, and easily put on better matches overall than Scott Steiner. Name me 3 truly CLASSIC Scott Steiner matches... not to mention that the guy could barely move through the last half of his career. His matches mostly consisted of 10 suplexes, 14 clotheslines, a dropkick, and the Recliner. Sure, it can be argued Steiner was more innovative or "crisp" than Michaels, but that doesn't qualify the GOAT... Steiner is ONE of the greatest ring-workers of all time no doubt, but if you take athleticism, match-quality, pure ability, and fan reaction into account, Michaels is the GREATEST ring performer ever.

Like I said for drawing. He was a terrible draw. No one ever paid to watch Shawn Michaels as a champion. The clip about putting on the best show because he could? Well, what about that Wrestlemania against Diesel? Easily one of the worst main events ever.

Show me the proof, because this seems to be one of those IWC facts that are never backed up. Literally show me that Shawn didn't draw, and I'll concede this point. As for his Diesel match... what does that prove exactly? That Shawn is garbage because he had a bad match? Newsflash, the Bret-Shawn Iron Man match was also pretty awful, but I don't hear anybody saying that Bret sucks in the ring. Ask anybody to name their 5 most favorite matches of all time, and I would bet a lot of money that Shawn would be included on every list.

He also never drew in any other territory and if he went to WCW, I can guarantee he would have been buried until Nash got the book. Probably pushed once Russo got there just like Bret. I can't imagine Hogan or Flair at that point letting him pull any of his shenanigans at that time.

No quantifiable facts, just opinion... always a mistake when proving a point...

My point about screwing people over is this. At the end of the day most guys do business, even when Shane Douglas and Ric Flair faced off, none of them took liberties. The same can be said for Benoit-Sullivan. But Shawn Michaels actually lied to Bret Hart's face about the finish and pretty much made a mockery of Hulk Hogan. Yeah, real f'n professional dude. That right there should automatically disqualify him for the hall of fame. Let's not forget all of the times he refused to job as a champion (ic champion reign included). Or what about when he beat Kevin Nash to the punch and did the original finger poke of doom against HHH to lose the European title on Raw? This after refusing to put over Davey Boy Smith in England. You know, the guy that drew f'n 82,000 at Summerslam in England? Yeah, in the words of Jim Cornette, F**K You Shawn!

Build a bridge and get over it. Shawn is widely considered one of the most reprehensible figures in pro-wrestling history during his early run, but he's more than made up for it through the last 10 years of his career. Shawn has admitted to being a complete asshole when he was younger, and has worked his ass off to erase that image of him. Hell, look at people like Scott Hall. Arguably just as bad a person as Michaels was and he never changed, yet he's in the hall. None of this changes the fact that Shawn was great at what he did, and now you've exposed your opinion as biased because it's obvious you have a personal dislike for Shawn. Why can't people just get the hell over it, I mean really, you probably weren't even alive when Shawn pulled this crap so why do you care?
Nobody's arguing that Scott Steiner wasn't great in the ring, but tbh those videos don't prove shit other than Steiner was a powerhouse who can suplex people. All of those videos consisted of power moves... either variations of powerbombs, slams, or suplexes but Scotty doesn't deviate from that style at all (other than the occasional monkey flip or dropkick). HBK could wrestle a ground game, high-flying style, technical style, and easily put on better matches overall than Scott Steiner. Name me 3 truly CLASSIC Scott Steiner matches... not to mention that the guy could barely move through the last half of his career. His matches mostly consisted of 10 suplexes, 14 clotheslines, a dropkick, and the Recliner. Sure, it can be argued Steiner was more innovative or "crisp" than Michaels, but that doesn't qualify the GOAT... Steiner is ONE of the greatest ring-workers of all time no doubt, but if you take athleticism, match-quality, pure ability, and fan reaction into account, Michaels is the GREATEST ring performer ever.

Show me the proof, because this seems to be one of those IWC facts that are never backed up. Literally show me that Shawn didn't draw, and I'll concede this point. As for his Diesel match... what does that prove exactly? That Shawn is garbage because he had a bad match? Newsflash, the Bret-Shawn Iron Man match was also pretty awful, but I don't hear anybody saying that Bret sucks in the ring. Ask anybody to name their 5 most favorite matches of all time, and I would bet a lot of money that Shawn would be included on every list.

No quantifiable facts, just opinion... always a mistake when proving a point...

Build a bridge and get over it. Shawn is widely considered one of the most reprehensible figures in pro-wrestling history during his early run, but he's more than made up for it through the last 10 years of his career. Shawn has admitted to being a complete asshole when he was younger, and has worked his ass off to erase that image of him. Hell, look at people like Scott Hall. Arguably just as bad a person as Michaels was and he never changed, yet he's in the hall. None of this changes the fact that Shawn was great at what he did, and now you've exposed your opinion as biased because it's obvious you have a personal dislike for Shawn. Why can't people just get the hell over it, I mean really, you probably weren't even alive when Shawn pulled this crap so why do you care?

