Summerslam's Biggest Main Event Ever?

How are people saying HBK didn't oversell against Hogan? Give me a break, the guy even trashed Hogan the next night whilst he was turning face. He was definitely bitter (rightly so in my opinion, Hogan should have jobbed) and screwed the match up intentionally. Look at the jerky movements he makes after the big boot for the finish for christ sakes

Biggest ever main event for me is between 89 and 92. Hogan & Beefcake vs Macho & Zeus was huge, I don't think today's fans would understand how big a match this was, considering Beefcake and Zeus was involved. I also believe this did the highest Summerslam PPV numbers for the WWE, although I can't find the figures for that to know for sure.

Bret vs Bulldog was sensational over here in Ireland and the UK. The match was exceptional and it drew the biggest live crowd ever for a Summerslam, some say for a WWF/E PPV ever (Wrestlemania 23 is given as the winner on some sites, Summerslam 92 on others, the margin is always within a few hundred of each other anyway. Before someone pipes in with Wrestlemania 3, it's well known the figure given for that was a lie).

On that I'd say that Summerslam 92 was the biggest main event ever. The business Bret and Bulldog pulled in for that was enormous, especially considering this was the WWF just getting used to not being able to solely rely on Hogan and was a company in turmoil over the steroid scandal.
So, by that logic, Hogan vs HBK isn't the biggest main event, that would be the Mega Powers vs Mega Bucks, due to the fact that it had THE star power of Hogan, Macho and Andre in (who, as I said, all were more over at that period than HBK ever has been in his entire career).

So Powers vs Bucks is the winner, not Hogan vs HBK and, honestly, it isn't even close, just by using your own logic!

You know what I'm saying, you're just being an ass. This is a different time and in 2005 hell before Hogan/Shawn is bigger than that, the value for it being between two of the biggest stars of all time 1 on 1, first time ever alone gives it greater value. Lesnar/HHH has greater value for it not having happened in 2002. It's fresh which is rare now a days

And not to take anything away from the match, but come on, it was outside the US it's not a shock it drew big. And drawing a huge crowd doesnt automatically make it the biggest main event. Those two alone didnt draw that crowd, the would-be main event had a lot in that, realistically more however you choose to look at it, you just have to come to terms with that deep down. Again that match is the greatest match in SS history and in the top ten greatest matches ever of all time, Hogan/Michaels isnt, but it's the bigger main event.
And not to take anything away from the match, but come on, it was outside the US it's not a shock it drew big. And drawing a huge crowd doesnt automatically make it the biggest main event. Those two alone didnt draw that crowd, the would-be main event had a lot in that, realistically more however you choose to look at it, you just have to come to terms with that deep down.

I'm sorry but are you saying that the Macho vs Warrior match was a bigger draw at the live event held in London, England than Bret vs Bulldog? You're not actually saying that right?
I'm sorry but are you saying that the Macho vs Warrior match was a bigger draw at the live event held in London, England than Bret vs Bulldog? You're not actually saying that right?

Yes, I am, a bigger draw for the damn PPV as a whole. For ppl who bought it and watched at home too. I'm so sick of everyone always acting like wherever WWE hosts an event, that's the only ppl there are there. JUST because it's in the UK doesnt mean that they are the core audience. This is a global company, ppl from all over fly to all kinds of WWE events, especially big ones like this and Mania.

You cant just say a match with someone from a hometown draws bigger when he doesnt have the star power equivalent to the top stars in history, he just wasnt that guy. By that logic when Regal wrestles a midcard guy when they go there that must draw more than Orton or Cena being in the main event or HHH.

Barrett could be World champ soon and be built up well and have a nice career and five years from now you take him and throw him in a midcard title IC match in the UK with Sheamus and that match wouldnt draw more than Rock vs HHH one last time.
As of now, 1992. If the IC belt was headlining, you know it was a big match!

I will probably get cyber-shot for this but I think this years, Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs. Triple H w/Shawn Michaels, could be.

Brock is one of my favorites in ring competitors of all time and I was thinking to myself, out of everyone we haven't seen Lesnar face who I would want to see him face the most, and my answer was HHH! So right there for me this is somewhat of a dream match up. also posted a video regarding how they were supposed to fight in 2002 but never did! That right there gives you all the history you need! Plus you got the added Legend power and charismatic storytelling of HBK and the mic skills and storytelling of Heyman.

I think everyone knows they can have an awesome match, if not ABSOLUTELY amazing! Let them have 30 minutes+ and they can tear down the house! If they can involve this story more and make the build up a little stronger, this could be the biggst main even ever!
So, by that logic, Hogan vs HBK isn't the biggest main event, that would be the Mega Powers vs Mega Bucks, due to the fact that it had THE star power of Hogan, Macho and Andre in (who, as I said, all were more over at that period than HBK ever has been in his entire career).

So Powers vs Bucks is the winner, not Hogan vs HBK and, honestly, it isn't even close, just by using your own logic!

I also think Mega Powers vs. Mega Bucks wins.

Hogan PLUS Macho.... That's like Austin PLUS The Rock

Don't underestimate the heat that DiBiase had at the time either. And then of course one of the biggest stars ever in Andre.

And this was before main event tag matches were shit and overexposed on TV every week.
Yes, I am, a bigger draw for the damn PPV as a whole. For ppl who bought it and watched at home too. I'm so sick of everyone always acting like wherever WWE hosts an event, that's the only ppl there are there. JUST because it's in the UK doesnt mean that they are the core audience. This is a global company, ppl from all over fly to all kinds of WWE events, especially big ones like this and Mania.

I get what your saying here. But a hyped crowd definitly takes a big match feel to another level even on tv. This crowd was insane, it was the only time the IC title closed a ppv, and the match was a classic. I started writing this post to disagree with you but the more I think about it, you are right. Savage/Warrior/Perfect-Flair was the prime storyline being built to sell the ppv. The world championship match(then) was always the draw. I do think its safe to say Bret/bulldog stole the show and I think thats why people (including myself) mistakenly considered Bret/Bulldog the main draw.

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