Which is the Biggest match in WWE history?

I think there are 2 really good nominees for this. You could say Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant. It was more for the passing of the torch moment. Its not like the match was awsome or rememberable besides when Hogan slammed Andre.
The other match I would have to say Roddy Roddy Piper vs Mr. T. It was the first Wrestlemania. There was aot of hype around it. If that wrestlemania wasnt successful I dont think there would of been another or maybe not as soon. Also Piper made a statement. That it doesnt matter who you are outside or pro wrestling we not lying down for anyone just they get over. We work far to hard and long and put way to much on the line for some guy to come in because your famouse. Shame wrestlers dont think that way now, maybe Big Show wouldnt be jobbin to everyone.
I think the following matches probably qualify, I know there can technically only be one "best", but these set the standard of what "Wrestlemania" should be.

Wrestlemania 1: Hulk Hogan & Mr T. Vs Paul Orndorff and Rowdy Roddy Piper. These was built well, booked well; and started hogan's build. Fact is: Hogan wouldn't be Hogan in the absence of Piper and would probably have never gotten to WM 3 and Andre.

Wrestlemania 3: Hulk Hogan Vs Andre, for the reasons all pointed out. A lot of people forget Andre's back was already going, and that he took this match to continue the business and to "give back" to it.

Wrestlemania IV: Not the best Wrestlemania, but Savage wrestling match after match and making each look like something special was definitely a raising of the bar of its own way, culminating in him becoming the champion.

Wrestlemania 5: Piper's pit with Morton Downey Jr. Not a "match", but definitely a "wrestlemania moment" that is remembered by anyone who saw it.

Wrestlemania 6: Warrior Vs Hogan. Memorable, especially considering it was supposed to be "the handing of the torch." This was back before we knew anything about the warrior other than the character portrayed.

Wrestlemania 7: Oddly, Virgil vs Ted Dibiase is probably the most memorable match, built up by Virgil being trained by Piper.

Wrestlemania 8: Piper Vs Bret Hart. Definitely a highly charged emotional match. There was the tearing friction of friends fighting over a title and giving it their all; and you waited on the edge of your seat to see who would end up winning. Piper had beaten The Mountie because Hart literally (as in not part of the intended storyline) was out with 103 degree fever.

IX: Hogan/Yokozuna/Hart - Not as big as it could have been, and not as memorable as other matches.

X: Owen Hart vs Bret Hart, again, Hart usually did the "emotional rollercoaster" matches, and was basically king of these types of matches. Luger/Hart/Yokozuna was also decent, but the Harts were more memorable.

11: Not as many good matches. Diesel (Kevin Nash) vs Michaels and Bret Hart vs the "snapped" bob backlund would be the standouts, but don't compare to earlier WM's

12: Iron Man Match - Hart Vs Michaels

13: Hart Vs Austin.

14: Austin Vs HBK with Tyson as special referee, again, not as good as other matches, but decent enough to be remembered.

15: Austin/Rock

16: Dudleys/Hardyz/Edge & Christian Ladder Match, as well as Benoit/Angle/Jericho

17: Angle/Benoit, Rock/Austin/, Dudleys, E&C, Hardyz

18: Wrestlemania 18, good matches, but none stand out as groundbreaking

19: Rock/Austin - Lesnar/Angle

20: Benoit, HBK, HHH

21: MITB

22: Cena/HHH, though again not as good as earlier matches

23: None really stand out.

24: Michaels vs Flair attempted to do the older version of Hart's matches. Decent, but not comparable.

25&26: Michaels Vs The Undertaker for both, these matches were reminders of what a wrestlemania match could be.

27: Undertaker Vs Triple H.
I gotta go with Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant at WM3.

The attendance numbers themselves speak volumes and they only had about a month and a half to sell out the Silverdome and that entire event was sold because of the main event. The match itself wasn't great but at the same time I don't so much was ever accomplished in wrestling considering.

Bell to bell it wasn't great but the match itself did everything it was supposed to do. It made Hogan the undisputed top guy in the WWE by having him defeat Andre, his biggest opponent to date, it passed the torch from the biggest draw in the 70's - early 80's to the new biggest draw, it gave us memorable moments like the stare down and the body slam (those 2 moments are synonymous with Wrestlemania and big matches in general) and it paved the way for a year long feud between Hulk and Andre. That match accomplished so much and Hogan never did so much doing so little, the perfect example of less is more in wrestling.

It wasn't necessarily the most important match in wrestling history but it was certainly the biggest with 2 names that were bigger than wrestling itself facing off.
Yes Hogan vs Andre was big but I think that was just the launching pad for wrestling. Plus the match IMO was not that good besides the body slam. Secondly HBK vs Bret was a great feud and their matches @ WM & SS were big. But they were suffering their baddest years business wise during that time.

