Which defunct wrestling PPV would you bring back?

They should bring back Bash At The Beach. It was just cool how sometimes they actually staged it at the beach somewhere.

Heaps of people would probably disagree with me, I just love the summer beach theme, with bikini clad girls all over the place, theres not really anything special about it apart from that but its enough for me.
King of the Ring is the obvious choice and I would definitely be in favour of bringing it back. I would personally have it after Summerslam and before Survivor Series so there is something to interest in that time. As we have seen this year, a few of the mid-carders have been doing fuck all so King of the Ring would help fill that void.

There is enough talent to fill a 16 man tournament, having the semi-finals at the actual PPV - even having a quarter final on the pre-show. The winner would get a title match at Survivor Series or the next PPV.
There would be three names that I would like to see brought back. One is a former WWE ppv, while the other two are WCW one's.

The WWE ppv I would bring back would be King of the Ring. For a time it was considered the 5th major ppv. It was a good way to have tournament style wrestling and in its latter days it was even used as a means to name the challenger for the WWE title at SummerSlam. I would bring it back and place it where it used to be. I would still call it King of the Ring, but put less emphasis on the winner entering some sort of royalty gimmick and put the emphasis on them becoming the #1 contender for SummerSlam.

The first WCW ppv I would bring back is Halloween Havoc. Always thought it was a cool ppv that played off of the title. With that in mind the event would have to be the October ppv and could serve as a cool launch point to Survivor Series.

The other WCW ppv I would bring back is Starrcade. The name obviously has the name power and while it wouldn't be what it was, it would still be cool to have it around. I wouldn't be forced to put it where it was in December, so I could imagine it being anywhere on the calendar. Could you imagine how cool it would be to have Mania followed by Starrcade.
This is what my Pay-Per-View scedual would look like. Oh and I'm getting rid of Gimmick PPV's except the Big Four.

January: Royal Rumble
26th January 2014
Just like normal, their would be a WWE Championship Match, World Title Match, Tag Title Match and a Divas Match. Their would also be a Royal Rumble match up too.

February: N/A
I'd actually scrap the Feb pay per view and let me tell you why. Look at what this Pay-Per-View actually achieves in building up Wrestlemania. Nothing. When it was 2 elimination chamber matches, yeah ok they meant something but then like this year, we saw it was only 1 random chamber match that did nothing for the people involved. It's un-needed.

March: N/A
Once again, their wouldn't be any PPV in March. This is actually a usual occurance anyway so it wouldn't make much difference to nothing. This would mean their would be a better build up for Wrestlemania. The main jist of the card would come at the Rumble and then allow two months to build the matches up and then by Wrestlemania, the fans would have emotionally invested.

April: Wrestlemania 30
6th April 2014
Yes. I am using Wrestlemania 30 because this is my ideal PPV scedual for 2014. Like normal we would have a Wrestlemania that is 4 hours. Like before, the show would start with an 8 man Money in the Bank match in which 1 briefcase is hung from the ceiling. Inside, a guarenteed title shot against Any championship of the winner's choice. Other normal matches would also occur.

May: Backlash
11th May 2014
The events of Wrestlemania 30 will be once again remembered in this Pay-Per-View when the Wrestlers try to get revenge. Maybe we could have a Gimmick Match in the Main Event or something but it wont be an all gimmick Pay-Per-View

June: King of The Ring
15th June 2014
As some of the wrestlers would have finished with their Wrestlemania stories after Wrestlemania and Backlash, it is the perfect oppertunity to build a new star in the King of the Ring tournament such as Wade Barrett. We could have a wrestler like Wade Barrett have to face CM Punk, Big Show and Daniel Bryan to eventually win. King Barrett from Britain anyone?

July: Bash at the Beach
20th July 2014
Bash at the beach would be the perfect build up to Summerslam. This would be due to the theme of it. Bash at the beach would be the PPV to build up the heat to the WWE superstars that are going to be fighting at Summerslam. Once again, a good 2 month build. July and August.

August: SummerFest
17th August 2014
I will be renaming Summerslam as Summerfest as I think it suits the show better then Summerslam. Now this PPV will go on like it usually does with no gimmick match ups. Just some good ol plain wrestling.

