Which of wrestling's unanswered questions would you like to see answered?

One that springs to mind is back around 2003 Booker T receiving a note saying 'I STILL REMEMBER' and as far as I recall it didn't go any further than that. I wonder where they planned on going with the angle?
I'm going back to WCW in 1999 for mine. The company was just at that tipping point when they had Macho and Nash involved in a hummer storyline. Who drove that hummer and hit Nash(or Hogan, memories a bit hazy)? Was it a drunk Scott Hall? Was it Sting? Who was it?
I want to know how someone in WCW actually thought that making Mike Awesome, a huge killing machine that they had poached from ECW in a controversial move, into a man obsessed with the 70s, and then a guy obsessed with fat women, was something that was going to make the company money and get Awesome over.

You have a man who is an absolute beast, easily capable of holding his own as a credible challenger for at least the US Title or maybe even World Title making a memorable debut and then you absolutely kill any credibility he has of ever being taken seriously by giving him not one...but TWO of the most absurd gimmicks ever. Why give him so much money to leave ECW, where he was the champion, to come to WCW and make a fool of him. If you really thought that the gimmicks were going to work, why not give them to a lower-card talent you already had as I dont remember Awesome wrestling at the top of the card of being in title contention after taking on the gimmicks.

It was a complete waste and I would love to know who suggested it in a creative meeting and who agreed and thought it was a good plan.

Also, I want to know what the Sean O'Haire "Devil's Advocate" push was scrapped. That was over as hell and destined to make a star of O'Haire, and not only did it get cancelled, but O'Haire ended up being released soon after. Many other less talented wrestlers get long-term contracts and stay with the company for years without ever doing much (Mark Henry and Val Venis I am looking at you), but yet O'Haire was got rid of quickly, and for reasons unknown. I would like to know what really happened here, is there a story we dont know about, or were the WWE just stupid to scrap the gimmick and made the mistake of believing it wasnt going to work, when it clearly was.
i actually want to know where the fake kane thing was going. just one raw he throws him out of the building and taking his mask, then it was over. wtf. after months of buildup. then the guy becomes festus. it was actually a story for kane, which was very rare at that time.

and i want to know who is behind the nexus and who the gm is.
In kayfabe what I want to know is why did DX set up a newly turn face in Shawn Michaels to be taken out by the Corperation? They walked him to the back all friendly, Shawn says that he'll be right back, then as soon as the door closes they all get a heelish smirk on their faces, Hunter makes the comment, "maybe... Maybe not", X-PAC said "what goes around comes around" then they show that Shawn had been locked out, and was attacked, obviously with the prior knowledge of DX, by the Corperation and DX walks away with those Heelish smirks on their face... Then one commercial break later they are out helping Mankind take the WWF Championship from? THE CORPERATION!!! And they never did explain why they worked with the Corperation one segment, only to work against them the next segment... And on top of all that, the next time we saw Shawn Michaels he helped Triple H retain the WWF Championship... WTF?!?!?!

And in real life I'd like to know what really caused McMahon to hate Randy Savage so much? Worrior held him up for money, and he worked with him several more times. Hogan jumped ship to WCW, tried to send him to prison, and then tried to help put him out of business, not only did he work with him again, he made him the Undisputed Champion. It's been widely rumored that Scott Levy (a.k.a. Raven) had a sexual relationship with Stephanie during his run there as Johnny Polo, and he has flat out said that he used to party and do drugs with Shane, yet he has worked for WWE again... So, what could Savage have done that would get him on Vince McMahon's eternal shit list? A list that not even Eric Bischoff is on!?!?!?
And in real life I'd like to know what really caused McMahon to hate Randy Savage so much? Worrior held him up for money, and he worked with him several more times. Hogan jumped ship to WCW, tried to send him to prison, and then tried to help put him out of business, not only did he work with him again, he made him the Undisputed Champion. It's been widely rumored that Scott Levy (a.k.a. Raven) had a sexual relationship with Stephanie during his run there as Johnny Polo, and he has flat out said that he used to party and do drugs with Shane, yet he has worked for WWE again... So, what could Savage have done that would get him on Vince McMahon's eternal shit list? A list that not even Eric Bischoff is on!?!?!?

Yeah the Savage thing is one of those long term head-scratchers that noone has definitive explanation for. It is thought that Savage was sleeping with an underage Steph as you mentioned, but these rumours have never been 100% confirmed.

I had no idea about Raven banging her too? Was she still underage at that time too?

Guess we will never know the true story
I've got one: back in WWECW, Heyman had become the "prophet" of WWECW so he needed protction, he had security and all that bs. That led him to a storyline with Tommy Dramer that lead into....a kiss?! Yep a kiss, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!? What was the whole fucking point of that, if I remember correctly, Heyman was then fired or quit or something like. But where was going that "angle" with Tommy?

