What's Your Favorite WWE PPV Arrangement?

911 JP

Love the sig!
The WWE as of late (and over the past few years) has had a pretty erratic shake up of its yearly PPV schedule. Back in the days of 2003 to around 2007 the yearly PPV schedule was pretty solid and stood the test of time. However from around 2008 WWE started implementing new PPV's, The new PPV's were mostly themed. Some of the new Pay Per Views have stayed (Hell in a Cell, Elimination Chamber, TLC), while some have been trialled and then were disposed of (Breaking Point, Fatal 4 Way.) Personally I am a big fan of WWE post attitude era yet still in the PG 14 time zone. Therefore I was pretty happy with the PPVs from that time. I don't know what it is but the PPV schedule that WWE is using today I'm not a fan of. Granted the new PPV's have come with some pros, for example the Money in the Bank PPV, it has been a consistently good PPV 2 years in a row, but overall im not a fan of the way that the new PPVs have effected the current system.

My favourite set up ever has been

Judgement Day
The Great American bash
Night of Champions / Vengeance
Summer Slam
No Mercy
Survivor Series
Royal Rumble
No Way Out

I'm not certain when this PPV system was set up this way but the yearly schedule was set up like this from around 2003 - 2008 to early 2009. It was my favorite PPV set up but that could be because I am a fan of consistency and this schedule was consistent for many years with little change.

What has your favorite WWE Pay Per View Schedule been over the years. Please list and explain why.
Royal Rumble
In Your House
In Your House
In Your House
King of the Ring
In Your House
In Your House
In Your House
Survivor Series
In Your House

From May 1995 – September 1997. During this time period the In Your House events were two hours long and therefore had fewer matches. This gave us a monthly ppv fix while still giving the classic five the feeling of a bigger and more important show. Because the In Your House were shorter (and cheaper) it was common and accepted that the main event talent would not have to appear at every show. For example in October 1996 Shawn Michaels was world champion but did not wrestle at In Your House. The main event was Undertaker vs. Mankind in the first ever Buried Alive match. This allowed HBK to pace his feuds and title matches so they would be fresh for bigger shows. This may sound strange but I don’t expect every show to be spectacular. Give me a decent show during most months so I get my fix and build a great show for the bigger events.
Royal Rumble
In Your House
In Your House
In Your House
King of the Ring
In Your House
In Your House
In Your House
Survivor Series
In Your House

From May 1995 – September 1997. During this time period the In Your House events were two hours long and therefore had fewer matches. This gave us a monthly ppv fix while still giving the classic five the feeling of a bigger and more important show. Because the In Your House were shorter (and cheaper) it was common and accepted that the main event talent would not have to appear at every show. For example in October 1996 Shawn Michaels was world champion but did not wrestle at In Your House. The main event was Undertaker vs. Mankind in the first ever Buried Alive match. This allowed HBK to pace his feuds and title matches so they would be fresh for bigger shows. This may sound strange but I don’t expect every show to be spectacular. Give me a decent show during most months so I get my fix and build a great show for the bigger events.

This would be my second choice. The IYH ppvs were indeed classic. Each had their own title, Like Good Friends; Better Enemies and of course someone won a house at the first ppv.

But I cant seem to think anything but less is better

Royal Rumble
Survivor Series

3 months between PPVs was great, lots of time to build feuds and if going in one particular direction wasnt working you had enough time to go in another
not sure i could do only 4 a year, that would give tna a chance to gain possibly new fans. but i do agree that every month is crap cause it means too many title changes and shorter reigns. the iyh concept was cool cause hell the spotlight could be put on the tag titles or divas titles being the main event. point is, brings back that prestige the "lessor" titles have by giving them an option of headlining a ppv.
the late 90's early 2000 lineup
Royal Rumble
No Way Out
Judgement Day
King Of The Ring
Fully Loaded
No Mercy

alot of kick ass matches and plenty of stories,the only downside was all the non big 4 PPV's had the same basic concept, retribution

and having PPV's every month doesn't have to be crap, Attitude era was a prime example on both sides WCW and WWE both had alot of well drawn out fueds and stories that carried over several PPV's and even a couple of years, sure there was alot of crap too but you can't have everything perfect :) and you'd notice then too that much like the previous era's it wasn't all about just the main event, there was compelling stories for openers right upto main eventers and they had 5 shows a week aswell as the PPV's each month (Raw/Heat, Smackdown/Velocity and Superstars of Wrestling)
there's plenty of scope to draw stuff out and not change titles every month, they just do that i'm sure because attention spans of atleast 50% of the crowd equals that of a fish ie 5 seconds.