So, I guess the f'n Frankensteiner doesn't count as a high flying move if you're Scott Steiner? Shawn Michaels was wrestling longer than Steiner and he wasn't pulling any of those moves at that stage of his career if ever. To my recollection, Shawn's high flying move set consists of a flying elbow that he couldn't even use until Randy Savage left the company. Even then, Randy Savage was better at it. Can you honestly say that there's been a heavyweight that was better at doing the frankensteiner than young Scotty Steiner? Hell, Brock Lesnar's shooting star press is more high risk/exciting than that flying elbow drop from Michaels. Shawn Michaels' ground game from what I remember consisted of reverse chin locks and headlocks with one figure four I saw him use on the British Bulldog. Did he ever do more than that?
What was his technical game made of? That awkward suplex he used to use as a finish in the early 90s? Seriously, I haven't seen it (maybe he did something w/Jericho as I never saw their matches).
No one was arguing Steiner as greatest of all time, I was arguing that he was better in the ring, and I stand by that. 10 suplexes when your gimmick is the master of the suplex and all of them are shit no one in the states uses, sounds pretty awesome to me. Tiger suplex, german suplex, t-bone suplex, butterfly suplex, yeah this guy obviously can't work. Let's remember this was the early to mid 90s. It's not like guys were doing this shit every night in the U.S. Hell, I don't think anyone has done a butterfly suplex at the national level since! Admittedly all of Steiner's classic matches were in tags, but to be honest I haven't seen much of his young singles matches so I may have missed any classic NWA/WCW matches.
At the same time, what classic matches does Shawn Michaels have under his belt before his initial "retirement." I don't really count much of his post retirement run as he pretty much oversold everything and took his time. He and Scott Hall have a similar selling style that looks too cartoony. There's a clip in Wrestling w/Shadows where he's in a hold and screaming "OOOh, GOD NOOOO!" Really?! WTF?!

Athleticism? There were others (like Steiner, Brock, Angle) that were better. Fan reaction? Didn't Shawn get booed during his initial run as a babyface? I know I booed his ass and so did the crowd when he "lost his smile." Pure ability to do what? Work slowly, oversell and not lose? Seriously dude, are you for real? Are you telling me that Shawn Michaels was better than Lou Thesz, Mitsuharu Misawa, Tiger Mask, Ricky Steamboat, and Kurt Angle (just to name a few) at ring performance? SERIOUSLY?

So am I supposed to have WWF gate receipts? Yeah, let me pull those out of my back pocket. The best proof I have of this is that WWF was losing in the ratings throughout Shawn's run in 1996. They even papered 20,000 in San Antonio at Royal Rumble '97 something that both Bret Hart & Jim Cornette have said on separate occasions. Cornette had the journal where he kept records of this stuff. Considering that he has a decent collection of facts in his books, I'll take his word for it until proven otherwise. Admittedly 40,000 out of 60,000 is a damn good draw, but when this is your hometown and they have to paper the numbers, I have to wonder. I imagine that Shawn couldn't nearly do good outside of San Antonio. It's not like Davey Boy couldn't sell out Wembley. Not to mention Hogan sold out damn near everywhere he went as a babyface & heel with or without the WWF behind him. If Shawn could draw, why the hell was Raw held in such small venues during his title run? Nitro was being held in arenas across the country.

I never said Shawn was garbage. Someone referenced that video. If I remember correctly, this was either before the Iron Man Match or the match w/Diesel. Either way, his match w/Diesel was a main event match that flopped big time. I thought guys like him were supposed to be able to wrestle a broomstick? So then he should have been able to get a decent match out of Diesel, right? Diesel even said that the best match of his career was against Bret Hart at the Survivor Series. I also agree with that.

If someone names Shawn Michaels on their list of 5 favorite matches, I would advise that person to expand their viewing outside of the WWF. While it is a subjective thing, I can't imagine that many NWA/WCW fans would rate Shawn Michaels so highly. How can anyone rate him so high with all of the stuff from Japan & Mexico?

You say I don't have any facts to back up not drawing in any territory. Really? Where did the Midnight Rockers draw? Where? The last part of that is conjecture, but I mean do you realistically think he would have been pushed at the same level as Hogan in WCW with Hogan's creative control?

Dude, I've been watching wrestling since the Can-Am connection so don't act like I'm a new guy that hasn't been around the block. Your statement did nothing to prove against my point that the guy didn't put people over. I saw him put over Cena clean. I saw that he kicked out of a finish to put the Undertaker over after both of them were way past their prime. I saw that he jobbed to Hogan after making a mockery of the business and Hogan. I saw him come back and win the world title in 2002 when they had Kurt Angle in the company. WTF?! I've seen the guy job when he was way past his prime and it no longer hurt his legacy. If he would have put somebody over that wasn't in the kliq in his prime, then I would rate him higher.

Again, my point isn't that Shawn Michaels isn't good. I'm asking why he is considered to be the GOAT. I'm sorry, but he just doesn't even come close in that department at all. He doesn't lead in any category and the one category that isn't subjective, which is drawing money, he is definitely not even close. So again, tell me what makes him the so-called GOAT?
So, I guess the f'n Frankensteiner doesn't count as a high flying move if you're Scott Steiner? Shawn Michaels was wrestling longer than Steiner and he wasn't pulling any of those moves at that stage of his career if ever. To my recollection, Shawn's high flying move set consists of a flying elbow that he couldn't even use until Randy Savage left the company. Even then, Randy Savage was better at it. Can you honestly say that there's been a heavyweight that was better at doing the frankensteiner than young Scotty Steiner? Hell, Brock Lesnar's shooting star press is more high risk/exciting than that flying elbow drop from Michaels. Shawn Michaels' ground game from what I remember consisted of reverse chin locks and headlocks with one figure four I saw him use on the British Bulldog. Did he ever do more than that?
What was his technical game made of? That awkward suplex he used to use as a finish in the early 90s? Seriously, I haven't seen it (maybe he did something w/Jericho as I never saw their matches).

