Legacy Comparison: The Rock vs Steve Austin

oh god! rock fans boy can come up with reason Rock nobody had a bigger 97-99 2 year impact on pro wrestling than Austin, the whole 99 was centered around Austin until he left. due to injuries that stopped his career in 1999 with a storylines that a car ran him over. as much you love rock but back then people start sick of Rock vs HHH which has done so many times. i still remember after PPV match Iron man match i was o a chat room and forums so many people complain about it. this is the reason why Vince call austin back because he's a drawer with his character but one thing Austin can't beat Rock is Charismatic. remember WHAT CHANT? you still hear that chant today. Austin leave alot of things when he was gone. talk abouts pops ROck will never beat the pops that Austin help mankind to win his first title over the rock...that was crazy. Austin always gets a pop, the fans refuse to boo him even when he turn heel which is a great shocking turn but it doesn't work because the fans love Austin doesn't want to boo that guy. Austin get massive pop as heel which is shocking. Rock get Die Rock Die with rocky suck in his earlier career to early 99 and 2003 with rocky suck.

Ok, still doesn't change the fact Rock was selling more merchandise than him in the summer and fall of 1999. And Vince didn't call and beg Austin to come back in 2000, he asked Austin if he was ready to come back and Austin said he was. When he did come back he still wasn't selling more merchandise than The Rock, on the shopzone lists in late 2000 he only had 1 item in the top 10 while Rock still had at least 3 in the top 10.

This has nothing to do with being a "Rock fanboy", fact is Rock outdrew Austin in 1999 when they were both babyfaces, shopzone and Wrestling Observer Top Draws prove this.
Austin was headline and major draw and the storyline was invole around Austin until July 25, 1999 Fully Loaded in match stipulated that if Undertaker won, Austin would never wrestle for the WWF Championship and if Austin won, the WWF Chairman Vince McMahon could never appear on WWF television

After Fully Loaded, SummerSlam 1999 Rock vs Mr Ass and Austin fued with HHH. Unforgiven. Austin was special ref for six pack t forgiving and Rock vs HHH for the title at Rebellion. from No Mercy Austin fued with HHH prepared him to carry the compay while Austin was away. keep in mind that Vince call him and Austin said himself didn't expect that call and didn't though of coming back, Vince call him to come back. Survivor Series-November 14, 1999 Steve Austin leave WWF for his surgery which is needed. around September 1999 Undertaker have time off for his injury to Jan 2000.
i don't now where Observer Top Draws get it from but Austin is the one who elevate HHH and rock in 99, a major draw headline PPV make money for WWF. Rock only got over because of his charismatic that he able use catchphrase over 60-70% in his promos which he overuse and had had most catchphrase in history of wrestling industry. he got so over with those catchphrases.
Austin was headline and major draw and the storyline was invole around Austin until July 25, 1999 Fully Loaded in match stipulated that if Undertaker won, Austin would never wrestle for the WWF Championship and if Austin won, the WWF Chairman Vince McMahon could never appear on WWF television

After Fully Loaded, SummerSlam 1999 Rock vs Mr Ass and Austin fued with HHH. Unforgiven. Austin was special ref for six pack t forgiving and Rock vs HHH for the title at Rebellion. from No Mercy Austin fued with HHH prepared him to carry the compay while Austin was away. keep in mind that Vince call him and Austin said himself didn't expect that call and didn't though of coming back, Vince call him to come back. Survivor Series-November 14, 1999 Steve Austin leave WWF for his surgery which is needed. around September 1999 Undertaker have time off for his injury to Jan 2000.
i don't now where Observer Top Draws get it from but Austin is the one who elevate HHH and rock in 99, a major draw headline PPV make money for WWF. Rock only got over because of his charismatic that he able use catchphrase over 60-70% in his promos which he overuse and had had most catchphrase in history of wrestling industry. he got so over with those catchphrases.


Still doesn't change the fact Rock sold more merchandise than Austin throughout that time. The reason Austin had the title and Rock didn't was because Rock didn't need it at the time.