September: Bragging Rights
7th September 2014
As you can probably guess, I would bring back the Brand Extention at the begining of January and it would all pay off in September for Bragging Rights. At Summerslam, the heel WWE Champion for RAW would start mocking the face World Champion for Smackdown which would resulting in the Bragging Rights PPV. Their would also be a 14 man elimination match too.

October: Halloween Havok
31st October 2014
I would cut the number of October PPV's down to 1 and I would scrap both Hell in a Cell and Battleground as I would make room for the Halloween Havok. This PPV would be a special one on a Friday night so that it would be on Halloween to add to the illusion. In 2015, it would be on a Saturday, 2016 on a Sunday however in 2017 it wouldn't be on a Monday, it would be on a Friday Night due to all of the kids and school.

November: Survivor Series
23rd November 2014
Survivor Series would be normal however this year it would involve three Survivor Series elimination matches, two World Title matches and 1 Tag Team title match too. 1 of the elimination matches would be a Divas 10 Diva tag as all the tag team matches will be 10 men. 5 per team.

December: Starrcade
21st December 2014
Do I even need to explain this one. Just going on History alone, it should be brought back to the WWE PPV list. It isn't exactly a gimmick PPV and we could end the year strong with this PPV.

January: Royal Rumble
April: Wrestlemania
May: Backlash
June: King of the Ring
July: Bash at the Beach
August: Summerslam
September: Bragging Rights
October: Halloween Havok
November: Survivor Series
December: Starrcade
I would keep a 12-PPV schedule. I'm also on board with the consensus that the gimmick PPV's have extremely devalued the specialty match types like Elimination Chamber, Hell In A Cell, and even to a lesser extent Money In The Bank. For this scenario, I'm considering that WWE reunifies the world titles, but keeps two separate midcard titles.

For simplicity's sake, I'll say each is the last Sunday in the month listed.

January - Royal Rumble. One of the Big 4 and a tried and true classic (and subjectively, my favorite PPV of the year). Main event obviously being the 30 Man Rumble with the winner getting a title shot at Mania.

February - No Way Out. Main event of either Hell In A Cell/Elimination Chamber, depending on storyline requirements, to bring those match types back from oversaturation.

March - WrestleMania. Money In The Bank Match under the original format. Opening match, is valid from later in the night to main eventing the following year. MITB was so much more interesting and entertaining when tied into the Mania stage instead of July.

April - Payback/Backlash. Dealer's choice. Blow off feuds that didn't at Mania. Take care of any "rematch clause" matches.

May - One of two rotating PPV titles. You can utilize some other older PPV titles for these, No Mercy, Armageddon, Unforgiven, Judgment Day, or even a WCW title like Spring Stampede for this particular one. A One Night Only type event could also work into this set, do a WWE Old School (with a blue-bar cage match main event or something similar), One Night Stand, Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday. The possibilities are endless for these and can keep the schedule fresh from year-to-year.

June - King Of The Ring. Single night 8-man tournament plus WWE/Tag Team title matches. IC/US champs in the tournament by default, plus 6 other upper midcard/main event tier wrestlers. No title shot or prize (or stupid Royalty gimmick change), but should be used to launch an upper midcarder into the main event scene.

July - Bash At The Beach. Should be an outdoor event if at all possible.

August - Summerslam. No tweaking needed. Big 4 event to cap off the summer boom before football/other TV starts up.

September - 2nd rotator. See March.

October - Halloween Havoc/Fall Brawl. Always my favorite time of year for WCW PPV's, and the concepts they ran were also superior to WWE fall-season PPVs.

November - Survivor Series. Featuring traditional SS 8- or 10-man tags, with a few title matches. Combine elements of Bragging Rights/War Games/Battlebowl to restore this PPV to it's former glory as the highlight of the year for team-based match fans.

December - New Year's Revolution. Great launching point for storylines where a wrestler is shown refocusing themselves for a better following year, beginning their push here. Starts the Rumble speculation and begin to form the card for Mania.
I think Starrcade would be a great one to bring back. WCW biggest ppv of the year. I like Dagger's idea of keeping it in December. It would be a great way to pay tribute to WCW, and to put out a top quality ppv. They could end the year with a bang, and actually put some effort into making it good. All this while still building towards Wrestlemania. I have mentioned before that I would also love to see King of the Ring come back. I would want them to make the tournament intense this time, making the winner have to win three matches in the same night. The first year it returns I would only have top superstars in it. I think both of these ppvs would do well today.

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