Which match would you PREFER to see at WM26- HBK vs The Undertaker or HBK vs HHH?

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Two weeks ago, when Shawn kicked Teddy Long and said his career was over. I actually thought that Shawn was looking for Taker as his final opponent. But then realised he couldn't, and if he wanted to 'steal the show' then they should have made him fight Bret! Now there's a match!

Sheamus and Teddy conspire to take Randy out of EC, turning orton fully face and splitting legacy down the middle. Sheamus loses at EC to HHH, after Cena gets Screwed by batista. Taker loses to Jericho, and the next night Edge challenges Jericho at mania. Leaving Taker to wait for his rematch. He gets bored and finds a way to challenge HHH. Meanwhile, it turns out that batista's strange behaviour has been because Vince promised him a shot at the belt at mania! Edge says he's due a match against the champ at mania. Then a similiar situation to WM10 where the main event challengers all fight twice. So edge must fight twice. The Rock returns to face Cena

Edge vs Christian
Sheamus Vs Orton, With cody and Teddy as special referees
Batista Vs Jericho for The WWE championship (jericho wins)
Shawn Vs Bret
Cena Vs Rock
Jericho Vs Edge for the WWE championship
HHH vs Taker for the World Heavyweight Belt

We can but hope for a supercard!
I would have to say a lot of interesting answer from everyone. I can see that everyone thought that the HBK/Undertaker match was the classic as a lot did. And that's a fair opinion. Also intersting to hear different type of matchs that could be had such as a triple threat, a buired alive match. I think everyone has made some solid points as to which match it should be and what opponent he should face.

My own opinion is to go with the Taker/HBK match again. If Shawn is going to take time off then the suggestion of a buired alive match is gold. When was the last time we've seen one of those? I believe. It would be a perfect match to have and of course the streak must be kept intact.
For some reason I have a gut feeling that this is a swerve. I hope its not Undertaker vs Shawn cus the short program they had last year was good, the match was great, and it would be the same thing this year with Shawn one-upping Undertaker in all the promos leading up to it. They are both hurting so it would be hard for them to pull of a show-stealing gimmick match without costing them possibly more injuries. I'd like to see Shawn vs. HHH, but most likely Shawn's last match will be at next year's Mania and it will be HHH. Somehow, I'd like to see Shawn get the title, be a heel, and drop it at Mania. If he wrestles the Undertaker its not going to happen cus they're both taking time off after. I'd like to see HBK get the title just to give him 5 total, and he doesn't even have to keep it that long. Taker doesn't wrestle house shows as much as the main workers. Let HBK get it 2 weeks before Mania and drop it. I know thats far fetched and most likely not gonna happen but it'd be cool to see heel Shawn going into Mania the champ.
Keep one thing in mind: When HBK lost to Razor in that ladder match, he won the "rematch" at Summer Slam in the second ladder match. When he lost to Angle at Wrestlemania, he won the rematch at Backlash. When he lost to Cena at Wrestlemania, he won the rematch in the UK. Maybe he wins the rematch against Taker too.
I wanna see triple h vs. Shawn Micheals. Weve already seen Undertaker vs. Micheals, Im ready for the two friends to face off! How great would it be for Micheals to put his career on the line in the match with HHH at Mania? so awesome!
Certainly i want to see HBK vs. HHH.

I see no fun in a HBK vs. Taker rematch at Wrestlemania.If they want to do a rematch i think it should take place in other events.for example summerslam.Let's consider what will happen if they meet each other this year again.If taker wins,there is no more excitement in match.If shawn wins , it would be a shame.why?because if streak is going to be broken , it MUST be done by a young heel.It can be the biggest push in WWE history and HBK doesn't need it at all.

On the other hand, HBK vs. HHH can be a real blockbuster.We have seen these 2 wrestling and feuding some years ago , but that time it was a David vs. Goliath rivlary.It is way different this time.Both are older , both are faces and remember they never went one on one at grandest stage of them all.

By the way , I think WWE will do HBK vs. HHH.I can see their confrontations,their title loss and Shawn obsession as a bulid-up to their match at WM.Gotta wait and see.
I am definately a fan of HKB v Taker 2. oh and by the way; to those people that said the first match wasn't that good you really should just stop watching wrestling now as you'll never be satisfied.

Back on topic, i would enjoy seeing HBK v HHH but i think that should be the match that HBK retires. it would steal the show 1 last time, the perfect sendoff to 1 of the greats of this industry. it just won't be the same for me if they fight at mania now.

HBK and taker last year was 1 of the greatest matches in WM history. and if the WWE didn't do that match now after all this build up, they would dissapoint a lot of fans. i just think that its the right time for HBK v Taker. the WWE should save HHH v HBK for the end of their careers.