And are you really doubting Wrestling Observer? That's a very obvious sign of fanboyism right there. If Rock was #1 and Austin was #2, that's the way it is.
i'm doubting wrestling observer because in 99 is all about Austin who is ratings magnets and drawing PPV. after fully loaded(the ending of Mcmahon vs Austin biggest fued) Rock was built became babyface at WM they change direction having Austin fued with HHH to get him over on main event level so those 2 is ready to carried the company.

how you know rock sell more than Austin on shopzone? with that list its all about marketing not the figure or the numbers. austin was on the way out so WWE have to built and someone have to carried WWE. in Legends of Wrestling they said Austin was a top draw and merchandise sales until he gone out for injuries which give the Rock a chance merchandise sales took over..whole 4 years of Austin merchandise sale is unbeatable. if you say Rock was top draw and merchandise sale after Austin left near Survivor times then yes thats because Austin slowly fading aways get Rock/HHH to shine. i can agree on Rock was bigger man 2000-2003 and his best mic work around 2001-2003 with less catchphrases than in 99 more real entertainment promo. from what i know Cena has already surpassed Hogan in merchandise sales, and the Rock only second to Austin, this is why we going to keep see cena show on raw as top babyface for a long time. vince will not risk cena turning him heel against kids/family which they pay to see and merchandise sales.
i'm doubting wrestling observer because in 99 is all about Austin who is ratings magnets and drawing PPV. after fully loaded(the ending of Mcmahon vs Austin biggest fued) Rock was built became babyface at WM they change direction having Austin fued with HHH to get him over on main event level so those 2 is ready to carried the company.

Why would you doubt them, just because Austin isn't #1 you're doubting them? If they thought Austin was the bigger draw that year, they would've put him at #1.

how you know rock sell more than Austin on shopzone? with that list its all about marketing not the figure or the numbers. austin was on the way out so WWE have to built and someone have to carried WWE. in Legends of Wrestling they said Austin was a top draw and merchandise sales until he gone out for injuries which give the Rock a chance merchandise sales took over..whole 4 years of Austin merchandise sale is unbeatable. if you say Rock was top draw and merchandise sale after Austin left near Survivor times then yes thats because Austin slowly fading aways get Rock/HHH to shine. i can agree on Rock was bigger man 2000-2003 and his best mic work around 2001-2003 with less catchphrases than in 99 more real entertainment promo. Vince

Of course they're not gonna show the actual numbers sold, that Vince's business, not the people that go on shopzone!

And how do I know Rock sold more merch than Austin on shopzone, here ya go?

Top Selling Items

1. The Rock Sunglasses
2. Stone Cold Steve Austin's Championship Belt
3. Official Steve Austin Baseball Jersey
4. The Rock Elbow Pad Set
5. The Rock "The Great One!" Tank Top
6. DX Bar Code T-ShirtSALE
7. The Rock SmackDown Hotel T-shirt
8. "Smell What The Rock is Cookin'" T-Shirt
9. The Rock Bull Pendant
10. SummerSlam T-shirt PackageNEW
11. DX Boxer ShortsSALE
12. KANE Mask
13. The Rock Football Jersey
14. The Brood Necklace
15. Official Rock Baseball Jersey
16. DX ShotglassesSALE
17. DX Football Jersey
18. 100% Hell Yeah! Snake T-shirt
19. Austin 3:16 Venom T-shirt
20. The Rock Says...T-shirt


This was back in August 1999 a few days around Summerslam (only a couple days afterwards), still 3 months before Survivor Series. During this time Austin was still being pushed as the golden boy while Rock was doing other things. And no one knew Austin was even leaving for surgery until the night of Survivor Series, on the Raw and Smackdown shows leading to Survivor Series Austin was there in full effect and there was no signs that he was going to leave any time soon. Rock's merchandise sales didn't change at all after Survivor Series, they were pretty much the same. By August 2000 he was the top draw by default since HHH was a heel (he sold merchandise, but not on Rock's level) and Jericho only had 1 item on there.

August 2000 merchandise sales:

Top Selling Items

1. Rock's Just Bring It! T-Shirt
2. HHH Basketball JerseyNEW
3. Y2J Hockey JerseyNEW
4. Kurt Angle "It's True" T-Shirt
5. Rikishi-Too Cool Sunglasses
6. HHH "I Am The Game" T-shirt
7. The Rock Sunglasses
8. APA T-shirt
9. "Layeth the Smacketh Down" T-shirt
10. The Rock Bull Pendant
11. Hardy Boyz Fear T-shirt
12. Tazz Thug Life T-ShirtNEW
13. Undertaker American Badass T-Shirt
14. The Rock Electrifying Football Jersey
15. Dudley Boyz Wrecking Crew T-ShirtNEW
16. Rock's Foam Champ BeltNEW
17. Official Austin Hockey JerseySALE
18. Official Steve Austin Baseball JerseySALE
19. The Rock "It Doesn't Matter" T-Shirt
20. Too Cool T-shirt

fact #1 Austin in 1999 headlining Royal Rumble (January), St. Valentines Day Massacre (February), WM15 (March), Backlash (April), Over The Edge (May), King of the Ring (June), Fully Loaded (July), Summerslam (August), and No Mercy (October). Involve. Austin put more butts in the seats and WWF got so hot and business went so well that on October 19, 1999 WWF became a publicly traded company.

