Who should headline Rumble & Survivor Series like Taker at WM & HHH at Summerslam?


Pre-Show Stalwart
What aging Superstar should Headline the RR & SS the way Taker has WM and HHH has SS?

So as we know there are 4 main WWE PPV's (Summerslam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania) the Undertaker has Wrestlemania (as his once a year match), now HHH seems to be goin to do the sporadic match schedule but be in Summerslam as the headliner. I like this idea but if the WWE took the RR and SS and had a aging superstar headline/steal the show each ppv YEARLY who should have the Royal Rumble and who should have Survivor Series??? Even if its a former WWE star now with another company?

I would put Jericho for the Royal rumble as the yearly headliner and if jeff hardy or the rock for Survivor Series
I would have Shawn Michaels headline survivor series as his name will be forever linked with it because of the screw job as for the rumble I think Jericho would be a good fit had he ever won it but sadly he hasn't so I think I'd have to go with Stone Cold Steve Austin as he's won it more times than anybody else, I'd also have the rock become the headliner for wrestlemania from now on as for summerslam I have no problem with trips headlining for the next couple failing that then this would be an ideal slot for Jericho
I dont think that this should be a trend for all of the big 4, but if it did happen I would say Jericho for survivor series (I believe HBK when he says he's retired). And the Royal Rumble match is always the headline of that PPV
I liked it back when they had Hogan once a year at Summer Slam for 2005 and 2006. Hogan's character was always perfect for the summer beach scene. Undertaker rules Mania so I would keep it that way. As for Survivor Series, they need a big draw for this event to stay relavent. I would have HBK if possible do one match per year there, Although I would rather see him at Mania along with Taker. For the Royal Rumble, I have always thought that the winner should be the King of the WWE for the year and be allowed to main event all of the big events that year. But as for a former big name being at the event I would choose Austin. Nobody has won the Rumble more than him. So for him to come back for one night and be a participant at the rumble for a few minutes would be fun, having the rattle snake for a classic moment each year. If they can't get Hulk back for Summer Slam then I guest Triple H. or even The Rock, if they keep having it in L.A. and The Rock being the big movie star. It sorta writes itself that The Rock should be at Summer Slam in L.A. That would be my choices.
The Royal Rumble doesnt need a headliner as the RR match is the headline attraction its the reason that ppv is bought. As for Survivor Series i say turn it over to The Rock. I say this because if he intends on staying with the WWE as a part timer why not have him do like Taker have one match a year at Survivor Series this way he can do his movie stuff and still wrestle imo it works out best for everyone this way.
I gotta go with everyone else who said the RR match should headline the Royal Rumble ppvs. And I really have no interest in seeing an aging superstar headline a ppv for no reason becoming any sort of tradition.
Royal Rumble should headline the Royal Rumble. It's kinda the purpose. For Survivor Series they should bring back the Survivor Series style matches. The two of the "big 4" you asked lend themselves to gimmick matches unlike Wrestlemania and Summerslam
Have Brock Lesnar for Survivor Series. The name says it all. Brock Lesnar is a legitimate fighter former UFC Champion. In the real world would these Entertainers really stand a chance against a real fighter? would they "Survive" ?

For The Royal Rumble i would have to agree with most and say Stone Cold, as he holds the record for most Rumble wins.
Im going to go with the lets leave the past be type crowd. Because looking at the big 4 yes they are Wwes chief moneymaking ppvs but reling on the past is no way to create a future crop of stars heck any serious fan can name several stars where the money is at given a chance. So yep I want tomorrow and today stars if I want yesterday stars Ill put a blue-ray in.

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