What's REALLY the biggest Mania match of all-time?

Im only 21 so when i did see andre vs hogan it wasnt a big deal anymore so ima have to go with either hbk vs bret or austin vs rock wm17 its hard for me to choose im not saying these are the greatest of all time im saying they are the greatest of my life time
I am really suprised noone has mentioned the Attendance at WM3!!
Was it like 93000 or thereabouts. This is the biggest crowd ever. The next biggest turn out is around 80000. Thats about a 12-13k difference.

Based on this and what people have already mentioned about Andre v Hogan this match for me was the Biggest WM match ever.

One guy said summat interesting though.. If you wasnt born or was to young for the Early Wrestlemanias they are bound to say the biggest matches are the ones they have seen. (Rock v Austin for example) On the other hand people will argue this and say a True Wrestling Fan (no matter what age) would go back and view them all.
First of all/ Rock/Cena ISN'T the biggest match of all time (although its close). Just because you CALL it the biggest dosent make it so, no matter HOW many times you shove key words like "Once in a Lifetime" or "The Most Anticipated Match of all Time" down our throats dosnt make it fact. Everyone has a different opinion in a dicussion like this but in my opinion, a major, historic match can have the biggest build in the world (and Rock/Cena is certainly a contender), but if it lacks a good IN-ring preformance, then its nothing but an exagerated soap-opera in my eyes. If you dont agree, then why is it at many a WM or indeed ANY Pay-Per-Veiw that the underappriciated mid-card matchup that got absolutely NO build is usually the best match of the night?

I think the biggest match of all time is Taker/Michaels II at WM 26.The Streak vs the Career. Two in-ring greats, two innovators, two icons that gave us one of the greatest matches of all time ALONG with the drama a matchup as big as this needed. This match had substance which is more than Rock/Cena'll have any way you slice it.
This match very well could be the biggest because of the build.

I mean, let's be honest. For starters, this match was booked over a year, and to my knowledge, there has never been a feud that has even wrestling fans at each other's throats. It really is Generation vs Generation. The amount of stuff you read on forum sites and Twitter is incredible. It's the fans arguing constantly is what's making this match so anticipated. The Attitude Era fans are going to be behind Rock 100% and the PG Fans will be backing Cena without question.

Never has there been a match with so much hype behind it besides Rock vs Austin at WrestleMania X-7. Everybody LOVED Rock and Austin and they were the biggest stars at the time. It was a highly anticipated match that blew the roof of the Astrodome.

But when it comes down to The Rock vs John Cena, this fan Rivalry is fueling this thing a lot more than Rock and Cena themselves. There are some people that hate Rock and there are some that hate Cena. The line in the sand is pretty much drawn. Twitter is definitely gonna be on fire before, during, and after the match is over. People are taking sides, and putting up banners and pictures. I don't think there was something like this for Rock and Austin. Both guys were well loved and knew they were going to witness a 5 Star Match.

Imagine the reaction both men are gonna get at WrestleMania. It's gonna be an atmosphere that I'm gonna wish to experience.
The way I see it, to choose the biggest Wrestlemania match of all time you have to look at the bigger picture. From inside wrestling and outside to non fans.

The Rock Vs Cena is a big thing. At one side we have the Rock, who has starred in a number of major films is returning to the ring one more time to face the WWE's top wrestler.

Hogan Vs Andre was massive back in the day. This match was before anyone really knew how wrestling worked and this was a big match.

But for me, even though the match itself wasn't the greatest and the build up could have been better nothing in terms of grabbing headlines around the world could match...

Having Mike Tyson be part of a Championship match at Wrestlemania was BIG
That match even made it to the sports section in the UK newspapers.
I'll give WWE credit, Cena v. Rock is definitely the most anticipated match of all time. People have been waiting for this one for literally 52 weeks, so its hard to take that title away from them.

The biggest match in WWFE history has to be Hogan v. Andre. That match transcended the industry, launched Hulk Hogan into iconic status (I know he was already famous, but this made him huge) and set the bar for which all other matches / cards to be measured against. Andre was perceived to be unbeatable - and it's so rare that a character can pull off that kind of perception.
I am really suprised noone has mentioned the Attendance at WM3!!
Was it like 93000 or thereabouts. This is the biggest crowd ever. The next biggest turn out is around 80000. Thats about a 12-13k difference.