First of all, high-flying moves are not based off who is doing them. If a hurricanrana isn't a high-flying move for Rey Mysterio, than it's not a high-flying move for Scott Steiner... but I'll still give you the point, seeing as I used the monkey flip and dropkick as examples in my first post. So yes, Scott Steiner used one or two "high-flying" moves throughout his career, but his arsenal consisted of 99% suplexes and slams. Also, you do get, the reason Shawn wasn't doing all those variations of suplexes is because it wasn't his wrestling style, right? Just like Scott Steiner isn't going to do a moonsault, Michaels isn't going to do a pump-handle slam and just because Steiner can hit 50 different suplexes, doesn't make him better in the ring than Shawn Michaels... it makes him a better technician.

As for high-flying; I've seen Shawn pull off moonsaults, splashes off ladders, elbow drops, used to regularly use the flying cross-body, slingshot cross-body, double axe-handle etc.

Ground game has consisted of inverted figure four, cross-armbreaker, cross-face, and has used the Ankle Lock and Sharpshooter a few times throughout his career.

Technically his arsenal included the Teardrop suplex, belly to back suplex, snap suplex, superplex... should I go on? Have you watched Shawn Michaels post-1998?

No one was arguing Steiner as greatest of all time, I was arguing that he was better in the ring, and I stand by that. 10 suplexes when your gimmick is the master of the suplex and all of them are shit no one in the states uses, sounds pretty awesome to me. Tiger suplex, german suplex, t-bone suplex, butterfly suplex, yeah this guy obviously can't work. Let's remember this was the early to mid 90s. It's not like guys were doing this shit every night in the U.S. Hell, I don't think anyone has done a butterfly suplex at the national level since! Admittedly all of Steiner's classic matches were in tags, but to be honest I haven't seen much of his young singles matches so I may have missed any classic NWA/WCW matches.
At the same time, what classic matches does Shawn Michaels have under his belt before his initial "retirement." I don't really count much of his post retirement run as he pretty much oversold everything and took his time. He and Scott Hall have a similar selling style that looks too cartoony. There's a clip in Wrestling w/Shadows where he's in a hold and screaming "OOOh, GOD NOOOO!" Really?! WTF?!

You can't just say "I don't count his post retirement run" and all of the sudden it's fact. If you're going to make the claim that Shawn isn't the GOAT, than you HAVE to take his post-retirement career into account.

Anyway, ever heard of a guy named Taz? Because he was labelled the "Human Suplex Machine" and was using the same types of moves as Scott Steiner at the time, and I've never heard somebody make the claim that Taz was better than Shawn Michaels... I never said that Steiner couldn't work... did you miss the part where I called him one of the best ring workers ever? I just said, that his singles matches were mostly pretty boring, and all those fancy moves never helped Steiner wrestle a 5 star match. He was a great technician and one of the most crisp wrestler in a ring, but he sucked at telling a story.

As for Shawn Michaels classics? There's Taker-Michaels in HIAC, Shawn-Jannetty for the IC title, Shawn-Hall Ladder match at Mania, and that's just pre-1998. If we're counting the second half of Shawn's career, you can include: Shawn-Jericho Mania 19, Shawn-HHH SS 2002, Shawn-Taker Mania 25 and 26, Shawn-Benoit-HHH Mania 20, Shawn-Cena ina one hour match on Raw... and there's more.

Athleticism? There were others (like Steiner, Brock, Angle) that were better. Fan reaction? Didn't Shawn get booed during his initial run as a babyface? I know I booed his ass and so did the crowd when he "lost his smile." Pure ability to do what? Work slowly, oversell and not lose? Seriously dude, are you for real? Are you telling me that Shawn Michaels was better than Lou Thesz, Mitsuharu Misawa, Tiger Mask, Ricky Steamboat, and Kurt Angle (just to name a few) at ring performance? SERIOUSLY?

Buddy, do you get what I'm saying. Sure there were others that were better in most categories, but Shawn is one of the only guys to be great in EVERY category... that's what makes him the GOAT in a lot of people's eyes. Uh, I don't know what you were watching but Shawn was only booed by a select few of the older males in the audience, everybody else loved him. When he cut his "lost my smile" promo, people were bawling in the crowd. As for pure ability, I've already explained myself. He had the ability to do anything he wanted in the ring, once he put his mind to it. Had he been 50 pounds larger, an entire arsenal of power moves could have been added into his repertoire.

Yes dude, that is what I'm telling you.

So am I supposed to have WWF gate receipts? Yeah, let me pull those out of my back pocket. The best proof I have of this is that WWF was losing in the ratings throughout Shawn's run in 1996. They even papered 20,000 in San Antonio at Royal Rumble '97 something that both Bret Hart & Jim Cornette have said on separate occasions. Cornette had the journal where he kept records of this stuff. Considering that he has a decent collection of facts in his books, I'll take his word for it until proven otherwise. Admittedly 40,000 out of 60,000 is a damn good draw, but when this is your hometown and they have to paper the numbers, I have to wonder. I imagine that Shawn couldn't nearly do good outside of San Antonio. It's not like Davey Boy couldn't sell out Wembley. Not to mention Hogan sold out damn near everywhere he went as a babyface & heel with or without the WWF behind him. If Shawn could draw, why the hell was Raw held in such small venues during his title run? Nitro was being held in arenas across the country.

