Which ECW original would you like to see beat Vince's Ass?

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TAZ! not the fat guy that makes jokes with joey styles. but the old ecw one, the guy with a 3rd degree black belt in judo, that Taz!

either him or new jack.
vince vs funk in a barb wired match :p

from the originals on WWECW i would say sandman or dreamer, vince loves to bury them
I would have loved to seen Mike Awesome (may he rest in peace) give Mr. McMahon an Awesome Bomb off the top rope through a table on the concrete floor outside the ring! Then just stand there and watch Vince twitch until the peramedics show up. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!
I would have to saw FTW Taz,
just because he was flippin insane and did so many modified suplexes you lost track.
But that won't happen,
so I'll be generic and say Sandman.
It's always hilarious to watch someone get canned by a drunk man,
why not it be Vince?!
No just have Balls hes been buired by everyone even French idiot Dupree beat him do it but then Vince might beat him coz thats what happems every week Balls gets beat by a no good wrestler.

FTW Taz or the Taz that fought Bam Bam and got put through the ring and then out done themselves and went through the entrance ramp that was cool! Have him smash Vince and get arrested for it.
No originals could kick Vince's ass because none of them can wrestle at all, but the only one that could would be RVD. That is because he is the motherf***ing man. Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, and Balls Mahoney don't have that much talent in the ring, especially Sandman. If Vince could stick in the ring with Austin and Shane(their 'Mania match a couple years ago was awesome), he would destroy the Originals.
No originals could kick Vince's ass because none of them can wrestle at all, but the only one that could would be RVD. That is because he is the motherf***ing man. Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, and Balls Mahoney don't have that much talent in the ring, especially Sandman. If Vince could stick in the ring with Austin and Shane(their 'Mania match a couple years ago was awesome), he would destroy the Originals.

Y'know wrestling is worked right? I'm pretty sure that most originals could take Vinnie Mac in a fight. Especially former amateur wrestler Balls Mahoney.
This would kick ass have axl and ian rotten get the taipei gloves on and punch mcmahon out!
BTW the taipei is gloves with glass on it
I would love to see Sabu and Funk and Vinnie in a barbed wire match.Hahahah.That would be amazing to see what would happen to Vince.Hewould be thrown all over the place like a freakin rag doll. Or I would also like to see Raven just pilve driver him off of something through tables.
i think a street fight betweem tommy dreamer and vince would be awsome. Dreamer could open up a can of woop ass so much .... also have a stip if dreamer looses its he must kiss vinces ass . if vince looses he lets ecw be an indpent brand again ... i know it wont happen but thats a hell of a stor
y line to back up the importance of the match .............. Or it could be a hair vs hair match it would be awsome what yall think
fuck that make it a 4 on 1 handicap match, and add Dreamer to the mix, then after they're done and Vince is lying unconcuss in a puddle of his own piss, blood , and shit, have Heyman come out and pull down his pants and then have Vince inducted to the "Paul Heyman Eat My Shit Club", I think you know where I'm going with this
LMFAO! Dreamer/Tazz/Rhino/Raven VS Vinny Mac, 4 on one. Beat him to within an inch of his life, and then crucify him on the ECW logo.

Paul Heymann comes out and does the crucifying. He is then raised to the upper fan level of the ECW arena, and the fans can then throw shit at him, make fun of him, etc.

Interesting how many seem to be ECW original fans here, including me. Is it because you guys really liked the show, or is it just because Vince totally tortured, raped, stabbed, shot and murdered the original and left it wet, sticky and bloody in a gutter?

ECW=Hardcore Every match should follow ECW rules. If the non-originals can't handle it, then ship their asses to Raw and Smackdown and get some men with testicles to do ECW. Get some young, hungry, broke wrestlers who have no regard for their health or body, and stock ECW full of them. Then, just throw weapons in the mix. :D

Ah, the good old days. :icon_cry:
Have to say I absolutely love this thread guys, awesome!!

Gonna throw a name out there, if you don't like throw it right back. Here goes...

Bill Alfonso, the whistle blowing manager! Perfection!

Him, Heyman and Styles should be the ones to take down Vince! We all know the rest could so why not let the non-wrestlers do it?

If you don't like that, how about Masato Tanaka, that guy scares me...
First you start the whoopin with Tommy Dreamer, since he's been in the company probably the longest and has taken the most crap, in a good old fashion Hardcore Match.

After Vince losses this match then reintroduce RVD and put him and Vince in a cage. One Five Star Frog Splash from the top of the cage and Vince is done. It must be from the top!!!

Then a handicap Two on One, Sabu & Sandman vs. Vince in a Singapore Cane Match. Only one detail only REAL ECW can use the canes and Vince must be handcuffed to one of the top ropes to allow him to run back and forth and the minimum time limit is 30minutes.

After the half hour beating give Vince a 5 minute break...and then GET THE TABLES!!! Team 3D back as the Dudleys pissed off at Vince for taking their gimmick from them and crapping on the ECW name! Once he has been properly driven through at least 3 tables and grand finale must be put in place.

Every single member of the Original ECW must surround the ring with baseball bats, canes, barbwire baseball bats and pipes. Paul Heyman will enter the ring and prove that the better man doens't have to fight to win, but instead give Vince the option to Win if you Can! Survive if Tazz let you! This can be an easier match...an I QUIT MATCH!

The name of this great event One Night Stand!

:robvandam: The Original ECW may be long gone, but the memories from the House of Pain shall live forever!

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