Based on this and what people have already mentioned about Andre v Hogan this match for me was the Biggest WM match ever.

One guy said summat interesting though.. If you wasnt born or was to young for the Early Wrestlemanias they are bound to say the biggest matches are the ones they have seen. (Rock v Austin for example) On the other hand people will argue this and say a True Wrestling Fan (no matter what age) would go back and view them all.
Believe me i am a real wrestling fan and have been since i was like 3 and i did go back and view them but its not the same feel as seeing it happen when everybody else does. When you go back and view matches you dont see the build and your friends arent talking about it every two seconds its not on commercials and all over the place so its not the same. Now if we are talking about best mania match of all time then you can say a real fan would just go back and watch them but for this specific question that really doesnt work...I remember before wm17 at school half my school was wearing austin shirts and half wearing the rock shirts. That whole week nobody learned anything we just argued about who was going to win. I remember watching it with about 10 friends and during the rock austin match nobody moved or made a sound we were glued to the tv and when austin beat the rock with a chair it was the most upset i ever got during a wrestling ppv. An experience like that cant be matched by just going back and watching old matches and events. That moment right there I became a wrestling fan for life and fell in love with the sport ( yes i said sport) so to me austin rock is the biggest ever but its all based on opinion i dont think there is a wrong or right answer. Also rock austin at wm17 had the greatest video promo ever. Limp Bizkits my way plus austin and rock made for an epic promo
IMO I think its a 4 way tie for Hogan vs Andre WM3, Austin vs Rock WM X-7(the greatest WM ever IMO) Hogan vs Rock WM18, and Hogan vs Flair WM8. I think though if I had to rate them I'd go

4. Hogan/ Flair
3. Hogan/Rock
2. Hogan/ Andre
1. Hogan/ Austin

Now I know we'd seen Austin Rock countless times before but the SCSA heel turn and alignment with McMahon was brilliant and the anticipation of the heel turn before the match was built up perfectly (I think WWE made Limp Biskit a shitload of money that year with all the music they used for promos for this match and the Undertaker)
Unless I've missed it in the thread, I can't believe that nobody has mentioned the main event to Wrestlemania 1!
Now believe me, I am NOT saying it's a good match, nor am I saying that the card was good (because both the match and the card SUCKED) but Wrestlemania 1 was talked about EVERYWHERE. From Piper spinning and slamming Cyndi Lauper (which admittedly wasn't a part of Wrestlemania itself, but was paid off AT Wrestlemania) through the celebrities (Muhammad Ali, Billy Martin, Liberace, etc) to the Hogan-Richard Belzer incident to the fact that Hogan and Mr. T hosted Saturday Night live the night before to the fact that it was the highest grossing Closed Circuit event EVER. Wrestlemania 1 laid the groundwork for what came later.
I'm in my early to mid 30's. I have vague recollections of Wrestlemania. I can remember Geraldine Ferraro (who was running to be the Vice President) talking about the WWF and Wrestlemania. It was THAT big.
If any of that doesn't sway you, then maybe this will. Both Vince and Linda McMahon have said repeatedly that had Wrestlemania 1 failed, the WWF/E wouldn't be here. THAT'S how big Wrestlemania 1 and it's main event was.
I answered this same question in another thread a while back. There are so many great matches in the history of Wrestlemania. I don't even know if I have the best ones listed here but I have listed 40 of the most memorable. 40-21 aren't really in the best order but 20-1 is. These here are the best, memorable matches of Wrestlemania. These are not simply the best technical displays or the most hyped matches. These are the most epic matches, in my opinion, regardless if 93, 000 were in attendance or not. WWE could put 93,000 butts in seats if they wrestled in an arena with space for 93,000. That Wrestlemania record could be beaten easily any year, but WWE goes out of it's way not to until there's a match they know for sure will be as big as Andre/Hogan.

Here are the matches I believe should be considered by everyone....