most improtant one is fact 2#: Vince McMahon said that popular as Rock was, he still never quite reached the same levels as Austin where drawing and merch are concerned. treated as reliable, because it is ultimately his pocket that is concerned. Jim ross, Foley also said along the line of that Rock Merchandise grew and hot only when austin was away

if you talking about list hottest item in wwfshopzone then ignore it because it's not Numbers or figure, like i said above its all about marketing.
1. The Rock Sunglasses
2. Stone Cold Steve Austin's Championship Belt
The Rock Sunglasses is more like daily utility where people wear it day to day but with Stone Cold Steve Austin's Championship Belt is more of a prop . that belt is on.2 which is quite shocking. with that list on shopzone doesn't indecate how much has earn by per sale, doesn't have number or figure. Sunglasses are everyday utilities. The belt is just a prop. There is nothing so shocking about sunglasses beating a fake belt in merchandize sales but shock to me on no.2 for Austin Prop. Then again, these lists are just providing details of particular in point times. For an actual comparison, we would need a much more detailed report with figure and numbers. how about give Jim Ross an email about this?

DID YOU PEOPLE EVER ALSO CONSIDER AND WRITE DOWN ALL OF RAW RATINGS SEGMENTS THAT INVOLVE AUSTIN AND ROCK ONLY and make comparison? one thing is there's more detailed analysis is needed for any actual comparisons. from one segment i know is Rock got highest rating raw segment WITH MANKIND but is that only one segment rock/mankind ever got? more to be analyze like ratings, numbers and figures of merchandise sale.

talking about wrestling Observer, in 1996-1997 WWF nearly went bankupt and nearly kill by WCW, why WCW guys like Hogan,Nash/Hall not on the list? Wrestling Observer write this top draw list based on what criteria? one of most interesting thing in 98-99 is 3-4 WWF guys outdrew WCW guys like GOLDBERG. Goldberg is the face, the man and power draw who keep WCW engine going. around 98-99 Goldberg should have been no.2 or no.3. i'm didn't follow wcw back then but alot of talked and chants for that guy, he sell alot of merchandise also. consider wcw is in huge mess at that time also.
talking about wrestling Observer, in 1996-1997 WWF nearly went bankupt and nearly kill by WCW, why WCW guys like Hogan,Nash/Hall not on the list? Wrestling Observer write this top draw list based on what criteria? one of most interesting thing in 98-99 is 3-4 WWF guys outdrew WCW guys like GOLDBERG. Goldberg is the face, the man and power draw who keep WCW engine going. around 98-99 Goldberg should have been no.2 or no.3. i'm didn't follow wcw back then but alot of talked and chants for that guy, he sell alot of merchandise also. consider wcw is in huge mess at that time also.


In '96-'97 Hall and Nash didn't draw on their own nor were they main eventers. They were a tag team, if you look on the wrestling observer list tag teams aren't included, they are only going by individuals.

Hogan wasn't on there in '96 and low on the list in '97 because he hardly wrestled! In '96 and '97 he was talking on the mic more way more than wrestling, and it's known that he never worked house shows when he was in WCW. Wrestling observer just doesn't go by drawing power, they go by if you actually wrestled on a regular basis that year. That's why Sting isn't on the list for '97, how can he be on there if he didn't have a single match until Starrcade?

Goldberg is at #6 because during his reign, there was no consistency of who was at the top. He was defending the title on Nitro against jobbers, you pretty much answered your own question, WCW was a big mess. At least Goldberg is on the list, if he wasn't on there at all I would've questioned it.

When Rock was a face, he sold more merchandise than Austin, that's why he's at #1 and Austin is at #2.

