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Which Rookies would make it without NXT?

Who'd have made it without NXT?

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Wade Barrett

  • Justin Gabriel

  • Heath Slater

  • David Otunga

  • Skip Sheffield

  • Michael Tarver

  • Darren Young

  • None of them

Results are only viewable after voting.


Is a thin rope
The question is simple, which of the current class of rookies do you think would, or would not make it if they'd shown up on Smackdown, Raw or ECW? Just for reference I'm going to assume that creative don't screw them over on arrival.
  • Daniel Bryan: I think he'd make it. He's passible on the mic, and good in the ring. I dont think he's close to being as good as his IWC fans say he is, but he's certainly good. Tiny, but good. He'd essentially be a technical Rey Mysterio having good matches, being over and rarely being at the top of the card. He'd win the top title eventually, after years spent benieth the class ceiling.
  • Wade Barrett: he would have made it on his own. He's big, solid, and charismatic. He's got the look and sound of a main eventer and would make a credible midcarder at the point of arrival. He's also a former Tag team Champ with Drew McIntyre, so should they both find themselves doing nothing they'd be a good tag team.
  • Justin Gabriel: He's got a kind of charisma (albeit not a great deal of ability on the mic) and an impressive finisher. from what I've seen he's decent in the ring (he's had a lot of practice. He's been in the game longer than Bryan) He'd make a good midcarder for sure who the IWC would urge for a ME push. He'd be a good transitional champion at the very least, and a good world champion at best.
  • Heath Slater: he's charismatic, I guess. But I dont think that his hair waving forced enthusiasm would get him far. He'd arrive, try to make an impact, fail go back to FCW where he might get rebranded and try again or he'd get released. Judging by the Spirit Squad, it'd probably be the latter.
  • David Otunga: Charisma, check. Look, check. Ability to wrestle... not so much. He'd be a greener version of MVP, and have some good promos and viginettes before everybody realised he cant wrestle and they send him back to developmental. They might put him on shows so that he keeps somewhat over and unforgotten but staying as far from the ring as possible.
  • Skip Sheffield: He'd make it as a commedy midcarder hanging around with Santino. He'd be loathed by the IWC, loved by the kids. Eventually he might make a heel turn and become serious asskicker and become credible. He'd in a midcard title a few times and maybe a tag title or two.
  • Michael Tarver: From what I've seen so far, not a chance. His I can knock you out in 1.9 seconds schcick hasn't impressed me so far. Maybe if he had a spot like the masterlock challenge (where he'd knock out local guys, before moving on to known jobbers) he might be able to get himself over. other than that, he's screwed. I do like the 'T' thing he does with hsi arms though.
  • Darren Young: eh, no. He has yet to demonstrate that he has anything other than a similar facial structure to John cena and one hell of a lot of melanin (I think we've found the anti-John Cena he's tallentless and tanned. if ever these two were to meet they'd release an amount of energy equal to their mass as they obliterated eachother)

Your thoughts?

Also, feel free to vote for more than one option in the poll if you think more than one would have made it.
Personally, the only person who I think could DEFINITELY have made it without NXT is Wade Barrett.

Now, I'm a major Danielson mark, but I think that his chances of making it in the WWE would have been way lessened if NXT wasn't around. With NXT, he has a ready-made storyline with the Miz, chances to show what his aspirations are, and a place to fine-tune his style before going to one of the big brands. There's the possibility he could have gotten over on in-ring skills alone, but I just don't think the fans would have taken to him so quickly if he didn't have The Miz and the other rookies to play off of. Plus, being on NXT gives him a lot of face time, which he may not have gotten if he had started on a major brand.