40 Bret vs Backlund
39 Orton vs Cena vs Triple H
38 Triple H vs Rock vs Mankind vs Big Show
37 Bret vs Piper
36 Taker vs Edge
35 Taker vs Orton
34 Jericho vs Triple H
33 Mysterio vs Angle vs Orton
32 Jericho vs Piper, Steamboat and Snucka
31 Triple H vs Taker 2
30 Mysterio vs Guerrero
29 Cena vs Shawn
28 Benoit vs Angle vs Jericho
27 Savage vs Dibiase
26 Angle vs Benoit
25 Taker vs Kane 1
24 Hogan vs McMahon
23 Bret vs Yokozuna 2
22 Angle vs Guerrero
21 Austin vs Rock 2
20 Lesner vs Angle
19 Shawn vs Austin
18 Savage vs Flair
17 Angle vs Shawn
16 Jericho vs Shawn
15 Benoit vs Triple H vs Shawn
14 Hogan vs Savage
13 Shawn vs Flair
12 Rock vs Austin 1
11 Austin vs Bret
10 Owen vs Bret
- first match on the card had main even feel and the ending was a major shock
9 Shawn vs Razor
- never saw a match like that at that point. It is like a 90s version of the Savage/Steamboat match except with a ladder
8 Taker vs Shawn 2
what can I say that hasn't already been said about their 2 big matches
7 Bret vs Shawn
- first time two wrestlers went 60 plus minutes, the pre match buildup was similar to Rock and Cena
6 Hogan vs Warrior
- first time Hogan lost at Wrestlemania. It had an epic feel but Warrior never panned out after the fact.
5 Shawn vs Taker 1
-Two of the best legends ever in the twilight of their careers.
4 Hogan vs Andre
-this supposedly was the first time Andre had been slammed. It was like a passing of the torch although Hulkamania had been running wild for three years at that point and Andre could barely move. Considered the best drawing match ever.
3 Savage vs Steamboat
-this match stole the show at Wrestlemania 3. It is the blueprint of some of today's best matches.
2 Warrior vs Savage
-this match had everything and the loser had to retire. The two men in the match were considered two of the three best of the era. Savage lost but reunited with Elizabeth and never had two of wrestling's best ever kicked out of the other's finishing moves in a match before.
1 Rock vs Hogan
This match was like Warrior vs Hogan except Warrior dropped the ball and Rock was the real deal. Rock was at his peak and Hogan was the best he could be before a major drop off. This was like Andre vs Hogan except 15 years later. It also marked the first time in WWE that Hogan had turned face. It marked the first time the NWO turned on Hogan. This match had everything just like the Savage/Warrior bout at Wrestlemania 7. To me, Rock vs Hogan will go down as the most exciting and memorable match in Wrestlemania history although Savage vs Warrior will always remain my personal favourite. I mean, who could believe anyone ever again could get up after 5 big elbow drops.
Hogan vs Andre for sure.

Hogan vs Andre also really got Hogan to the true top, sure he had the title for 3 years but what really made you first remember Hogan? The slam comes to my mind. Sure he did it before, but that wasn't televised across the World and not everyone knows it for obvious reasons, but the WMIII slam is known to anyone who knows even the littlest bit about wrestling. And everyone knows Hogan, and plenty know Andre, and that's what is talked about yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Rock vs Hogan i'd say is second, because it met two eras worth of stars. The ones everyone knows, Rock is another world wide known name that even your average idiot could recognize, Hogan your average grass could recognize. But still, the slam does it in. It was the start of WWF picking up steam into the 90s, with all those people in 1 arena watching the slam.. it's cemented in many peoples minds until the day they die.
Biggest Wrestlemania match of all time, I'd have to go with Hogan vs Andre...no question.

I've been calling for Cena vs Rock to happen for years. That could very well be the biggest wrestlemania match of all time when its all said and done.
Hogan vs Andre was the biggest you have the WWF Champion and most popluar star of the Time Period in Hulk Hogan against the undefeated Giant that was the biggest threat for Hogans reign since he won it from the Iron Shiek. This match is why there was 93,000 attendance record at WrestleMania 3. Its a mach nobody thought would happen since Hogan and Andre were best of friends on screen for years.

Even though at Wrestlemania 3 Hogan vs Andre was the biggest match Ricky Steamboat vs Macho Man was the match that stole the show. Just like at this year Wrestlemania 28 Cena vs The Rock is the biggest match but Chris Jericho vs CM Punk match will steal the show
The biggest match all time at WrestleMania ?? Its Hogan-Andre and not even close. Andre was THE MOST POPULAR wrestler on the planet, he was bigger than Hogan, Dusty Rhodes, Bruno Sammartino, he was a beloved fan favorite Icon with a 20 year undefeated streak. When he turned heel and sided with Hogan's arch nemesis Bobby Heenan, a guy who's whole WWE career was built on trying to find someone, anyone who could beat Hogan, this was epic. It was bigger than Randy Savage crushing Steamboat's windpipe with the time keeper's bell, bigger than The Horsemen breaking Dusty's leg in the cage, this was huge. I'd say it's easily in the Top 5 biggest grounbreaking moments in the wrestling since 1980, right up there with the ascension of Stone Cold, Hogan's NWO Heel Turn, and Flair joining WWE and defending the World Title at WrestleMania.