There, you get it now?

most improtant one is fact 2#: Vince McMahon said that popular as Rock was, he still never quite reached the same levels as Austin where drawing and merch are concerned. treated as reliable, because it is ultimately his pocket that is concerned. Jim ross, Foley also said along the line of that Rock Merchandise grew and hot only when austin was away

Vince said "As popular as The Rock was, he was never quite Stone Cold." He never brought up merchandise sales or anything like that. He was talking about their characters. Austin was a reckless maniac that was on a rampage, The Rock wasn't.

if you talking about list hottest item in wwfshopzone then ignore it because it's not Numbers or figure, like i said above its all about marketing.
1. The Rock Sunglasses
2. Stone Cold Steve Austin's Championship Belt
The Rock Sunglasses is more like daily utility where people wear it day to day but with Stone Cold Steve Austin's Championship Belt is more of a prop . that belt is on.2 which is quite shocking. with that list on shopzone doesn't indecate how much has earn by per sale, doesn't have number or figure. Sunglasses are everyday utilities. The belt is just a prop. There is nothing so shocking about sunglasses beating a fake belt in merchandize sales but shock to me on no.2 for Austin Prop. Then again, these lists are just providing details of particular in point times. For an actual comparison, we would need a much more detailed report with figure and numbers. how about give Jim Ross an email about this?

The sunglasses were a prop to, the lens had the Brahma Bull logo on them, they weren't the same regular glasses Rock wore. Like I said why would they have the figures, that's not any of your business. If Austin had more on the list you would've had no complaints, now would you? If it was about "marketing" then your boy Austin would've had more merchandise than The Rock on there, since he had the title and Rock didn't.

if you talking about list hottest item in wwfshopzone then ignore it because it's not Numbers or figure, like i said above its all about marketing.
1. The Rock Sunglasses
2. Stone Cold Steve Austin's Championship Belt
The Rock Sunglasses is more like daily utility where people wear it day to day but with Stone Cold Steve Austin's Championship Belt is more of a prop . that belt is on.2 which is quite shocking. with that list on shopzone doesn't indecate how much has earn by per sale, doesn't have number or figure. Sunglasses are everyday utilities. The belt is just a prop. There is nothing so shocking about sunglasses beating a fake belt in merchandize sales but shock to me on no.2 for Austin Prop. Then again, these lists are just providing details of particular in point times. For an actual comparison, we would need a much more detailed report with figure and numbers. how about give Jim Ross an email about this?

Oh so now it should be ignored because Austin doesn't have the most merchandise at the top and Rock does? Your "marketing" excuse won't work here, Austin was the champion and The Rock wasn't, but who has more merchandise in the top 20? If anything shouldn't "the man" Austin be winning? You're acting like Austin didn't have any merchandise at the top of the list at all.
I said it over two months ago and I'll say it again, Austin has the bigger legacy. Up until he took time off for his neck it wasn't close. Once he won the King of the Ring the push was on, and his double turn with Bret Hart sent him on his way to superstardom to win the title the next year. Rock can sell more merchandise, awesome. That's only a percentage of profits the WWF got. Austin was the headliner and more PPVs were definitely sold because of him. The anti-hero that so many people loved and actually saved the WWF from going under. He had an awesome supporting cast but he was the man at the top until Survivor Series '99.

I love Rock but seriously, until Austin went away he was not the #1 guy. Only then was he pushed as such and then when Austin came back he went right back to playing second fiddle.
I said it over two months ago and I'll say it again, Austin has the bigger legacy. Up until he took time off for his neck it wasn't close. Once he won the King of the Ring the push was on, and his double turn with Bret Hart sent him on his way to superstardom to win the title the next year. Rock can sell more merchandise, awesome. That's only a percentage of profits the WWF got. Austin was the headliner and more PPVs were definitely sold because of him. The anti-hero that so many people loved and actually saved the WWF from going under. He had an awesome supporting cast but he was the man at the top until Survivor Series '99.

I love Rock but seriously, until Austin went away he was not the #1 guy. Only then was he pushed as such and then when Austin came back he went right back to playing second fiddle.

The only reason Rock wasn't pushed as #1 over Austin because he lost more at the time, he was losing to Billy Gunn and Al Snow while Austin probably would've laughed at the thought of losing to either one of them. He was still losing a lot even after Austin was gone (lost to Edge&Christian while Austin would've never agreed to it), hell Undertaker and HHH lost even less than The Rock and Rock was a bigger draw than both of them. In 2000 Rock had no one that sold more merchandise than him, he was the top draw almost by default, in '99 he sold more merch than Austin, who was at the time considered the golden boy. Austin may have "saved" them, but that doesn't change the fact that he wasn't always the biggest merchandise seller during his time at the top. Maybe if Austin was the one dominating shopzone before he left I'd give it to him, but since he wasn't, I can't just say "Well Austin was the biggest draw all the way throughout and he had no equal). No one sold more merchandise than Austin on shopzone in the summer and fall that year except The Rock, so how "before his neck surgery it wasn't even close" I have no idea.