and until recently in this Cena era, if it didn't revolve around the 2 world titles, it didn't mean shit :( Shame Shame Shame, that they could let it get to that point.
I don't really remember what my favorite lineup was, I just miss when they did No Way Out. It's a much cooler PPV name for the Elimination Chamber match than just WWE Elimination Chamber. For that matter, I just miss the lineups when these events actually had names. Now, they're all just WWE Extreme Rules, WWE Tables, Ladders, and Chairs, WWE Elimination Chamber, WWE John Cena Wins, WWE The Rock Will Be Here, so Buy It.

I mean, I get that the whole theme of the show is being represented by the title, but they could so easily just make it an In Your House event and knock the price down. Of course, that suggestion is just ludicrous. I say, instead of these dumb filler segments with Booker T like we've seen, why can't they just give us another match? I don't want to complain too much because these WWE events have gotten much better since Money in the Bank (another PPV with a dumb title), but I just would prefer to see a filler match over that (another obvious thing to say).

To try and get back on topic, I think I liked how the PPV titles seemed to affect the feuds. With Backlash, it makes sense to book it right after Wrestlemania because of course there will be a "backlash," from the big show. I also miss the seasonal titles like New Years Revolution and The Great American Bash. So...if there was ever a time in like, 2005 or something when they used all of these titles I like, I suppose that would have been my favorite time.
Royal Rumble
In Your House
In Your House
In Your House
King of the Ring
In Your House
In Your House
In Your House
Survivor Series
In Your House

From May 1995 – September 1997. During this time period the In Your House events were two hours long and therefore had fewer matches. This gave us a monthly ppv fix while still giving the classic five the feeling of a bigger and more important show. Because the In Your House were shorter (and cheaper) it was common and accepted that the main event talent would not have to appear at every show. For example in October 1996 Shawn Michaels was world champion but did not wrestle at In Your House. The main event was Undertaker vs. Mankind in the first ever Buried Alive match. This allowed HBK to pace his feuds and title matches so they would be fresh for bigger shows. This may sound strange but I don’t expect every show to be spectacular. Give me a decent show during most months so I get my fix and build a great show for the bigger events.

Amen brother, you saved me the time and writing this out.

In Your Houses were special WWE tried to do unique things at each event, like Razor Ramon was prominantly pushed on the first 4 and the 5th show had Bret/Bulldog II, Diesel/Bret IV in a cage match. It wasn't like WWE just give us crappy PPV's they did unique things for our PPV fix.

Best time in wrestling from a PPV stand point.
I've got to agree with the In Your House crowd here. There was a period in time when I was able to explain to someone the exact PPV lineup and have no worries of being wrong. Plus the In Your House PPV's always seemed a little more intimate and it's was basically a glorified Raw but some of my fondest memories are from In Your House shows. Undertaker coming through the ring and taking Diesel to the abyss? They were just great shows. Too much change in recent times and it could be argued that it's too many shows.
I think what could be good is only have either the World Heavyweight title or the WWE title defended at a ppv and then have a no.1 contership match to decided who will face the other at the next ppv
My favourite set up ever has been

Judgement Day
The Great American bash
Night of Champions / Vengeance
Summer Slam
No Mercy
Survivor Series
Royal Rumble
No Way Out

this was also my fav set up but mainly because they werent themed ppvs and for most of the time they were split between brands and you know what ppv each brand had and the ppvs seemed more special.
Whats not to love about the In Your House days. They were cheap and one of the few times I could actually stay up to watch them since they ended at 9. Agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Definitely the In Your House days. Like some others have already said, it allowed more build up & time for the big matches on the 5 major PPV's and I always enjoyed watching em. It was a fun time. I also like the idea of subtitling PPV's. The matches, the IYH set, Vince McMahon on commentary, Todd Pentegil, they were all classic.

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