What is your favorite WWE PPV active or defunct?

CM Steel

A REAL American
This thread question isn't going to include Wrestlemania since it's the biggest WWE pay per-view of the year.

For the past few years now the WWE has been switching up their yearly WWE pay per-view scheduling alot. WWE PPV's made more sense back in the days where there were not as many PPV's in the year. But my personal question to those who can remember that far back. What is your favorite WWE PPV active or defunct?

Mines personally would have to be...The King of the Ring! It's just that so many stars have been made from the kotr torney from over the years. Bret Hart, Stone Cold, HHH, Kurt Angle, to Brock Lesner. That's how much the kotr means to me. But, what is your favorite WWE PPV active or defunct?
I love the gimmick PPV's and I think it was a smart move by WWE to move to gimmick PPV's as a point of difference. I am still perplexed (maybe just like to moan) as to why nerds on here piss and moan for 'Blacklash' and 'Judgement Day' to return? It is stupid nostalgia and nothing else. These PPV's had no point of difference - they were all the same!!!

Anyway, to answer your question, it has to be the Royal Rumble. That is the most exciting PPV of the year in my opinion.

I also think Money In The Bank deserves an honourable mention because that is an extremely solid PPV has been for a few years now.

Final thought - I would love KOTR to return too, I really like the tournament and I would also like to see Survivor Series return to traditional style elimination matches.
Royal Rumble love surprise returns and some of the rivalries from the Royal Rumble. This year was good establishing ground for Rusev
Being the Championship Title Belt SMark that I am, aside from WrestleMania, my favorite Pay Per View is Night Of Champions. 5 Star matches and storylines come and go, but the one constant is the shine of the Gold, the sparkle of the jewels, and the softness of the leather. I think I may have a problem…
Unlike most fans, I'm one of the few who thinks WrestleMania is their favorite PPV. Don't get me wrong, it's WWE's biggest event of the year. However, my favorite has to be SummerSlam. I don't really know why, but I haven't been disappointed watching a SummerSlam event. From Bret Hart vs. Bulldog in 1992 to last year's Brock vs. Punk match, SummerSlam goes all in every summer.

Royal Rumble is my 2nd favorite. Let's see, It's the first PPV of the calendar year, and starts the build and drama up to WWE's biggest event, WrestleMania. Oh, and 30 guys fighting for a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship? I'm all in for that.
King of the Ring was always awesome. For me I love PPV's that have character. Which means is that create new storylines and change characters over night-hopefully for the better.
The big four aside because I think it's a given that most people enjoy those, I'm a big fan of Elimination Chamber, Money in the Bank, and Extreme Rules out of the current active PPVs. Those are the gimmick PPVs that work well, not such a big fan of the likes of TLC/Hell in a Cell. Was also a big fan of Cyber Sunday and that interactive side of things, and King of the Ring always seemed really cool.
Cyber Sunday. Man. I miss that PPV, especially when fans outside the US could actually vote online for what matches they want to see. Definitely Cyber Sunday for me with KotR coming a close second, especially when it used to be the winner of the tournament gets a title shot.
I'm really too young to have experienced the KOTR ppvs aside from watching them on the Network, but they seem fun. But for me, Money in the Bank is the one that has delivered most consistently since it's inception. From the Punk/Cena classic to Cena's pretty cool Mark Henry storyline from last year I've always had fun watching MITB. For the record Hell in a Cell is my least favorite PPV. I really think Cell matches should be saved for epic feuds and not just happen because the calender says their supposed to happen..
I personally think KOTR has past its sell by date. i'll take having Tournaments to name a number one contender or for a vacant championship over a battle royal any day. but i think WWE is past the point of having "The King" wear a crown and all that crap.
Anyway's over the past couple of years, i've enjoyed Extreme Rules. i don't generally like the Gimmick PPV's as i think it makes WWE a lot more predictable (and they really don't need that right now.) however, i think it is in a perfect place, straight after Wrestlemania and i have always thought, for the most part, the card has been pretty solid and we have seen some great matches.
If you disregard any of the Big 4, then it has to be Night of Champions. I have always loved that PPV brand. The whole point of being a wrestler, within kayfabe, should be the desire to become a champion. Night of Champions being the only night of the year when you are guaranteed to see every single championship in the federation get defended, is truly special. This was especially true for the 2008 and 2009 editions of the show when there were more titles up for grabs. This gimmick can still work now that there are less titles but moving forward WWE should consider having the Money In the Bank briefcases get defended on this show if they have yet to be cashed in. This prevents us from the boring filler that we otherwise get stuck with.

Runner up goes to TLC. I always enjoy this PPV brand. You have four gimmicks in one. Tables, Ladders, Chairs, and of course TLC itself. We did not get that last year which was a bit disappointing but overall, this has been a great PPV brand and one of the few gimmick PPV brands that I wish to see be kept around for a long time. The use of the weapons in matches to end feuds of the year before everything starts over again at the Royal Rumble just makes for a great way to end the calendar year in WWE. Definitely my 2nd favorite after Night of Champions or any of the Big 4. As for older PPV brands? King of the Ring was always great back in the day, but it's not really needed anymore now that we have Money In the Bank. The Great American Bash (disregarding 2008's edition of the show) was also cool with the red, white, and blue theme that it had. I wouldn't be opposed to either coming back sometime.
I'd say may favorite is probably Elimination Chamber. I love elimination matches and the chamber is so brutal, it's like a car crash, you can't look away!

I also liked these other themed PPVs: Extreme Rules, Money in the Bank, Night of Champions and Royal Rumble.

I don't like TLC and Hell in a Cell because I feel those matches should happen only when the particular feud calls for it, I feel it is too forced as a themed PPV. I think they should be replaced by Cyber Sunday and Vengeance.
These are probably nostalgia picks for me more than anything but it has to be a three way tie for me.

King of the Ring with the traditional one night tournament. It's a chance to showcase someones ability with multiple workers. They don't have to go out and do the King Mabel or King Booker annoying stuff with it. They could go the route of a Steve Austin or even Owen where he didn't have to wear the crown and everything all the time but he had it incorporated into his regular attire as the King of Harts.

Royal Rumble. Just because more often than not you don't really know who is going to win. You have stuff like Luger and Bret that left you wondering what they were going to do at Wrestlemania. As someone else said you get some surprises in there as well.

Survivor Series. This has to be in the traditional way though for me. I liked seeing people team up that wouldn't otherwise team up. I liked them having a team captain. I liked the names they gave to the teams. I hate that it's just become another pay per view. Honestly if we're only getting one or two traditional matches I'd rather them not have it at all.
Active- I would have to say Tables, Ladders and Chairs is my favourite event, as every year (except 2013) they have jam packed the event with loads of gimmick matches that have been fun to watch.

Defunct- The Great American Bash- it was the first event I ever saw as I was just getting into WWE around that time in 2005 so that event will always be close to my heart.
My favorite PPV continues to be the Royal Rumble. I'm never more excited to watch WWE than around the Rumble.

My favorite defunct PPV is probably Starrcade, specifically the Battle Bowl versions. It's basically the Rumble, but you qualified by winning tag matches with random partners! It was wonderful. I wish WWE would do that with Survivor Series. Move it to July, put a bunch of elimination matches with random teams and all the survivors will face off in a battle royal for a World title match at SummerSlam.

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