As stated, 2000 was the biggest money year for the company and Austin wasn't there for most of it. Who sells the most merchandise is who was drawing at the time, and it wasn't Stone Cold. When Vince saw who sold the merchandise he goes on shopzone, since that's the easiest way to find out.
The only reason Rock wasn't pushed as #1 over Austin because he lost more at the time, he was losing to Billy Gunn while Austin didn't even want to work with him. He was still losing a lot even after Austin was gone (even lost to Edge&Christian while Austin would've never agreed to it) . In 2000 Rock had no one that sold more merchandise than him, he was the top draw almost by default, in '99 he sold more merch than Austin, who was at the time considered the golden boy.

As stated, 2000 was the biggest money year for the company and Austin wasn't there for most of it. Who sells the most merchandise is who was drawing at the time, and it wasn't Stone Cold. When Vince saw who sold the merchandise he goes on shopzone, since that's the easiest way to find out.

Lulz. So merch means legacy? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Let's see, Austin was the star in one of the biggest feuds in the WWF with Vince McMahon, which included going over the Rock twice at Wrestlemania for the title. If that right there doesn't say bigger legacy, I don't know what does. Austin was the guy. I don't know why this is so difficult for you to understand. Of all time guys, it goes 1) Hogan, 2) Austin, 3) Rock. Sure, Rock is up there with Austin, I did not say he wasn't, BUT, it's Austin over Rock every day of the week, and depending on who you talk to the distance varies.
Lulz. So merch means legacy? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Let's see, Austin was the star in one of the biggest feuds in the WWF with Vince McMahon, which included going over the Rock twice at Wrestlemania for the title. If that right there doesn't say bigger legacy, I don't know what does. Austin was the guy. I don't know why this is so difficult for you to understand. Of all time guys, it goes 1) Hogan, 2) Austin, 3) Rock. Sure, Rock is up there with Austin, I did not say he wasn't, BUT, it's Austin over Rock every day of the week, and depending on who you talk to the distance varies.

Ok, the second time Rock lost to Austin Rock came out looking stronger than Austin in the match, that was the first time Austin ever had to take the easy way out in the "Stone Cold" character. Austin needed McMahon's help and a chair to beat The Rock, everytime both were faces Austin always came off as more of a heel than The Rock, Austin would either trash talk Rock first or attack Rock first, then they would have Rock get even later, like if they were making Rock a face and Austin a heel. Austin may have won the match, but Rock was the one pushed as invincible, the very next night Rock made Austin tap out, the first time Austin ever did that in his "Stone Cold" character, the way Austin won was no different from how Jericho won the Undisputed Title, he needed to take the easy way out to win it instead of actually "earning it". Plus Rock lost because he was leaving for movies anyways, how do you know Rock was gonna lose if he wasn't leaving?
Ok, the second time Rock lost to Austin Rock came out looking stronger than Austin in the match. Austin needed McMahon's help and a chair to beat The Rock, everytime both were faces Austin always came off as more of a heel than The Rock. Austin may have won the match, but Rock was the one pushed as invincible, the very next night Rock made Austin tap out, the first time Austin ever did that in his "Stone Cold" character. Plus Rock lost because he was leaving for movies anyways, how do you know Rock was gonna lose if he wasn't leaving?

This post is a joke. Austin made the statement that he "needed to win" the title. He did exactly that, and still got cheered to high hell after the match. You won't win the argument. Austin was the bigger star than the Rock simple as that. Rock can sell as much merchandise as he wanted, Austin was the face of the fucking company until he took time off to heal a nagging injury. How is this difficult to understand?
This post is a joke. Austin made the statement that he "needed to win" the title. He did exactly that, and still got cheered to high hell after the match. You won't win the argument. Austin was the bigger star than the Rock simple as that. Rock can sell as much merchandise as he wanted, Austin was the face of the fucking company until he took time off to heal a nagging injury. How is this difficult to understand?

So if Jericho had sold more merchandise than The Rock on shopzone in 2000, Rock would still be the bigger draw? Please explain this. Austin may have been "the face of the fucking company", he still didn't sell more merchandise at the time, do you understand that? The "face of the fucking company" is supposed to be the one that has the most merchandise on top at shopzone.

Plus, Austin wasn't cheered the next night, the fans were more on The Rock's side, and they were still in Texas too.
This post is a joke. Austin made the statement that he "needed to win" the title. He did exactly that, and still got cheered to high hell after the match. You won't win the argument. Austin was the bigger star than the Rock simple as that. Rock can sell as much merchandise as he wanted, Austin was the face of the fucking company until he took time off to heal a nagging injury. How is this difficult to understand?