Crock: Seriously? London? Paul "I botch moves" London? How the hell was that possibe?
lots of good questions already listed. the ones i was gonna say but were taken first were:
1. who moved the briefcase?
2. who was behind GTV? what was the endgame of GTV?
3. by whom and why was Samoa Joe abducted?

as far as a different question that hasn't been asked yet:
1. how is Paul Bearer still alive? wasn't he buried in cement? and now most recently run over by a car and thrown off a ladder? i mean, just in kayfabe, hasn't this guy been killed like a dozen times or something?
2. Brian Pillman. who was he really working for when he passed away? was it WCW, ECW or WWF? all have had some kind of claim and all are pretty convincing.
3. super recently -- it's being reported that at Final Resolution, if Jeff Hardy was not fit to compete, the title would have been stripped from him with the explanation of an injury angle and a new match set... Anderson vs. Morgan vs. Jarrett. if this is true, who would win the title and what would the direction be?
Last year...I'd say November of 2009...Undertaker was on Raw and it wasn't decided who was gojng to face him at Wrestlemania yet. In the main event of the evening (I don't remember who was in the actual match) Cena was tagging with the Undertaker and the finish involved Taker Tombstoning Cena. I, at first, thought it was a set up for Wrestlemania...but obviosly that wasn;t the case as they had Taker vs HBK round 2. I don't think they ever explained why Cena got Tombstoned out of nowhere...nor did they ever mention it again.
Last year...I'd say November of 2009...Undertaker was on Raw and it wasn't decided who was gojng to face him at Wrestlemania yet. In the main event of the evening (I don't remember who was in the actual match) Cena was tagging with the Undertaker and the finish involved Taker Tombstoning Cena. I, at first, thought it was a set up for Wrestlemania...but obviosly that wasn;t the case as they had Taker vs HBK round 2. I don't think they ever explained why Cena got Tombstoned out of nowhere...nor did they ever mention it again.

I REMEMBER that! It was supposed to set up a possible match between Cena and Taker at WM26 and possibly lead to a Cena heel turn. However, I would say it is and isn't out of the question. It's still a possibility because look at HBK vs. Taker. If you count the build up to the match from WM25, you had well over a year of build. Yes, there was a lull there, but I think they knew after that match that there would be a rematch the next year. There is no reason they couldn't be slowly building this one. The reason it won't work is because after Taker's next run he's done. That's not an official statement and I'm sure he won't admit it, but let's face it, Undertaker has aged. He can't keep up with his injuries, but he also has nothing to be ashamed of by retiring. He has accomplished enough that he could walk away at any time and still be regarded as one of the best (though I did have a dream last night where he finally won the IC title in a fatal 4 way...)
Don't know if it been said already but I would like to know why Undertaker walked out on Big show in a tag team title match when Bearer came to speak to him.

They lost the titles if I remember right and it was never really explained why Taker left like that.
Don't know if it been said already but I would like to know why Undertaker walked out on Big show in a tag team title match when Bearer came to speak to him.

They lost the titles if I remember right and it was never really explained why Taker left like that.

Big Show and Taker were the Unholy Alliance, because Taker was injured he was putting Show through some sort of tough love program to try and make him into the ultimate monster. Instead of them wrestling as a team, Taker would just leave show on his own and watch him work. I believe he sat out and did commentary at least once. I think it was some sort of "hate/hate" relationship between them, but Taker wanted someone as powerful on his side and Show wanted to learn from the best. If I recall correctly Taker needed to take time off for surgery, so in kayfabe McMahon demanded he actually start wrestling or he was fired, so Taker just walked out on the company because he didn't feel like taking orders.
Before I say which question I want answered, two things:

First, there's no way in hell you can say the Nexus beating up Undertaker thing is going down this road. Let's at least wait until Undertaker comes back before we say that. I mean, they even had Otunga mention it.

Second, the limo explosion thing was explored in another thread. Like I (and others) explained there, things would've played out much the same as they did. It would've been revealed that McMahon faked his own death, and the angle would've gone on from there.

I'd like to know where the GTV thing was going before it was dropped. But if we're expanding this to all what if's, the biggest ones for me are related to injury...what role would Triple H have played in the Invasion if he didn't tear his quad? Would Stephanie still have become owner of ECW? And how long would Cena have held the title if he didn't get hurt? It was over a year at that point...they must've had something epic planned to end the reign.
Why was Big John Studd chosen to win Royal Rumble?

Was it just the matter that the WWE didn't really use the PPV to propel pushes and future events.

Was Studd promised a big win when he returned to the WWF?

Did Hogan choose Studd, since he agreed to be elimiated by Bossman And Akeem. But if it was Hogan's choice, why didn't he pick his buddy Beefcake.
Don't know if it been said already but I would like to know why Undertaker walked out on Big show in a tag team title match when Bearer came to speak to him.

They lost the titles if I remember right and it was never really explained why Taker left like that.

Taker had been injured not long after Summerslam and then they went through stages of Taker not bothering to hang around through all the title matches, and sometimes not even participating in them at all, and having Mideon and Viscera stand in for him.

If you remember, this was right before Unforgiven '99, where they had the very first (and only decent) 6 Pack Challenge. The SD before that event, HHH was forced to compete 5 times against everyone else who was supposed to be involved, and he had to win 3 of 5 matches to make it into the Title match.

He was supposed to have a casket match with Taker, but Taker had already told Vince to go fuck himself basically (kayfabe), and left, so Mideon and Viscera took his place, and HHH lost.

About 6 months later Taker came back as the American Bad Ass. He beat a few new guys i.e. Angle, Benoit, fueded with regulars, until eventually it got to a point where Show attacked him for seemingly no reason, and the following week Show explained that he attacked Taker for more or less abandoning him in '99. etc etc.

But in reference to that specific match, i too would like to know what Bearer said to Taker to make him walk out of the only tag title match he chose to participate in. They were seemingly going to continue with the 'Taker and Show dominate everyone, but mostly just beat up Kane and X-Pac' angle, but as i said, Taker got hurt and was gone for 6 months.

And of course GTV. What was the point of all that? It used to be used in angles all the time. Remember when Eddie was going to marry Chyna and he got caught in the shower with two other women (one of which was Victoria/Tara apparently)? Well GTV was the 'source' of that footage. But we never ever, found out who was even behind it, never mind why.

And would Regal have ACTUALLY become the champion if he'd never been suspended in '08?

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