Biggest Main Event Ever?

if this is based purely on star power then you got to look at guys like hogan, andre, rock, austin etc....and especially if its two faces against each other:

andre vs hogan wrestlemania 3
stonecold vs rock wrestlemania X-Seven
rock vs hogan wrestlemania X8
HBK vs Bret Hart Wrestlemania 12
flair vs hogan cant remeber the ppv but i think it was in 1994 in wcw
sting vs goldberg i think they had numerous matches
I think this clearly has to be Hogan v Andre at WMIII. I mean, that event was not only at the height of the wrestling boom, but it drew 93,000 + to the Silverdome (Along with some marketing tatics). This match was the ultimate draw, the undefeated giant against the most popular champion in wrestling history. This match went outside the WWF, regardless to if you watched wrestling or not, you knew about Andre and Hogan, and that is why it was the biggest main event ever IMO.
Biggest main event for me was at Wrestlemania 17 and it was The Rock vs. Stone Cold for the WWE Championship. The build up was amazing and the match came off fucking awesome. Stone Cold turned and joined Vince Mcmahon after all the hell Vince put Stone Cold through in the past. The Rock who played the role of heel turned face. Stone Cold won in a classic match.

If that's not the best then one more comes to mind. Cactus Jack vs. Triple H at No Way Out. Looser would leave the WWF and it was a hell in a cell match. WWE championship was on the line. This match was amazing. Thumb tacts came into play as well as a spot I will never forget. Triple H back drops Cactus Jack ontop of the cell and through it as his body hits the ring.
My vote for biggest main event, I'm gonna take you back to 1991 Superbrawl. The match for the WCW World Tag Team Championship, The Steiners vs. Sting and Lex Luger. Here you have the most dominant tag team of the past 5 years going against the top 2 singles wrestlers and to make it even better, everyone is a face. Biggest main event ever and not even the last match on the card.
Andre the Giant vs. Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 3
Hulk Hogan vs. Sting at Starrcade 1997
Steve Austin vs. The Rock at Wrestlemania 17.

And, if we're talking about overall number of stars, how about The Great American Bash 1987 and the original Wargames?

Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal), Paul Ellering, Nikita Koloff and Dusty Rhodes vs. the greatest faction ever in The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Tully Blanchard, and James Dillon)

Why these choices ? Cause all of these men have been World Champions (except for Andre, who was undefeated for 15 years in WWE so come on...) and are those who the company was built on.
Actually, Andre the Giant was a World Champion, after a controversial finish in 1988. He then tried to sell the belt to Ted DiBiase, at which point the President Jack Tunney made the title vacant.

Definitely Hogan versus the Rock at Wrestlemania (18 I think?).
That was not the main-event of Wrestlemania 18. The main-event was Chris Jericho vs. HHH.
Biggest main event in WWF/E is obviously going to be WM III if you're looking strictly at what it drew. However, if I chose one in terms of match quality? Wrestlemania XX. Benoit, HBK, and HHH put on a great match that night that I'd watch 3,000 times before I'd dust off my old Wrestlemania III tape to watch a drunk and stumbling Andre put Hogan over.

Easily the biggest non-Titan main event of all time for my sake was Ric Flair versus Antonio Inoki from Pyongyang, North Korea at the climax of Collision in Korea. The amount of fans at that show dwarfs what was done at Wrestlemania III. Plus, the main event was such a circus attraction...but was actually a wrestling match.
well regarding the Monday Night Wars, the biggest Main even i think everyone has to agree that it is Goldberg vs Hogan for world title in the Georgia Dome - highest rated main event of all time

another great main event was the 1st ever Austin vs McMahon
hands down, the greatest main event of all time..........

WrestleMania 20, World Heavyweight Championship, Triple Threat match- Shawn Micheals vs Chris Benoit vs Triple H(c)

here is why.......

First off, you have 20 straight years of WrestleMania. You have three of the top 10 greatest wrestlers of all time in the match. It wasnt sum lackluster match. It was great action the whole time. Teamwork between all three men when you least expected it. It was in MSG. It was the culmination of Benoit's career, from Canada to Japan to MExico to ECW to WCW, where he was held down and was told he wasnt good enough. He doesnt even count his WCW World Title reign. And he won the championship by making THE champ tap out. The embrace with Eddie Guerrero at the end of the match capped it all off!!!!!!