So it's a joke because Rock sold more merchandise than Austin then?

I smell fanboyism here. Ric Flair is called by many a bigger legend than both The Rock and Stone Cold and was a lot more influential to the wrestlers than Rock and Austin have ever been, did he ever draw on either guys level?
So if Jericho had sold more merchandise than The Rock on shopzone in 2000, Rock would still be the bigger draw? Please explain this. Austin may have been "the face of the fucking company", he still didn't sell more merchandise at the time, do you understand that? The "face of the fucking company" is supposed to be the one that has the most merchandise on top at shopzone.

Plus, Austin wasn't cheered the next night, the fans were more on The Rock's side, and they were still in Texas too.

Lulz, do you understand that it was Austin that saved the WWF from going bankrupt with his feud with McMahon? Like I said, he had a great supporting cast, but he was at the top. That alone makes his legacy bigger. Rock wasn't at the top of the company until 2000 after Austin was out. Only then was he moved to the #1 guy in the company. Austin comes back and Rock becomes #2. Now please explain to me, without using merchandise as a reason, as to why it is Rock over Austin in legacy. I'd love to hear it.
Lulz, do you understand that it was Austin that saved the WWF from going bankrupt with his feud with McMahon? Like I said, he had a great supporting cast, but he was at the top. That alone makes his legacy bigger. Rock wasn't at the top of the company until 2000 after Austin was out. Only then was he moved to the #1 guy in the company. Austin comes back and Rock becomes #2. Now please explain to me, without using merchandise as a reason, as to why it is Rock over Austin in legacy. I'd love to hear it.

I never once said in my post "Rock was a bigger legend", I said he sold more merchandise when Austin was being pushed as the #1 man. This is enough to at least put The Rock up there with Austin. Except The Rock no one sold more merchandise than Austin at the time. Merchandise sales are one of the main things to figure in someone's legacy, didn't you know that?

You know anyone else other than The Rock who sold more merchandise than Austin in the summer and fall of that year?

And yes, Ric Flair's legacy is a lot more memorable than either Rock's or Austin's. When they think of Austin they only think of him as "the man who hated the boss", when they think of The Rock they think of him as "the man who raised the eyebrow". Rock and Austin are modern day legends, Ric Flair is a legend.
So it's a joke because Rock sold more merchandise than Austin then?

I smell fanboyism here. Ric Flair is called by many a bigger legend than both The Rock and Stone Cold and was a lot more influential to the wrestlers than Rock and Austin have ever been, did he ever draw on either guys level?

Yes I'm a blatant fanboy of Austin. Because I back Austin in everything he does and I'm on his dick like nobodies business.

It's a joke that the only reason people are saying Rock's legacy is better than Austin's is because he sold more merchandise. I have not read one post on here that is pro Rock that didn't have anything to do with his merchandise. Austin has the better legacy, now get used to it.

I never once said in my post "Rock was a bigger legend", I said he sold more merchandise when Austin was being pushed as the #1 man. This is enough to at least put The Rock up there with Austin. Except The Rock no one sold more merchandise than Austin at the time. Merchandise sales are one of the main things to figure in someone's legacy, didn't you know that?

You know anyone else other than The Rock who sold more merchandise than Austin in the summer and fall of that year?

You've been using the Rock sold more merch as a reason for him being better. I really don't think I need to repeat myself again. Austin was the biggest star in the WWF since Hogan. Until he took time off, nobody was close to him. Merch sales be damned. Once Austin took time off then Rock was pushed as the #1. Austin came back and again was pushed ahead of Rock. It is not a difficult concept that Austin was a bigger star than Rock, leading to him having a better legacy.
You've been using the Rock sold more merch as a reason for him being better. I really don't think I need to repeat myself again. Austin was the biggest star in the WWF since Hogan. Until he took time off, nobody was close to him. Merch sales be damned. Once Austin took time off then Rock was pushed as the #1. Austin came back and again was pushed ahead of Rock. It is not a difficult concept that Austin was a bigger star than Rock, leading to him having a better legacy.

Where did I say he was better? I just said he sold more merchandise than Austin, I never said "because of the merchandise sales Rock was a bigger legend than Austin". He may have been the bigger draw then, but him being "better" is simply an opinion. Jericho could've sold more merch than Rock in 2000, I wouldn't have called him a "bigger legend", just a "bigger draw". As stated Flair is a "bigger legend" than both, not a "bigger draw".