Barrett, however, has it all. He has mic skills, a killer look, ring skills, and an awesome voice. I already buy him as a legit contender because of his look and mic skills, the rest is just gravy. He could have easily been Sheamus or McIntyre if he wasn't on NXT. He is a total package, in my opinion.
I think there's two people who could've made it, so I'm just gonna vote for the one that I think would manage the most, and that's Wade Barrett, he's doing great, I think partially because he's associated with Chris Jericho, but I must admit even without Chris Jericho I could really, and I mean REALLY get behind this guy, I like his looks, his finisher is a little meh but it's still good and seemingly something you'd count for legit, but most of all, he has the mic skills (if you ask me) and the look to get very far, I can definitely see him as a world champion one day if WWE doesn't drop the ball with this guy, but by the looks of it, I doubt they will, and I actually think there's a reason why he was paired with Chris Jericho besides the fact that he's kinda similar in character (by the looks of it) I also think it's because they really want this guy to get that rub of success that Jericho has.

On the other hand, I think Otunga has the mic skills and the charisma, and definitely the looks to get there too, WWE seems to be backing this guy even though he wasn't high on the pro list, but I still think he'll be a star alongside Wade Barrett, perhaps not as quickly as Wade, but he'll get there eventually I think.
My List by how high i would expect him to be in. Worse to Best

Darren Young: Has some weirdo hair cut yeah he would get nowhere get wasted.

Michael Tarver: Nope he has not impressed me at all just made me change the channel at all costs.

Heath Slater: Man this guy sounds like an ass from the first time i heard him talk. The next Kenny spirit squad type guy short little time.

Daniel Byan: He was already set up to go to Raw so yes he would most likely be a United States Champion feuding with Miz anyways.

Skip Sheffield: Yeah he would be in a Santino like role and would win the tag titles with Santino a couple of times and finally a slight chance of becoming World Champion.

Justin Gabriel: He has the most experience of all the rookies unlike some guy who constantly preaches he has the most experience cough Daniel Bryan Cough. He would make it in my opinion with a Khali like Championship.

Wade Barrett: Has the second highest chance great build and would be able to be like Vladimir except could continue the push to be a world champion.

David Otunga: My Personal Favorite of the Rookies. Charisma? yes. look? yes. Wrestling Ability? Not much can get a new finisher but come how many people in the main event scene can wrestle well. but most importantly he has connections if your wife is Jennifer Hudson that means they are going to push you he would be the best to get and be a WWE Superstar
Well, I think Daniel Bryan and David Otunga could have possibly made it without NXT, but Wade Barrett is one who I think would've had a great chance of making it without NXT. Mostly because he has the build that WWE tends to look for in their wrestlers. I'm not sure of his exact height and weight but he's about 6ft 6in and 260 lbs. Not to mention he's good in the ring and better on the mic. I agree with Doc when he says Barrett is the total package, at least for someone at that stage of their career anyway. With that being said, it's still good that he is on NXT, as it's a good way to introduce yourself to some of the fans.
Daniel Bryan and David Otunga. Bryan was already set to debut on RAW before he asked to be put in development a little longer to work off ring rust, which meant WWE was definitely high on him. However, NXT did help as it gave him more exposure to WWE fans who don't quite follow the independent scene.

Otunga is a celebrity and he's married to Jennifer Hudson. That's the biggest reason why he would have made it w/o NXT...
in addition, he has charisma, a great personality, a great look, and can work the mic very well. the only downside is his in ring ability which can be worked on and can be improved.
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I'm going with David Otunga.

He's been the best on the mic IMO. And has the best look. And I think if pushed can be good in the ring. He screams CHARISMA! And since he is a celeberty he can rub of that and get a major gimmick of the bat. He's pretty jacked up, and in someways indeed does remind me of The Rock.

My second choice would have been Wade Barrett, who also is charismatic and has great presence, I think either one of them would be pretty big in the WWE.

But overall I have to go with David Otunga.
ok here is my list,
Darren young- No I don't think he can make it, all he has going for him is his haircut. No chance.

Michael Tarver- Tarver should beccome a boxer if he can knocn someone out in 1.9, no chance as a wrestler.

Heath Slater- I dont think Heath slater can make it on his own, Major help that his rookie is christian.

Wade Barret- he has the look, skill and charisma to be a hgreat wretler, he has great mic skills, he can carry a match, and damn, he is good.

Daniel Bryan- possibly the best wrestler in the world ATM, he wass allowed to go traight to raw, but turned it down, He could easily make it.