1. The Attitude era changed this industry and created the biggest boom period in wrestling history.
2. Stone Cold vs Rock was the biggest rivalry in the attitude era in terms of wrestler vs wrestler. Both striving to be THE #1 GUY!
3. This feud culminated in the biggest Wrestlemania of all time WM 17. Creating the biggest attendance for a WM since WM 3. This WM passed 1 million buys for the first time ever. Also you had the two biggest names in wrestling having one of the best matches ever for the title. Vince owned ECW & WCW leaving the WWF the only show in town. So all wrestling fans eyes were on this headlining Main Event. This match changed wrestling forever with arguably the biggest draw turning heel and the second biggest draw leaving for Hollywood. Which ultimately made this the end of the Attitude era!
Everyone is saying Hogan v.s Andre at WrestleMania III and in terms of live drawing power, it's probably un-matchable. But I'm gonna be slightly different and go with The Rock v.s Hollwood Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania X-8. In 2002 Hogan was still fairly active and could go somewhat in the ring, hence why he came back to the WWE. The Rock at this point had ventured into Hollywood for the first time with The Mummy 2 and was arguably the biggest draw in the business. Those two icons of two different generations clashing on the grandest stage of them all, it had every ingredient required to be a timeless classic, bringing back people who were Hogan fans back in the day to see him take on the new cream of the crop in Rocky one on one. It had a decent build but I actually think the match could of had half as much build and still been as big as it was. And the match itself was amazing, though in my opinion not so much for the actual match but the atmosphere. I've always said the action that took place in the ring was not that brilliant but everything either guy did, the crowd ate it up more than any other crowd I've ever seen. Every time Hogan did anything at all, the crowd popped like a motherfucker and every time Rocky did anything at all, the majority boo'd his ass out of Sky-Dome. As I said if your talking about a match that was the biggest in terms of how many people it drew to the event, it's Hogan/Andre but thats only half the story really.
I had to sign up just for this, to me it was the HIAC from Armageddon 2000.

That match was the culmination of longtime fueds between Austin & HHH/Rikishi & The Rock vs Kurt Angle/Undertaker. Mick Foley got involved by making the match, Vignettes every week, Good build and the Star power was unmatched, i mean Austin, Rock, HHH, Taker plus Angle rose fast that year from rookie to credible star & you had the muscle and new "bad man" gimmick of Rikishi. And all of this with the biggest prize on the line, the WWE title. Plus back in the day, HIAC wasnt some cheap gimmick trotted out every year, back then it was where fueds came to end in a bloody, wreck.

I know there are Icon vs Icon matches like Rock vs Cena, Hogan vs Michaels etc, but for me this was a fanboys dream. i bought the PPV based on this match alone.
People are only talking about Wrestlemania matches, i think the question was that witch match people think is the greatest in WWE history, it can be a match from Summerslam, the Royal Rumble or even monday night raw, someone hit the nail when he said that if it's the biggest drawing match ever, then definitly Hogan vs Andre, but it can be very different situations or examples, if you go by abilities, technical matches, and nonstop action, it's very hard to choose, in my mind one of those is Mr. Perfect vs Shawn Michaels for the I.C. Title,that was an awesome match, or for greatest enterteining match, i would have to go with the first ever TLC match between Edge and Christian vs The Hardys Vs the Dudleys, that match had everything, or the first ever Hell in a Cell between Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker, or the famous intercontinental latter match between Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels, in my opinion, that was one of the best matches i ever got to see........
It's been said over and over, and I'm going with it.

Hogan/Andre WM3.

Nothing comes close to drawing power (they still haven't come close to drawing more than 93,193 people). Nothing comes close to mainstream media coverage. Nothing comes close to the build and the importance to the company.
The biggest match in wwe history is hands down Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant at wrestlemania 3. However that's history. The future is unpredictable and one day that match will have been forgotten by most through the passing of time. Perhaps Rock vs Cena will be a great match to be remembered and thought of as one of the best one day, who knows.

Even though I really never liked John Cena he actually has started to grow on me and I always liked The Rock so at this years wrestlemania its definitely the match I'm looking forward to most and the one match which would make me buy the ppv.
the question was the BIGGEST match, not the best ormost important but the biggest; having said that theres no contest its Andre the Giant vs Hulk Hogan wm 3, still to this day this match is lauded by wwe as the benchmark, no other match has come close to the feeling, the electricity this match provided, for those that werent around, compare it to the hype surrounding the last harry potter movie but 100x bigger
Runners Up:

Hogan/Andre at Wrestlemania III. Im sure those who saw the build to this and watched the match live would think it is crazy not to pick this one. But watching it years later and not seeing the hype for it ruined it for me. I had no story, didnt know who Andre was when I first saw it, and knew the outcome. Otherwise I would probably have choose this match

Hogan/Warrior at Wrestlemania VI: The best match Warrior ever had and one of the best matchs Hogan ever had. First face vs face WM main event.