Just my opinion by the way.
I'd rather see Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H, I know we've seen them wrestle each other more than once but The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels has already happened, and two years in a row just really doesnt make sense, so why not build up a story line with HBK vs. HH and put those 2 versus each other at Mania for one of the titles? It would be better than having the same match 2 years in a row.
As it is, regardless of who HBK wrestles at this years Mania, he will take time off anyway, so in terms of storyline progression, there really isn't any. Its just a build, and as the events of the past two months are just to build to Wrestlemania, the build can be anything, it can involve HHH, it can invold Taker, and a match at Mania between either would still steal the show because of the characters involved.

Nevertheless, HHH v HBK one on on at Mania has never been done and that makes it fresh. Fresher certainly than Taker v HBK which is happened last year and was memorable enough to not need a rematch just so HBK will lose again. Undertaker has his work cut out on SD and I reckon this year he will face someone from SD and not RAW.

I'd prefer to see HHH v HBK.
HBK/HHH for sure. They've had some awesome matches with each other in the past, but never on a stage like Wrestlemania. I think there's a good chance because if you look even way back at Survivor Series, the seeds for a split were set. Im thinking the Taker angle may just be a swerve to maybe make the HBK/HHH bout a surprise. Taker/HBK 2 wouldn't suck, but I just don't see it topping last years bout. It's like a movie sequel, most of the time it doesn't surpass the original. Though if Taker/HBK does happen, it'll probably have a stipulation like The Streak vs HBK's Career. And Taker would just end up winning again, because I really don't see HBK as the guy that will end the streak (if it ever ends).

Most likely we'll get the answers to our WM questions tomorrow night at EC.
Certainly i want to see HBK vs. HHH.
because if streak is going to be broken , it MUST be done by a young heel.

Yeah, because Ric Flair's retirement match would have been so much better if he'd been pinned by Kofi instead. And only a nobody rookie who needed a push could have slammed Andre the Giant. Would you people get off of this already?

A great wrestler makes the moment what it is. A moment doesn't make a wrestler. I guarantee Taker would rather drop his streak to a man who has earned his respect instead of gambling it on an unproven "up and comer" who may or may not be around in five years.
Yeah, because Ric Flair's retirement match would have been so much better if he'd been pinned by Kofi instead. And only a nobody rookie who needed a push could have slammed Andre the Giant. Would you people get off of this already?

Those are different, and you know it. Ric Flair's retirement was a storyline shown as a conflict between HBK's love for the man and HBK's love for the competition. Hogan slamming Andre was the penultimate move that capped Andre being undefeated for a damn long time. I wanna say 3 years. NO ONE beat Andre, let alone made him look hurt.

Taker, however, has shown his streak in jeopardy in most of his matches. Taker isn't built as unbeatable, or as having an opponent who really should end his streak. A young wrestler would benefit from Taker's streak, and it would make sense. Kofi retiring Ric Flair wouldn't have helped the story at all. Swagger ending Taker's streak is just as good as HBK ending it storywise. The only difference is that Swagger can then catapult into the main event.

A great wrestler makes the moment what it is. A moment doesn't make a wrestler. I guarantee Taker would rather drop his streak to a man who has earned his respect instead of gambling it on an unproven "up and comer" who may or may not be around in five years.

Or Taker could drop the streak to someone who needs it, like a real company man. You know, like a wrestler who has wrestled for the same company for 20 years and was kept despite the massive pile of Fail he was in the first 10 years of his employment.

Good job taking that dude's entire post and reducing it down to two sentences, by the way.


As far as the main thread idea, HBK vs. HHH. Not even a second thought in my mind.

HBK vs. Taker was great, but I'd rather it be a one-off thing. Give Taker someone who can use the rub of competing against the Undertaker. Miz? Morrison? Swagger? I mean come on. Taker is there to push new people, and a feud with him will do just that. They don't even have to come out winning. Just have a mega-feud from now until Mania.

Giving Taker a mid-carder to push up will definitely work when you consider what else is on the card. HBK vs. HHH? Sheamus vs. Orton? MITB? Cena vs. Batista?

HBK vs. HHH would sell with an hour of push. Orton will sell the Sheamus match. MITB sells itself with broken ladders. Cena vs. Batista will sell itself like none other. Everyone will want to see that match.

When you have a card with 4 solid sellers, you can gamble with a match like Taker vs. Swagger or Taker vs. Miz. Which is what this Mania needs to be. And HBK vs. HHH will not only help that goal, it will end up being a great match.
"Those are different and you know it" - I totally disagree. Search the forums before Ric Flair's retirement. Who did the internet fans want? Mr. Kennedy? Randy Orton? They complained that HBK didn't deserve to retire Flair and that Flair should be fed to a young guy to make him a star. Then, what happened? HBK retired him in one of the most dramatic moments ever and nobody remembered saying it was a bad idea because these two greats shut the critics right up and got Match of the Year.