Until WM 3, the event itself really was just WWE's version of Starrcade. In fact it's been documented in interviews over the years that the whole concept of WM really was just a take off on what Dusty Rhodes as booker had done making Starrcade so successful. WM 3 took the event, and WWE to another level of pop culture acceptance and financial success that no one could have imagined.

The card itself was OK, you had Roddy Piper's supposed Retirement Match, the highly anticipated Savage-Sateamboat clash, and 7 Time World Champion Harley Race making his WrestleMania debut. Still, that main event was transformative, if anyone was beating Hogan it had to be Andre, Hogan was at his height of popularity, Andre was a mega star. The hype was phenomonal. The fact this event drew a live crowd over 93,000 which was a North American Indoor Attendance Record at the time is a testament to the popularity of the show and the main event.

There have been a lot of great matches that had significant impact on the future of WWE and the industry as a whole or bouts that represented SuperStar dream matches we never thought we'd see but no single match had a greater impact on wrestling as a business and WrestleMania as an event that Hogan-Andre WM 3.

Far below that I would think the following matches deserve honorable mention in no particular order...

Flair/Savage - Two of the biggest stars of the 80's in a dream match no one though would happen, great storyline build, great match, one of the few WM's where Savage was allowed to not only shine but actually win. That alone makes it special, add to it Flair's long over due WM debut and this bout was special.

Austin/HBK: Austin's rise to superstar status was epic, and it was time for him once and for all to conquer McMahon, DX, and every other obstacle in his way to finally win the World Title outright. HBK has a nasty backstage rep for refusing to put over other stars and stories exist to this day that he wanted to back out of this match due to legit back injury but McMahon warned him he'd never work in WWE if he screwed up this main event, so he went out with a seroud injury and put forth a solid, entertaining, back and forth match that put over Austin cleanly as World Champion. Lets not forget that the post WM RAW was the first one in nearly two years that actually beat Nitro in head to head ratings, ending WCW's incredible 83 consecutive weeks winning streak in the ratings. This is where the tide turns in WWE's favor for the first time since 1995.

HBK/Hall Ladder Match: Did more to popularize the ladder match than anything before it or since. Also establshed HBK as a performer capable of wrestling any kind of match vs any kind of opponent. His ascension to the top of the ranks really kicks into gear here.

Hogan/Warrior: Definately an epic in it's time, the way Warrior's career unfolded doesnt take away from the significance of this bout, it was Hogan's first clean loss since first winning the title 6 years earlier, and showed the immemense popularity that Warrior had achieved. This might be Hogan's 2nd biggest WM match, just ahead of his title win over Randy Savage.

HBK/Hart Iron Man Match: WWE actually rewarded to smaller sized, skill based wrestlers not only with the main event, but with an Iron Man Match for The World Title! Not only one of the great World Title Matches of all time, this match marks the beginning of HBK's permanent rise to the top of the company. Hart remained a valuable presence but it was clear from this point on that HBK's charisma and mic skills had elevated him past The Hitman. It was a turning point match in both men's careers and would have profound impact on the start of The Attitude Era a few years later.

Austin/Rock 2: One of the most highly anticipated rematches of all time, easily the wildest and most entertaining of their three WM showdowns. This is also where the unthinkable happens, Austin sells out to his most bitter arch rival, Vince McMahon, leading to one of the great screw job finishes of all time and completely turning the main event dynamic of WWE upside down with Austin as the hated heel champion under McMahon's control. Not as big a surprise heel turn as Andre or NWO Hogan but pretty close.