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 12: Started a new era in wrestling

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart at Survivor Series 97: The most talked about match ever, the (in ring) end to the greatest rivalry ever. This started the Mr Mcmahon character and sent the attitude era into full swing

Shawn Michaels vs Steve Austin: Passing of the torch from the best wrestler ever to the most over wrestler ever

The Winner:
The Rock vs Steve Austin at Wrestlemania X7: I just could not see either guy losing. This was built perfectly. The in ring performance was the best the two ever had together. What a way to end Austin/McMahon

I love this list, but as someone who watched when they built Hogan/Andre, it has to be that match.

You simply cannot go back and watch that match without any context and appreciate how huge it was. The match itself wasn't anything special. Andre was done by that point. He could barely move anymore. All he had going for him was the aura of who he was, and the undefeated streak (kayfabed, but no one knew otherwise). He'd always been one of the most popular wrestlers around, and was portrayed as a guy who had to turn evil (by siding with Bobby Heenan), in order to get what he'd never had... a shot at the belt. Despite his limitations and deteriorating health, the WWF did an incredible job of portraying Andre as Hogan's most serious threat ever (and don't forget, he'd been champ for 3+ years at this point too), and all things considered, Hogan actually worked a great match with an opponent who couldn't do much anymore. From Hogan's perspective, it was probably the best worked match he ever did (guys were always brought in to make Hogan look good, it was rare when Hogan ever had to make his opponent look good, but that match fails unless Andre comes off as a guy who could legitimately win, and he did).

There is a reason that WM3 sold like it did, and it wasn't for the undercard (one of the most featured matches was a 6-man tag involving a heel ref). Andre/Hogan was huge, and as far as big matches go, still to me is the biggest one they've ever done... and arguably ever will.
I think the following matches probably qualify, I know there can technically only be one "best", but these set the standard of what "Wrestlemania" should be.

Wrestlemania 1: Hulk Hogan & Mr T. Vs Paul Orndorff and Rowdy Roddy Piper. These was built well, booked well; and started hogan's build. Fact is: Hogan wouldn't be Hogan in the absence of Piper and would probably have never gotten to WM 3 and Andre.

Wrestlemania 3: Hulk Hogan Vs Andre, for the reasons all pointed out. A lot of people forget Andre's back was already going, and that he took this match to continue the business and to "give back" to it.

Wrestlemania IV: Not the best Wrestlemania, but Savage wrestling match after match and making each look like something special was definitely a raising of the bar of its own way, culminating in him becoming the champion.

Wrestlemania 5: Piper's pit with Morton Downey Jr. Not a "match", but definitely a "wrestlemania moment" that is remembered by anyone who saw it.

Wrestlemania 6: Warrior Vs Hogan. Memorable, especially considering it was supposed to be "the handing of the torch." This was back before we knew anything about the warrior other than the character portrayed.

Wrestlemania 7: Oddly, Virgil vs Ted Dibiase is probably the most memorable match, built up by Virgil being trained by Piper.

Wrestlemania 8: Piper Vs Bret Hart. Definitely a highly charged emotional match. There was the tearing friction of friends fighting over a title and giving it their all; and you waited on the edge of your seat to see who would end up winning. Piper had beaten The Mountie because Hart literally (as in not part of the intended storyline) was out with 103 degree fever.

IX: Hogan/Yokozuna/Hart - Not as big as it could have been, and not as memorable as other matches.

X: Owen Hart vs Bret Hart, again, Hart usually did the "emotional rollercoaster" matches, and was basically king of these types of matches. Luger/Hart/Yokozuna was also decent, but the Harts were more memorable.

11: Not as many good matches. Diesel (Kevin Nash) vs Michaels and Bret Hart vs the "snapped" bob backlund would be the standouts, but don't compare to earlier WM's

12: Iron Man Match - Hart Vs Michaels

13: Hart Vs Austin.

14: Austin Vs HBK with Tyson as special referee, again, not as good as other matches, but decent enough to be remembered.

15: Austin/Rock

16: Dudleys/Hardyz/Edge & Christian Ladder Match, as well as Benoit/Angle/Jericho

17: Angle/Benoit, Rock/Austin/, Dudleys, E&C, Hardyz

18: Wrestlemania 18, good matches, but none stand out as groundbreaking

19: Rock/Austin - Lesnar/Angle

20: Benoit, HBK, HHH

21: MITB

22: Cena/HHH, though again not as good as earlier matches

23: None really stand out.

24: Michaels vs Flair attempted to do the older version of Hart's matches. Decent, but not comparable.

25&26: Michaels Vs The Undertaker for both, these matches were reminders of what a wrestlemania match could be.

27: Undertaker Vs Triple H.

What the hell are you talking about? This is not a Wrestlemania moment post. This is not a Wrestlemania post at all. Biggest match ever---your reply is laughably long and detailed considering it, in no way, addresses the original post. haha, what a tool.

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