Shawn's run in 1996? Woah, if I remember correctly, Bret Hart was the "face" of the company at this time, and had been for a number of years. In the 6 months between SS 97 and Mania 14, with Shawn as the clear number one, WWE began to make headway on WCW. Stone Cold picked up the slack after Shawn left, but it was Michaels that began to turn the tide. As for the Rumble in San Antonio, I've never heard that story so I can't really comment.

If someone names Shawn Michaels on their list of 5 favorite matches, I would advise that person to expand their viewing outside of the WWF. While it is a subjective thing, I can't imagine that many NWA/WCW fans would rate Shawn Michaels so highly. How can anyone rate him so high with all of the stuff from Japan & Mexico?

Wow are you kidding me? I watch NJPW, AAA, Lucha Underground, you name it... and I have yet to see anybody match Shawn in the ring, or yet to see a match come close to Taker-Shawn at Mania 25. I really think you're just biased because you don't like Shawn and love Bret.

Dude, I've been watching wrestling since the Can-Am connection so don't act like I'm a new guy that hasn't been around the block. Your statement did nothing to prove against my point that the guy didn't put people over. I saw him put over Cena clean. I saw that he kicked out of a finish to put the Undertaker over after both of them were way past their prime. I saw that he jobbed to Hogan after making a mockery of the business and Hogan. I saw him come back and win the world title in 2002 when they had Kurt Angle in the company. WTF?! I've seen the guy job when he was way past his prime and it no longer hurt his legacy. If he would have put somebody over that wasn't in the kliq in his prime, then I would rate him higher.

So you're just going to demonize the man because of the mistakes he made 20 years ago. Yes, he was a dick. Yes, he tried to bury people. Yes, he made life hell just to anger his co-workers, but GUESS WHAT, he had a 10 year career after that where he put over the likes of Jericho, Cena, Orton, Benoit, Edge, etc etc etc. again, get over it. I wouldn't treat you like a new guy if you could actually support your argument. It sounds like your spouting off random facts that came from the internet.

Again, my point isn't that Shawn Michaels isn't good. I'm asking why he is considered to be the GOAT. I'm sorry, but he just doesn't even come close in that department at all. He doesn't lead in any category and the one category that isn't subjective, which is drawing money, he is definitely not even close. So again, tell me what makes him the so-called GOAT?

I've already told you, and so have many others but you refuse to listen. Shawn was great at every single aspect of pro-wrestling, whether you want to accept that or not.
First of all, high-flying moves are not based off who is doing them. If a hurricanrana isn't a high-flying move for Rey Mysterio, than it's not a high-flying move for Scott Steiner... but I'll still give you the point, seeing as I used the monkey flip and dropkick as examples in my first post. So yes, Scott Steiner used one or two "high-flying" moves throughout his career, but his arsenal consisted of 99% suplexes and slams. Also, you do get, the reason Shawn wasn't doing all those variations of suplexes is because it wasn't his wrestling style, right? Just like Scott Steiner isn't going to do a moonsault, Michaels isn't going to do a pump-handle slam and just because Steiner can hit 50 different suplexes, doesn't make him better in the ring than Shawn Michaels... it makes him a better technician.

As for high-flying; I've seen Shawn pull off moonsaults, splashes off ladders, elbow drops, used to regularly use the flying cross-body, slingshot cross-body, double axe-handle etc.

Ground game has consisted of inverted figure four, cross-armbreaker, cross-face, and has used the Ankle Lock and Sharpshooter a few times throughout his career.

Technically his arsenal included the Teardrop suplex, belly to back suplex, snap suplex, superplex... should I go on? Have you watched Shawn Michaels post-1998?

You can't just say "I don't count his post retirement run" and all of the sudden it's fact. If you're going to make the claim that Shawn isn't the GOAT, than you HAVE to take his post-retirement career into account.

Anyway, ever heard of a guy named Taz? Because he was labelled the "Human Suplex Machine" and was using the same types of moves as Scott Steiner at the time, and I've never heard somebody make the claim that Taz was better than Shawn Michaels... I never said that Steiner couldn't work... did you miss the part where I called him one of the best ring workers ever? I just said, that his singles matches were mostly pretty boring, and all those fancy moves never helped Steiner wrestle a 5 star match. He was a great technician and one of the most crisp wrestler in a ring, but he sucked at telling a story.

As for Shawn Michaels classics? There's Taker-Michaels in HIAC, Shawn-Jannetty for the IC title, Shawn-Hall Ladder match at Mania, and that's just pre-1998. If we're counting the second half of Shawn's career, you can include: Shawn-Jericho Mania 19, Shawn-HHH SS 2002, Shawn-Taker Mania 25 and 26, Shawn-Benoit-HHH Mania 20, Shawn-Cena ina one hour match on Raw... and there's more.