HBK vs Retirement Matches: Simply put, two great shows featuring all time legends in matches that from the very first move felt like something special. HBK vs Flair was about a great as send off as anyone ever could have gotten, and was probably the best match anyone will ever see pitting an 40 year old vs a 59 year old, but the matchn had a quick pace, multiple momentum swings, and surprising athleticism given the age of the combatants. The ending will long be remembered as one the endearing moments, iconic moments ever at WM. HBK-Taker II had a similair feel, but the true test of why both bouts were unforgettable classics is that even though in each match you pretty much knew how it was going to end, the wrestlers involved made the matches so entertaining that they kept you glued to the screen regardless and really made you second guess yourself thinking, maybe the other guy really will win ?? The fact that two legenday careers came to a close and one incredible winning streak lived on makes these bouts among the most important in WM history.
I'm going to hang my hat on SCSA vs HBK at WMXIV, the true beginning of the Attitude era that saved the WWF from bankruptcy and eventually ran WCW out of business. Austin's first title reign being endorsed by the baddest man on the planet(TM) cannot be overlooked.

While it is far from the biggest purchased WM of all time (it received 730k buys), it marked the end of a decline in buyrates that had been happening reasonably steadily since WMV (culminating in the record low 237k WM13). This WM was the true birth of the WM monster we see today, something that no other can claim and, as such, I think Austin/ Michaels does deserve the title of 'Biggest Mania Match of all time'.
Rock/Cena is easily the best built match ever, despite the fact that the past few weeks have been lackluster. No other match had been booked that far in advance, and with less then 10 days to go, it looks like it's actually going to happen.

As for most important, IMO that still goes to Hogan/Andre, if only for the ending. Most reconized moment in WWE history, easily. However, untill Rock/Cena actually happens, we won't know which actual match is bigger, only the build, which easily goes to Cena/Rock.

Why do people think Cena-Rock has the greatest build all time - even by WM standards the build for Hogan's matches vs Andre & Warrior was better than this, so was the build up and storyline leading to Flair-Savage. Just because it's been going on for a little over a year doesnt make the build great. Heck, in 52 weeks why does Rock dislike Cena, because he's more popular than him, because he can rap ?? I mean, I cant even get why these two are fueding. I get why Cena is defending himself, anyone would after what Rock did at least year's WM but why did he even do that ? Jerk moves with no real reason or explanantion dont engage me, it lousy booking. This whole match feud wise is built on the fact that The Rock is a Jack-@#$ and Cena is tired of taking his crap.

Long build yes, great build, not even close. There isnt one thing about the build to this match that makes me more interested in watching it, and what litle has done makes it almost impossible to cheer for Rock. Realistically the only reason to watch this match is because it's the last SuperStar match left, HHH & Taker have fought everyone, past superstars like Hogan, Flair, HBK, Hart, Piper, Austin, etc are either too old or retired or both, and sadly for WWE average fans are not interested in the Miz's, Wade Barret's, and Alerlt Del Rio's of the world, they look second class in comparison. Cena is the only legit top level star created by WWE since the late 90's boom period ended, Rock is the only guy who was a main eventer in the late 90's who is still capable of wrestling and who hasnt faced Cena. I see interest in the match from that perspective but WWE's lame attempts at storyline building have done nothing to make the match appeal to me.

Plus, there have been longer builds in wrestling - Sting/Hogan at Starrcade 97in December started its build in Sept 06. That's 15 months guys.
As many have said ... the biggest WrestleMania match of all time is pretty much a slamdunk ... Undertaker vs. A-Train and Big Show.

I kid, I kid.

It is definitely Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant. Sure, Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior and The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin are in the mix. Sure, The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan and The Rock vs. John Cena is in the mix. Sure, Stone Cold vs. Shawn Michaels is in the mix.

But NONE of them compare to Hogan vs. Giant. It set the stage and elevated the entire show to new levels that had not been seen before.

This one is in the mix simply because of the full 15-16 months or so of build up ... which is fantastic ... but still will not have the overall impact that Hogan vs. Giant did.
I don't care if anybody hates me for this, but for me, being from a younger generation, would have to be Randy Orton defending the WWE Championship against John Cena and Triple H at Wrestlemania XXIV. I had stopped watching WWE for a while, and I started again in early 2008. I already knew who all three men were. But I did not know that Randy Orton was the reigning WWE Champ. I sort of thought of this in a way as (IMO) Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock vs Triple H. The build for this match was ok, but could have been better. The match itself could have went a little longer, but in the end, the unthinkable happened; Randy Orton successfully defended the championship in the match that nobody thought he would win. So, I'm just gonna throw this match into the hat.
Hogan vs. Andre without question.The most popular and largest athlete in sports entertainment at the time going up against the wwe champion. The unstoppable forces vs. the immovable object, without a doubt is the biggest mania match ever
a few tidbits i'd like to mention.. i agree with the 93k+ record setting crowd for WM3 @ pontiac silverdome.. but any dome these days it would never be possible to fit over 70k or 80k... DUE to the elaborate entrange stage and pyro and led structures..
dont 4 get in 1987, WM3 had the entire dome seating full PLUS the FLOOR seating full, where normally a concert during that time would have cut off thousands for the stage.. so we will prob never get close to that number again unless WWE just uses a plain entrance way (never guna happen, or a dome is built with old school roman standards!!)