Same goes for Undertaker's streak. The Miz, Morrison, and Kofi simply CANNOT give us the match with Taker that HBK can. It's a fact. Argue all you want, but when has Kofi Kingston EVER stolen the show at Wrestlemania? Or Miz? Or Morrison? They've had their matches. They've had their opportunities to leave us all talking - and yet they haven't ever stolen the spotlight away from the main eventers the way those main eventers once stole it when they were mid carders. We can't substitue a young guy we HOPE will be a star for something this big. Taker and HBK are two of the greatest and they proved that last year when it really mattered. Would breaking the streak help make a nobody into a bigger star? Sure, for a while... but the proof is in the pudding and in time, they'd probably be mid-carders again.

Hogan was the world champ when he broke Andre's undefeated streak. Don't even tell me that the crazy IWC fans wouldn't be bitching up a storm if that happened today. "He doesn't need it!" "He's already over!" "Give it to a young guy to give him a push!"

The IWC wants to feel involved but there is a good reason that we aren't. We would ruin a lot of great, great moments by having every Wrestlemania filled with veterans losing to mid-carders rather than letting two great wrestlers show us what wrestling is all about.
I really think WWE won't let HBK lose twice in a row to the same opponent, which makes me think that maybe HBK Taker II would be interesting to see again. Fair enough their match last year was full of spots and loads of finishers with near falls so they could change the game plan this year with maybe the match being more technical or slower-paced with the match being about 30-40 minutes long. In fact, I'm almost certain its gonna be a rematch between the two because Taker can't be involved in the title because he's taking time off at WM. So he can't win at WM if the title is involved, and there isn't anyone he can fued with that doesn't involve it.
I'm going to have to go with HBK-HHH. At first, I was completely digging the rematch between he and Undertaker, but I think this could deliver for quite a few reasons.

1. We haven't seen an HBK-HHH ppv match in what, 6 years? I know HBK is taking time off from wrestling after Mania, but he's not retiring. He and Taker can have their rematch at a later date, even next year. But that match is fresh in everyone's mind, and would be tough to top at this point.

2. A heel HBK vs a face HHH. When have we ever seen this dynamic? The long and the short of it is, never. HBK has always been the sympathetic, against all odds fan favorite against the ruthless, conniving HHH. An unbalanced, bordeline crazed HBK vs the more reasonable HHH. This would be an intesting dynamic I'd love to see.

3. If this is HBK's last match for awhile, expect another classic. HBK and HHH work so well together as partners. They know each other so well in the ring. I think they would both deliver their best in order to assure that HBK's last match in awhile is simply awesome.

While I do want to see an HBK-Taker rematch, I don't want it to be this year anymore. I much prefer the HHH- HBK match for the reasons I listed above.
Ive been a hbk fan for 15 years and since last years mania ive never been so pumped for a match as i am for hbkTakerII this is gunna be awesome and will definetly be the best match at this years card, of course everyone has their opinions on who will win and can they top their match and takers streak will ever end, the way i see it your being very short sighted if you automatically think taker will keep his streak, i didnt know who was going to win last year and this year gives a better chance for hbk to win, part of me wants to see the streak live, but the other part of me, wants my favourite wrestler of all time to pull of yet again another awesome moment in his career as he has definetly fell short to much the last while, and to anser if the match will be better then last year, well, this match has been talked about for months now so no matter what everyone will be itching to see it on wrestlemania night, and with the obsesses hbk character i think alot of us can relate to something like that at some point in our lives but then again maybe not, we have definetly all wanted something so foolish or big that it has made us question our sanity, i think this crazy hbk character is wonderful.. i mean come on, can you imagine what they can do with this match with his character how it is now, i guarantee lots of surprises when we think it will be over at mania with him kicking out of more finishers then he did last year and it will just be played off as how bad he wants it and we know from last year it keeps us on the edge of our seat, even if it gets ridiculous, i mean look at the rock and austin mania 17 the rock kicked out of everything, and barely at that and like the second to last time kicked out even faster then he did the previous time, noone noticed that? even angle ad austin summerslam 01, just awesome keeps you on the edge of your seat. plus they will be gone for motnhs afterwards so might as well go a little far fetched, i know how wrestling works i can usually tell when a mtch is over or when somethin is gunna happen, im not always right or wrong but its experience, how long uve watched it u just get a really high wrestlig IQ which alot of these posters have i respect all of your possts and some of you i even think wow hey that guy has a good idea and i would of never thought of that, llike e have to expect the unexpected people, i for one thought when hbk superkicked taker for the second time last year just the way takers leg was hooked and how is other one was up just had me like wow its really over i cant believe it, so this year they can definetly top it i think . plus hbk ad hhh would be amazing but it has been done to death and the possibility of hbk eding the streak is so much better for this year, the tagline is history will be made and it could be a video [ackage for future wrestlemania like the hogan andre, except with hbk pinnin taker at mania, it will never be forgotten and taker will lose no respect for it... i just got few friends into wreslting the last 4 pay perviews, they havent been the best evr but certainly entertaining, now they are all hooked they used to make fun of me for liking hbk, but now they think he is awesome and the last four pay perviews whatever he has done has gotten the best reaction out of everyone he jus adds to the excitement its great

