Which ECW Original Would You Bring Back To ECW?

Lance Storm.

Enough Said.....
He was really the only guy in ECW (the original one) that I thought truly had potential to become a star. He had the ring work of a Benoit and had some great matches. The problem though with Storm (and the WWE pointed this out very well) he had no personality. But then again, either does Kozlov and for almost a year he was being pushed through the roof. If the WWE would just let him work as Lance Storm, he would be my pick.
The reason why I wont pick RVD is becuase he would be kicked out again in 2 weeks for smoking a giant joint while driving down the highway to a house show.
I'd definitely bring back RVD. He would be a great addition to the current mix of superstars on ECW and I think he could have a great feud with Jack Swagger. I could just imagine the epic matches the two could have. I think it's important to have an ECW original if you're going to call it ECW and if anyone should come back, it's RVD. He could also have some great matches with Finlay. I just think he'd be a great addition to the current mix. ECW is the most wrestling oriented show in the WWE and I think RVD needs to be in that type of environment because that's what he's best at. Not cutting promos, being in the ring just wrestling without any drama bullshit.
I'd bring back Rob Van Dam as I feel he is only one of four originals ( the others being Rhyno and Team 3D) that could still have an impact in ECW given its change in direction. I'd choose against Rhyno because I feel RVD can offer more than Rhyno at this point and always has been able to. His athletic ability is just unmatched as I feel he is one of the more underrated wrestlers there has ever been. I couldn't choose Team 3D because I could only bring back one original and alone neither is worth much. Plus WWE won't push tag teams like TNA does. Raven,Tazz,Sandman,Sabu. All of these guys are past their prime and can't do much without weapons. Since ECW has all but banned the use of weapons they wouldn't be much help. So I'd pick RVD.
honestly, i wouldnt bring back a single one..why? The ECW today is not even close to the ECW of back in the day..it would be very akward to have a great ECW legend on the show..infact I wouldnt be too suprised if any legend said NO to coming to the WWE cause they might feel disrespected to doing the show in the first place..
I would totally pick Lance Storm, Justin Credible, Tarjili, Bill Alfonso, and Cyrus The Virus. Let me start off with Lance Storm, He has some of the most interesting mat skills and submission background I have ever seen. I enjoyed him with Justin Credible in the team of "The Impact Players" Thus, making my reason to pick Justin Credible, because he has some good offense skills and mat skills. I enjoyed him when he was ECW World Champion for over 5 months. Tarjili is a great martial arts expert and his kicks are the most painful and interesting things I have seen in ECW and WWE. Bill Alfonso was a great heel manager for Taz and as the annoying Ref from WWE. His mic skills can make anyone hate or love him. And Cryus The Virus was most of the hated heel on ECW when it was at it's peak. I can only imagine having back the Heel Stable "The Network" on ECW today. That would be worth watching.
I like Sandman but as someone said earlier he isn't that great in the ring. I just liked him cause of how awesome of a gimmick I thought it was. But I am gonna go with Lance Storm and Justin Credible. IMO the coolest tag team ECW had and they were awesome and I feel they could still put on a good match today. Another pick would also be RVD. He came back for a one night only thing at the Royal Rumble and seemed to still be pretty good. So my three picks are Lance Storm and Justin Credible as they were a great tag team and RVD as he was great as a singles wrestler and still was good at Royal Rumble this year.
The problem with bringing any of the originals back is i think it would be pointless.ECW is nothing at all like what it used to be.Guys like Raven,Dreamer,Sandman,Sabu(to name a few) were awesome in the types of matches they had.You take all the crazy weapons away from them and they lose what made them special.Sabu can still get it done without the chair but it was always a trademark of his so to speak.Much like the Cane was for Sandman.

In my honest opinion i think they should just rename ECW to Velocity or Heat or anything else as its nothing but a lower-mid card show that gives rookies a place to train and develop one television before moving to RAW or Smackdown.It has one ECW wrestler left in Tommy Dreamer and i dont see him winning any significant title before he retires to a trainer/agent role backstage.

RVD would never be brought back to ECW unless they had him just work all three shows.I dont see Vince keeping him on ECW when he can use him to draw ppvs and such in story line's with guys like Jericho and Edge even for a possible title run the actually last's a while this time.Plus RVD is doing indy shows now and i dont think he wants to return full time to wrestling but i could be wrong.
If they are going to bring back anything original for ECW, they should bring back the ECW Title. Heck bring the title The Sandman and Raven had or the one that Shane Douglas had (they are gold). They don't want to bring the one prior to this one that Heyman gave RVD, which is the collest version. They could als o bring bak Heyman but after December to Dismember I don't see that happening.
Sad thing about it is putting originals in the new ECW means, some big-time jobbing for the originals..

anyway, I would bring back guys like RVD(yes I know he could do better), Rhyno, Lance Storm, The Duddleys, Rey Mysterio (ECW was known for some lucha, and high-flying), Chris Jericho (yes I know he could do better), and agreeably, Paul Heyman, as putting him back up in the roster and as a creative writer for the brand would mean that he would push for ECW to be a big-name brand and not just as a developmental pool

even simply putting these guys in the roster would greatly bolster confidence in this brand
In a ploy to get Swagger over I can only think of one man.

Mikey Whipreck.

Yes I know he is crap. But have the announcers play up his ECW title history. And let him beat some of the NEW TALENT INITITIVE jobbers.

And then have Swagger destoy him.
It helps JS get over and it stays true to the roots of ECW.
Honestly whats more ECW than watching Mikey Whipeck get the shit kicked out of him.
Except RVD, there was no ECW superstar who was very good in the ring. RVD had charisma, an awesome moveset, cool attire, and decent micskills. All the other old ECW superstars are just :shit:

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