~Honorable mention......
Hogan vs Goldberg, WCW Nitro
Rock vs Austin, WrestleMania 17
6 Pack Hell In A Cell, Armaggedon 2000
Sting vs Hogan, StarCade 98
Cactus Jack vs Triple H, Royal Rumble 2000
hands down, the greatest main event of all time..........

WrestleMania 20, World Heavyweight Championship, Triple Threat match- Shawn Micheals vs Chris Benoit vs Triple H(c)

here is why.......

First off, you have 20 straight years of WrestleMania. You have three of the top 10 greatest wrestlers of all time in the match. It wasnt sum lackluster match. It was great action the whole time. Teamwork between all three men when you least expected it. It was in MSG. It was the culmination of Benoit's career, from Canada to Japan to MExico to ECW to WCW, where he was held down and was told he wasnt good enough. He doesnt even count his WCW World Title reign. And he won the championship by making THE champ tap out. The embrace with Eddie Guerrero at the end of the match capped it all off!!!!!!

~Honorable mention......
Hogan vs Goldberg, WCW Nitro
Rock vs Austin, WrestleMania 17
6 Pack Hell In A Cell, Armaggedon 2000
Sting vs Hogan, StarCade 98
Cactus Jack vs Triple H, Royal Rumble 2000

r u kidding me.................? that is the best main event of all time 2 u???
u even added Hogan vs Sting to that list??!! the ending to that match was a BOTCHED SPOT!!! - r u sure ur watching the same wrestling as everyone else. You should pick main events based up HYPE and if the match lives up to the HYPE -

HBK IS HORRIBLE NOW, anything post Wrestlemania 14 with HBK is garbage - i am so tired of all the people who still wanna see HBK - hes the same anymore, he used be amazing (and in fact he is in my top 3 of all time) but hes HORRIBLE and boring to watch NOW. How the hell do u leave out the Montreal Screwjob Match from ur list???

Rock vs Austin in WM 17 was nothing special and it was a travesty how each of them were kicking out of finishing moves - it made the match cheap. Austin's best Wrestlemania match was vs Hart at WM 13 HANDS DOWN.

Hogan vs Goldberg is one of the best Monday Night War main events of all time but not PPV, because everyone knew Goldberg was taking the title. The match in fact was QUITE HORRIBLE, its only great cause Hogan finally dropped the belt.

Cactus vs HHH wsa good but how can u say best of all time when there are so many more matches that were better.....???

WM 20 was real cool that Benoit and Guerro both had titles but again BEST OF ALL TIME??!!! NO WAY!!! u skipped over 20 yrs of WM to pick that match.
i know we are looking for star power here but based on the last couple post i am gonna do individual matches here and its my top 5.

WM III- Andre vs Hogan
WM 12- Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart
Bash at the Beach 96- Sting, Macho Man, Luger vs Nash, Hall, and Hogan
Survivor Series 97- Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart
WM 14- Shawn Michaels versus Austin

The reason I picked these matches on a large part wasnt based on quality of match but more on how these matches changed wrestling for a time period.
The matches are not in order of my favorite to least just in time period. The Andre-Hogan match made many wrestling fans, The 60 minute iron man match really just for pure quality and the stamina both wrestlers needed to show and some might disagree but the ending was great. Bash at the Beach the start of the NWO was good and it took a little more time but WCW was about to win the ratings war for a period of time. The Montreal Screw Job match helped to create the Mr. McMahon persona we know now. Wrestlemania 14 even the war between McMahon and Austin was already starting having Austin have the title helped that war out even more.
WM3 Andre Hogan was predictable but I think that was very good although I enjoyed rock austin more.

Rock Mankind I quit match sticks out in my mind too. That match was extremely good for me cos I was new to wrestling at the time. Did anyone notice the rock hit himself with the chair first time round?
I've got to take a long hard look in the past and try to remember what main event mattered the most. I may get bashed for this but I strongly believe that the biggest main event the WWE produced was the 5 on 5 WWF VS Alliance match at Survivor Series 2001. I just remembered it as being this big deal winner take all match. At the time WWF was goin to court (which turned out to being about a year worth of lawsuits and what not) with the wild life fund and i seriously thought that maybe the alliance might win it, just because the rumours were that at some time wwf might change their name. The participants were some big names as well. I really believe that was a huggeee main event.
r u kidding me.................? that is the best main event of all time 2 u???
u even added Hogan vs Sting to that list??!! the ending to that match was a BOTCHED SPOT!!! - r u sure ur watching the same wrestling as everyone else. You should pick main events based up HYPE and if the match lives up to the HYPE -

HBK IS HORRIBLE NOW, anything post Wrestlemania 14 with HBK is garbage - i am so tired of all the people who still wanna see HBK - hes the same anymore, he used be amazing (and in fact he is in my top 3 of all time) but hes HORRIBLE and boring to watch NOW. How the hell do u leave out the Montreal Screwjob Match from ur list???

