Which ECW original would you like to see beat Vince's Ass?

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I would give Goldbergfan23 a chance to take on McMahon just because he hates him so much. I'd love to see a true fan and McMahon hater get the chance to beat the shit out of that a**hole. That would make for one hell of a pay-per-view. Let's book it!!

that would easily be the best ppv ever made, heres exactly what i would do

1. use every weapon under the ring on macmahon, includding chairs, baseball bats wit barbed wire, tables, barbed wire tables, sledgehammers etc.
2. then i would shove sandmans cane up his ass so far that he cant shit for the rest of his life
3. teabag him
4. take a dump on his chest then have big dick johnson jump on him with my crap on him
5. have heyman spit in his face then take a piss on him
6. just for the hell of it have goldberg spear him through 6 barbed wire tables then jackhammer him through the ring
7. then to end it i would throw him into the crowd wit a bunch of original ecw fans who would then beat the shit out of him until he could no longer walk
considering vince is the only reason ecw is back i wouldnt want anyone to beat his ass.
Welcome to Wrestlezone. Get ready to meet your new friend...logic. McMahon is in fact, Satan, when it comes to all things involved with quality wrestling these days. ECW, definitely not being an exception to that rule. He'd never in a million years let Heyman run a company that he funded because Paul E. with nothing but complete creative control and no day to day business situations would be very prosperous and could easily dethrone either of McMahon's signature shows inside of a year.

Hell, WWF did a direct facelift of the old ECW product for Monday nights back in the 1990's and just gave it fancier bells and whistles. Vince also owes to the fact that Paul E. helped a number of Vince's perennial stars to develop their signature characters. The funny thing is that instead of doing the smart thing when he got a hold of two of the best, namely Foley and Austin, he decided not to do their signature ECW gimmick right away. Instead, he though Mankind as a straight-laced character would be more exciting and that The Ringmaster would be groundbreaking stuff instead of utilizing Stone Cold's persona.

In summary, Vince not only deserves an ass-kicking for bringing back ECW in this fashion, but also for wasting talent within it, and completely $hitting on the true nature of the company: competitive wrestling where the fans always get their money's worth.
dunno if it was said before, but as for a fantasy beatdown...

Mikey Whipwreck (sp?)

just because it would be the most embarrasing for him
The Ultimate Survivor Series Match
Team WWE
1.Triple H
2.John Cena
4.Shawn Micheals
5.The Great Khali
Team ECW
2.New Jack
4.Tommy Dreamer
5.Balls Mahoney
All weapons allowed and the winner would get the privlige of beating the living shit outta the loser's owner.
Either Sandman, Tommy Dreamer or Sabu would be amazing against vince macmahon. It would get very brutal and very bloody, It would be a good match and it would be a classic for ECW.
The Sandman. heres what should happen. "LIVE ON MONDAY NIGHT RAW!!!" The Sandman vs Mr. Mcmahon. NO HOLDS BARRED. and all the other originals up on the stage just sitting in lawn chairs and drinking cold beverages and eating their favorite foods and just having a good time and WWE regulars are barred from ringside. just picture this, that cane beating vince over the head, his legs, arms you name it. covering him in beer and still beating him. maybe get that fat guy out there to dance naked upon him and it would just be the greatest moment in WWE history.
How about, every wrestler ever to compete in the old ECW, the BEST ECW. Vinne Mac, desirves the ass kickin of a life time in the way only the old ECW can deliver includeing, chairs, tables, barbed wire, kendo sticks and of course sinapore canes. E-C-W E-C-W E-C-W E-C-W. Oh and after that beating all of the bingo hall fans should get 20 chairshots each to the skull of McMahon. Then every finisher from every ECW star and then smashed threw a couple of tables and given a stunner just to finish it off. Then all the ECW originals should have a huge beer bash with McMahon still lying in the ring.
Hasn't dx and stone cold already done every atrocity known to man already to vince mcmahonnican? The finest may have been shoving his plastic surgery infested carcass up the big show's nice toosh...
Hasn't dx and stone cold already done every atrocity known to man already to vince mcmahonnican? The finest may have been shoving his plastic surgery infested carcass up the big show's nice toosh...

Ya they've done alot but still not enough to that old bastard.
rofl great idea for a thread, suzy.

I'd love to see em all just gang up on Vince and beat the hell out of, before making him tap out to a hair pull. HOW DO YOU LIKE JOBBING IN HORRIBLE MATCHES TO NO TALENTED LOSERS NOW VINCE!??!?!

Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Sabu, RVD, Balls Mahoney and hell even the FBI should all just surround Vince one day backstage and mercilessly beat the shit out of him for what he's done to ECW. Hell even let Joey Styles get some shots in, cause you know he'd love nothing more than to take a shit on a John Cena shirt on live TV. Poor Joey...one day you'll be able to call quality wrestling again...just move to TNA or ROH bro...
Oh yes, and don't forget that the old bingo hall originals Hat Guy and Sign Guy shall definately get their shots in. Then Paul Heyman executes John Cena on live TV. And then the ghost of Eddie Guerrero comes back and steals McMahon's wallet.

lol, much respect to Guerrero tho.
You all know you want to see Rob Van Dam kick Vince's ass for taking away his dual ECW and WWE title reigns so soon, reguardless of his marajuana problem.
RVD could be the next People's Champ, I loved seeing RVD beat Cena at ONS, that was probably one of the greatest moments in ECW and WWECW history!
None of them.

They should be grateful to Vince for keeping ECW afloat in the later years and for having jobs now.

Clearly all of them accepted WWE contracts... what did they actually expect it to be exactly like the old ECW? Anyone with at least a simmer of intelligence realized it wouldn't be the ecw of the ninetees, that's near impossible to reproduce.

Guys like Sandman and Balls etc I'm sure knew that. Tommy Dreamer is an executive at WWE for Christ's sake, he knew what he was getting himself into. Same for Heyman.

It's using an already established name to push your product, which worked to a certain extent except for the pay-per-view. It wouldn't have made sense for Vince to push all the older ECW originals and make ECW what it was in the ninetees... no one would watch it!
None of them.

They should be grateful to Vince for keeping ECW afloat in the later years and for having jobs now.

Clearly all of them accepted WWE contracts... what did they actually expect it to be exactly like the old ECW? Anyone with at least a simmer of intelligence realized it wouldn't be the ecw of the ninetees, that's near impossible to reproduce.

Guys like Sandman and Balls etc I'm sure knew that. Tommy Dreamer is an executive at WWE for Christ's sake, he knew what he was getting himself into. Same for Heyman.

It's using an already established name to push your product, which worked to a certain extent except for the pay-per-view. It wouldn't have made sense for Vince to push all the older ECW originals and make ECW what it was in the ninetees... no one would watch it!

Prax... I have to disagree with you. I would bet a large amount of money that the ECW originals were led to believe that ECW would, in fact, be very similiar to the way it used to be- that's why they signed their WWE contracts. The whole concept was marketed as hardcore wrestling. Both ONS PPV's were booked much like a real ECW PPV (and they were great). Unfortunately, the actual product ended up being nothing like the ONS PPV's and in turn, completely unlike the ECW of the '90's.

And for the record, I just really think Vince needs his ass kicked by someone.....anyone......please......
Are you insane Prax? You don't think anyone would watch the original ECW? Considering the absolute f'n crap that is on TV these days, if the original ECW were to come back they'd have higher ratings then freakin' American Idol (btw will someone please murder that Sanjaya guy?).

The guys definately thought it would be like the old ECW, that was the whole point in bringing the new brand in. The ONS PPV's, and even the first three or four monthes of ECW TV were excellent, nearly being as good as the original ECW's programming. That's why the ONS's got huge buyrates, because everybody wanted to see ECW again!

I don't see why they should be grateful for McMahon killing their legacies every Teusday. Sure he gives em a paycheck, but just remember this is the same McMahon who thought it was an awesome idea to have a half-turkey half-man hatch out of an egg on live PPV and then spend ten minutes dancing with Mean Gene Okerlund. Also this is the same man who thought it'd be a great idea to have one of their most popular wrestlers have sex with dead people...yes you read that right.

Jesus just go to wrestlecrap.com to see all the stupid blunders this man has made.

I'd say Vinnie Mac's judgment hasn't been too well in a while.
the original i would like to see beat vince to a shit is none other than TAZ. i mean look at the guy he made people land on their neck left and right wit them suplex variations he made back in his prime. hed put vince in the emergency room and shit the dudleys would prolly leave him burn to a crisp with the flaming tables fuckin vince trying to do shit he shouldnt be that old bitch. oh yea and new jack would seriously kill him if he ever got the chance he crazy as shit lol can i get an amen
I would love to see Rob Van Dam get a good push and even beating Vince for the title but I believe that the next champion will be Bobby Lashley and we will only have to wait two days...
Vince apparently is not satisfied with dragging the ECW legacy through the mud- he has now made himself the ECW champion. At this point, I really could care less which ECW original inflicted the beating. It looks as though RVD, SAbu and the Sandman are on their way out the door. I cannot think of a better parting gift for Mr. McMahon.
Simple bring back New Jack, don't give him a script just tell him to do his worst to the new breed and the McMahons. Even if its a handicap hardcore match i would still put him out as the winner.
i would love to see enyone beat him only thing i think all of them becoz og umaga so like if rvd did he would get bashed bye umaga and vince the chairman.....
^Chilly Willy....that's great. He almost doesn't even count as an ECW original but he is still way more legit than Matt Stryker.

Good pick

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