having been old neuff to recall ANDRE vs HOGAN and beyond..the biggest pre- Hype imo was 1990 WARRIOR vs HOGAN.. every tv show mornin, noon, & night covered it.. even the local papers.. the late night comedy shows, the entertainment tonight type shows... much more than than the Hulk vs ANDRE bout.. but things like added media & the KEY no 2 has mentioned : " Pay-Per-View".. most of WM3 was closed circuit viewing ( thats an arena playing it on the big screen!!

big difference in time and technology..work-rate aside, just as pre-hype and pre electricity it goes to WARRIORvsHOGAN @ SKYDOME wrestlemania 6..

ne1 who says austin rock @ wm17 ..ehhh. as great as it was, they fought so many times before.. it lacked the mystique but it was still UBER-BIG!!!

ROCK vs HOGAN @ WM18 @skydome.. i was there.. the crowd just decided to show intense LOVE for HULK.. it felt like most of us in our 20'ss-30's were in the crowd and just recalled the magic of WM6 and HULK-A-MANIA was RE-BORN Brother! but that match wasnt given enuff pre-hype and sadly hogan couldnt do as much as years prior, along with ROCKY overly protecting his body knowin $20mill a film was waiting...

ROCK vs CENA will be the answer after APril 1st..simply Because both John Cena & The Rock can easily back up all the hype they;ve been given.. both in intense cardio shape and sick fast, jakked, ripped,top of their game... they both want to, there fore they both will get it done..

plus punk/jericho i hope takes that steamboat/savage spot ( cause we knoe thay can)
i think rock austin at x7 will be the biggest. It was the 2 biggest stars of the era, both faces, both getting equal crowd pops. The build was amazing. The 'my way' videos, the tension. I still remember when stone cold pushed Debra out of the road to give Rock a stunner, the crowd gasped. It was just an epic build, and was the exclimation point of the most sucessful era wrestling ever had.
I think the biggest Main Event match in WrestleMania history is a tie between WM VI and WM X8.

The hype surrounding the Ultimate Challenge alone was tremendous. When they announced that the match was officially made Champion vs. Champion Title for Title, the significance multiplied. Never in the history of the WWE has there ever been a match this important. The WWE World Championship and the Intercontinental Championship both on the line. I don’t think Lex Luger and Sting could have even pulled this off with the WCW World Championship and the United States Championship. I was upset that someone had to lose, but was happy for a new beginning in 1990. HAHAHAHA!!

Now if a match where the WWE and the Intercontinental Title were on the line before, in Toronto, what could you possibly do to top that?? Aside from Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock, the Main Main Event of the evening was a match for the Undisputed WWE WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Chris Jericho defended the World Titles against the Royal Rumble winner of 2002, the returning Triple H, who happened to have been injured by Jericho himself. That’s drama!!

Yes, there have been many other matches and many other Main Events, some WM even have more than on Main Event. However, I think these two matches are the number 1 (X8) and 2 (VI) biggest matches in WWE history.
Not even close... It is WMIII Hogan vs Andre. 93,000 people paid to see it and I believe that is still a record for an indoor crowd at a sporting event.
The Rock vs Johnny Cena is the biggest because of their personal beef they have with each other.

My top 5 biggest matches in Wrastling history
1. Undertaker vs Sting WM29
2. Floyd Money Mayweather vs Pacuiooooooo (epic misspelled last name) (2013)
3. Shane Diesel vs Jack Napier (look these big mofo's up!) (they are legends!)
4. Miami Heat vs Los Angeles Lakers 2012 NBA Finals
5. Goldberg vs Undertaker (2012 X-Mas in Iraq)

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