Rock vs Austin in WM 17 was nothing special and it was a travesty how each of them were kicking out of finishing moves - it made the match cheap. Austin's best Wrestlemania match was vs Hart at WM 13 HANDS DOWN.

Hogan vs Goldberg is one of the best Monday Night War main events of all time but not PPV, because everyone knew Goldberg was taking the title. The match in fact was QUITE HORRIBLE, its only great cause Hogan finally dropped the belt.

Cactus vs HHH wsa good but how can u say best of all time when there are so many more matches that were better.....???

WM 20 was real cool that Benoit and Guerro both had titles but again BEST OF ALL TIME??!!! NO WAY!!! u skipped over 20 yrs of WM to pick that match.

First off, this main event is amazing and a very undermentioned match if you ask me.And yes he is watching the same wrestling as us or else he wouldn't have menntioned that match.It is his opinion.

Secondly,Shawn has had at least 20-30 amazing matches sinc 2002 so back up that statement.

Third,Cactus vs. HHH is a very great match and in his opinion is a great one and I agree.

My opinion on the best main event would have to be Shawn and Austin at Wrestlemania 14 with the start of the Austin Era.It was a great match especially taking in to consideration that both had very serious injuries.
Probably the most star studded match of all time is the armageddon hell in a cell, because it had all of the WWF's main stars at the time, besides Rikishi, but he was rising at the time as a heel.
ur post shows that u know nothing about wrestling, ur prob 14 yrs old....its a shame beause u missed out on a GREAT ERA in the early to mid 90's

please stop ur posting because ur opinions are horrible

sorry but so what if hes 14 years old , hes intitled 2 an opinion so let him fucking have one and stop sayin there horrible , people might think your opinions are horrible 2 ya no , jst leave him alone if he wants to say something he can
hey im 14 and i still rember shit like in your house ecw the attitude era it dosent matter how old your because ive seen some great wrestling
Even though it was the second to last on the card (though most would say it is considered the real main event,) Hogan vs Rock WM 18 was probably the second biggest match in terms of star power, first being Andre/Hogan at WM 3. There was no bigger star than The Rock, and adding Hogan to the mix, who is probably the biggest of all time, made it especially memorable. Others would have to be:

HBK vs Bret Hart: Survivor Series 97
Austin vs Rock: WM 15 and 17
Hogan vs Sting: Starrcade 97 (huge buildup, both huge stars)
Undertaker vs Bret Hart: Summerslam 97 (one is a hall of famer, the other a future one.)
Hogan vs Warrior: WM 6 (the two ultimate faces going head to head.)
Ric Flair vs Hogan: Bash at the Beach 94 (the two biggest names ever)
I can't believe people forgot the "Retirement Match" of Wrestlemania 7.

The Ultimate Warrior Vs. Macho King Randy Savage. I loved this match. Full of excitement. Sure, the Warrior wasn't much of a technical wrestler, but I never cared about that. Guys like Chris Benoit are boring to me. It's fake wrestling. If I wanted to see actual wrestling I'd watch college wrestling or even UFC for that matter. I watch this kind of wrestling for the entertainment value. The story lines, etc.

Macho King landed 5 flying elbow drops...his finishing maneuver. 5 times. Then the Warrior kicks out. I was astonished when I was younger. I loved it. The Ultimate Warrior was one of the greatest things I've ever seen. I don't care what happened backstage...what kind of person he is in his hometown or towards the McMahons. That's not why I watch wrestling. I don't watch it because some of them give to charities or some of them are nicer than others in their personal lives. The Ultimate Warrior was by far one of the most exciting wrestlers I've seen. His entrance alone was enough to satisfy me as a kid. The music, the running, the shaking the ropes, etc. Then you have the Macho King. (Formerly Macho Man) who signified one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. A perfectionist in the ring. He made Warrior better in this match because he pretty much scripted out everything. The build up to this match was great too.

