Which Mid-Carder deserves the wwe title push?

Elijah Burke-22
Jeff Hardy-16
Matt Hardy-16
Tommy Dreamer-5
Chuck Palumbo-3

Chuck & Dreamer are now eliminated and the other 3 advances. The next group is.....

Mr. Kennedy-5
Santino Marella-3
Kenny Dykstra-2
Shelton Benjamin-1
Kevin Thorne-0
Mr. Kennedy - 5
Shelton Benjamin - 3
Santino Marella - 2
Kenny Dykstra - 1
Kevin Thorne - 0
4 more people will rank their top 5 than 2 will be eliminated.
Mr. Kennedy
Kenny Dykstra
Santino Marella
Kevin Thorne
Shelton Benjamin

Dont let your favorite be eliminated!!!!
#1-Shelton Benjamin-5
#2-Mr. Kennedy-3
#3-Kevin Thorne-3
#4-Santino Marella-2
#5-Kenny Dykstra-1
Mr. Kennedy is in the lead!!!!!! 2 more ranks and 2 more get eliminated revealing the final 6
Mr Kennedy
Shelton Benjamin
Santino Marella
Kevin Thorn
Kenny Dykstra
stevie richards - the others havent done enough for me yet and at least hes put the years in (apart from flair)
umm...sorry to inform u "biscuit" stevie has been eliminated a while ago, lol sorry tho should have voted 4 him sooner. Right now u have to list ur 5 fave in order using Kevin Thorne, Mr. Kennedy, Santino Marella, Shelton Benjamin, & Kenny Dykstra.
Mr. Kennedy-26
Shelton Benjamin-16
Santino Marella-12

Kevin Thorne-9
Kenny Dykstra-3

Thorne & Dykstra are eliminated and the other 3 are in the top 6!!!
The next round is a round robin tournement where each wrestler will compete against each competitor, where the winner gets a point. The wrestler with the lowest point value is eliminated. First with 3 points win that paring and gets a point.

1st Round
Santino Marella Vs. Mr. Kennedy
Matt Hardy Vs. Elijah Burke
Shelton Benjamin Vs. Jeff Hardy
Winners in bold:

Santino Marella VS Mr. Kennedy
Matt Hardy VS Elijah Burke
Shelton Benjamin VS Jeff Hardy

p.s. can anyone else see this ending up with a Matt/Jeff final?
I kinda would like to see both Hardy's in the final. I really enjoyed Jeff he is very entertaining and Matt is also pretty good, but I dont see it happening. I see it being Mr. Kennedy and someone else, but I do kinda hope Jeff makes it 2 the finals!!!
Santino Marella Vs. Mr. Kennedy
Matt Hardy Vs. Elijah Burke
Shelton Benjamin Vs. Jeff Hardy

Ok thats 3 votes next round match ups are
Elijah Burke Vs. Mr. Kennedy
Matt Hardy Vs. Jeff Hardy
Santino Marella Vs. Shelton Benjamin
Elijah Burke Vs. Mr. Kennedy
Matt Hardy Vs. Jeff Hardy
Santino Marella Vs. Shelton Benjamin
Elijah Burke Vs. Mr. Kennedy(toss up went for elijah cuz he deserves a break)
Matt Hardy Vs. Jeff Hardy(matt is probably the better wrestler but Jeff is way more entertaining.
Santino Marella Vs. Shelton Benjamin(we have techniquel skill vs. mic skill & to me Santino is way to damn funny not to get pushed!!!!

Next group:
Mr. Kennedy Vs. Jeff Hardy
Shelton Benjamin Vs. Elijah Burke
Santino Marella Vs. Matt Hardy
Mr. Kennedy Vs. Jeff Hardy<---Easily.
Shelton Benjamin Vs. Elijah Burke<---Mic skills is the only difference.
Santino Marella Vs. Matt Hardy<---With ease.
I really believe they have some strong talent in Matt Hardy, i would really love to see maybe when Edge comes back, a fued between Hardy and Edge in result they face each other for the World Title at Wrestlemania in a TLC Match.

Another strong talent is Carlito, they need to use him to his fullest potential. Not just to fued to bring back HHH and then shove him to the side, i would really love to see the fued go into mania and see the two Battle inside a hell in a cell or something.

One last talent is Umaga, it seems all they use him for is so he can lose to get Popularity for returning guys, i want to see him go to Smackdown and feud with Khali, they both are average talent and i myself think it would be really intresting.
Mr. Kennedy Vs. Jeff Hardy-Jeff is excting
Shelton Benjamin Vs. Elijah Burke Burke is great in-ring and on mic
Santino Marella Vs. Matt Hardy Santino entertains better than Matt.
Santino may be entertaining and all, but i do not see him in the Title picture at all, unless he went through an almost total repackaging. Right now he comes across as a giant box who is going to get the stunner pretty soon... if they repackage him then maybe. I could definatly see Burke going up though, he is entertaining as hell... i wonder why he gets the shaft so much
Mr Kennedy VS Jeff Hardy
Shelton Benjamin VS Elijah Burke
Santino Marella VS Matt Hardy
The final round is a three way match!!!!!!!The first competitor from both matches each get a point. The person who recieved the lowest point amount is eliminated, if there is a tie EDIT: FOR TIME RESTRAINTS IF TIE BOTH WILL BE ELIMINATED!

Jeff Vs. Santino Vs. Elijah


Mr. Kennedy Vs. Shelton Vs. Matt

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