Justin Gabriel- great high flyer, I don't think he is world champion material, but he can certainly be upper midcard, he can easily make it.

David Otunga- He has relations, people know who he is, he can be a major draw, WWE will take advantage of that
Daniel Bryan- Basically the star on NXT so far. Has lost EVERY single match but is yet #1, that pretty much tells you that management loves him. He'll make it and he definitely doesn't need NXT

Wade Barett- HUGE FAN OF THIS GUY. He has the total package and could definitely be a future world champion

Heath Slater- Reminds me a lot of Edge. I've watched him on FCW and he's much better as a heel, his babyface role won't take him far trust me

Micheal Tarver- HE HAS POTENTIAL TO BE RELEASED but has 0 potential of making it in WWE. Go to MMA already

skip Sheffield- He has the size that Mr.Mcmahon likes but he's too much of a comedy character, tag team titles at best imo

David Otunga- He has the total Package but his wrestling skills definitely need improvement. He's already been bashed a lot for having connections with his famous wife, Daniel Bryan and Dolf Zigglor have both ripped him to shreds so it makes me wonder if he will go far. Everyone will obviously say he's only getting pushed because of his star power

Justin Angel- Great wrestler and great look. VERY BAD mic skills though. he can either go 2 directions, either an Evan Bourne jobber route or a mid-card route. i don't think he'll ever be a main eventer unless he gets SUPER OVER like Jeff hardy

Darren Young- other than looking like John cenas long lost dark twin brother, I don't see much in this guy. If he joins the SES, that would definitely help him
I will have to go with Wade Barrett here, Wade Barrett is a very big guy with good mic skills and in-ring skills. Just to say it all he's the total package. Right now he is doing great with Jericho as his mentor, But even with out Chris Jericho he would have been doing just fine. IMO Wade has the qualities of becoming a major draw in the WWE with or without NXT.

The wrestler that I think would not have make it alone, it will be Darren Young. Daren young is just plain in the ring, he doesn't have any mic skills and he some how sucks in the ring. The only thing that might help him is if he joins the SES.
Well, me? I picked Wade Barrett and Heath Slater.

Wade Barrett is a big, strong guy. The WWE seems to like people like him, which is why I think he would make it without NXT. Plus... he's international! WWE seems to like to push big, international guys like him in the past, so they could have done it with him. I'd imagine he would have debuted on Smackdown and get the Vladimir Kozlov-type treatment, but better. He would then fued with one of the veterans, get some credibility and go from there.

Heath Slater. You may wonder why I said Heath Slater? Well, the reason is, when he makes his entrance, he reminds me a lot of The Brian Kendrick, except he's a face. The way he dances and struts to the ring could have grown on the WWE Universe and get people to support him. I like how he was paired up with Christian, but on his own... I think he'd do just fine, as long as he's given a bit of direction. He's pretty good in the ring and not bad on the mic either.

As for the other NXT Rookies...

Daniel Bryan: I see I'm in the minority here by not picking Daniel Bryan, but I look at it this way... IF WWE DIDN'T WANT DANIEL BRYAN ON NXT, HE WOULDN'T BE THERE. The fact that he is on NXT and didn't have a regular debut tells you a lot. It tells you that WWE has a lot of faith in him. He wanted to give him a mentor that didn't like him and didn't treat him good. It gives him more of a drive on NXT, it gives him more of a fan base, and more of purpose after the competition. The fact that he's, what 0-7, helps further it.

Justin Gabriel: I absolutely LOVE what this guy does in the ring. His 450 Splash is outta this world! He kinda reminds me of Evan Bourne, which is good, but looking at how, he's just slightly bigger than Bourne doesn't help at all. He's an amazing wrestler, of course, since he was the FCW Heavyweight Champion at the time of his debut. However, due to his size, I do not think he'd go far in the WWE without NXT.

David Otunga: He kinda caught me off guard. I didn't know what to expect from him, to be honest. However, it was very smart to have him start off on NXT. It gave more time to put in more insight in his personal life and his relationship with Jennfier Hudson. Had it not been for NXT, we wouldn't know that much about him. NXT helps build his character more and being Guest host of Raw can help soldify his status as a determined NXT rookie.