Of course this isn't my overall FAVORITE although it is up there. Some others that come to mind could be Macho Man vs. Ricky Steamboat, Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels at Summerslam 95, Hogan vs. Warrior, Hogan vs. Slaughter, etc.

I could go on forever. The bottom line is, wrestling now is boring. You have your big huge gym freaks and then you have your high flyers. The WWE still ruins good gimmicks like The Great Khali. Same thing they did with The Big Show. This huge mammoth of a man constantly losing over and over. Just boring. Pretty soon The Great Khali will turn into a jobber like The Big Show did. Just doesn't look right.

WWE needs to change. The attitude era is done. Get a new logo. Maybe try the old fashioned gimmicks again? (a millionaire? a guy with a snake? a barber? a slave? a model? an indian? a clown? etc) Those were the fun old days when it was entertaining. Now it's just regular guy vs. regular guy. The same people face each other all year long. Boring.

- Hogan
WWE needs to change. The attitude era is done. Get a new logo. Maybe try the old fashioned gimmicks again? (a millionaire? a guy with a snake? a barber? a slave? a model? an indian? a clown? etc) Those were the fun old days when it was entertaining. Now it's just regular guy vs. regular guy. The same people face each other all year long. Boring.

- Hogan

Definately agreed.
But back to the topic, in terms of Star Power and long term effects, Hogan Vs. Andre at WM III is the greatest main event. People still talk about it to this day, and that inspired many of the wrestlers you see today. That definately launched WWE to what it is today.

In terms of quality for me it's either The Triple Threat at WM 20, or Rock Vs. Triple H at Backlash 2000 i think.

The triple threat had great wrestling, a broken announce table (which is always good), and blood. It also had a fantastic finish as Benoit realized his dream and became champ, at least that's what JR made it feel like.

The Backlash match had run in's, it had a double Rock Bottom through an announce table, and a Stone Cold assist that made me real happy. Rock winning back the title was something i'll remember for a while.

3 honorable mentions are The Raw where Foley won the belt, Rock Vs. Stone Cold at WM 19, and Shawn Micheals Vs. John Cena at Raw a few weeks ago.
The way i see it is that the "greatest" match ever has got to be Hogan Vs The Giant at WM III....

But the one match that i remember the best has got to be:
Bret “Hitman” Hart vs. “British Bulldog” Davey Boy Smith (Intercontinental Title Match) WWF Summerslam 92, Wembley London....
In my book this was probably not the greatest match i have ever seen, but it's probably the match that made the biggest impression on me.
From the build up, that was awsome by Vince, playing Bret out kinda as the bad guy but not to the point of no return, the Bulldog comming to the ring with Lennox Lewis waveing the Union Jack (british flag) around building up a great atmosspheare. The two wrestelers standing toe to toe in the middle before the big rumble. Bret's sister, the Bulldogs wife sitting ringside. And how the crowd was so intense that you could see the wrestlers feed of their energy. And for it to end with both wrestlers hugging and the sister/wife running to the ring and hugging them both after over 25 min's of intense wrestling. Too me that was a great match all the way round.

But hey, that's just my opinion :rasta:
I beliveve a great main event was a few weeks ago on Raw. it was HBK Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena. It lasted about 1 hour. Great athleticism from both superstars.:devil: :crucified: :devil:
i think the Rock vs Austin WM matches...
the WM 2000 main event...hogan vs andre at WM III

...they are the biigerst main events

other great main events were the sixpack hell in a cell, armageddon 2000
bret hart vs asutin in Wm 13.... Cactus vs HHH hell in a cell
Does anyone remember Survivor Series 91? Hogan vs. Undertaker? Or maybe WrestleMania 5. "The Mega Powers Collide". Hogan vs. The Macho Man. Both awesome matches, both with star power.
How about WM IX? Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna vs. Hulk Hogan. Yokozuna wins, Hulk Hogan comes down and accepts Yokozunas challenge and beats him in like 35 seconds. That was great!
How about WM IX? Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna vs. Hulk Hogan. Yokozuna wins, Hulk Hogan comes down and accepts Yokozunas challenge and beats him in like 35 seconds. That was great!

You are joking? That was the most idiotic booking decision ever in WWE. To book a 30 second match at Wrestle Mania is one thing. To have it completley unannounced is another stupid piece of booking. And giving it to Hogan because he demanded it is worse still. Would anybody really have missed Money Inc vs. Hogan & Beefcake? I doubt it.

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