Not a Rock fanboy, although I like him.
Where did I say he was better? I just said he sold more merchandise than Austin, I never said "because of the merchandise sales Rock was a bigger legend than Austin". He may have been the bigger draw then, but him being "better" is simply an opinion.


Not a Rock fanboy, although I like him.

Then why the fuck are you posting in this thread if you haven't been? This thread isn't who sold more, it's who has the better legacy. Jesus fucking Christ! Austin over Rock every day of the fucking week, you still kept going on about merchandise when nobody gives a flying fuck about it at this point in time. For fuck's sake! Who has the better legacy? Rock or Austin? Answer the question for the first time in this thread or at least while replying to me. Seriously you had no reason to reply to me if you just were going to go on about merchandise. Austin saved the WWF, that alone equals a better legacy.

I don't understand morons sometimes.
Then why the fuck are you posting in this thread if you haven't been? This thread isn't who sold more, it's who has the better legacy. Jesus fucking Christ! Austin over Rock every day of the fucking week, you still kept going on about merchandise when nobody gives a flying fuck about it at this point in time. For fuck's sake! Who has the better legacy? Rock or Austin? Answer the question for the first time in this thread or at least while replying to me. Seriously you had no reason to reply to me if you just were going to go on about merchandise. Austin saved the WWF, that alone equals a better legacy.

I don't understand morons sometimes.

Because some this topic said "Rock never sold more merchandise than Austin ever", so I told them why it wasn't always like that. If they had never brought up merchandise sales I wouldn't have said anything. There were more people supporting my posts than complaining about them on here anyways, so why don't you mind your own.

That's why the hell I posted here, so blame them for bringing it up first. WCW was the organization that made wrestling popular again, where are they now? Exactly, something that was bigger first doesn't mean it could never be outdone. If who made something big first means they have the better legacy, then WCW would be bigger than WWF/E right now.

So think who you call a moron, no need for insults.
Because some this topic said "Rock never sold more merchandise than Austin ever", so I told them why it wasn't always like that. If they had never brought up merchandise sales I wouldn't have said anything. There were more people supporting my posts than complaining about them on here anyways, so why don't you mind your own.

That's why the hell I posted here, so blame them for bringing it up first. WCW was the organization that made wrestling popular again, where are they now? Exactly, something that was bigger first doesn't mean it could never be outdone. If who made something big first means they have the better legacy, then WCW would be bigger than WWF/E right now.

So think who you call a moron, no need for insults.

No need to waste your time wiht these people. Since vince mcmahon said austin is the bigger star than rock then austin IS the bigger star, that's the way they think. I mean do you expect vince to say "hey rock is bigger than austin" after what austin did, and that's saving his ass? I don't think so. Hell he even said that austin is the greatest wrestler of all time, which is completley BS! Hogan will forever be the greatest. I remember vince saying that peter maivia is the greatest wrestler to come out of the samoan culture not the rock.

For those people who keep saying austin elevated the rock, So what? Austin got elevated by the hitman. This is how things work the raising stars get elevated by the current stars. And hey, why didn't austin elevate lesnar, if he was such a nice guy? That's right I'll tell you the guys that rock elevated, jericho(won his 1st world title against rock), lesnar(got his 1st world title by beating the top guy of the company cleanly), angle(1st world title against rock), and hurricane(Got a clean win over rock-the face of raw at that time-).

It's no secret, vince never wanted rock to reach the highest level IMO. I'll some examples:
- As you said, in 1999 after his match with austin at backlash, rock got involved in alot of shitty storylines and fueds even though he was the drawing more than anyone in the company including austin.

-In the early 2000, Rock was clearly the face of the company, but somehow HHH was ruling wwe. He was the wwe champion, and his fued with foley was the main storyline at that time. Rock was involved in some shitty storyline with the big show, hell they didn't even give rock a clean victory at the rumble. Then he lost to show at NWO. Wrestlemania should've been rock vs hhh, and since rock was the face of the company, and his last reign as a champion ended a year ago, rock should've got the win, but NO, vince doesn't see it that way, if rock is gonna get the job done, austin should be a big reason for that, and that's exactly what happened at backlash.

- Rock never won a wolrd title at WM.

- Vince was planning for hogan vs austin at WM X8(even though rock was the top guy), rock replaced austin and gave us one of the greatest matches of all time.