Buddy, do you get what I'm saying. Sure there were others that were better in most categories, but Shawn is one of the only guys to be great in EVERY category... that's what makes him the GOAT in a lot of people's eyes. Uh, I don't know what you were watching but Shawn was only booed by a select few of the older males in the audience, everybody else loved him. When he cut his "lost my smile" promo, people were bawling in the crowd. As for pure ability, I've already explained myself. He had the ability to do anything he wanted in the ring, once he put his mind to it. Had he been 50 pounds larger, an entire arsenal of power moves could have been added into his repertoire.

Yes dude, that is what I'm telling you.

Shawn's run in 1996? Woah, if I remember correctly, Bret Hart was the "face" of the company at this time, and had been for a number of years. In the 6 months between SS 97 and Mania 14, with Shawn as the clear number one, WWE began to make headway on WCW. Stone Cold picked up the slack after Shawn left, but it was Michaels that began to turn the tide. As for the Rumble in San Antonio, I've never heard that story so I can't really comment.

Wow are you kidding me? I watch NJPW, AAA, Lucha Underground, you name it... and I have yet to see anybody match Shawn in the ring, or yet to see a match come close to Taker-Shawn at Mania 25. I really think you're just biased because you don't like Shawn and love Bret.

So you're just going to demonize the man because of the mistakes he made 20 years ago. Yes, he was a dick. Yes, he tried to bury people. Yes, he made life hell just to anger his co-workers, but GUESS WHAT, he had a 10 year career after that where he put over the likes of Jericho, Cena, Orton, Benoit, Edge, etc etc etc. again, get over it. I wouldn't treat you like a new guy if you could actually support your argument. It sounds like your spouting off random facts that came from the internet.

I've already told you, and so have many others but you refuse to listen. Shawn was great at every single aspect of pro-wrestling, whether you want to accept that or not.

I'm guessing you didn't even bother looking at the second video or never watched any of young Scotty Steiner's career (I use Scotty to differentiate between that era vs big poppa pump Scott Steiner years). If you did, you would know that he did a standing moonsault powerslam all the time. So actually he did do moonsaults:

Hard to take the rest of your post seriously if you didn't know that one. Here is a very young Steiner doing the F'N 450 splash:

The splash is at around the :55 mark.

Granted, he missed and it was called 1 1/2 superfly, but it's clear from the announcing that he used to use the move regularly.

You also say that Bret Hart was the face of the WWF in 1996. LOL, Bret Hart didn't wrestle nor was he on TV from Wrestlemania after losing to Shawn Michaels for the title until about a month before the Survivor Series '96, when he wrestled Austin. If being gone for over half a year is being the face of the company then that's new for me. Clearly you don't know what you're talking about.
I'm guessing you didn't even bother looking at the second video or never watched any of young Scotty Steiner's career (I use Scotty to differentiate between that era vs big poppa pump Scott Steiner years). If you did, you would know that he did a standing moonsault powerslam all the time. So actually he did do moonsaults:

Hard to take the rest of your post seriously if you didn't know that one. Here is a very young Steiner doing the F'N 450 splash:

Uhhhh what? What the hell are you even referring to with this example, is this because I said Shawn Michaels did a moonsault? So it's hard to take everything that I said seriously because I didn't bring up the fact that Steiner invented the standing moonsault slam? Whatever you say man... all I get from this is that you have no way to combat what I said, soooo you're just going to ignore it. Also, that's called a standing moonsault so it's not a high-flying move if that's what you're trying to prove. I watched "young" Scott Steiner's career from when he debuted in WCW, still don't know what you're trying to prove. As for that 450... that was UGLY. I mean, sure you gotta give guys like that props for attempting those moves, but it's less impressive when you botch it, circa Lesnar Mania 19...

The splash is at around the :55 mark.

Granted, he missed and it was called 1 1/2 superfly, but it's clear from the announcing that he used to use the move regularly.

Yeah right. Judging on how badly the move was executed I highly doubt he used the 450 splash "regularly"... I can't remember Steiner ever using it.

You also say that Bret Hart was the face of the WWF in 1996. LOL, Bret Hart didn't wrestle nor was he on TV from Wrestlemania after losing to Shawn Michaels for the title until about a month before the Survivor Series '96, when he wrestled Austin. If being gone for over half a year is being the face of the company then that's new for me. Clearly you don't know what you're talking about.

John Cena being injured for 6 months does not automatically take away his moniker as face of the company, just like Bret going on hiatus didn't take away his. Bret had been face of the company since Hulk Hogan left in 93.. Shawn didn't just "take over" because Bret was gone. You also forget to mention that WWE was going up against the biggest wrestling angle of all time in the midst of 1996... I doubt Austin at his hottest could have even outdrawn the the start of the NWO storyline.

Anyway, I've been taken WAY off topic here, and will just leave it at this... Shawn Michaels is one of the greatest pro-wrestlers of all time, period.
Uhhhh what? What the hell are you even referring to with this example, is this because I said Shawn Michaels did a moonsault? So it's hard to take everything that I said seriously because I didn't bring up the fact that Steiner invented the standing moonsault slam? Whatever you say man... all I get from this is that you have no way to combat what I said, soooo you're just going to ignore it. Also, that's called a standing moonsault so it's not a high-flying move if that's what you're trying to prove. I watched "young" Scott Steiner's career from when he debuted in WCW, still don't know what you're trying to prove. As for that 450... that was UGLY. I mean, sure you gotta give guys like that props for attempting those moves, but it's less impressive when you botch it, circa Lesnar Mania 19...