Skip Sheffield: I loved this guy on Tough Enough. On NXT? Not so much. Maybe it's his character or his new look or his stupid splash... I just don't like him anymore. If he wrestled better, maybe that would have changed my mind, but I don't know.

Michael Tarver: I really like his look and his name sounds very cool. His boxer gimmick could work for him, but it shouldn't be overused or overmentioned. His style kinda reminds me of Orlando Jordan's, which mostly links to athleticism, but his association with Carlito might have hurt him. I have nothing wrong with Carlito, I like him a lot, but he really shouldn't be mentoring anyone right now. Without NXT, Tarver would have had to depend too much on his athleticism, which can only get you so far.

Darren Young: I really don't know if he's supposed to be a heel with another heel, or a face paired up with heels. It's confusing. And the reaction doesn't exactly help either. The only thing going for him is his hair, but that doesn't matter. Even being on NXT now, isn't doing much for him at all. Unless he joins the Straightedge Society, I don't see him succeeding on NXT or on his own.
The question is simple, which of the current class of rookies do you think would, or would not make it if they'd shown up on Smackdown, Raw or ECW? Just for reference I'm going to assume that creative don't screw them over on arrival.

Having them show up on ECW if it was still around would still not guarantee that they would make it on Raw or Smackdown. In my analysis, I will assume that they are on Raw/Smackdown and not ECW, that way it's sink or swim.

Daniel Bryan
He might make it, but doing NXT is helping him because the heat from the Miz's actions can give him more of a face reaction and he'll improve on the mic from going back and forth with one of the best current mic workers. I'd predict that Bryan would make it into the midcard of Raw/Smackdown and then his in-ring ability would have to speak for itself since he needs improvement on the mic. His rise to the top (assuming he gets there, which I think he will) would happen a lot slower if he had not chosen to participate in the NXT competition.

Wade Barrett
I think Barrett would make it because, like you said, he's got the build and is charismatic. I'd predict that he would make it all the way to the main event level without NXT, he would certainly make a good midcard champion at the least, even without NXT.

Justin Gabriel
He wouldn't make it without NXT. I'd predict that he would end up in roles similar to Evan Bourne or Yoshi Tatsu.... cool high flyer, good for getting the crowd excited, but never quite making it past the midcard. Maybe a midcard title reign or two.

Heath Slater
The version of Slater we see in NXT might not make it, but I think a heel version of him could work. He will be a star one day, it's a matter of finding the right way to make his "one man rock band" character work. He could easily become the next Edge if built up correctly. However, if he debuted on Raw/Smackdown as his NXT self, without going through NXT in the first place, then he might fail.

David Otunga
Otunga would make it. He proved it when he guest hosted Raw that he belongs on one of the main brands already, he fits in there. All he needs to improve is his in-ring ability a bit, I think he'd make it without NXT and possibly get to the main event level.

Skip Sheffield:
Absolutely not. He reminds me of everything that sucked about Cade and Murdoch, only he's even worse. Everyone would dislike him and he'd be future endeavored if he got to Raw/Smackdown without going through NXT.

Michael Tarver


This guy has no chance whatsoever, even if we assume that he DOES make it to Raw/Smackdown after NXT. He would have little to no chance of getting over if he hadn't participated in NXT.

Darren Young
While he's not dealing with as bad odds as Tarver, I don't think he would make it very far without NXT because he has a weird look and hasn't really done anything too impressive yet. Maybe he'll surprise us though (kayfabe) by motivation to get out of 8th place.