-Austin's RR record never been broken, while rock's records are getting broken year by year(lesnar:youngest wwe champion ever. HHH:8times champion.)

-Austin was supposed to go down as the 1st 7times wwe champion, he refused to job to a rookie, rock took advantage and gave us the greatest triple threat of all time(even though rock was the top guy).

- The year 2000 was the highest rating year of the attitude era(Austin was out, rock was the face of the company).

-At 30yrs old rock has done it all, He became a top 10 in the all time great list in just 6 YEARS.

Anything that austin can do, rock can do, It's as simple as that. IMO they're both the same in terms of legacy.

...ahh. If rock only stayed a bit longer, he wouldn't be hearing all that crap.
Nice thread. I'm going to have to go with Austin.

He was the face of the company during it's most popular time, the Attitude Era. He saved the WWE from going under to WCW and has had some of the most memorable matches in wrestling history.

The Rock was extremely good, don't get me wrong, but I think that in the end Austin's name will be cherished more by WWE fans. I think that if The Rock had been in the WWE for the same amount of time as Steve, then my choice could have been different.

Both stars are legends and will always be remembered as two of the biggest stars in the history of the WWE.

It's been said time and time again, but the only time Rocky was at the top was when Austin went down. Sure, I was a huge Rocky fan, still am, but I must admit he played a complementary role to Austin. Austin was the guy that carried the company on a broken neck, he was the guy that became a global icon, that's not to discredit Rock though. Rock was a legend in the business as well, but undeniably it was Austin's show. Austin became popular when the company needed him most, he lifted the WWF over WCW. He reinvented himself with the Austin 3:16 promo and changed the business forever. He was the every-man, somebody the fans could relate to.

Also, Steve Austin in a way is why The Rock is popular today. Had Austin's character not taken off, The Rock never would have been born. The fans got a glimpse of a legendary gimmick/performer such as Stone Cold Steve Austin and they expected it from the rest of the roster. Rocky Maivia wasn't going to cut it, "Die Rocky, Die!" The fans absolutely hated him. When he came back as The Rock, he had that edgy gimmick, he took off. He owes a lot to Stone Cold, ironically.
"using merchandise as a reason"

if anyone using merchandise as a reason for austin or rock, please give me the figure and the numbers, shopzone only show hot list could be MEAN ANYTHING just like TOP WWEs" Top 50 Greatest Superstars DVD which people have disagree with..

Austin is the guy who was needed to be main event where people to see him week after week kicking vince ass, Austin not only became megastar of WWF he was the man of wrestling industry. Austin need the surgery so you just took him off where people pay to see him and replace rock right away? its a huge business risk where you take away megastar people spend their money to see him every monday night without proper storylines-builtup-put over your replacement...around 2000 the fans got bored of HHH vs Rock anyway, i still remember on chat room and forums the fans starting to get sick and tired of HHH vs Rock.

in wrestling business is not about talents but is all about drawing power and how much you able to make for promoters. look at Goldberg, people consider he's overrated and no wrestling skills but he one of top drawer for wcw and sell merchandise. one Spear of Goldberg the crowd went crazy..compare cena or HHH will always below goldberg for making money for promoters.

-Austin was supposed to go down as the 1st 7times wwe champion, he refused to job to a rookie, rock took advantage and gave us the greatest triple threat of all time(even though rock was the top guy).

you talking about brock lesnar? you have one of biggest face of wrestling industry who save wwe just go out there lose 1 match to new guy without built up-angle-storyline? Austin said he should be the last guy to face brock have a PPV match which will put brock over. Rock-taker-Kurt put brock over and what he do? brock piss off to football. so many bias rock fans...

"Also, Steve Austin in a way is why The Rock is popular today. Had Austin's character not taken off, The Rock never would have been born. The fans got a glimpse of a legendary gimmick/performer such as Stone Cold Steve Austin and they expected it from the rest of the roster. Rocky Maivia wasn't going to cut it, "Die Rocky, Die!" The fans absolutely hated him. When he came back as The Rock, he had that edgy gimmick, he took off. He owes a lot to Stone Cold, ironically."

i agree with that statement and good statement, without Austin there's no rock. Austin put over rock and elevate him to became megastar in 2 fued(1 for IC title and WM15). Austin originally was heel and the more Austin doing heel acts the more fans cheering for him. at WM13 they have double turn Bret became heel and Austin became face. we can close this thread with that Statement...Without Austin, rock will not have great legacy as today. JR-Lawyer-Foley said on Legend of wrestling that Austin Elevate Rock and rock elevate HHH.

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