Yeah right. Judging on how badly the move was executed I highly doubt he used the 450 splash "regularly"... I can't remember Steiner ever using it.

John Cena being injured for 6 months does not automatically take away his moniker as face of the company, just like Bret going on hiatus didn't take away his. Bret had been face of the company since Hulk Hogan left in 93.. Shawn didn't just "take over" because Bret was gone. You also forget to mention that WWE was going up against the biggest wrestling angle of all time in the midst of 1996... I doubt Austin at his hottest could have even outdrawn the the start of the NWO storyline.

Anyway, I've been taken WAY off topic here, and will just leave it at this... Shawn Michaels is one of the greatest pro-wrestlers of all time, period.

The point is that you don't have your facts straight so it's hard to argue against your logic. Bret Hart was not the top guy aka "the face" of the company since 1994. Diesel had the belt for almost all of 1995 after he won it from Backlund after Survivor Series at the house show in Madison Square Garden. Bret didn't win the title until Survivor Series. Are you telling me that Bret was the top guy despite not being on top for a year? Despite the fact he was battling it out with the likes of Hakushi (who I thought was awesome) and Jean Pierre LaFitte in the mid to the lower card? Does no one else remember 1995 around here?

Also, how was Bret the top guy from '93 on when Yokozuna had the belt after Hogan until WM 10 in '94 and was in a program with Lex Luger all year? Bret didn't even get back into the title picture until the Royal Rumble in '94. Are you kidding me? Wasn't Bret in a feud with Lawler and Doink the Clown in 1993? I don't recall that being the top of the card.
The point is that you don't have your facts straight so it's hard to argue against your logic. Bret Hart was not the top guy aka "the face" of the company since 1994. Diesel had the belt for almost all of 1995 after he won it from Backlund after Survivor Series at the house show in Madison Square Garden. Bret didn't win the title until Survivor Series. Are you telling me that Bret was the top guy despite not being on top for a year? Despite the fact he was battling it out with the likes of Hakushi (who I thought was awesome) and Jean Pierre LaFitte in the mid to the lower card? Does no one else remember 1995 around here?

Ahhh, do you understand the concept of a "face"? The face of the company doesn't just change whenever the title changes. Just because Stone Cold feuded with Jeff Jarrett in 99 doesn't mean he wasn't the face of the company. Just because John Cena is now feuding with Rusev doesn't mean he's not the face of the company. And just because Bret Hart feuded with Jerry Lawler in 93 (awarded Feud of the Year btw) doesn't mean he wasn't the face of the company. Bret Hart won his first WWF title from Ric Flair in 1992, and was the biggest bayface on the roster by far throughout 92-93 (other than Hogan arguably). He main evented Mania 9, 10, 12, and co-main evented 13. Between 92 and 97, he won the WWF title 5 times... roughly once a year. He was the face of the company.

Also, how was Bret the top guy from '93 on when Yokozuna had the belt after Hogan until WM 10 in '94 and was in a program with Lex Luger all year? Bret didn't even get back into the title picture until the Royal Rumble in '94. Are you kidding me? Wasn't Bret in a feud with Lawler and Doink the Clown in 1993? I don't recall that being the top of the card.

How was Stone Cold the face of the company when in 99-00 he was feuding with Rikishi and The Rock was the champion? Again, the belt doesn't mean anything once you've solidified yourself. Bret obviously didn't need the title to win feud of the year back to back (93 and 94) and to win Superstar of the Year in 1993. I'm going to stop arguing with you as its obviously a losing battle, but I challenge you to poll fans on who they believe the face of the New Generation was.

I apologize for contributing to the destruction of this thread...
Why do so many people say that Shawn Michaels is the GOAT? Exactly what did he do that was so great?

- He was in a good tag team, but we've all seen tag teams that were better (the Road Warriors, Steiners, Bulldogs, Arn & Tully, Midnight Express).

- He didn't draw as a champion.

- He oversells almost to the point of being cartoony, much like Scott Hall & Ric Flair.

- In a business where trust is key, he cannot be trusted (see Bret Hart & Hulk Hogan).

- He doesn't really job.

- There are much better high flyers out there.

- There are much better promo guys out there...IF you know what I mean (his dumbest phrase ever).

So exactly why is this guy ever considered the GOAT by anyone? DX? He was in the group before they really took off. They didn't catch steam until the NAO joined.

I don't think he was a bad wrestler, but why he is so high on people's lists is beyond me. I just don't get it. He never excelled in any one area. Flair jobbed, drew money, and was a great promo guy. I say that even though I don't think Flair was that great either.

I basically disagree with everything you said. Forget about overrated you just underrated the Rockers. I don't think there were that many guys who were better with their promos. He didn't draw as a babyface champion but he damn sure drew as part of DX during his last title run. I don't see a problem with his selling either unless you're talking about the match with Hogan at Summerslam or his match with Triple H against the Spirit Squad. I honestly don't see how you could watch HBK vs Taker hell in a cell, the two WM matches with Taker. His iron man match with Bret. His matches with John Cena, his match at Wrestlemania XI with Nash. I mean, come on. Were you being serious when you started this thread?
This is just ludacris. Shawn michaels is the greatest wrestler in history in the opinion of many in the industry. flair,h,Nash,jericho ,Jim Ross, Patterson, and Vince himself are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head who have said shawn is the best ever.