Overall thoughts
So.... I only see half of these guys making it if they had never participated in NXT. In Slater's case it depends on getting a heel turn and/or fixing his character. I only think three of the NXT rookies (Bryan, Barrett, and Otunga) would have debuted and eventually gotten past the midcard successfully if they were to begin on Raw/Smackdown without ever getting any exposure on NXT first because the rest of the rookies need this competition in order to get over before their "real" debut. However, even Otunga and Bryan have areas they need improving in, in-ring and mic skills respectively.... which NXT is helping them fix.... so if you want to get technical, then the only one would for sure make it without this competition is Wade Barrett.
Daniel Bryan
He might make it, but doing NXT is helping him because the heat from the Miz's actions can give him more of a face reaction and he'll improve on the mic from going back and forth with one of the best current mic workers. I'd predict that Bryan would make it into the midcard of Raw/Smackdown and then his in-ring ability would have to speak for itself since he needs improvement on the mic. His rise to the top (assuming he gets there, which I think he will) would happen a lot slower if he had not chosen to participate in the NXT competition.

So your saying he couldn't have entered a feud with The Miz on Raw and exchanged words there. Raw isn't NXT. I disagree with your position because WWE had high plans for Bryan including placing him on one of the big two before NXT even started. Bryan chose to do the show instead. He was trained by Shawn Michaels so he has friends in high places. He has wrestled 60 minute matches overseas and in Ring of Honor. Bryan has all the tools to be a success and NXT isn't doing much to make him a star. He had the worst time tonight in the keg carrying competition, he has a 0-7 record including a loss to the guy who's 8th place in the polls Darren Young and is constantly buried by Michael Cole. So not only do I think he would be fine without NXT, but I think he'd be better off.
So your saying he couldn't have entered a feud with The Miz on Raw and exchanged words there. Raw isn't NXT. I disagree with your position because WWE had high plans for Bryan including placing him on one of the big two before NXT even started. Bryan chose to do the show instead. He was trained by Shawn Michaels so he has friends in high places. He has wrestled 60 minute matches overseas and in Ring of Honor. Bryan has all the tools to be a success and NXT isn't doing much to make him a star. He had the worst time tonight in the keg carrying competition, he has a 0-7 record including a loss to the guy who's 8th place in the polls Darren Young and is constantly buried by Michael Cole. So not only do I think he would be fine without NXT, but I think he'd be better off.

Hmmm.... you do make a valid point there. However I still stand by my previous opinion. If Bryan had gone straight to Raw/Smackdown then he would have had to rely much more on in-ring ability to get over. He's hardly the best on the mic. A feud with the Miz could have still happened.... but that's a pretty big "what if". What if he got put on Smackdown? Also, what if his first promo was not received well by fans? If he does well on NXT then he enters Raw/Smackdown with more momentum and being more recognized by fans who have not seen his work outside of WWE.

Do I think he could still make it to the top one day without NXT? Absolutely, his in-ring work speaks for itself. However, he knew that he needed further training because WWE is a bigger federation than other places he has wrestled. He chose to participate in NXT so he would be more prepared for his "real" debut on Raw/Smackdown. I think he could get to the main event level eventually without NXT but his rise to the top will happen much faster when he reaches Raw/Snackdown since on NXT he can be put over more by the NXT announcers and then enter as a face due to his interactions with The Miz. This competition is helping him despite the odds already looking somewhat good for him to begin with.
There are 4 guys that stand out to me out of the 8 NXT rookies.

Heath Slater: I like Slater. He's got good energy and enough charisma to be interesting. He actually reminds me of a younger Christian (good pairing by the WWE here). I think he could be a solid mid card performer even without the exposure from NXT. He's decent on the mic and solid in the ring and shows a great deal of potential.

Wade Barrett: He is the kind of guy Vince McMahon gets crazy over. He's got the prototypical WWE look- tall and muscular, larger than life. And he's got a great tattoo and cool accent to round out the "he's got a good look" category. While Barrett is mediocre in the ring and on the mic, he would have been pushed to moon even if NXT never existed. Who's to say he couldn't have been in the shoes of Sheamus or Drew McIntyre?

Justin Garbriel: My 2nd favorite thing about NXT. This guy is just so exciting to watch. He's very similiar to Evan Bourne except Gabriel has more size. He's not a big guy, but he's hitting around the 6' mark making him more than just a cruiserweight. He's got a great look (the ladies love him) and a killer finish, which to my knowledge hasn't been used in the WWE before. He could've easily been brought up directly to the SD! roster and made an impact.