The day after, they will speak of legends and ladders ad 70 000 people, they will talk about who won the wwe title they will talk about who won the world championship, but the one thing that will be forever etched in their minds is when the heartbreak kid.. shawn michaels... pins.. the undertaker.. 1..2...3... at wrestlemania

P.S: i was totally agreein with this one post about why a cena rock match wouldnt take place.. the guy had the ultimate post until he ended it off with saying he would rather see Rock v.s Batista.. i almost puked id rather watch the rock wrestle a bucks arrse
I've been a fan of 'taker from the start but i think the streak should go!

If it's 'taker vs HBK i'd like to see heel HBK winning dirty. Maybe HBK kicking out of the last ride, then 'taker kicking out of sweet chin music. I'd like to see a pin counts anywhere or no DQ, where HBK reverses the tombstone and HBK tombstones 'taker on a chair or outside the ring.

If it's a triple threat with HHH i'd like HHH to win (even though i'm not a fan). Maybe HBK sweet chinning 'taker, then HBK having to deal with HHH; HHH pedigree on HBK (after HHH dodging sweet chin music) then another pedigree on 'taker for a HHH pin on 'taker as HBK recovers. This would set up HHH vs HBK.
HHH v HBK definitely. It's been done before, but never at WrestleMania and not last year. Michaels and Taker will have exactly the same match this year they had last year except shorter and slower. That's not a bad thing, but it doesn't have the same aura about it this time around, and I guarantee people will be talking about how much of a let down it was. HHH can pull out a truly brutal good match on occaision and fighting Michaels at WrestleMania would certainly be such an occasion. I think it would be a better match, a more original match and a match with a better story, and I think the WWE has missed a trick here.
Even though its never been done before one-on-one at WM between HHH and HBK, for some reason I'd rather see HBK-Undertaker II. I'm just really intrigued to see what the outcome of this match is going to be. And having the streak vs. career makes it even more compelling than last year. I expect this match especially the finish, to be amazing!!
IMO I would want to see HBK vs. HHH. They bothe are great storytellers in the ring and they both "know" each other very, very well. They are GOOD 2gether in the ring and know hoe 2 work a crowd.
But shit, when you add in that it is a carrear match for HBK of all ppl. That makes me want to watch that match 1,000 times more. HBK is one of my fav. Superstars of all time, and have been following him dince the days of the Rockers, and for this to "possibly" be the end of what has been an outstanding carrear, I'm going to vote for seeing the Taker match.
But if none of that were on the line it'd deffinatley be HHH and HBK going at it. Again, they are so close and can work so well 2gether, that the storylines and build 2 a Wrestlemania match would be GREAT t.v. Granted, seeing Undertaker compete @ Wrestlemania, your ALWAYS talking about that "streak", and IMO anybody who gets 2 wresrtle against "the streak" and the dead man, is a truly blessed superstar IMO.
Any which way you cut it, it would be a GREAT match and a highlight of the weredltmania it would host.
There are a triangle of feuds I just don't want anymore, and it involves Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Ric Flair. Everyone who is begging to see a split up of DX so Triple H and Shawn Michaels can go at it once more, I just don't know. It is a feud that Shawn Michaels is better at, but I have always felt Triple H was never believable in that feud.

Now Shawn Michaels and Undertaker should always be a great feud, its been going on for over 10 years now. They put on a very typical Good versus Evil feud, although I still think the undertaker was getting the bigger pops. But as for another match between those two, it is hard for me to think. I didn't really love the match many others did, it was alright, not the greatest of all time, that many thought it was, I wouldnt even call it the greatest of the night. But I like the match a lot more than a DX breakup, so I am down for it. Shawn will be retired, but still come back soon enough.
I would of prefered seeing HBK vs. Triple H instead of the rematch between HBK and 'Taker. It's just seeing HBK fight 'Taker again will seem boring to me. Their match from last yr's WM didn't really entertain me and I really don't expect this yr's match to get any better. HBK vs. Triple H would of been exciting to see w/maybe Sheamus vs. 'Taker instead but nope, instead theres a career vs. streak match between HBK and 'Taker. I'm just hoping next yr's WM won't end up as HBK vs. 'Taker III. Let it be a true retirement match again but w/HBK and Triple H instead.
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