Shawn started with a great rockers tag team that helped pioneer what the tag division would become in later years as far as the high flying tag teams were concerned. They were a part of the strongest tag division ever in the late 80s. They were always over and had great matches.

When Shawn went singles he continued the legacy of the ic title as the "workhorse title". He was the most over heel on the roster and carried the early days of Monday night raw. Go back and watch raws from 93, shawn was the focal point of more then a few of the shows.

The ladder match may have started in stampede but it was Shawn who put it on the map and remains the measuring stick for every ladder match to this day. In 1995 it was pretty much accepted the michaels was the best wrestler on the planet.

1996 saw Shawns first world title run. Did he draw? No. A lot of that had to do with the momentum that WCW picked up with the NWO and the WWFs roster being at its worst (maybe in history). Hall and Nash were gone, Bret was off tv. some have said if shawn wasn't as good as he was then, the WWf may have went under. Shawn was still knocking it out of the park in the ring.

1997 Shawn pioneered the attitude era. Although he was hurt at times through the year, he over delivered literally every time he stepped in the ring. He, along with Bret and Austin, really turned the direction of the company into what would later be known as the attitude era.

When Shawn returned in 2002, he came back and just delivered quality matches the rest of his career. This time he was easy to work with and a changed man. He put so many people over and contributed to helping make stars. There is nothing bad you can say about him in this era. He had the match of the year just about every year until he retired.

To say he's the greatest of all time is a matter of opinion but it's an opinion a lot of people share. To say he's overrated is ridiculous.
Over rated an in ring performer, definitely not, he was excellent, not one of those ridiculous cruiserweight type "spot monkeys" that just move from one high impact move to another with no selling or believability but he sold extremely well. As Ric Flair said in a Pittsburgh Post Gazette interview circa 1988, being great isn't just about making yourself look good it's how well you make the other guy look good. HBK is probably an 8 or a 9 here.

Promos: He definitely got better as time went on. Early in his career he was hamstrung by the limitations of being in a teeny bopper tag team, early in his solo push he hadn't found his stride. By 1995 he was very good on the mic and developed an extremely entertaining heel character. His ability to fit into the more serious "elder stateman" role post 2002 was also very impressive, something only I think Flair did better. Hogan was very good here also (but you cant compare HBK & Hogan in terms of in ring performance).

Star Power: When I think of the biggest names ever since 1980.....Hogan, Flair, Dusty, Andre, Savage, Austin, Rock...... I see that as the 1st tier

In the second tier I see Ultimate Warrior, Sting, Brett Hart, John Cena, HHH, Kevin Nash, and HBK.....he may have enjoyed his greatest individual success when the company itself was down but he drew good numbers and ratings during his 2002-2010 return. You can argue that his drawing ability was over rated because of the down nature of WWE during much of his time transitioning into the top spot but he was the guy keeping things afloat and he was also positioned as the top star and lead heel during the 1997-early 1998 WWE Revival and played a key role in kickstarting WWE's last huge business boom.

Is he The Greatest Ever ??? In my mind no, he lacks the star power of some of the others but he I think he is very near the top....he is kneck & kneck with Brett Hart, who I think was a bigger star in the 90s for much of that time (by a hair) but was never as good on the mic. I do think when you combine in ring performance, promos, and longevity, you have to rank HBK very close to the top.
I'm surprised that people can say Shawn Michaels as a performer is overrated. The guy was absolutely phenomenal in the ring, so good at every aspect of pro-wrestling. He didn't really have any weaknesses, and to come back from what was thought to be a career-ending back injury, and to have another decade-long WWE career (which was just as good as his first run) is incredible. Shawn stole the show almost every time he stepped into the ring.

Yes, he was a total prick backstage during his original WWE run- he acknowledges this, and apologied numerous times for his actions. And I get that he wasn't as successful a draw as Champion as Hogan/Austin/Rock etc. But that doesn't take away from his unbelievable in-ring performances. The amount of classic matches HBK has had is huge, he was such a well rounded talent, capable of playing both a great face and heel, had a great look and charisma and helped to usher in the Attitude Era with his role in the original incarnation of D-Generation X.

If we are looking at the greatest WWE performers of all time, Shawn Michaels needs to be right near the top of the list. I can accept people not saying he's THE best, but the high regard in which he's held by most is well deserved. He was that damn good in the ing.
@Peter_midnight - a few things, based on various replies and posts by you on this thread.

First off, it is clear you are a Shawn Michaels hater, for whatever reason. That's fine, everybody is entitled to their opinion and you certainly can't like everyone. But to flat out refuse to understand why so many regard HBK as one of the all-time greats is just disrespectful, to the man himself and to the opinions of fellow wrestling fans.

An average tag team? There is a reason that, more often than not, the Rockers were booked by WWE for the opening match of ppv events. Because their innovative matches (for a western audience at least) would warm the crowd up nicely. For just two examples, check out the solid opener to Battle Royal at the Albert Hall vs the Nasty Boys, or the quite frankly awesome match vs the Orient Express at the Royal Rumble, both in 1991. The Road Warriors had the charisma and were hard-hitting, with a great finisher, but in-ring couldn't hold a candle to the Rockers. Same with my favourite tag team of all time, Demolition. In-ring, not a patch on the Rockers. There is a reason why so many call them the best team to never win the WWE tag team titles.