Daniel Bryan: My favorite thing about wrestling. Period. Yeah, he's noticably smaller than the rest of the guys on NXT, but he's also noticably better. He's had good matches with everyone from Chris Jericho to Darren Young. He can work with just about anyone and make it believable. Danielson has good mic skills- he comes across natural when he speaks. He could've been successful on either roster without NXT.
Wade Barrett: He is the kind of guy Vince McMahon gets crazy over. He's got the prototypical WWE look- tall and muscular, larger than life. And he's got a great tattoo and cool accent to round out the "he's got a good look" category. While Barrett is mediocre in the ring and on the mic, he would have been pushed to moon even if NXT never existed. Who's to say he couldn't have been in the shoes of Sheamus or Drew McIntyre?

Justin Garbriel: My 2nd favorite thing about NXT. This guy is just so exciting to watch. He's very similiar to Evan Bourne except Gabriel has more size. He's not a big guy, but he's hitting around the 6' mark making him more than just a cruiserweight. He's got a great look (the ladies love him) and a killer finish, which to my knowledge hasn't been used in the WWE before. He could've easily been brought up directly to the SD! roster and made an impact.

Daniel Bryan: My favorite thing about wrestling. Period. Yeah, he's noticably smaller than the rest of the guys on NXT, but he's also noticably better. He's had good matches with everyone from Chris Jericho to Darren Young. He can work with just about anyone and make it believable. Danielson has good mic skills- he comes across natural when he speaks. He could've been successful on either roster without NXT.

I'll grant you Danielson is the best thing happening in wrestling today. I really wish they would've brought Nigel McGuiness (I know he had some injury that they caught in prescreening so he went to TNA instead). Those guys would've stolen PPVs if they faced each other on the undercard.

As far as Wade Barrett goes, The guy has made quite a few strides forward on the mic. He did a pretty good job with that improvisational promo on NXT. As far as his wrestling ability goes, he's a good big wrestler. I mean he's no Mike Awesome, but who is? I see this guy will be the WWE champion within 3 years.

As far as Justin Gabriel goes, I don't think he's that great. He's got a 450 splash and that's about it. His mic work on NXT sucked, I'll admit, he was a lot better in FCW on the mic, so it's probably a matter of adjusting to the big leagues. When I see him wrestle I'm thinking he should study some Jerry Lynn tapes because I think they have a similar style.
On first viewing, I'd say Barrett, but he was down at developmental for so long that I feared the day his picture on the FCW website would be quietly removed, so NXT is a massive plus for Wade. I think Otunga would have made it simply because of his gimmick [if you can call being married to a celebrity a gimmick]. I think Bryan would of made it, but the way he's been feuding with his mentor straight off the bat, I wonder how he would have started on the main roster.
I think David Otunga would probably have the most successful run out of the rest. He is big, good on the mic, and a pretty decent wrestler. But there are other good wrestlers on the show too.
Like Justin Garbriel, Wade Barret, And Daniel Bryan all of great talent. But Otunga just seems to have that certain think with him. But I think those four could have a good carrer without NXT
David Otunga
The man would have succeeded for the plain and simple fact that WWE want him to. They would have used every resource to their fullest extent to get this man over. He could have used more time in developmental to work on his in ring work, but I would say he is getting booed quite nicely.

Wade Barrett
This man is a future main eventer, World Champion, and right now the sky is the limit. He has the size, the look, the talent, the mic skills, and the mentor all at his disposal. Whether you like him or not, the guy has been impressive since his debut.

Justin Gabriel
He has a decent size to make a great tag team partner, but when you have a flashy finishing move, your other talents either tend to be either overshadowed or underestimated. He could probably rise through the ranks to be a nice mid card title holder, but I only see him as a white Kofi Kingston. Insanely over and happy-go-lucky. My verdict is still out on him.

Heath Slater
I do not know really where they are going with him. He loses to Kane, then beats Chris Jericho? I am starting to like Slater. Maybe that is the point of the gimmick. Gets lucky against the heel and lose against the faces. I really do not know. Either way, the verdict is still out on him.

