Stone Cold's Wrestlemania "Moment"


Pre-Show Stalwart
Which moment at Wrestlemania do you think was Stone Cold's ultimate moment:

WrestleMania 13 : Submission Match vs. Bret Hart - classic war between these two which ended in a bloody Austin passing out in the sharpshooter but never giving up. He got up on his own and made his way to the back to a standing ovation.

WrestleMania 14 : WWF Title Match vs. Shawn Michaels - Won his 1st WWF title and ushered in the start of in many people's eyes the Austin Era.

WrestleMania 15 : WWF Title Match vs. The Rock - Went through hell all year long to finally get a shot at the Rock and ended up winning his 3rd WWF Title.

WrestleMania 17 : WWF Title Match vs. The Rock - Became a 5 time WWF Champion in this match with help from a steel chair and made the shocking heel turn by shaking Mr. McMahon's hand after the match.

WrestleMania 18 : Match vs. Scott Hall - Won this match that featured the 2 main players of the Monday Night Wars in the nWo versus Stone Cold Steve Austin.

WrestleMania 20 : Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg - Austin was the referee in this match which featured 3 of the biggest stars and ended with Austin giving the stunner to both of them which kind of cemented that he was the biggest of all 3.
The Wrestlemania 14 moment, drinking with Tyson at the end has definitely got to be his moment. It was his first WWF Title reign, so it's my pick.

However my favorite moment was without a doubt the Wrestlemania 13 match with Bret Hart. It was just so violent and intense, I loved it, and really made me start watching wrestling.
I think it has to be Wresltmania 14 as well, winning his first title is the ultimate.

But I simply love any Wrestlemania match between Stone Cold & The Rock
His match with bret hart was insane to watch. It established stone cold. never seen blood like that in a match before, definetly a 4 star match. Plus they always say theres no wrestlemania like your first wrestlemania
By far it's WrestleMania 13 : Submission Match vs. Bret Hart. That match had to be in my top ten matches of all time. It doesn't get much better then that. And That's The Truth.
His match with bret hart was insane to watch. It established stone cold. never seen blood like that in a match before, definetly a 4 star match. Plus they always say theres no wrestlemania like your first wrestlemania

This wasn't his first wrestlemania by the way. wrestlemania 12 was when he faced Savio Vega.Anyways, I think that his match with Shawn Michales is his wrestlemania moment because they were both injured going into the match and they put on a hell of a match with Austin finally winning the title.
I thought that he had 2 moments. The one with Bret started his transition to the top and Shawn, as a big a heel as he was in '98, finished the job. Overall, I would say the thing with Tyson not only was his WrestleMania moment, but it got the World Wrestling Federation back on top of WCW.
this is an easy question to answer, it's by far WM13, his submission match with Bret Hart launched him into superstardom, though i loved all his matches with the Rock aswell, by the way I was just wondering why his WM19 match wasn't on the list of choices, it was his last real match and he wrestled after being rushed to the hospital the night before, hell, he even said he thought he was going to die, the the next night he wrestled one of the best matches of his life
this is an easy question to answer, it's by far WM13, his submission match with Bret Hart launched him into superstardom, though i loved all his matches with the Rock aswell, by the way I was just wondering why his WM19 match wasn't on the list of choices, it was his last real match and he wrestled after being rushed to the hospital the night before, hell, he even said he thought he was going to die, the the next night he wrestled one of the best matches of his life

REALLY????? WHY WAS HE RUSHED TO THE HOSPITAL? iknew he was banged up going into the match but what resulted in him being rushed to the hospital?
Stone Cold's biggest moment will be this year when once again he is a biased referee and costs either Lashley or Umaga the match with one of his patented stunners followed by him supervising and helping shaving one of the pompous "billionaires'" heads...
Oh and don't be surprised if ol' stone cold turns out to be on mcmahonnican's side this time around. They are doing everything in their power to show he hates vince and coach, but that is only a front to fool you all as to the final outcome will be totally opposite as usual...

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