Also, you say you've been watching wrestling since the days of Rick Martel and Tom Zenk's Can-Am Express team in the mid-1980s - yet you fail to see why people refer to Michaels' high flying ability when his only high risk move is an elbow drop? Clearly you've not actually seen any Rockers matches, they regularly bounced off the ropes, or jumped through them, or off the top turnbuckle. Planchas, suicide dives, moonsaults from the top, all sorts.

You question Michaels' technical prowess - watch his early singles run. His superb matches with Marty Jannetty and his first major match up with Bret Hart at the 1992 Survivor Series. For that first period at least, he was a master technician. That he hasn't resorted to that style of wrestling since 2002 mostly is down to wrestling evolving. You didn't get "boring" chants the second a rear chin lock was applied in the early 1990s the way you do now.

The one thing that keeps being mentioned is Michaels' lack of drawing ability as champion. Whilst I agree the champion is the benchmark, it amazes me that only two other people on this entire thread have made mention of the fact that the roster was awful between 1993 and 1997. I can't speak for anyone else, but I certainly wouldn't pay money to see a show, whether live or on ppv, that featured only one or two wrestlers I cared about. Babyface Doink? Mantaur? Duke the Dumpster Droese? A couple of pig farmers? Gym freaks? A plumber? Two guys dressed up as make strippers (Well Dunn)? Cowboys, rappers and 'socially integrated' Samoans (ie they wear boots!!) comprising of the tag team division? Tell me why I would waste 2 hours of my time once a month watching these jabronis (irrespective of actual ability, the creative sucked at the time) just to get to the good matches at the top of the card featuring Bret, Shawn and the Bulldog? Also 1993-96 was a lull in the business in general anyway - much of wrestling's mystique had disappeared with the steroid scandal, and people were just bored of its cartoon nature. The top storyline in 1995 in WCW was the freaking Dungeon of Doom for goodness sake, and that didn't draw well either. Finally, WCW got a couple of lucky signings and decided to reinvigorate the industry (bearing in mind their roster was also way better than WWE's at the time as well) and pulled off the greatest storyline in history. Of course WWE - and by proxy, Michaels as champion - would struggle to compete with Hogan turning heel after 12 years as the biggest Babyface in history.

Mr Midnight also questions how Bret Hart could be considered face of WWE in the six months he was away between Wrestlemania XII and the '96 Survivor Series, given Shawn was the champion. I ask you this: was CM Punk treated or perceived as the face of the WWE in his year long title reign recently?

In closing, seriously you'd question anyone that had a single Shawn Michaels match in their top 5 of all time? Even one of his Undertaker matches? Take a look at yourself and realise you are simply a hater. Even if you personally don't think so, surely you can understand why many would have at least one HBK match in their top 5.
Maybe this thread needs to be renamed to 'Is Shawn Michaels the greatest of all time'?
Everyone would agree that Shawn was an excellent wrestler. Maybe the 'Overated' links directly to he 'Isn't the Greatest of all time' side of the argument.

But that's WWE cool aid... if a wrestler remains on good terms with the WWE and can still help them make money (Shawn, Taker) then they do receive the royal treatment on tevelevision.... whereas the accomplishments of Savage, Hogan, Bret have been glossed over at a varying times depending on whether they are in the good books or the bad books.

IMO Shawn is one of the greatest all rounders the business has seen.
But I would put the likes of Dynamite, Benoit, Angle as superior workers.... these guys are real 'wrestler' wrestlers.... whereas Shawn may edge it in Bumping ability as opposed to 'Wrestling ability'. That's not of course to say Shawn wasn't great.... its like comparing an A+ to an A++

Talking ability is similar.... he is excellent... but not quite on a Hogan, Rock, Piper, Jake level.

Drawing ability? well like Bret he was on top during a period when business was down... not that it was entirely his fault as wrestling is often cyclical (for the mainstream its either cool or its not).
Hogan, Rock, Austin are streets ahead of the rest.... and guys like Savage and Cena arguably on a higher notch than Bret or Shawn.

However as a total package wrestler.... he does have all the attributes. And theres probably not many that excel in every area.... Randy Savage comes to mind, maybe Kurt Angle too.
I don't get Michaels' Mr. WrestleMania moniker. Savage was more Mr. WrestleMania, in my opinion.

This is why I hate WWE-fans.

How they overrate someone so badly when the WWE machine introduce them.

"Yeeey macho man is mr wrestlemania" lol WTF? :wtf::banghead:

Macho Man was good, but he's not fucking close to be Mr Wrestlemania.

Todays PG kids overrate something so badly sometimes, when they are on TV or HoF.

Probably they never saw a match either but some old clip on WWE network.
This is why I hate WWE-fans.

How they overrate someone so badly when the WWE machine introduce them.

"Yeeey macho man is mr wrestlemania" lol WTF? :wtf::banghead:

Macho Man was good, but he's not fucking close to be Mr Wrestlemania.

Todays PG kids overrate something so badly sometimes, when they are on TV or HoF.

Probably they never saw a match either but some old clip on WWE network.

Crap! I thought I was basing my opinion on the matches I saw live in the 80s. Turns out I wasn't even born then!

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