Skip Sheffield
Who doesn't love the Cornfed Meathead Skip Sheffield? I think the stint on NXT has done nothing but helped his chances at being a lovable jobber. But do I think he would have made it without NXT? Probably not. I haven't seen to much of his work, but I do not think a gimmick like that would get him far.

Michael Tarver
I just do not get this guy. I expected some nice work out of him, but then I realized he was stuck with Carlito. Pretty much ruined any expectations I had of him.

Darren Young
This guy could have gotten over doing basically what he is doing now. He could have come in as "The South Beach Party Boy" Darren Young. Won a couple of matches. Cut some promo' on partying. Wrestled CM Punk, beaten him by rolling him up or something, then Punk's SES could have waged war. They get so much heat that Darren Young could have gotten pretty over from it.

Daniel Bryan
Ah yes. *imitates Michael Cole* The internets "Golden Boy". He could have gotten over by being an underdog. Seeing as how Rey Mysterio is planning on retiring soon, DB could easily fill that role. Just make the Cattle Mutilation look inescapable. Have him do his regular moves or lock that in out of nowhere. He is small enough for the crowd to get behind against a bully wrestler.
The ONLY person that could have made it would be Wade Barrett. The reason is because he fits the build that Vince loves, has good ability in the ring, and although i havent seen him on the mic, i heard hes not half bad.

Daniel Bryan - He's obviously the favorite of NXT, but he might have gotten lost in the shuffle without NXT.. Although hes pretty good in the ring.

Heath Slater - I honestly think WWE is trying to get him over the top here. He just pinned Jericho on The latest NXT, and he has lost what, only like, 2 matches?

Micheal Tarver - Although i dont like how he carry's out his gimmick, i like the character.
I think its too similar to Big Shows, "Ill knock you out" Right hand, But the whole MMA Character would be a good one if not played out by him..

Darren Young - I dont like him, He has..the worst look outta them all, sure he could join the SES, but whats there to do after that?

Skip Sheffield - No. I just, cant see why he would. I agree he would be something like a Santino just bigger in size..

David Otunga - Now here's someone who could actually make it. Hes a bigger MVP. Hes got the charisma, now he just has to work on his ring ability.

Justin Gabriel - Evan Bourne in the remaking?
Daniel Bryan:Even if his mic skills aren't amazing, I think he could pretty much be a HUGE star. ALOT of wrestlers dont have or start off with great mic skills, his in ring is well above what 90% of what Wwe has. The in ring psychology which is the bane of indy wrestling in some peoples opinions, Danielson could adjust into the Wwe style.
He would make it.

Wade Barrett:More charisma than most on the Nxt roster. His accent is great, In ring hes decent if you've seen his FCW stuff, but I think that could be worked on in time. Put him with Drew (i agree), that would be great or have him with William Regal, Im with that.
He would work

Justin Gabriel:Attractive on camera, His spoken promos seem scripted, but most rookies always do. In ring I think he would work well in the mid card IC/us title scene.
He would work

Heath Slater:
Promo wise, hes horrible. My fiance for some odd reason digs him, but Im not impressed. That little head shake/Tongue waggle thing drives me NUTS. Besides being a lower midcarder, I just don't see it.
He couldn't work

David Otunga:
At first, I hated this guy because of his connection with VH1 reality shows. His promos aren't that bad. He's got charisma. In ring, I think he could use a lot of work, but that would come with time. I think he could be successful
He could work

Skip Sheffield: I'm sorry, I don't like him. Unless they made him serious, He couldn't be anymore than a meat head. The whole ''What it do'' things, makes him sound ridiculous. I'm not into him at all. In ring or not.
Wont work

Michael Tarver: The boxing thing didn't work for many wrestlers in wwe, Including the far superior, and favorite of mine Elijah burke, It DEFINITELY wouldn't work for this guy. Hes not good in ring or at promos. I just dont see it.
Wont work

Darren Young:
I thought I was the only one who saw the Cena in his face. I think he over sells to luger-Esque volume, and his look is forgettable. I dont see anything in him at all.
Wont work

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